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They finally meet again!
Date of Scene: 23 August 2020
Location: Arrowcave
Synopsis: Diana and Oliver meet again after years and talk of what they have been doing, family, and what the future will bring.
Cast of Characters: Oliver Queen, Diana Prince

Oliver Queen has posed:
It had been long due a re-meet between Ollie and Diana, only a few scarce meetings once the 'gang' had separated at Superman's death. And now that Superman was back, well, it did seem like the League was ready to get together again. Even if it would never be the same again. Maybe for the best.

The last meeting had happened at the moonbase, during the preparations to the grand opening. Which had then prompted Oliver to send Diana an invitation to come to the cave for a talk. To catch up. And they would have things to talk about..

He was waiting within the Arrowcave, dressed in his suit, brooding in front of his large array of computer monitors, searching, seeking. For someone? Something? But he wasn't happy.

Still, at least he hoped this visit would be a breath of fresh air from what his last few days had been. Because really, there's no drama like Queen drama.

Diana Prince has posed:
There are not many better tools for getting to a secret hideout than that of Diana's invisible jet, and the alien tech that powers it. This very tool, she utilizes to get to the location where the Cave can be entered, and within moments, the Princess of Themyscira is out of the jet and into the cavern tunnels.

She emerges in the cave's main room, wearing her Amazonian armor, with a hooded robe of dark navy blue material overtop of it, the Princess strides to where she sees Oliver in his uniform, at his station.

"It is surprising, how many of us put caves to use, is it not?" She asks, as she steps closer, a smile spreading over her red hued lips. Her eyes dart around, before going back to Oliver. "Even I have a few things hidden away within a cavern back on Themyscira." As she comes to a stop, the Princess settles her hands in front of her and clutches one in the other. "Thank you for the invitation, it is good to get to see a little more of your setup here."

Oliver Queen has posed:
"They are extremely discreet." Oliver says in agreement to Diana when he sees her stride inside the cave. He gets up to his feet slowly, those lines of lack of sleep visible under his eyes. But then again Oliver Queen has never been the type to get those normal eight-hour sleep nights. Always one thing or another to do. Be it as Oliver or the Arrow. Regardless there is a faint smile that crops to the man's expression to break through the earlier brooding.

"You also have a cave? Now that's news." One of his brows arching slowly. "Hopefully you won't join the brooding club with me and Batman anytime soon." his tone clearly jesting. "I am glad you could join me today, we were long due a talk after all these years." a beat. "Things to seem to be changing again rather swiftly, don't they?" he most likely talking about their new moonbase.

A gesture is made towards the various chairs about. An invitation to sit if she so wishes.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana again shows the hints of amusement when he speaks of her own cave ownership. "It is a bit of a journey away." She quietly replies as when he offers her a place to sit she picks the seat closest to her and moves to perch down upon its edge, her robe sorted out over her lap as her hands fall upon one another over her thighs and she gives another glance about the Arrowcave before back to Ollie.

"The Moonbase came together very quickly." She notes. "Batman pitched it to I, and Superman, to which we both shared our thoughts on it. I was adamant that it could not just be a place for the Justice League, that we needed a civilian section within it, that would welcome members of the science community from all corners of Earth. Only then, would it be seen as a place of education, and humanity's advancement, rather than just... well, whatever it would be viewed as if we had restricted its use to only us."

She dips her chin then as she looks upon Oliver. "Are things well, here in your fine city?" She asks of him.

Oliver Queen has posed:
There are quite a few differences from previous visits. More suits lining the walls of others that have belonged to Team Arrow, an expansion on the technology and on the overall it does seem that Ollie has been investing heavily on improving the tech available here. And considering he is but a human he truly does need every edge he can find in order to be Green Arrow.

He settles down as well once Diana has seated herself, resting on a chair across from her. "With suspicion, most likely. There's always been a fine line between abusing power and working for the greater good. Sometimes purpose can be lost in the middle there." then he gesturing with one hand. "Not that this will become any of the sort if we have any say in it." a nod then given. "Though I did not know it had been your request to have a place for the science community up there.."

The question about Starling makes his gaze stray towards the monitors again, that searching look on his eyes. "As good as they can be. There's never much of a moment to rest. But we knew what when we picked up this fight, didn't we?" he then returning his blue gaze to Diana. A pause and then he questions. "Are you happy with the League having been reinstated again? You are perhaps one of the few I never got to talk about it before we officialized our return."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana draws in a light breath, then follows it with a soft nod to Oliver's assumptions about the Moonbase, and how it'd be viewed if they hadn't made at least some of it public in nature. "I did not want the world's population to look at the Moon facility as thought we were looking 'down' on them, isolated and secretive up there... It would feel very wrong to me, for us to present ourselves like that."

