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Latest revision as of 15:35, 2 September 2020

Movie and a slumber party
Date of Scene: 02 September 2020
Location: Stark Tower: Penthouse
Synopsis: Tony and Pep get a talk in, post zombie movie.
Cast of Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony moves a little bit, lifting his shoulder, then relaxing. He swallows -- perhaps oddly loud, and also tickly due to beard-- since his face is against Pepper's ear. The movement of arm might disturb as well: he was shifting because it's trapped under her partially on the couch.

It's much later than it was when they initially met up at the Stark Tower penthouse. They'd had Greek (maybe more Tony's favorite place than Pepper's, but perhaps it'll grow on her), a bit of a chat, and a movie. In theory, a movie, because the lack of sleep the previous night caught up to Tony at least, and he nodded off after the first section of it.

So perhaps it has been Pepper's movie longer than Tony's, but she's had a warm (if unconscious) Tony to lay against for quite some time.

But sensation has left his arm, and he squeezes his hand, which curls in, flexing through the forearm and the broader bulk of upper musculature of bicep into the shoulder.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper even got some of the tziki sauce, too. It didn't hurt that she'd requested a second side of it, but she's counting it as a victory nonetheless.

Dinner and a movie. Otherwise known as 'Netflix and chill', but it's the same thought.

A cuddle, soft, light conversation, some laugh at the movie's expense and inevitably one or the other will be lulled to sleep.

This time, Pepper stayed awake just a little longer, though not by much. Tony's deeper breathing as he slept put Pepper into that same sleepy mode, and now?

The television is showing the 'are you still watching?' message, looking for 'yes ' or 'no' to be put in, and Pepper has her eyes closed, her head leaning against Tony's. It's only when he begins to move that she stirs, not quite wanting to rise from slumber, and she shifts to find that comfortable position even as Tony moves his numb hand.

It's not really to be, though- she can feel his arm behind her, moving and flexing, and even before green eyes open, there's a tired, happy smile as she shifts again to set a hand to drape over his chest. It'll allow him to move his arm a little more!

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony mostly unearths his arm as she rotates towards him and holds on across his chest. "Thanks honey; that's better," Tony grunts, wincing as the intense pins and needles flood his wrist, and gingerly moves it to drape against her shoulder and upper arm. Time will get blood going back into the limb - soon enough.

"What'd I miss? I was watching most of it," Tony says distractedly of the movie, orienting his face a little more down and towards her, trying to see her move, but mostly getting a vision of her soft strawberry hair. But that's okay too. He closes his eyes for a long moment. She smells really good.

"Colonel Mustard in the Study with the wrench, right." It was a mystery movie, but Tony is /way/ off. But playful, of course.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper's eyes are still closed, but to hear his voice, it's something that doesn't interfere with dreams; it molds and melds easily with her rising from slumber half-dream/half-waking. "Mmmm," she murmurs, "it is.."

She doesn't really catch the affectionate term; instead she takes a softly audible breath through her nose as she rests her head on his chest. She can hear him; she's just waking to his voice, and she's enjoying it. "I think the zombies took the town," is murmured before she shifts again, finding that sleep is threatening to be elusive. Finally her eyes open, and her cheek is on that bit of soft flesh that is rudely interrupted by the softly glowing arc reactor.

"If you can't remember," Pepper grouses softly and affectionately, "I'm picking the next movie."

Tony Stark has posed:
"HOMER," Tony addresses the ceiling without moving, "Put the movie back to where Ms. Potts started to nod off," he says, a sly smirk in his tone.

"I do not have record of that occurance," HOMER says, sounding a little bit put-upon. He does not keep track of things like Pepper's open eyes.

"I know you track MY heart rate,," Tony bargains with the AI. "So when I started to snooze, then."

