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Latest revision as of 22:23, 1 September 2020

Field Test
Date of Scene: 01 September 2020
Location: Chinatown
Synopsis: Daisy and Matt try out Daisy's new suit.
Cast of Characters: Matthew Murdock, Daisy Johnson

Matthew Murdock has posed:
The deal was taking place in a back alley. The Neon Dragons out of Gotham, looking like Kill Bill extras in their suits and neon domino masks, and the Yangsi Gonshi, the Hatchet Men, one of New York's local criminal Tongs, who true to their names had hatchets along with their guns.

"So, you got a line on that blue stuff yet?" asks Freddy Yung, one of the top Hatchet Men at the meet.

The top Dragon, shakes his head, "Not yet, but I assure you this is top quality stuff."

He gestures to the goods in the back of the car, kilo blocks of heroin. "Straight from the motherland," he tells the Hatchets. "You want it it's twenty-four thousand a key."

That's when the baton strikes the Dragon in the face, sending him sprawling ot the ground and ruining his crisp suit as he lands on the wet alley floor.

"Shit, it's Daredevil," shouts Freddy, as he draws a hatchet in one hand a pistol in the other. Searching the darkness as the Neon Dragons begin to draw swords and other weapons to do the same. In all there's eight men and two cars down in the alley, seven of them conscious, as they begin to look for the heroes that are stalking them.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The suit was indeed top quality.. Daisy was amazed at the suppleness.. Sure, it didn't have the same kind of protection that Daredevil's had, she not as strong to wear that kind of heavier armor but the way she could move in it and how it still offered a measure of protection was amazing. It's dark blue in color with streaks of black. Made very similarly to Daredevil's own suit but lighter. The lower end of her face was masked, dark sleek goggles over her eyes and her hair held up in a ponytail.

And because there was no way that she wouldn't test the outfit -right- on that first night she had it so she found herself stalking the rooftops alongside the devil of Hell's Kitchen. And action they had found...!

It's Freddy that she targets first when they get to fightin', using a 'trick' she has developped after some intense training at SHIELD.. The gun starts to shake, trembling and then just .., dismantles itself to it's basic pieces as it falls on the floor.

"Do you guys have permits for those weapons?" Ok, maybe she needs to up her quip game.

She steps out running to find cover on another spot on the alley, this time behind a trash can.. Let them fear and look around for Daredevil a bit.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Freddy shouts something in Chinese as his gun begins to quake apart right there in his hand. He tosses the ruined weapon to the ground looking towards the sound of the voice. "Who are you?" he demands of the voice, eyes wide and searching.

His men draw in close forming a circle around their car, while he Dragons drag their downed man back to theirs. << Deal is off >> one barks to Freddy as he moves for the driver's side door.

A second baton sends him slamming into the side of the car before falling unconscious beside it. The last two Dragons drop their leader and look around clutching their weapons.

It doesn't help.

Suddenly a red figure leaps over the car, brushing aside a sword strike with an armoured forearm before kicking the swordsman in the face. The second man whirls a staff towards the figure who ducks under the swing and drives a series of fast strikes to his legs and groin before rolling away leaving the man writhing on the ground. The Hatchet Men turn, those with working guns opening fire in the direction of the familiar figure of Daredevil but only manage to hit the car and the drugs. Daredevil vanishing around the front of the vehicle.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Damn it! A name...! Daisy clearly couldn't use Quake ..., or anything *too* similar. Really, she wasn't that good at this superhero vigilante business...

But after a brief moment of hesitation she shouts out. "Replica! And you better remember it!" hey, don't laugh! She rolls away from her cover when Daredevil makes his move, taking advantage of the distraction (and ass kickin'!!) that he's providing to pounce on the unsuspecting hatchet-men..

She shortens the distance swiftly, running full ahead and catches an unsuspecting hatchet men with a frontal punch on the side of his face. The little 'juice' she puts behind the punch with some vibrational momentum is just what's needed to send him sprawling to the floor unconscious..

She ducks from an hatchet that flies close to her head, twisting her body to catch the man with that telltale maneuver of SHIELD, legs wrapping about the neck and she using her body weight to toss the man against a wall..

She doesn't linger for long either and while she is no NINJA she ducks to the side and out of sight so Daredevil can finish them off.

Divide to conquer!

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Freddy Yung is having a hell of a night. First there's none of this famous 'blue stuff' to give his drugs more punch now it looks like he and his friends from the Yangsi Gonshi were on the receiving end of a superpowered beating. As 'Replica' knocks one of his men into the wall with a punch then slams another into the ground with some acrobatic martial arts.

He hurls the hatchet in his hand at Replica and then reaches for another only to find a gloved hand grabbing his wrist.

"Not your night," Daredevil tells him, before driving his forehead into Freddy's nose and leaping over him to deliver a double kick to the other Hatchet Man's chest sending him into the wall next to the one Replica had hit. Then left with Freddy alone, Daredevil turns towards the gang lieutenant, as Freddy yanks the hatchet he was reaching for out of his jacket.

