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Latest revision as of 21:58, 23 August 2020

A Funny thing Happened on My Way Through Hell's Kitchen
Date of Scene: 23 August 2020
Location: 6C - Matt Murdock
Synopsis: Matt and Daisy discuss Matt's meeting with Bobbi Morse and a plan is made.
Cast of Characters: Matthew Murdock, Daisy Johnson

Matthew Murdock has posed:
It's late, or depending on your point of view, early. Dawn is about three hours away as Matt makes his way through the door from the roof, dressed in his suit and moving silently down the stairs. It was his habit now on nights he went out on patrol without Daisy, letting her sleep so she could be ready for a busy day of saving the world with SHIELD the next morning.

However, Daisy wasn't the only one sleeping in the apartment these days, Boxer, who had been growing prodigious in these last few weeks was also about, curled up on the leather sofa, looks up at Matt's approach and lets out a mew of greeting, before rising, stretching, and hopping down to nudge against Matt's suit, scritching his face on it, continuing his low but insistent mews for attention,. "Shh," Matt says, putting a finger to his lips, but it doesn't do him any good. Forcing him to bend and pick up the little ball of fur off the floor and give him his demanded cuddles.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Over-worrying had never been Daisy's 'strength'. Or at least not enough to make her lose sleep about it. Yet some days there was just that conjunction of factors that made her wake up earlier than normal.. Another one of Matt's ventures outside along with the latest stresses on her SHIELD life had made it so tonight has been a night of low sleep..

Not that she kept herself idle, or just lying there in bed thinking on things. Nope! Not her style, so she had done some exercise, given the punching bag a run for it's money and was now relaxing near that large window with the neon signs..

The smell of freshly brewed tea could be discerned, she holding a mug in her hands and sitting on the floor, cross-legged, yet as Boxer betrays Matt's arrival so does she glances over. "Mmm, just look at what the cat brought in.." her tone amused and she starting to get up to her feet.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt smiles at the sound of Daisy's voice. "Was hoping you were asleep," he says as he bends to put down Boxer and shoos him towards Daisy before he opens the cabinet and old chest where he keeps his suit when he's not wearing it.

"Restless night?" he asks her, as he begins to pull off his gauntlets, flexing his hands as they're freed of the armoured material and ceramic plates.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I got enough sleep. And if needed I can duck under my table to take nap mid-morning." Daisy's tone is one of jest though, she taking a sip out of her tea, padding towards the kitchen with Boxer on her tail. Is it food time already?! No, you hungry cat! But Daisy does lean over to pick him up and brush her nose atop it's head. "Shouldn't you be asleep you little rascal?" but then she says over to the main room while Matt is changing.

"I got some more tea if you want, Matt." This while she serves herself another cup and takes another from the cabinet in case he will want some as well.

"Got into any trouble tonight?" She then asks.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt smiles watching Boxer following Daisy out to the kitchen in hope of food hours ahead of schedule while he goes through his routine of stripping the suit and pulling on his sweats and hoodie. "Tea would be great, thanks" he answers Daisy as he wanders towards her and the captured kitten who is butting his furry head against Daisy's cheek.

"Ran into some Hand ninja," he explains. "I took care of them with a bit of help but I'm not sure you're going to believe who that help was."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
With the affirmative answer from Matt Daisy goes on about getting another cup served. It's not exactly too hot anymore, but it'd do. And no sugar! Not that Boxer is forgotten, she grinning at the cat. "You can't see me in the kitchen, can you...?" and since she is extremely soft hearted where it comes to that cat she lets out a sigh..., defeated. A snack is taken from a closed shelf and she tosses it to Boxer, watching it go to catch it up and starting to nom on it..

Her attention then goes to Matt when he mentions ninjas. A small frown before a brief look is given over Matt's form. Maybe looking for signs of wounds? But all seems well! So she approaches with both cups and leans up on her toes to place a kiss on the man's chin, "What were they doing out here?" she asks. But then when Matt says he had help she grins. "Wait, let me guess." she squints her eyes, ponders....

"Superman?" Hey, it's a good guess! But then she takes a drink from her tea once her other cup is given to Matt.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Indeed Matt doesn't seem to have any new wounds as he takes the cup in his hands, breathing in the warm vapours before he takes a long sip.