HOMER is able to comply. The starting credits are just finishing. Tony is forced to softly laugh at himself. That was sooner than he'd realized. "I guess it explains the odd murder-dreams I was having which I thought were a movie. ....Zombies explains it /even more/," Tony says. Feeling more back in his hand, he draws his palm up to her hair, slowly brushing it away from her cheek, curving strands gently behind her ear with fingertips. She's very welcome where she's settled. The arc reactor is dim, being under a shirt, but still intrusive.

Pepper Potts has posed:
There's no reason for HOMER to track Pepper's biometrics. The only time he tracks her at all is when she's entering her office or leaving it for the night. That's when the lights in the corridor turn on at her approach and off again once she passes. It's.. something to know, however, that his is tracked, and as that starts to filter in, there is no going back to sleep.

It's not commented upon, nope. Instead, she shifts again, her arm dropping a little so it curls around his chest and finally, she cants her head up so she can see him. "Not even past the opening credits? Tony.. I am so picking the next movie." Without being corrected by the AI, she can claim she'd seen almost the whole movie! (Which she hadn't. The scene in question was only about 20 minutes in...)

"Mmmm" she offers again, and pushes up a little so she can see his face, her expression relaxed and content. "We don't want you dreaming about zombies or murder dreams. How about a comedy, or.. action." Pepper adds a fond, affectionate smile, eyes bright, "They're easier for me to fall asleep to."

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony'd closed his eyes briefly, but he orients to look down to her again at his chest as she turns her head more clearly, aware that she's looking at him by the shift of her head under his fingers. He adjusts his hand to the other side of her hair, strill doing the same light motion, fingers curving into her hair near her ear lightly, soft.

"I will consider your movie suggestion, but I guarantee no approval," Tony dodges, smile growing on one side of his lips. He's far more awake now - he hadn't really intended to fall asleep there anyway, and awareness came quickly once he realized the situation. He's missing out. Not on the movie, but on Pepper time.

"I mean, I was heroically saving the day against zombies, so. It's not so bad, being the hero." Tony flashes a wink at her, his brown eyes warm.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper leans slightly into the affectionate, if unconscous gesture and finds a spot just under his jaw to lay a featherlight kiss. "What? One was an Academy Award winner." The tone and tenor of her voice turns teasing before, "You're just sore because you weren't invited to the parties after the Awards Dinner." Or the dinner itself, but let's face it? Parties are better.

Pepper looks as if she's going to get comfortable all over again, but laying her cheek on a bit of tech really isn't as comfortable as all that. So, she's moving a little higher. Upper chest. "You just can't stop.. even in your dreams?" She's teasing him, and her eyes raise again, "As long as you saved me, you can fight the zombies. Last thing I want to hear is that it became a revenge dream because I was lunch."

Tony Stark has posed:
"Lunch? No, you were giving as good as you got. We're a team, it seems," Tony quips naturally, with a laugh. He's not in a good position to return a kiss, but he does adjust, chin a little lifted to where if she lifts again, she could put a featherlight on his pulse there instead, should she prefer. It means he's got a little bit of a cocky lift to his face, looking down and slanted like that. Cocky, but a flirtation there too. It's not too subtle, but it isn't brazen either.

Tony continues to play and settle his hand into her hair, a bit more deeply now, touseled and loose around his fingers and thumb.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Oh?" That's something of a shift too. From his saving the world, to coming back as a team-led effort. And not just any team! The two of them. "Good," comes after a momentary consideration. A little softer, she adds, "I like that," before she can lay another softly brushed kiss on that lower bit of jaw again, now that it's more accessible. Her face remains there as she breathes him in, but it's just momentary before her cheek settles against him again.

"I could probably kill zombies. They're not really people," is said finally. "I'd rather not... given a choice. But if I had to?" She exhales in a airy laugh, "It'd be with you."

The fingers of her hand that is draped around his chest lightly caress the sides of his ribs as she looks a little more forward across his neck, chin, and chest. She's a touch more subtle..

