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Latest revision as of 01:24, 4 September 2020

After Action Alex
Date of Scene: 03 September 2020
Location: Brooklyn
Synopsis: JD and AA go get mexican food.
Cast of Characters: Jessica Drew, Alexander Aaron

Jessica Drew has posed:
Mopping up. Usually, senior field agents deal with the on the scene red tape. Privately, Jessica wonders what made her get so lucky, but she keeps it to herself. Liaison with NYPD can be iffy at times, no matter what spin for the public is. Some jurisdictions were jealous of their turf. Aware of their asset Alexander standing in the background, Jessica confers with the police captain for the precinct where they took down the Russians.

Jessica is uncomfortably aware of the rip in her skirt that reveals a length of trim thigh with every step back to him. "I'm over working in plain clothes if I am going to lose every piece of clothing," she grouses with a faint smile. "I'm shopping at Goodwill from now on." Diplomatically light, she asks, "Are you alright?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    During the operation the youth she'd met before, under less than ideal circumstances, was more subdued. He spoke only when needed, offered intel when it would aid, but beyond that his presence was somewhat ghost-like. Yet now that the op is over, that facade breaks a little as he greets the approach of the agent with a smile. "I'm fine, thank you."
    Though she might well catch his eye drifting to that tear in the skirt, and likely she can see the subtle way the corner of his mouth twists. But to his credit he says nothing at all. After all, she was the bad cop during the one time he was under SHIELD interrogation.
    He looks past toward the police officers who are now dealing with the aftermath of the SHIELD mission, considering what their followup tasks might well be before he turns back to her and says. "Is it always like that?"
    Perhaps hard to pin down what he means by that question.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Face pleasantly blank, Jessica considers the question. His face belies his powers. They were alike in that way. Besides, he had comported himself during the operation like a real professional. Cool under fire, discreet and following orders so he deserved a thoughtful answer. She catches the drift of his eyes, a minute lift of an eyebrow her only readable reaction.

"We were on the mark. It went down really well. I'd say we were in and out with those two in under ten minutes, all told. You did really well. What did you think?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    There's a slow blink from him and she can tell he gives her question real thought, his eyes distanced and the tendons in his jaw tightening with that reflection as he considers. "It seemed well done. There are a lot of really talented people coming together for one goal."
    His head turns to the side slightly, brow furrowing as he murmurs, "I think each person was likely top in their field in the wider view. It was implemented well to prevent even the chance of error." Then those curious pale blue-green eyes refocus upon her and he smiles a little. "Though I haven't really been exposed to a wide breadth of team efforts like that. Just seemed clean."
    Then, perhaps offering some insight he adds with the glimmer of a small returning smile, "My dad would be proud of you all."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jessica listens, giving measured nods of agreement at his assessment until he mentions his father. "We expected reinforcements, just not that many. Those Russians were valuable assets and they didn't want to lose them. But, yes, it's a crack team and you did your part really well in it. It's not that easy working in a team. Situational awareness is so important as well as not over or underestimating what you can bring to a fire fight."

With a thoughtful tilt to her head, "Do you think your father would be proud? Why so?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Looking away, Alexander watches the police officers moving away as they head off to tend to their job, and it's not a pretty one to be fair with all of those reports needing to be filed, and the information alone needed to cover just Clint's shots into those Russian bodyguards, the ballistics alone will take up a several days.
    But the Olympian youth is contemplative for now, attentive with those curious eyes a little wider than normal. Though when she compliments him he gives a small smile. Yet it's when she asks him of his father being proud he smiles a bit.
    "He has..." There's a pause as Alexander looks back at her and she can see the way his gaze distances a little past her. "He'll deny this, but he favors small units going against larger ones, and the whole... Six Ps of small unit tactics. So what you all did here would have made him smile."
    His eyes slip to the side as he shifts there, standing with his hands now in his pockets. Still in that civilian garb with the sneakers, jeans, and the white t-shirt. Though he does have a SHIELD baseball cap for the moment. "Though, he likely wouldn't admit it."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Complex parents were perhaps something else they shared beyond superpowers. Hers had certainly been. Jessica watches the subtle changes in his expressions, the hesitations and search for words. It could be that he hasn't voiced aloud what or who his father might be - at least to mortals.

With a long slow breath drawn through her nose, and a wry smile, she says, "Ah, I forget sometimes. You seem..." It's her turn to search for the appropriate words. "...so, ah, non-Olympian. I think I've seen too many black and white peplum dramas."

