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Latest revision as of 23:27, 4 September 2020

Date of Scene: 02 September 2020
Location: Stephanie Brown Apt - University Apartments
Synopsis: An apartment fire and a broken necklace cause Roberto to realize that Stephanie is Spoiler. He reveals his own mutant identity to her as well
Cast of Characters: Stephanie Brown, Roberto da Costa

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Standing before her mirror, wearing just a pair of navy shorts, Stephanie Brown examines herself in the mirror. She isn't doing the normal kind of mirrored examination, seeing if she looks decent or maybe needs to lose a pound. Instead she's looking at her arm which is wrapped with fresh bandages from just above the wrist to about halfway up her forearm. After that her eyes go to the section of her torso where the impact that bruised three of her ribs has left a very noticeable bruise.

It's that latter spot that gets the most attention. Stephanie rubs in some kind of cream into the bruise. The tube bears no lettering, but it came with Alfred Pennyworth's instructions to apply it three times a day. After that she wipes her hands and then begins running tape tightly around her trim torso, giving the ribs a little extra protection and support.

Though she's dealing with her own wounds at the moment, her thoughts are on someone else's. For the twentieth time she replays in her head the ambush by the Talons serving the Court of Owls, and the fight that ended with Batgirl taking a sword thrust meant for Stephanie before knocking them both off the roof they were fighting on. Stephanie's hand passing the tape about her midsection shakes a little as she remembers how her blows just didn't register with the one attacking her, even when she heard her bo staff break bone.

"Pull it together Steph. This is what they want. To get us worried," she fumes at herself, and refocuses on taping herself up.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto has been parked out front of Steph's for forty-five minutes. The young Brazillain youth sitting in his Beamer and staring at the broken necklace in his hand. It wasn't a fluke, he'd had this piece made for Steph specifically, so it wasn't like there was a rack of these things that the vigilante could have picked it from. This was Steph's necklace. It had to be. Which meant, she was the vigilante he'd seen in the fire the other night.

He shakes his head. It was all too weird, but then again, he was a secret mutant going to a school of other mutants some of whom were a highly trained pro-mutant vigilante task force. The bar for weird in his world was pretty high, but this one still qualified.

Getting out of the car, Roberto slips the necklace into his pocket and makes his way up to Steph's floor, knocking twice, before calling, "Hey Steph, it's me." He probably should have called first.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The last needed wrapping of tape is applied, Stephanie tearing it off and pressing it tight to the rest and then tossing it over onto the bed next to where her medkit is sitting out. She gives her injured ribs a gentle push with her fingertips, resulting in a slight wince.

Finally the blond freshman college student focus on something in the mirror other than her injuries. She does a little turn to the side to see her profile, then back to face the mirror. Something doesn't look right. Not the bandages and tape. She's kind of used to having those.

Stephanie's hand goes to her neck, devoid of her necklace for the first time really since she got it. She'd returned to the scene of the fire, twice already, each time spending over an hour searching for it. She lets out a sigh. "How am I-" she says before the sound of knocking on her door cuts off her talking to herself.

As Stephanie hears who it is, she hurries over to the closet. She pulls out a Gotham U shirt, bearing a resemblance to a woman's version of a football jersey, but with long sleeves that will cover up her latest bandage.

"Coming!" she calls as she hurries barefoot out of the bedroom and the short distance across the small apartment to the door. It doesn't take any effort to put on a smile. After the events of the last few days, seeing Roberto is exactly what she wants. Stephanie opens the door, shining that warm smile at him. "Oh I missed you," she says. "Come in, come in," she says, moving so he can come inside, and closing the door behind him if he does.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Hey," Roberto says, wearing a somewhat smokey smelling jersey and shorts. He'd been back to the fire himself after getting some new clothes, and the smell of it clung to him. He slips inside as well, leaning in to kiss Steph on the lips, though without his usual feeling or passion. He seems, distracted.

"Missed you too," he says he'd texted about the fire and needing to go set up his mom at his uncle Vitor's place out in Bristol. "It's been a day with this fire stuff."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown returns the kiss, though without the normal throwing her arms around him and giving him a tight hug. Instead she just rests her hand on his shoulder, sliding her fingers over to the back of his neck during the short kiss. Cognizant of how it'll feel if he uses those muscular arms to give her the kind of hugs she normally likes.

"You doing ok?" she asks with concern. Stephanie gives a small sniff, just testing the air. "Guessing you went by your mother's place then? Were you able to salvage very much? And you said she's ok? No lasting problems from smoke or burns or anything?" Stephanie asks a little worriedly. She never had a chance to check on Nina after the explosion blew Stephanie off the building.

Stephanie closes the door and goes over to get a bottle of chilled water from the fridge, opening it and bringing it over to Roberto. "I can try to help, go through her place, or help her get set up somewhere else?" she offers. Her hand goes back to Roberto's shoulder, resting there and squeezing as she shows him a concerned expression.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto nods absently, "Yeah, I'm great," he says without conviction "Mom's okay other than having to live with uncle Vitor and grandpa Joe," he says. "She and granddad don't get along, which is fair, he's so shady he doesn't need to wear sunscreen."