Tony Stark has posed:
"Yes, you had this giant frying pan," Tony begins, lifting his hand to talk with it and illustrate for her a sweeping hand motion of frying pan to zombie noggin, and then releases a soft laugh. "Maybe it's better without the details?" he says, 'checking' himself a little, playfully. He returns the hand into her hair, which does include a one-armed embrace of her upper body, and draws her head in welcomingly to tuck her face into his upper chest and collar.

The considers her, a contemplative look. "What do you think of all this, Pep?" Tony asks. He's not really asking about her frying pan prowess.

Pepper Potts has posed:
It's a little bit of a jostle as the arm rises in order show off what had the makings of a great fore-swing, with skillet imagined for the moment. She laughs softly, pulls her feet up a little, now that the action gave her a renewed opportunity to tuck under an arm. She just fits there well; a spot made just for her.

"I thought it looked properly heroic," is smiled. And, well, it allowed her to get closer, now that he can drape his arm around her again.

It's a spot she's loathe to leave.

"You're still my hero. Even if I have a frying pan." It's a pronouncement for the moment.

Green eyes meet brown, and hers linger on his face for a long moment, her brows rising at the question. It's not a strange one, coming from him. There's certainly an awareness on her part that adjustments are being made every day in almost every aspect of their lives. "What do I think of all this?" Should she go with her immediate reaction, or should she be a touch more contemplative?

"I think that it's a little strange and a lot wonderful. It terrifies me and comforts me at the same time.. and that there isn't a person in the world who could possibly understand all my reasons why." Why she loves him. Why she's stayed with him for years. Why she's only recently started opening up to try and get him to see //her//.

Tony Stark has posed:
"Terrifies you?" Tony asks, hand stopping moving in her hair for the moment to 'bah humbug' on her terrifying claim.

"I might be able to understand, though. I'm pretty smart. Some people have told me so," Tony humbly brags, but tilts his head a little at her, focused on her. She has the floor if she wants it: and has his full, undivided attention. He's shameless as always, not blushing, but there a quiet look in his gaze normally associated with when he doesn't have the information and looks to her to be his teammate, to fill in the blanks on something.

"I could say that you know, it's safer here - fewer supervillains... but I really just would rather you stay anyway."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Yes, terrifies me. I'm proud of you at the same time I worry about you when you work on those suits.. because I know you're not just building them 'in case'. Every time you build one, there's a purpose behind it. An upgrade you hadn't thought of before." She's torn, just like she'd said. Terrified and comforted- and proud.

Pepper pushes up a little, more leaning now than resting so she can look at his face, look into those eyes. "Why is a pretty big question, and the reasons?" Her expression is soft and affectionate. "I don't know if any of them would make sense."

It's actually an easier response to Tony's suggestion that she stays over night. Her eyes turn bright, and there's a smile that rises to echo it. "I really am getting to the point where I don't want to go home. I don't want to leave you." A chuckle sounds, and it's a happy sound, "And fewer supervillains. Or at least, if one visited, there's room for other heroes to land. My balcony is a little small."

Tony Stark has posed:
"Maybe I like it that your balcony's just for me," Tony answers smoothly. He smiles a little more, looking right at her, seeking her response to that within her eyes. He moves to hook his forearm under her upper torso a little more, to boost her up - to bring her to where he study her eyes just another long, poignant moment, and then draws in to kiss her.

It's not as uncertain as it was before; there's a confidence here, but also a patience. That she'll be staying, that things can continue, and there isn't a need to rush headlong towards anything. He trusts that she'll be there, like she always has been: to support, as his closest person.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"There's not a lot that isn't just for you."

Pepper allows herself to get boosted a little, making it all the easier to wrap at least one arm around his neck to play with the hair right at the nape. The kiss is returned, and she can tell there's a slight shift. With each embrace, each kiss, there's something new. Something heady and exciting. This?

Pepper responds in kind; there's a need, a desire, and a patience, all rolled into one. There's no one in the world but him in that kiss; a silent underscore to her feelings on the matter. She's here, and there isn't anywhere else she'd rather be.