"Along those same lines, with the return of the Justice League, I hope that we can better prove to the world that our affiliations lie - not just with the United States, and North America respectively - but with the entire globe as what we mean to defend. Being based in one continent ... has a way of giving the believe that it is our only real desire to protect its shores. The Moonbase does help alleviate some of that, though, perhaps. Though other Justice League facilities around the world would also aid the optics of our group, to the world."

A glance around the cave again, yields her taking note of the other suits on display. She lingers her stare upon them to take in some of their finer details, before looking back to Oliver. "You have taken on companions in your defense of Sterling?" She asks of the suits then, as they don't all seem to be 'his size' in design.

Oliver Queen has posed:
"It was a good choice." Oliver says in agreement to having the moonbase be more public. "Many of us can lose ourselves in the fight and forget there is more to it than simply defeat evil. And considering the kind of project this was..." he trails off, thoughtful then continues, "... Superman's return is still very new for many, with all the questions it also brings. And so is the justice league."

With Diana then speaking about them having a global responsibility he purses his lips together, "Perhaps it is time to start recruiting some of those that are based in other continents as well to the group. So we aren't only focused in America." a brief grin then framing his lips. "But then again, I am focused mostly on this city so I can't talk much."

The question about the cave makes his eyes trail to follow towards those suits. "Team Arrow." he says. "It began with Diggle." his lifelong bodyguard and friend. "Then a few others joined in, many of them young." too young perhaps by the way he talks. "I have been training them. It's not easy."

Diana Prince has posed:
"Evil can mean many things, to many different people." Diana replies to Ollie's initial response. "We have to make sure that the world knows that our viewpoint on 'what is evil' is clearly defined along the lines of peace, justice and happiness for ... everyone deserving of it." She shows the very edges of a grin then. "That is a very easily said idea there too." She gives another soft nod to him. "I plan to have the discussion about establishing other League headquarters throughout the globe. Not all countries will be willing to take on such a thing, as I'm sure you can imagine, some will... rather avoid super hero presences all together, unless they can be controlled and manipulated to serve the country's interests. We shall have to procee4 very carefully."

She gives another glance to the other suits from 'Team Arrow', but doesn't linger it there long this time before her eyes go back to him. "You look tired." She softly tells him, her voice more laced wit caring them. "I assumed it was staying on top of the safety of your city, but now I understand it involves training youth to aid you." She pauses, then grins slightly again. "They would likely try to do these things, even without your training. With it... they will perhaps be safer from harm?" She hopes to offer him some comfort in perspective with that last part.

Oliver Queen has posed:
"Not every country shares our ideals of justice. And earlier suspicion won't help either. A battle that will neither be easy nor be won swiftly. But we are here for the long haul, aren't we?" Oliver replies, resting back on his chair and wrapping his arms together in a more relaxed posture. "Though as long as we don't enforce our presence to other countries ... Yet considering our members I do not believe that would ever happen."

"I always look tired. Even before. Now I got a few more years on my back." He says, trying to sound amused but there's worry laced there. "And it's a mix of both, along with family troubles." a beat. "I am sure you know how that can be."

"And it's exactly why I took them in. Stubborn, rebellious, not really different from what I was when I first took on this mantle. And many without the previous training I had." He shakes his head slowly. A sigh. "At least I hope I can make a difference in their lives. Failure always feels like it is around the corner though." Indeed the man -does- look tired.

"But what about Themyscira and your Embassy in New York?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's eyes spare a glance toward his station and the computer terminals there in, but she doesn't really study what's on them before she looks back to him. "We are here for the long haul, as they say, yes." She says with a slight smile before a nod is given to his statement on his team. "You are doing a good thing, and they will be better served for it. Teaching others, is how we ensure future generations of well rounded super heroics. I hope at least..."

"And maybe if they are trained to a high enough level, you will find time to maybe sle4ep and not be so tired... for once." She lightly teases him, showing it with a more prominent grin.

At the mention of her home and the Embassy of her people, she does nod, does take a moment to draw a new breath. "We have three Amazonian sisters with us now... not counting my direct sisters of Cassie and Donna. It is the most Amazons in the Embassy since we established it three years ago. Which is... to say, not a lot, but it is a nice step toward further integrating our society with the rest of society. The Queen is simply... slow to adapt to a... modern world." There's another faint grin then.

"She will come around though, in time, maybe we will have four Amazons by the end of the century." She's joking, of course, and the smile that crosses her lips showcases that.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Ollie lets out a brief snort at the mention of sleeping. "It's good to dream. But yes, maybe for once. I knew what I was getting into when I took up this mantle so..." Again he trailing off but at least his expression has eased some, clearly her presence helping. It had been too long for sure.