Daredevil waits with his hands by his side for Freddy's swing and when it comes he slips out of the way, slams a fist into the side of Freddy's face, and drives a kick to the back of his knee. Freddy goes down, hatchet skittering across the alley floor as Daredevil leaps, spinning in mid-air and coming down with a foot to the back of Freddy's head as he lands in a crouch beside him. And just like that Freddy is out like a light.

Rising Daredevil's head turns in Daisy's direction. "Replica?" he asks a smile beginning to form on his lips.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The hurled hatchet flies towards Replica. It's a good toss too! But she quickly raises one hand, vibrational waves finding the thrown weapon and making it spin in another direction, clattering against a trash can nearby.

Her hands return to her sides and she begins to approach, taking note of the men down, senses alert just in case there's any still hiding out there... But so far so good. "You love that kick." well, she did too. Admittedly, it was pretty cool to watch, and effective to boot!

But it's when that smile begins to appear on the Devil's face that she lifts a warning finger. "Hold it there..., don't laugh.." she tells him. Yet there's a bit of fluster in her voice. "Couldn't think of a better one under all this pressure.." both hands run over her ponytail before she approaches the drugs they were dealing in.

"Know what's this blue stuff they were talking about?" She asks.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Guilty," Matt admits, it was one of the more fun things Stick had taught him and he'd spent more time than he'd like to admit perfecting it. "Probably should lose it less, it makes me predictable," he says hearing his teacher's voice in his head as he says that. Not that he was likely to change.

"Sure thing," he says about not laughing, keeping his senses on the downed men as he picks up his batons and slots them into their holsters. "We could drop by the shop and have our guy add an 'R' to your belt," he teases, even while taking care not to drop Melvin's name where it might be heard.

"Not sure," Matt says about the blue stuff, frowning. "Sounds like Freddy wanted it pretty bad." He digs into his belt and produces some zap straps and tosses a handful to Daisy to take care of the badguys. He'd put in a call to Mahoney to make sure someone picked up these guys and the drugs later.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Not if the bad guys you hit with it all go to jail." Replica replies with her relentless logic about that kick, one hand coming to rest on her hip while she pondered. Mmmm, maybe she should use a hood instead of leaving her hair free like this.. Oh, wait up. What's that..? One of the men is slowly starting to wake up and struggle to get up just before one swift kick knocks him back down.

"Wait for your turn.." because she is indeed busy getting those zap straps secure..

When Daredevil speaks about them adding an R to her belt she lets out an audible gasp. A betrayed gasp! Et tu Daredevil?! "That's so ..., corny..." she grimaces internally. "But at least they wouldn't forget my name.." she admits. Not that she is sure about the name! Ah well, something to think on later!

"Might be something to look into if there's some new stuff out there." Not that she offers to use her SHIELD contacts for it. Could eventually turn suspicious.. But she doesn't look happy. A pause and she asks. "You were joking about the R, right?" she hopes!

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt is about to mention the guy stirring awake when Daisy handles him and he grins faintly as he tightens the zapstrap around Freddy's wrists. "Mostly kidding about the 'R'," he says the faint grin becoming a smile.

"As for the blue stuff, definitely worth looking into," he says. Freddy was out cold or he'd be getting woken up right now for some very pointed questions. "I'll let Mahoney know about the blue stuff, see what he can shake loose from these guys, or if he's heard anything himself," Matt had doubts that any of the Hatchets would talk and was sure the Gotham thugs weren't going to be intimidated by NYPD. It was definitely going to be a challenge to look into.

Matt finishes securing his share of the crooks, then looks to Daisy, "You good? We should get out of here and make that call."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Eyes narrow under the mask and Replica murmurs. "Mostly..." but she is smiling too when she ends that murmur, getting finished with getting them all tied up! Look a' that. She is good with those!

A sharp nod is returned about Mahoney interrogating them, she looking thoughtful a moment and then telling the Devil. "You are at that too though, maybe he will let you get your fingers in some talking with them as well." every lawyer is good at that!

"And yes, done on my end.." she brushes her hands and steps aside to join up with Daredevil. She gives him a slight nudge on the side with her elbow. "So.., teach me that spinning kick and I will let you know the secrets of the leg grapple-toss." hey, it's a good a name as any!

Matthew Murdock has posed:
There's little doubt on Matt's end that Daisy can handle tying up the prisoners. Figuring she must do some of that in SHIELD. He considers her point about the lawyer side of things, and nods, "Good point," he could at least find an excuse to be at the station to listen in.

He nods when Replica says she's done her end of things and he grins at the offer. "Is that what it's called?" he asks, amused. "Sure. C'mon though let's get out of here."

Leading the way Matt makes the call, then heads to the rooftops to get out of the way of the cops when they come rolling in, waiting to make sure the drugs, money and goons are secure before he starts back towards Hell's Kitchen.