Roberto begins to pace a little as he says that but returning to Steph he lets that hand rest on his shoulder. "And nah, it's good," he says about her offer to help. "The family's got it, and mom will be fine with them."

Dark eyes flicking to Steph, he finds himself freezing a little in kicking off the confrontation he'd come here to have. Instead he asks, "How are you doing?" noticing how she carries herself a little differently than normal.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
A quiet chuckle results from the comment about his grandfather, but kept quiet enough to show appreciation at the joke while also not making too light a time of it given it is Roberto's family. "Well, I'm glad she has somewhere safe to stay anyway. If it came down to it I was willing to ask Mom if she could stay. But. Ah. With how well they got along I think you and I should almost be afraid of them spending THAT much time together," Stephanie says with a small smile.

As Roberto's pacing brings him back to her, the girl's expression softens and warms. She reaches her hand up to rest atop his own on her shoulder and give a soft squeeze, though there's a brief moment where the soreness in her ribs at raising her arm like that reflects in her eyes and dims the smile just slightly.

"Oh, I'm good," Stephanie lies, patting Roberto's hand. "A little sore. Helping people move in. You know, trying to make friends," she says. "Worried about my friends," she says more truthfully, as she has been worried about Nina and Barbara both.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto smiles faintly as his joke lands. Somethings never change with him. "She's safe, family's very well protected here," he assures her. "Uncle Vitor has a guard at the gate and everything."

He looks back at Steph then, checking out her wounds as best he can. He moves to gently touch her side, "You don't have to hide it Steph. I know," he tells her finally. "I was there, I saw you."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Barbara and any of the Robins would be proud of how little Stephanie's face gives away at the comment from Roberto. Bruce? Stephanie isn't quite sure if he feels pride. Ok, he does, she's seen it from him with Damian and the other Robins. Not something she's experienced directed her way though.

"Hide? Oh, nothing to hide. Yeah, the guys in the hall flirted, but I only have eyes for one guy," she says. The shirt is covering her wrapped torso fairly well, though Roberto might have been around enough of those sports injuries to pick up on the extra stiffness. Though the shirt the chose, while being long-sleeved, the sleeves keep wanting to ride up, and there's a brief flash of a bandage wrapping her arm a few inches above the wrist, just peeking out now and then, especially with that arm extended to his shoulder.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Truth be told Roberto would have done the same in her spot, deny, deny, deny, he'd had secrecy drilled into him since his first days at Xavier's. "Good to know," he says about her only having eyes for him. "But that's not what I'm talking about."

He reaches into his pocket, producing a necklace as he reaches into his well of solar energy and lets the change come over him, his skin turning darker than pitch while eyes, mouth glow bright like molten steel and a sun-like corona begins to dance around his form. "I'm talking about this."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The reactions pass quickly across Stephanie's face. The sight of the necklace produces a moment of elation that might have led to, "Oh my god you found it!" except before the words come out, the significance of that find stifles Stephanie's speech.

Were certain people here, bets might be lost on that fact alone.

Her eyes widen with the realization and her mouth falls open slightly, then closes. She looks to Roberto and murmurs, "I'm... so busted aren't I?" But then she sees the change coming over him. His skin darkening to return to the appearance of the man from the fire. The one who caught her and saved her life.

Stephanie just gapes at him for a few long moments, mouth hanging a little open again. Eventually that look turns into a soft smile. A smile and there's also relief there. Not just relief to find out he's special in the sense she is. Relief that signals just how much she hated hiding that part of herself from him.

She draws a slow, deep breath and reaches out a hand slowly, giving him a chance to warn her if touching his face would be bad. Assuming it doesn't come she caresses his cheek softly. "I thought there was a bit of familiarity to your voice. But, I'd be lying if I said I knew it was you," she says, her heart racing still.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
As strange as it is Roberto feels free in that moment, just being himself, his full self with Steph. "A little bit, yeah," he says of her being busted as the change finishes and leaves him how he was the night of the fire. He chuckles as he jaw hangs open, "Steph, if you're going to faint let me know so I can catch you or something," he says, before she begins to smile.

When she reaches for him he nods, letting her touch his skin, it still felt like skin, just warmer but not unpleasantly so, like a sidewalk on a sunny day.

"Had no clue it was you until I found this,'" he says offering her the necklace.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
She caresses his cheek with such tenderness, and then breaks out in a warm, soft giggle. "Roberto... I just don't know what to say," she tells him. She moves forward until she can press against him lightly, wanting to feel the contact with him.

"You've already caught me once as I recall. Saved my life," she says, those blue eyes shining with as much warmth as Roberto has ever seen them hold. "Well, at least I was doing something right then," she says as he tells her that he hadn't realized it was her.

That brings her attention to the necklace. She takes it from him if he lets her, handling it like the treasured object it is to her. "I'd been dreading how I was going to tell you I lost it," she says. Though her eyes are pulled back to Roberto soon enough. She lets her gaze sweep his ebony skin. "So you're going to have to tell me a story, I think? About this," she says, brushing her fingers over the dark skin. "And, I probably owe you one myself."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto offers a grin, which in his current form is a slash of molten light across the darkness of his face, he stops pulling on his powers and his whole body returns to normal, the necklace still in his outstretched hand.

