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Latest revision as of 04:24, 6 September 2020

Pepper Is The Best Seasoning
Date of Scene: 06 September 2020
Location: Cafe Lalo
Synopsis: Pepper and T'Challa see the Avengers musical on Broadway, then catch up over a meal. Thankfully neither were portrayed in the play!
Cast of Characters: T'Challa, Pepper Potts

T'Challa has posed:
The door to the bistro swings open as T'Challa holds it for Pepper Potts to go inside before following her. The evening outside is a decent one for September. Temperatures are starting to drop a bit, especially at night. T'Challa is wearing a black suit jacket with a black shirt beneath which is more than warm enough for the evening air.

His lips have been curled in a soft smile since they left the Broadway theater. Any questions about what he thought of it garnered a quiet, "I may have to digest this before I can answer. How about once we reach the restaurant?"

It's just T'Challa and Pepper tonight, as far as either of them known. Though T'Challa fully expects one or two of the Dora Milaje are somewhere in the vicinity keeping an eye on him. They pretend they are going to obey his direction to stay when he goes out, and he pretends he doesn't know they are going to follow him. All so that when he really means it, they'll obey.

The bistro is hopping, but there is a table in a prime spot that has a note on it that it has a reservation. "I believe that would be us," T'Challa says, smiling to Pepper as he motions towards the table.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper is dressed as one should for the theatre. Even if it's not truly what one could even begin to call 'highbrow', she's at least in a dress with a light jacket covering. It's a nod to the changing of the season; she's in greens and blues with darker colored heels. A clutch is her nod to accessories, and her red hair is down, draped across her shoulders. From exiting the theatre, she's had a smile on her face, more of the humored 'what did I just see' sort of thing, and in their brief conversations to the little bistro Pepper likes to frequent, there are more than a few bemused laughs.

As for guards? If the bodyguards are there, it's something that Pepper is more than familiar with. She normally has at least one with her, but he's been given the night off due to, well, the fact the King of Wakanda has guards of his own.

The door is opened and Pepper first opens her mouth in that moment of protest, but it's shortlived. Instead, she ducks her head quickly with a softly spoken, "Thank you," and enters the establishment. Once inside, she turns and waits for her companion, eventually finding her way to the table. Looking back, she offers up one more recommendation for the place, "The lava cake for dessert is amazing," before she puts out a hand to move her chair out a little.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa walks alongside Pepper to the table. "Lava cake it will be then," he says, the man moving around to the same side of the table as Pepper, his hands moving to her chair at the same time hers do to slide it out and hold it for her.

Whoever ends up moving the chair and helping slide it back in once Pepper's seated, T'Challa then moves to take his own seat. "There might be moments, Pepper, when I start thinking about the play. And you may have to pinch me to assure me this is not a dream," he says as he sits down.

"A very, very interesting dream," he adds with a soft laugh. His lips curl up in a smile that is just a bit higher on one side than the other and he shakes his head and gives a soft chuckle. Though the chuckle gives way to a hardier laugh, one that shakes his shoulders slightly before it finally passes.

"However did you manage to stay out of the cast? Surely they realized who it is that /actually/ makes the Avengers function?" T'Challa asks across the table.

Pepper Potts has posed:
The seat is pulled out further by her evening's companion, and a warm smile is returned as she sits down. The acknowledgment of the lava cake, a simple thing, is met with a soft laugh. "If you prefer something else, I haven't found anything that hits a wrong note here."

The chair is moved in, and the cloth napkin is taken from the table and set upon her lap. "If you start thinking about the play again, I promise I will try and bring you to the here and now," is said with that same bemusement. She sits and watches the man with his laugh, the sound easy. She, too, offers a counter to his, briefly, before she draws in a breath for the answer to the next.

"I.." and she pauses for a touch of the theatrical, "...think I'm glad I got a miss on that." It's followed by a genuine smile, and with the compliment that follows, she tilts her head slightly, pink rising to lightly freckled cheeks. "Oh, I really don't." That napkin on her lap is folded by suddenly busy hands. "I just like to make sure they don't have to worry about anything so they can do what they need to." There's a pause before, "I'm not a hero or anything. I just make sure the light stays on. I'm really proud of the work they do. Tony does."

There's a pause before she looks back at the man, and she underscores it with, "It's worth it."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa gives a slight wave of his hand at the mention of something else. "I trust your judgment in the matter," he says of the lava cake in a pleasant tone, "And am looking forward to giving it a try."

"Yes, I am rather glad that they overlooked me. For the most part. I did see a Black Panther amongst the extras in the background of the fight," he comments. "I cannot even imagine what song they would have come up with for me," he tells her. T'Challa's voice manages a soft rasp yet still has a smooth sound to it. Combined with his accent, a mix of African and British English, it would probably be quite the sound to hear singing something. For good or bad!