"So, how was the suit?" he asks after they leap between buildings. "Other than needing an R on the belt."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Replica isn't exactly a NINJA like Daredevil so for her to get up on the roof it takes her a little while longer, but she uses the help of her powers for a little 'boost'. A cheater! But eventually she does get there. She does that vigil as well, watching as the cops arrive, the gangsters are aprehended... All according to plan.

"There is a technical name. I leave those to Mockingbird." She replies, her smirk 'heard' beneath the mask. "I like to put my own spin on things." and then it's time to go back to Hell's Kitchen..

It's a quiet night out besides the earlier scuffle. Clear skies, a little more chilly with August having ended... But on the overall just a good night.. She follows easier now as they leap between the buildings. "Our friend really knows his stuff. Really, he is a master artisan." she says, clearly impressed with the quality of the suit. "It feels almost like a second skin.., and my gauntlets barely even show." but then she is quiet for a bit. She won't admit it to Matt but Melvin -did- put a little space on the belt for such a purpose. Pfffttt.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Daredevil stops letting his senses roam over the suit, it did indeed seem like a second skin, he liked the mask and goggle combo too, there was a good shape to it, even if most of the details were lost to him. "What colour is it?" he asks Replica. He hadn't thought to ask before and couldn't tell on his own.

"And glad it's working. Our friend is good at what he does, if he knew us out of these costumes, I'd say we should take him and his girlfriend out to dinner."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Dark blue." Replica replies, brushing her fingers over the fabric and nearing Daredevil, "With some streaks of black. Follows your style a bit too, even if yours is red." fingers are then felt brushing over the Devil's armor, a faint smile coming to her lips. "Pink was out of stock unfortunately." she says in a teasing manner. But no, she leaves the pink to a dress or two she has used in the past!

"This feels good." She then tells him. "Being able to be out here with you. Without the worries of our other lives." Well, it's not as if they disappeared, but the illusion was good.

But then again comes that narrowing of her eyes. "You still haven't told me what you think of the name."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt smiles a little trying to remember dark blue, painting the shape of her new suit with blue and black. When she touches his suit, Matt smiles, "Shame," he says. "Pink would have made a statement." A very loud and noticeable one.

"Glad you like it," Matt says of all of this, "That you're willing to come out with me and do this stuff, I know SHIELD has to frown on it, so I know what you're risking to do it," he says. "Thank you," he presses his lips softly to hers.

As he pulls away, he says, "Why'd you pick it?" he asks about the name.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Sure it would. And would also make me a real BIG target while you went around and did your thing..." Did Daisy just compare herself to one of those Robins with the more colored clothing? Well, maybe not on purpose! "This way we both share the danger.." she teases him, knocking her knuckles atop his armored front.

The mention of SHIELD makes her work her jaw. Yea, it was always a risk. She lets out a breath. "They could do more than frown. But they also know who I am so ...." a rebel! ".. Reminds me we will have to talk with Bobbi soon too."

As Daredevil steps closer to her for a kiss it's returned, her hands moving up to rest on his shoulders, the kiss lingering before they part.

"Replica is what comes after the main earthquake, the small replicas afterwards." She lifts her shoulders. "Thought it was fitting after Quake. As if a follow-up from it. Which it is!"

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Well that sort of thing works in Gotham, or so I'm told," Daredevil says of the Daisy-as-decoy plan. "Though I'd rather not have you take shots meant for me." After all how does it work if they both want to play martyr?!

There's a nod about SHIELD. "Sorry to bring them into this, but I worry, you're important to me, and I don't want to risk them pulling us apart again." Though he nods about Bobbi. "Yeah, we should work that out soon. Invite her over or something."

The kiss though makes for a good distraction and he smiles about the name. "It works," he says. "Anyhow, want to continue this talk at home?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"It helps that it's constantly gloomy and dark there ..., so even the bright colors are hard to distinguish..." Daisy then smiles faintly at Matt, shaking her head a bit to herself at her silly joke. No regrets though! Yet the talk of taking shots does sober her a bit. "Well, in a perfect world we both wouldn't be taking shots." and she says it almost as if it's a warning. Don't get shot!

"I know you worry. I do too." She admits. "But we will find a way. We always do." and she's the eternal optimist afterall. The never-stay-down Daisy.

The talk about continuing it at home makes her mmmm, almost as if she was considering it.. But then she gets off running. "I will race you there!" cheater!

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"That's saying something considering we live in Hell's Kitchen," Matt says of Gotham and its gloominess. "I will try to stay out of the way of bullets if you do."

Matt nods, "We will," he says of finding a way despite the complication of SHIELD in their life. Reaching for Daisy's hand he squeezes it softly.

Laughing as Daisy blatantly cheats running ahead on the rooftops, he runs after her, leaping over the gaps in the rooves and keeping close on her tail as they head towards home.