"I know what you mean, took me a bit to grapple with your secret too," he tells her, he leans forward and wraps her in his arms for a moment kissing her on the lips properly this time, before he steps away.

"Agreed, about storytime, but we should set some rules. I am sure you have secrets you need to protect and so do I. So even if we might be able to guess some things about others, let's just pretend we can't, to make sure everyone stays safe."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Her arms wrap around him for that kiss. The same Roberto, just the color of his skin changed, and perhaps a little warmer. Stephanie basks in being held, though after a moment she gives a tiny groan. "Ah, three bruised ribs," she whispers in explanation, moving a hand to touch them lightly so he knows which side. "But I'm alive, so that's not a complaint, I promise."

Stephanie looks back into his eyes and she nods. "Agreed. I don't know need to know about anyone but you," she tells him. She looks down for a moment, a few strands of blond hair falling across her cheeks. She gets one of those pretty smiles that just seem to grow outward from the warmth she feels inside. "I'm glad you know. It wouldn't have been right of me to tell you. For the reasons you mention. Protecting those we care about. But... now that you know? I'm so glad you do, Roberto. It's an important part of my life," she tells him.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto breathes easier as Stephanie agrees to the terms, though he makes a face about the ribs. "I'll work on my catches," he says lightly moving to sink down and sit against the wall making room for Steph to join him.

"I get it, I couldn't tell you for similar reasons, when my powers are on I'm sort of distinctive," he says. "Couldn't just say, hey, I'm a mutant and not show you what I could do," he says before letting out a breath. "Complicated, huh?" he says of their previous situation offering her a grin. "And yeah, the whole mutant thing and what I do with my powers is important to me too."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie moves over to the fridge, pulling out a pair of sodas. "We need more than water. More than sodas, but that's the best I've got," she says as she sits down with Roberto and offers him one to replace the bottled water.

She tilts her head to the side a bit, reaching over to caress her hand over his darkened arm. "You're the most handsome man I've ever met, like this or the other way," she tells him as her eyes lift back to his.

"I've had a run of rough luck with the grapple gun lately, so having you around sure would be handy," she tells him. Her hand moves to rub lightly at her arm that he spotted the bandage peeking out from beneath the sleeve. "So it's a mutation then? How long has it been like this?" she asks. Stephanie draws a slightly sharper breath. "The things that have been happening... Mutant Town and Genosha and all of that... I hope you haven't had friends affected by it," she says. "I'd have... I mean if I'd known... I hope I've been here whenever you needed me," she says.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"We huh?" Roberto teases, "Sizing me up as a roommate?" as he takes the water ad then lets himself return to normal, his flesh tone becoming his usual dusky hue his flaming corona vanishing.

"Thanks," he tells her after the change. "And yeah, I'm not hung up on how I look in my other form, actually it's pretty awesome looking." A smirk there.

He laughs, "Well I'm not like Superman fast, so you'll have to bring me along if you want me to catch you," he explains.

"How long? Since I was a kid, happened at a soccer game, some kids tried to fight me and then-" he gestures outwards with his hands. "Woosh. Blew them back like they were standing behind a 747, There was video, but some friends of mine pretty much purged it."

He frowns a little bit about all the things going on with Mutants. "It hasn't really sunk in for me in a lot of ways, but yeah, some friends have been effected, some are dead, but you haven't let me down even if I couldn't tell you about any of it."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie reaches out to brush her fingers through the hair on the side of Roberto's head. "I could do worse," she says of him as a roommate, giving him a soft, shy smile as she sometimes when her thoughts are sent in certain directions.

She looks down at her arm, finger touching over the bandage for a moment and then looking back up to Roberto as he tells her how it first happened. "So, not that I want to pry in any way, tell me if it's not ok to ask. But do your family know? Or are you keeping it secret from them?" she asks. "Not that I'd ever want to do something that revealed you in some way that you didn't want. But knowing if they don't know lets me be extra careful," she says.

Stephanie gets a thought. "So the amnesia. Not really a car accident then, I'm guessing?" she asks. Her fingers brush through his hair again there alongside his head. "And, you can actually fly though. And push people back. You didn't seem hurt by the fire either. THat's kind of handy."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Grinning Roberto gives Stephanie a kiss, "I can promise you the weekends at least. My weeks, are going to be busy. But I'd like to stay here as often as I can."

Roberto shakes his head about prying, "Ask away, can't say I'll be able to answer them all but you can ask." and boy does she ask. Roberto takes stock of the questions and then begins to answer.

"My mom and dad both know, they were there when my powers kicked in and are about the only people who remember it. So yeah, they know I'm a mutant and they're good with it."

Then as they come to the 'accident' "It sort of was a car accident, in that I was in my car when ti happened and it got totalled," he says, "But it wasn't just that. I was taken, people did things to me to see if my powers would get stronger, part of what they did was tear apart my memories," explains looking straight ahead as he talks to better control his emotions. "But I'm better now, mostly."

It's a moment longer before he turns her way, "And yeah, let's see," he lifts his hands to count off on his fingers, "I can fly, push people, I'm really strong, I'm immune to fire and heat I can control temperatures, and I can live off sunlight," he says counting things off his fingers.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Hearing the truth about the accident injects a bit of reality into Stephanie of the fact that Roberto might face the same kind of dangers that she does. Just by virtue of what he is, not even because he's crazy enough to go looking for it.