He then listens about the embassy, the new sisters, a more open smile coming to his features. "Surrounding yourself with family. It's a good thing." and something he could very well identify with too. "How much of an headache are they to you though?" not hiding some teasing from his tone either.

"Sometimes the world moves too fast for the rest of us. But we are also more global than ever." A chuckle when Diana mentions they may be four in a .., 'few' years... "I am glad that the embassy is expanding though." a pause before he then asks. "Hawkeye was around a while back." it was no secret they were good friends. "He told me you had joined in with the Avengers. How is it dealing with all those egos?" shhhh, noone tell Ollie how big the egos are in the JL too! But there's an hint of amusement on his tone.

Diana Prince has posed:
When he asks about her family, and the potential headaches that they might cause for her, the Princess has a smile strike her face and she looks away to the right for a moment before she returns her stare to him, a melodic laugh coming from her before she has to shake her head at the idea of it. "No no, none." She replies. "Though I do fear for their well being as... at lest, Donna and Cassie are ever-diving deeper into greater dangers. Putting their training, and abilities, to the the test. So the worry that I have from that, can easily be a burden to carry. But one that I am learning to cope with. After a hundred years of mostly being on my own, with regard to family from Themyscira being out in the greater world, it is a new change to have them here to say the least, but I welcome it." She lets her smile wane a bit before adding. "Lean in to discomfort, as someone once said."

At the mention of Clint and the Avengers, the Princess shifts her weight on the chair a bit as she realigns her mind on to that subject. Her chin tips upward as her eyes glance off above her in thought for a second or so. "They are... an interesting combination of characters." She says then, as her stare turns to Oliver. "Being that I primarily reside in Manhattan now, and that the Embassy is not terribly far from their Headquarters, it seemed like only a natural fit for me to slip in to their ranks - at least in some capacity - but I would not say I am as active on their roster as I perhaps should be. I've always left an open invitation for them to call for my aid, if they need it, and I do enjoy going to their home to speak with as many of them as I can wrangle up." She grins softly then. "They are a busy bunch, not that different from the Justice League, though most of them are all based here in Manhattan too... rather than being quite as spread out as the League's members are in their respective regions."

She nods softly once then. "Hawkeye is a good man though, I enjoy all the times I have gotten to speak with him. Have you been by their home in New York? I think you would fit in well with them too."

Oliver Queen has posed:
There is an highly doubtful expression that crosses Oliver's face when Diana says they give no headache. It's what family is supposed to do! In his view at least. But the smile remains there on his expression. "They want to leave the 'nest'.., so to speak. Make their own names." very much likes his own family. Adopted and otherwise. "It's a natural thing, but we can't help but worry for them.." again a glance to the screens, then back.. He pauses then, it's sometimes hard to cope that Diana -is- quite old already. But he recovers quickly. "Maybe you have more of your mother in you than you think?" considering what they were talking about earlier.

The shift to the Avengers then makes him shake his head, specially when Hawkeye is mentioned. "A good man? He is a rogue of the worse kind." he says. "But there is none other I'd prefer on my side when all hell breaks loose. As for their place, I have not yet visited no. It's easier with the Hyperloop now but..." he looking thoughtful a moment. " ... I have long accepted that my place is here in Starling.."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana openly smiles at the bit about having more of her mother in her than she might think. "She would have quite the inner pride at hearing someone say that of me, if she were here to have heard it." With a slight shake of her head though, the Princess continues. "If you want to find headaches in my family tree, you need to look no further than the 'extended' family elements of it. The ones that reside on Olympus, that is to say. They are the ones that so very much love to create the 'drama' after all."

At his banter about Clint, she grins at the ways he describes Hawkeye. "I see." She says. "Well my sincerest apologies for speaking kindly of someone who is so dreadful." She holds her grin and softly shakes her head. "We shall have to arrange a time for you, and perhaps some of your team, to come to the Avengers Mansion. Perhaps it would be inspiring for your young team members, to feel a connection to such a famous group as they are. I have seen quite a few young faces light up at the chance to do similar such things."

Oliver Queen has posed:
"I am a firm believer we should not leave things to say to family. It can be too late afterwards." Ufff, grim. But then again it's not like the brood is always truly gone from Ollie, but his focus then turns to the talk on the Avengers, his smile again a touch more open. "Dreadful, indeed. But I won't hold it against you.."

Though the proposal of visiting makes him quirk a brow, considering it. "That.., could be interesting. I could arrange for those I have training here with me to go and visit." he says. "The Avengers have indeed become an inspiration around the world. Very well, I think it will be interesting, to say the least."