"Apparently watching some storefronts, I checked them out after but they'd cleared out whatever they were keeping there while their people were fighting us."

Matt gives Daisy a quizzical look as she makes her guess and he shakes his head. "No, not Superman, but do you know an Agent Bobbi Morse?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy had a few more guesses after Superman. Perhaps the whole Justice League roster, then the Avengers... Bobbi though?! She wouldn't had imagined it at ALL! But at least she doesn't spit out her tea in surprise at it even if there is just a momentary trouble in swallowing it. She clears her throat. "Bobbi..?" the way she says the name it shows that yes, she really does know who it is ...

"We work together at SHIELD..." She is still fully processing all of it. "You met Bobbi.." then her brows furrow. "She is supposed to be on vacation. Figures she'd be around looking for trouble." her surprise now being shifted to one of amusement.

"For all her talk she's still a rebel like me."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Daisy's reaction says it all, and her words confirm it they do know each other, he was pretty sure, having heard that name Mockingbird before in one of Daisy's work stories. "You alright?' he asks with a bit of a grin when she has trouble with her tea.

He nods, "She sounds like one, she mentioned she only came here because she tracked some guys that tried to jump her in Metropolis back to those store fronts. Apparently Nightwing helped her with the guys in Met," a teasing smirk crosses his face ass he adds "Good to see you're not the SHIELD agent allergic to taking time off."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Something caught in my throat..." Daisy says, perhaps a bit defensively but then again she knows well that he can detect her lies. But she is growing amused by the second, listening to Matt speak about how he met with Bobbi. "Really..." a brow arching. "I knew it wouldn't take long for her to get tired of bars..., and since she refuses to call a certain someone I am sure she went and did the next best thing, get to the streets and kick ass."

She lets out a laugh then, shaking her head a bit to herself, "Bobbi really loves the work, but she's cool. Be careful though..." she then says in warning. "If you think I am a good spy, well..., she taught me most of what I know today."

"What did you think of her?"

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Sure," Matt says with a smile as he leans against the wall with his tea. "Oh, she's getting mixed up with the Hand because she won't call her significant other?" he asks, amused by that as well.

As to Daisy's warning Matt nods, "She's sharp, I could tell that much and she knows how to fight as well. Good tactics. Used that move you do sometime, the legs around the head and throw to the ground?" he says, not knowing both of them likely learned it from May.

"Liked her, though, gave her a few tips on the Hand, and she promised to reach out to one of my burner phones if she had info and wanted to meet, I guess she plans on pulling Nightwing into this too. Have to admit, always wanted to meet him anyhow."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"It's called .., procrastinating." And very much what Daisy imagines Bobbi would do! And now that she is past the surprise she is finally able to get some more tea, taking a good gulp from her cup and relaxing back against the counter, both hands around her mug.

"The May maneuver." She states with a brief chuckle. "But yes, she is a fighter through and through. She also fights with sticks like you do." and then Nightwing is mentioned and brows furrow. She has heard of that one. Another stick fighter!

"What is this? All the heroes that fight with sticks are coming together? What will the world become after it?" Her tone not hiding the rich amusement there.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Sure," Matt repeats, reaching out with a foot to nudge Daisy's leg with good humour. "Ah, that's what that's called. It's effective." But then he knew that from his and Daisy's sparring practice. "Saw the sticks, they join together and have some sort of shock system on the ends, I'm sort of jealous," he laughs. "Definitely a fighter though, those ninja were no joke but she took them both down."

"Yeah, Bobbi made a comment about that too, the stick fighting thing, maybe we'll form our own group. The Sticks of Justice or something." He shakes his head. "So, what do I need to look out for with her? I mean, I trust her, but at the same time I don't want to reveal who I am or get you in any trouble with SHIELD, so, any advice you can give would be a big help to us both, even if that advice is when she calls don't pick up the phone."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"It's the magic of SHIELD's R and D in action." Daisy says about the electrical sticks. And wait until he saw the flying suit! "We have some .., really high tech at work there. It's pretty cool, I have learned a lot tinkering with them. I even had a hand in getting her wings going. Putting the bird in Mockingbird you know?" a brief laugh leaving her lips and she sliding the mug over to the counter. A mistake as Boxer is already eyeing it ....