She takes one of his hands in both of hers, and brings it to her lips to kiss softly. "I wish I'd known. I'd have come to get you," she tells him seriously. Another kiss to his fingers, holding his hand a little tight before she gradually lets up her grip.

"Ok that all sounds really cool though. And here I've been feeding you Big Belly Burger when all I needed to do was open the drapes?" she asks, moving her hands to her hips to give him one of those looks. Yes, one of THOSE looks. Though it quickly slips to a normal smile for him.

"So, do you mostly just keep it under wraps then? Or do you, you know... go do the superhero thing? I don't think I've ever heard of you before. Or maybe I have but I didn't realize it?" she asks.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Trust me it's better that you didn't. The guy who did it wasn't someone even I could take on by myself and he had a bunch of guys with him too. It was messy, people got hurt. So I know you would want to help, but I'm glad you didn't, I'd hate to lose you, especially to someone like the guy who did this."

He squeezes her hands though. "And this isn't a human/mutant thing though, I know you're a badass vigilante who can handle herself but I wouldn't want Superman to go toe to toe with this guy."

The talk of his powers is an easier subject, "Technically yes, but food is awesome and so I still eat it. Besides I need my solar stuff for my powers. Everytime I do things with them it costs a little of that energy, it also makes my skin absorb all the light that touches it, think about it like breathing harder when you're moving rather than sitting. My body knows I'm using that energy so it tries to grab more. It's pretty cool."

"I've done a bit of heroing, I helped fight some of those Brainiac drones, but I'm not a big deal or have my own figure. I tend to keep my powers under wraps because well, I sort of stand out when I use them."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie takes a sip of her soda as she listens to Roberto. "Keeping them under wraps is a good idea," she agrees. "If people know... well, you probably know far better than I. I mean like this guy that came after you. Or even something like SHIELD may want you to come work for them and... well, groups like that I never really know how much they can be trusted, to be honest. Some of them I know do some shady stuff, and not really sure how tell one from another when it comes to that."

She can't help but get a small grin as Roberto calls her a badass vigilante. "Thank you for that. Though most of Gotham still don't even know my name. I mean I should probably be glad for that in some ways. But... you know it would be nice just once if the bad guys acted a little afraid instead of looking relieved when they realize it's me and not... you know," she says with a small sigh.

Stephanie looks down for a moment. "I really wanted to tell you. But I couldn't. And I'd have done all I could to keep you from finding out. But... I'm glad it happened though," she tells him. "I really didn't like having that secret from you, Roberto."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Exactly. It's dangerous to be too public with this stuff, fortunately, when my power's not on I pass as human, guys like Beast have it rougher," he says. "And I get not trusting the government groups, I've heard a lot of stories about the stuff they get up to."

"Sorry for dunking on your codename," he says when she brings up people not being afraid. "You did good work though, getting those people out, you didn't let fear get to you, I mean, crap, I am immune to fire and that was some scary shit," he says with a laugh.

There's a shake of his head from Roberto, "Don't feel bad, I get it, secrets, I wanted to tell you mine too. Just glad its out in the open now, at least between us," a smile then and a sip of water. "So, okay how'd you end up doing the vigilante thing?"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie lets out a small sight as her own reaction to how she got into the vigilante gig. "Well, I told you about my father. It's worse than just that he's in prison," she says slowly. "He's Cluemaster," she says, fingers poking at the floor and her eyes moving away from Roberto in embarrassment.

"He was in and out of prison most of my life. And people knew he was my father. Other kids did. You can probably imagine. Not just a villain but not even a good one," she says with a sigh. "So he would leave clues behind anytime he pulled a job. Intentionally. And then guess what? He'd get caught," Stephanie says, unable to keep the bitterness from her voice.

"Which was fine with me, him being in prison," she says. It's pretty easy to tell it wasn't fine with her once, but now she'd rather that's where he's at. "So, he finally got some help. While in prison. Shrink or something, I don't know. He stopped leaving clues though. And... I'd had enough. So I made myself a costume. And I started following him, and leaving clues behind that would lead to him. And Batman caught up with him and threw him back in jail. I called myself Spoiler. Spoiling my father's crimes," she tells Roberto.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Yeah, I am going to have to apologize for the name crack again," Roberto says when Steph's story is over. He puts his arm around her shoulder and gives her a little squeeze. "I had no clue your dad was that messed up. But I can get wanting to mess with his plans like that."

He glances over at her. "He's still in jail right?" I mean, I'm guessing there's more to the story if you're still doing the vigilante thing if your dad is already in jail."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown leans into the arm that folds about her. "Mmm. Partially forgiven. I might come up with some ways you can achieve full forgiveness though. Later," she tells him, the blues flashing a little playful look over to her boyfriend.

She gives Roberto a slow nod. "Still in jail. Has been for the last year since the last time he escaped, briefly," she says. Stephanie is silent for a moment as if considering how to answer Roberto. "It gets in your blood. Fighting crime. It's not just that. Not just the rush of it. It's that.... ok, these guys need to be stopped. I mean, this city... people don't deserve what it's like. Gotham is, or it should be, a wonderful place. I mean it is. I love it. But, you got the Maggia and then crazies like Joker and Penguin and the rest. How can I not oppose that?" she asks him, looking over to Roberto.