Nodding, she snorts faintly, "That would be a high compliment coming from him. SHIELD prefers to plan their ops. You know, plans are useless but planning is indispensible."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "That," Alexander says as some vibrance seems to return to his features, perhaps a shift from the 'professional' and more to the norm with the aspect that they are no longer 'on the clock'. "Is sort of a compliment."
    The whole not being like an Olympian. At that he starts to walk a little, stepping to the side but visibly checking with her to see if that is the direction she wishes to walk in, if she so decides. But as he moves he takes off that baseball cap, pushing a hand through his blond hair and trying to get it out of his eyes, only partially being successful before he puts that cap back on.
    "This felt..." Alexander furrowed his brow as he walked, looking to her sidelong. "Right."
    That said he lets the smile blossom, "What do SHIELD agents usually do after a successful op like this?"

Jessica Drew has posed:
Around them, CSI units wearing protective booties and suits move in. Jessica had been expecting them. It's nearly time for them to leave the area. The come down from the adrenaline rush begins to settle in.. She rubs the back of her neck to relieve a little stiffness setting in. With a step sideways, she skirts a series of yellow number markers that delineate spent shell casings.

"We can wait over here." She nods to the perimeter of the fight. Pursing her lips, with a sidelong glance at him, "I suppose it is a compliment. Thor could take some lessons from you."

Stopped, she turns to watch the CSI techs go about their business. "Generally, we debrief immediately then hit the rack if we are in the field."

"Off duty? Everyone is different. I like to eat something good. I mean well prepared. It could be street food - a shot of tequila and a good authentic taco." She smiles to herself, then more widely at him, not voicing her thoughts completely."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    She triggers something of the old jovial devil-may-care youth as he sort of smiles sidelong at her, but the smile slips more towards a smirk even as he takes up a place leaning against the railing along the side of that road, now that the traffic is cut off while the police do their investigation.
    "See now you're being too nice. I'm getting suspicious. I mean Thor is..." The young man's eyes distance and he shakes his head when he looks back at her. "He'd give my dad a run for his money." Which might be saying something, considering the esteem he holds both men in.
    Then he listens to the after part of a SHIELD agent and he smiles a bit, "Mexican is great. And though I don't really feel the effects of alcohol I sort of..." He turns his head away, smiles a little as he admits this almost grudgingly. "I sort of just like the taste of a Corona while having Mexican food. Just is nice. Not sure why I feel that way."
    But it's whatever is unspoken that causes that smile of hers, that is what draws him further out as he lightly extends the toe of his sneaker to nudge her shin as if admonishing her. "What?"
    A beat as she still smiles so he asks again, "What're you smiling about?"

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Hey, don't get me wrong. Thor is, well, a god. He also swaggers around like one, à la peplum drama style. Or, I suppose Norse Viking style." Amused, she shrugs, catching those odd-colored eyes. "So, it was a compliment."

Rubbing the side of her eye, she tries to hide her smile and shrugs. Corona beer is a much safer topic than her private thoughts. "I love a good cold Dos Equis or Corona with Mexican. Now, you've done it!" She pretends to scowl at him. "We're going to have to find a good food truck."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Hands back into his pockets, he turns to cast his gaze one way, then the other. For a time he worries at the inside of his cheek as he considers the possibilities then looks back at her with a small incredulous gaze, "I don't think we're going to find one anywhere near here."
    There's a pause as he pushes away from the metal railing, his sneaker scuffing a little as he sets the foot down and then he turns back toward her, "There's a restaurant on 34th, it's not bad. The guac is sometimes so so. But they do a tableside thing which is usually better than the one they serve that's... you know, not tableside."
    As he says that he starts to move, but then he asks over his shoulder. "You're still smirking like you have a secret though."

Jessica Drew has posed:
"What you don't know, won't hurt you!" Her grin is unrestrained as she searches for a glimpse of the police captain. A raised hand suffices to let him know that she would be leaving the scene. They both know procedures. A coroner's ambulance arrives with officials that will pronounce the deaths after all the photographs are finished and take the bodies of their adversaries away.

"Alright, we can get out of here. On 34th? I don't know it. But guac is important stuff, I take it seriously. What kind of table side thing?" The question is evidence of the gravity she treats food, especially after a fire fight.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Tableside guac," The youth says with a smile, "They make it right there with fresh ingredients so it's better than, you know, frozen stuff that most places serve." Which is a truth, though still it could just be a gimmick.
    That said he rolls a shoulder and motions with a tilt of his head. "C'mon, it's not too far of a walk. We can stroll for a time and we can talk and you can continue to act all mysterious while I contemplate the strangeness of people who actually have jobs and how they consider themselves after they do their job."
    That said he smiles crookedly, then starts along the sidewalk, leaving the madness of the scene behind him. For now at the least.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Imitating an American accent, Jessica says, "Let's get outta here." With a jerk of her thumb, she takes a step, looks back at him and starts toward the street, her high heels crunching in the gravel at the side of the road.