She dislodges herself from the counter to approach Matt. "The sticks of justice?" she turns her nose at him. "Mmmm, you might be able to do better?" not that she gives any proposal for a name yet. Uff, all the names sound corny in her head.

"It's not me I am worried about, but you. I know you don't want to be much in SHIELD's radar..." she gives it a thought. "All I am saying is that she may eventually figure it out, but she's very respectful of people's secret identities. And considering I have already told her I am living with a hell's kitchen lawyer it probably won't take long until we have some kind of dinner together. She is a good friend, more than just a superior."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"And here I thought my gear was impressive because it was more than just a t-shirt and some hockey pads, but you're saying her uniform at SHIELD has wings? That actually work?" he shakes his head. "Feeling a little out of my league."

"Sharks with Sticks?" he offers as an alternative, riffing off her suggested nickname for himself. "No, wouldn't work, pretty sure they're not lawyers." He teases.

"Well, I /am/ worried about you," he says. "And me, SHIELD tore us apart once, I'm not looking for them to do it again." Though for all the Man Without Fear is afraid of what SHIELD could do to them he listens to Daisy and nods. "So you're saying if she figures it out she's likely going to keep it to herself?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"No no.." Daisy shakes her head, letting out a soft laugh. "Not her standard uniform, just something we developped, it's a bit experimental still though." because alien tech! "But they really work." though it's when Matt speaks about being out of his league that she takes a few steps closer, resting her head against his chest. "You are still my superhero, so you aren't out of my league.."

Even if she immediately grimaces. "Is it lawyer week again?" she questions teasingly. But nope, she doesn't come up with her own name suggestions! Not yet at least.

Her focus is instead on what Matt says next, her expression turning more serious. "I know." she takes a moment to breathe in, remembering those difficult times of the past. "But ..., she is someone I would trust with my life. I trust she won't be sharing it." she says. "I won't let us be apart again." she says, hand pressing further against Matt's chest and sending out a small, comforting vibration throughout.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
There's a warm chuckle from Matt as Daisy leans her head against his chest and offers assurances, he runs his hand through her hair, letting the strands fall through his fingers. "You know the more I hear about your job, the less crazy Danny punching a dragon sounds."

"Must be," Matt says as he moves from running his hand through Daisy's hair to rubbing her back. "Really should write down the calendar to be clear."

Matt's mind too returned to the day SHIELD had come for Daisy and how they had parted then. It was burned into his mind as one of the worst days of his life. Still he considers Daisy's words, knowing the truth of them even without his powers, the sincerity was clear in his voice. "Maybe we should get ahead of it and tell her. If she's the person you say she is then it'd be good to have someone watching our back."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"That's just magic karate stuff..." Daisy murmurs as one of their friends would say, the bourbon stealer that confused her for some kind of escort a while back. Some amusement crops up to her expression again at it. -That- was a night.

"I will note it down on the calendar. I hope you are ready though..." For the corny jokes. They will be a'coming. But she finds herself relaxing against Matt, letting out a breath and closing her eyes. Meanwhile, Boxer is having his fun poking at the mug. To the floor? Maybe soon enough...

"Come clean..?" It makes Daisy pause, consider... She did trust Bobbi, and she had said just that. Not that she just accepts it without hesitation. She ponders first, mulling at the consequences. But she finds herself nodding. "Yes, lets do that.." it would be a big step. But wasn't SHIELD her family?

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt laughs at Daisy's use of Jessisms. "So guess that makes those wings, James Bond Spy Crap?" he says guessing what Jess might call things like wing suits, and staves with stun guns.

"Always ready," he says with a grin before bending to give Daisy a kiss.

As he parts from the kiss, he says, "Boxer's doing that thing again," noticing the cat and the mug.

It was a big step for Matt too, but he figured if Bobbi was as sharp as Daisy said it'd only be a matter of time, so he either had to turn away from working with her, or come clean. "If you're sure about it, yeah, I think it's our best choice. At the very least if she does turn me in she seems like the sort to protect her friends." And if not she did owe him one for saving his life.