"So, it's been kind of rough though. Homemade gear mostly. I... didn't really impress, you could say," Stephanie says, willing her cheeks to not flush as she can hear Batman's voice telling her she should hang up her costume because wasn't a good crime fighter.

"But I'm getting better. Getting some training and equipment. Yeah I used to use a grappling hook I made myself, tied to a coil of rope form the hardware store. So it's been a big help. I mean... in some ways it saved your mom," she says. She doesn't really think about that, or hasn't, the impact that Barbara's training and improved gear has had on those Stephanie has helped. "Though I guess you could have flown her down too."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"I'm looking forward to them," Roberto tells Steph with a warm smile, before listening to the rest and saying, "Well, it's bad ass you were doing it with stuff from the hardware store, but got to say that grapple gun thing came in handy the other night."

There's a nod though for it getting into your blood. "I think I know that feeling, I have friends who do this sort of stuff and I can see the same passion in them as you've got about helping here in Gotham. I sort of envy that clarity, knowing what you're here to do."

There's a nod about saving his mom, "She knew what you were doing, by the way, when you saved her, she knew you were risking not being able to make it out so she and the others could. She really appreciated it, and I'm glad I was there to catch you, too," he says with a grin for that last bit.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The blond girl leans her head lightly against Roberto's shoulder, pressing in close to him. "Thank you," she says as he says he envies her clarity and passion. "I don't think if I sat here talking for the rest of the day I could tell you just how much that meant to me to here," she says, shining a soft smile up to Roberto.

She sits up just a bit more so she can look at him more easily. As Roberto mentions the events around the rescue of his mother, Stephanie gets a bashful look. Some praise is easier for her to accept than others. "I couldn't let anything happen to her," Stephanie says, looking up at Roberto. "She's your mom. I mean..." she says, trailing off. "She's your mom. And she's wonderful." That kind of says it all to the girl who grew up with absentee parents, one of them an embarrassment in prison.

Stephanie clears her throat to help settle those building emotions in her. "We made a pretty good team," she tells Roberto. "You know if you ever need help with anything, I'll do everything I can for you."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Berto smiles down at Steph, giving her shoulders another squeeze, "Hey I meant it," he says easily as if the compliment was no big deal.

Then with more gravity he says, "Still, thanks for doing what you did, I mean it, my mom means a lot to me. So, anything I can do to help you," he says.

There's a pause, before Roberto continues, "Though guess I can't really mess with people down here, rules being the rules and all, plus some of my friends would start asking questions. But end of the day, if you really need help I'm there for you."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie gives a soft groan after the comment about operating in the area. "Yeah. Certain individuals are kind of disapproving of too much intervention here by others. Which, I can say from great experience." She lets out a puff of air, blowing at some of the wisps of hair that hang along her cheeks. "Though there's some credence to it. The crazies here just seem to up their game when people powers like yours show up," she says.

Stephanie looks down at her arm for a moment, and then slowly rolls up her sleeve. "It is dangerous and... I don't want you to worry. But I get bumps and bruises and... sword cuts... like everyone else," she says, looking down at her bandaged forearm. "So if you see me with some scrapes... I just don't want to worry you, ok? But I'm careful-" she says, before cutting herself off. "Or, I'm lucky?" she amends, as if realizing maybe saying she's careful wasn't quite the most honest answer, the lucky bit given with a scrunged up face that adds a touch of comedy to it.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Yeah, I hear the big name in town is sort of grumpy," Roberto says of the Batman. He'd heard rumours but never met him and honestly was hoping to keep it that way. "Anyhow don't worry, won't use my powers in town unless I absolutely have to," like during the fire. And even then he took care not to be seen.

Roberto reaches out touch the bruise, frowning, "Ouch, that looks like it hurts," he says. "Need any ice for it or something?" not the greatest medical mind our Roberto, but he's genuinely concerned. "And I get it," he says of her taking the risks that she does. "And I'm going to worry, but at the same time you've got to do what you've got to do. I am not going to be one of those boyfriends whose going to want you to stop being you just so he can feel better." Then he grins leaning over to plant a kiss on Steph's lips before he pulls back and says, "Besides the idea of you running around in that costume kicking people's asses is kinda hot."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown lets out a little giggle of delight at the last part, kissing him back and then telling him, "I'm not going to actually admit running around in tight outfits is exhilarating..." she tells him. Ane then just stops silent for a few moments. Because she said she wouldn't admit it!

She reaches up and softly brushes her hand over Roberto's cheek. Soft, baby blue eyes study his face, though seeming to be looking much deeper than that. "You know, I liked you so much when we first met. I kind of figured though, this amazingly handsome, well to do, well educated guy who was a heartbreaker... is probably about as far from the perfect type for me as one could get," she tells him.

She continues to look over his face, though soon her eyes just settle on his. "I was so wrong. I think maybe you are one of the few guys who does get me. Who might accept who I am." She looks down a bit, biting her lower lip. "Which is something I need a little help with myself, if I'm honest." She gives herself a self-deprecating roll of her eyes, swallowing to choke down a little emotion as she lifts her eyes back to him and leans close to kiss him again, very tenderly. She clears her throat again after the kiss. "So no costume for you? Just the color change? Do your clothes change color too, whatever you're wearing all the time, or something you control?" she asks.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
There's a warm laugh from Roberto when Steph doesn't finish that statement. "Nice," he says, stealing another kiss from the blonde before settling back to look at her as she says the rest.

"Well I didn't think this blonde girl from Gotham was going to be a good fit either," he says with a wink. "But turned out I was wrong as hell about that, which you know, I'm sort of glad about," he grins as he takes a sip of water.

"And hey, we've all got doubts, yes, even someone as handsome and awesome as me, but the important thing is we don't let them stop us from being awesome."

He sets down the water to return that kiss just as tenderly, cupping her face with a hand that's damp and cool from the bottle. When their lips part he says, "My clothing tends to darken a bit when I'm using my powers, my skin sucks in all the light around it, but I do have a suit I wear when practicing my powers, it's strong enough to keep up with me and doesn't rip that easily, which was handy with the whole Braniac drone thing."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown sucks in a breath. "You were part of that? I wanted to go up to New York, but stayed to defend Gotham. With my luck I'd have gone up there only to have him come down here instead. And I pretty much depend on the HyperLoop for anything not close by," she says.

Stephanie motions to the necklace which clinched Roberto realizing that Spoiler was in fact his girlfriend. "Is the clasp still functional?" she asks. "I felt so horrible when I realized it was gone. I spent a couple of hours two different days going back and looking for it," she says, eyes on the charm he had made specially for her.

"So anything else we should know about each other? Are you going to tell your mother that I know about you now?" she asks. "Just in case, well, something like the amnesia thing comes up again." She gives him a mock stern look. "Not that it had better. No getting hurt, Mister," she tells him, before breaking into a softer smile again.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto shrugs. "I did what I could. Missed all the big stuff but I punched and blasted some drones so I'm good with it," he says with a bit of a smile at the memory. It was rare he could really cut loose like that. "Plus, the guy that did those things to me, I guess the one good thing that came out of it was my powers got a boost. My blasts are stronger now and I am able to do more before I tap out."

"Nah, it broke when it came off, I still had my super-strength, but we can get it fixed, no problem," he says about the necklace. "Well glad I found it then, would hate for you to get lost because you lost your compass," he says with a glance at the charm.

"Yeah, I'll tell mom," he says. "Not being able to tell you what really happened was bullshit and I don't want to do that again. As for the rest, hmm, I think I've told you all about me and well the rest is all of limits. How about you? Any other secrets you can share?"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie's happiness at the return of the necklace isn't really dimmed by the news it'll need a repair first. She's just so happy to get it back. "I didn't lose my compass," she corrects Roberto, moving her hand back to brush her fingers along the side of his head as if indicating exactly who and what her compass is. "I just lost the reminder of him. But an important one," she says warmly.

She keeps her hand there, fingers lightly brushing his scalp as she nods about him telling his mother. "Yes, it would be good to have that kind of contact. My mother does not know about me though. So unfortunately if something happened, you wouldn't be able to get word to me through her," she says. She lets out a sigh. "Keeping her from knowing has been tough at times. Hiding bruises and all. Though her schedule at the hospital helped with my patrolling at night."

Stephanie looks like she's thinking about something for a moment. "I will need to tell Batman that you know my identity. He's kind of obsessive and... well, it's not a bad idea to know who knows about who, you know? Though I won't reveal your own secrets at all. I'll just say the truth, you were at the fire and realized it was me. YOu're just my handsome hunk of a boyfriend from New York. Is that ok with you?"

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto grins at Steph even as he says, "That's so damn sappy," he says but it's not a complaint by any means. "Glad you didn't lose your reminder then," he adds kissing her again.

"Must be rough, not telling your mom, Anyhow I'll keep your secret around her. Just tip me off on any cover stories you want to use and I'll get your back. Maybe we should go on more rock climbing dates or ride around on motorbikes."

Roberto lets out a breath. "Batman huh?" he says. "Okay, don't need to know more than that," he says on the subject of Gotham's vigilante. "You can tell him I'm a mutant, but just let him know I've heard the rules and I'm going to stick to them."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie smiles at the kiss, her fingers continuing to play lightly in his hair. "Batman doesn't need to know more. Not unless there's a reason. If you want him to know I could tell him, but otherwise? Just it's best if we know who knows. I'm sure you understand, probably the same for you and Doctor McCoy and your other friends."

A soft smile grows across Stephanie's face. "That rock climbing was fun. I would enjoy more of that. And the motorcycle rides too. My new bike is so fast! I mean... ah... not that I would... speed," she says, tugging at the neck of her shirt in a playfully self-conscious way as she grins at Roberto.

"Though I might need to wait a bit," she says. She pauses a moment and then reaches down to pull off her shirt. Not to get frisky, but so she can slowly unwind the tape about her midsection so Roberto can see the state of her ribs by the bruise overtop it. "This isn't all our landing, so don't at all feel bad," she says with a sigh. "I had a fight the next night. That's where my arm got cut and... well it involved a hard landing after jumping off a roof to get away." She leaves out Barbara's part in the fight, but there's a little emotion in her eyes at the memory of the nearly mortal wound, enough that it might be read it was a bad situation, whatever it was.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"I leave it to you, babe, just don't want any misunderstandings with the locals is all," Roberto says, "I am sure they're not too fond of my family connections here. My grandfather is Joe Montes," he explains. His mom's father, and a fairly shady lawyer turned shady judge. Their family runs a major lawfirm downtown as well, one that had defended its share of rogues in the past.

"And cool, adventure dates are good, we can," he pauses, brows raising as Steph takes off her shirt. "That's also go-" he begins before he sees the injuries. "Shit," he says sucking air through his teeth as he examines it. "Wow must have been some fight, you're good right? You don't need to see a doctor, I mean, I bet Hank would be able to patch you up and won't ask what happened." He's already reaching for his phone.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie waves off Roberto's calling Henry McCoy. "Unless he's got one of those Star Trek things you just wave above it and it's all healed? I've already gotten some good treatment for it," Stephanie tells Roberto. She pauses a moment. "He... doesn't have the Star Trek thing. Does he? Because if he did, that would be SO helpful."

She gives her boyfriend a soft smile. "Yeah, I'm ok. There's... some bad stuff going out there right now though," she says. Stephanie's hand moves to rub the back of her neck. "It's probably good that your mom is somewhere secure. There's some drugs that are different than before and causing problems. And... well, I'll just leave it at that. This isn't an easy one to deal with," she says with a sigh.

Stephanie gently pushes Roberto back to leaning against the wall so she can snuggle up against him. "God just being able to tell you that little bit is like... lifting a load off my shoulders," she tells the Brazilian. "I was outmatched. I need to keep getting better," she says, though there's a definite note of determination in her voice that makes one think she is likely going to achieve that if that tone is any indication.

"I've heard of Judge Montes. Never had any involvement. But I don't think that's going to cast you in a negative light. If anyone tried to I'd thump them but good for it, I promise you," she says fiercely.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"He might," Roberto jokes, though he's honestly not sure what Hank has to offer in the way of healing. His lab was usually off limits to students for good reason.

He nods about the drug situation. "Sounds unfun. Just watch yourself, okay?" he says.

"Glad it helps," he says before nodding. "Well, since we're telling secrets, I did get some really good hand to hand training from one of my friends. Probably not as good as you are, since I have powers and I'm lazy," a small smile at that. "But if you need a practice dummy that doesn't get hurt and can throw a punch or two I'm down to practice with you."

He nods about his grandfather, "Not that my dad's much better, but well, you know how it is, can't help family."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie's face lights up a little bit brighter. "I'd love to train with you," she tells him. "It's the kind of thing I'd have to be careful of people thinking I was much of a fighter, if you didn't know," she tells him. "Just give me a little while to heal up. I've got some... ah I think the technical name is 'gunk'... that is helping quite a bit, though I'll probably be another couple of days before I'm ready to get back at it hard," she says.

And her normal trainer is recovering from a near-mortal sword wound that was meant for Stephanie. The thought lies heavy in her head.

"So sometime down the road, when you get control of the company. Have you thought about what you'd like to do with it? What things you might do differently or where you'd want to lead it?" she asks.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Sure, we can let the 'gunk' do its thing before we train," Roberto says, "Would be good to get back into practicing that stuff." He grins and sensing something is amiss he doesn't pry but leans over and kisses her again, a gentle reminder that he's here for her even if they can't talk about what's troubling her.

"Some. Want to help kick out Bolsonaro if he's still around," Brazil's mostly facist president. "Do more to protect the rainforest and the indegenous peoples, and get us into greener tech, y'know embrace the future."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
This kissing thing seems to be something to Stephanie's liking. She lets the kiss linger softly as she basks in this newfound connection with Roberto. This revelation of their private lives that they don't let the bulk of the world see, in Roberto's case, or almost anyone see, in Stephanie's.

"Those are noble goals," she says with a soft smile. "I was thinking... maybe I'd start learning Portuguese. If you wouldn't mind giving me someone to practice it with. And don't mind that I'd finally be learning the meaning of some of those colorful words you sometimes use," she teases. She slides her hand over to Roberto's, gently lacing fingers with his. "Hey, I heard that the Gotham U soccer team plays a lot of pick up games with students this time of year, when they aren't actively practicing as a team. If you want we could go hit the intramural fields sometime and see if they are there, maybe you could get into a game?"

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Hmm that's funny Roberto seems to like the kissing thing too, and doesn't seem to mind it lingering.

"I like to think so, need to do a lot more research to make them happen, I know enough that being president and CEO doesn't make dictator of the company, I still have to answer to the board and they may not be on board with everything I plan to do, so need to find some leverage."

He chuckles about Steph learning Portugese and smiles, "That'd be fun," he says. "Here's a phrase to start with: Eu perdi meu ursinho de pelucia. Você vai pra cama comigo?"

He laughs at the phrase and then nods about the soccer thing. "That sounds fun, I'd love to make the Gotham U kids cry," he teases and almost nudges Steph before he remembers the wound.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie proves surprisingly good at repeating the Portuguese after hearing it just the once, getting all of the words right. Though not knowing what it means. She repeats it to herself once or twice more, as if committing it to memory so she can go look it up later.

"True, the boards do have a say in what can be done, and the shareholders and... ok I really don't know a ton of how that works. I know far more about shell companies used to hide ownership of things than I do how a legitimate company works," she admits. "Not that I'm the best at the other. But, I've been making strides lately." It doesn't hurt, having Oracle as her teacher.

She grins at Roberto and says, "I probably just want to see you run around and get all sweaty, of course." She gives his chest a soft little pat, leaving her hand resting there. "So do you have... what. A Sunspot plane or a Mutant-mobile or that sort of thing?" she asks. "And if so I want a ride!"

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Not bad," Roberto says of Steph's repeating his words. "You even got the accent mostly right," he says.

"Yeah, that's pretty accurate," he says of how the companies work. "Basically I'm supposed to do what makes everyone the most amount of money," he makes a face at that. "And that shell company stuff might come in handy down the line figuring out some of the shady things going on at da Costa. Might need you in my accounting department," he says with a laugh.

"No mutant mobile or Sunspot plane, but then I fly so the last one would be a bit redundant."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
"I spent my first few years tooling around Gotham on my little Yamaha. Covering up the license plate or pulling it off when I'd go out, and afraid someone would recognize it. Now... ah well still the same thing, but the graduation present from my friend at least means I'm faster than most people I'd have to chase," she tells him. "Still just a normal bike though."

She smiles at Roberto and gets a dreamy look. "So what's it like to fly? I imagine if I could do that... I'd probably spend the first year after I learned I could just looking for every opportunity to go flying I could. Is it as fun as it seems like it would be?"

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto nods about the bike. "Well if your friend didn't get you a good one I would have, I mean can't be breaking down while chasing badguys, right?" he teases. "Does your new one have one of those James Bond license plate things? So it flips over to a custom plate that says 'Spoiler 1' on it or something?" he asks.

"And yeah I was pretty stoked when I figured it out, flew everywhere, it's a rush but the shows and movies never warn you about the bugs, it's a definite downside. Also I tend to be pretty easy to spot when I do it, so I don't get to do it as much as I'd like."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie gives a warm laugh. "No James Bond upgrades. But, that doesn't seem like too tough of a thing to manage. I might have to work up one of those on my own," she says of the revolving license plate. She looks thoughtful for a moment as if working out how it might work, before turning her attention back to Roberto as he tells her about flying.

"Oh, yeah. I imagine you need to keep your mouth closed. OR maybe get a helmet," she says of the bugs. "Hmmm, and you get powered up by sunlight? So how long could you fly at night when you wouldn't be as easy to spot, before you'd run out of juice. Er. Sun. Sun juice?" she asks.

"Still, I'll brave the bugs to fly. That is just too cool. Best boyfriend ever," Stephanie tells him with a grin. "Think we could find somewhere you could take me for a flight some time?"

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"I am sure it's doable," Roberto reasons about the plate, also thinking about how it might work and who he could get to make one.

"Yeah, it's okay at higher altitudes, but lower down you definitely want to keep your mouth closed." He smiles, "Sun juice works. And depends on how much sun I get before hand, a little while, less if I'm trying to use other powers as well."

"And sure, I know some spots around Salem center if you want to go sometime," he says before giving her side a gentle poke, "After you heal."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie gives a soft groan, not that Roberto did anything to cause her pain, just at the reminder she needs to heal. "I have a few things I need to keep an eye on out there, unfortunately, to where I can't take it as easy as I'd like. But... school hasn't started yet, so I've got a bit of time still I could laze around the apartment. Watch movies with a cute Brazilian boy if there are any of those in the area. Maybe get one of the upper classman to buy us some vodka or something?" she suggests.

She turns over a bit so she can lean her back against Roberto's chest, her head on his shoulder. Her arm reaches back to loop about and rest on the back of his neck. "Though really, I mean... what's the worst that happens? If you drop me, not like a few bruised ribs are going to alter the outcome, right?" she asks with a grin, tilting her head back to look at him upside with that goofy smile of hers.

"By the way, how good are you with construction, dry wall, stuff like that?" she asks.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
"Sounds like a good plan if you can find one of those Brazillian boyfriends to do that with, I hear they're fairly hard to come by," he teases. "And forget an upper classman, I've got a fake ID."

He shifts to let Steph get comfy against him. "Heh, don't worry I haven't dropped anyone yet," he tells her about his flying. "Well, recently anyhow."

He hand wobbles. "I'm rich, how do you think I am at manual labour?" he asks her. "But seriously, what are you thinking about doing?"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie motions towards the bedroom. "Think I can make an escape hatch through my one wall. The elevators are on the other side and there's room and a vent I can probably get out. Would make nocturnal coming and going better than using the balcony. Though I already installed a switch on the roof there so I can turn the balcony light off if it's on and I am coming home," she says.

She turns and leans up to kiss him softly. "Can work on that another day though. I'm just going to bask in the knowledge my boyfriend is a superhero," she says happily, closing her eyes.