T'Challa's hands rest one atop the other along his edge of the table. "Heroes have little to do with powers. Many of the most effective ones work out of an office. Or a hospital or clinic. Or a shelter," he says, tiny shake of his head seeming to disregard the claim that Pepper is not a hero.

Before he can say more, the waitress comes over and gives them both menus. "Thank you," T'Challa tells her as he takes his and looks to Pepper. "Would you like a glass of wine?" he asks as he glances down at the selection that the bistro has available.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"It seemed more like a celebrity roast, than a musical," though she did laugh at a few things. Okay, more than a few things. Of course, there were a few people that are 'larger than life' that did get a lot of attention. "Though they did miss a few opportunities." Like Black Panther! A softly breathed laugh exits and Pepper adds, "Thankfully. I think it should be worn as a badge of honor that those opportunies were missed."

Pepper can't help but smile this evening; theatre and food with a returning friend. "Thank you," comes softly but distinctly. "We all have the things we're good at. I suppose it's just the //why// we do it. We're busy trying to figure out how to help others. I honestly don't mind staying in the background, though. I'm happiest there."

The arrival of the waitress also brings a second waitress with the pitcher of water around to fill the proper glasses. Pepper, she's seen before, but the handsome gentleman with her? "Sir.." is given in greeting before she finishes her task and heads back.

"I think a glass of something light," Pepper muses as she glances at the menu. It's going to be a vegetable and fish night! "A blush, please?"

Pepper is going to wait for the waitress to finish with the order before, "It is very nice to see you back in town. Are you going to be staying at the mansion at all? You have been missed."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa gives the waitress who addressed him a pleasant smile before returning his attention to Pepper as she decides on which type of wine appeals to her. "A blush it is," he says agreeably. After a moment of perusing the wine list, he turns to the young woman and orders, "We'll have the Domaine Prieure Roch Bourgogne Rose. Also a plate of the Tuscan frittata with zucchini and swiss for an appetizer."

The woman takes down the order, "Yes sir, I'll be right back with the drinks," she says and departs, leaving T'Challa to again turn back to Pepper. "It is nice to be back," the African man says, his hands gently lacing upon the table's edge again. "There is no place to me like my homeland. Yet, the team is something else. A family," he says quietly in that soft rasp of his.

"I will be at the mansion, yes, though splitting my time between there and our embassy. And frequent trips back to Wakanda. I need to make sure my people know they are not neglected. I want them to embrace my involvement in the world. A first step, yes?" T'Challa tells Pepper. "The mansion staff just completed some preparations on my rooms which I gather had gone unused while I was gone.

His eyes glance over Pepper, taking in her health and her general demeanor tonight. "And how have you been? I have done a poor job of keeping up with my friend's lives while I am away. What is happening in your life?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper moves her attention between T'Challa and the waitress as the order is put in, and she nods her head ever so slightly in the choices. Everything is amazing at the bistro, so there really isn't a bad choice. Just a 'what am I in the mood for' choice. "Thank you," is smile genially to the waitress before her attention is brought back fully to her companion.

Her hands are still in her lap, settled there with the napkin, though one rises to take the water glass for a sip. "Well, we're all better for your being here. And if there is anything we can do for Wakanda," though she pauses as the 'we' emerges, and she clarifies, "Tony and I. Usually, if it's something I hear about and feel strongly about, there are funds, organizations.. we would do most anything for a friend." They've already got the relief wheels moving for Mutant Town; all the purchase orders for food, for housing vouchers, they're all still very active. "But, I'm happy that we can share you with Wakanda." And she nods when adding, "A first step."

There is something of a glow about the PA; her makeup is still in shades of natural, but green eyes are bright, and she's looking healthy. No sense of being over-busy, harried, frustrated.. all those seem to be gone, leaving behind someone who looks honestly happy. "Well, running a country takes a great deal of time. We were lucky to have Shuri in town, but that must have been difficult for you." Pepper knows the siblings are close; she's seen them together, and it's obvious the affection shared. "Work is good. Tony's well." It's simple, but the smile that is there when she mentions his name? "We've had a couple of gatherings for charity lately, which I count as successes." There's a pause before she adds, "You'll have to give me your list so they can be added." Pepper also happens to serve on the board of the Maria Stark Foundation. "That includes funding for tech programs, scholarships and such."

T'Challa has posed:
The waitress is back soon with the two glasses of wine, and a promise the appetizer is coming soon. T'Challa thanks her and his attention is back on Pepper then. "The offer is greatly appreciated," he replies to Pepper as she mentions the offer of aid for Wakanda. "We are well, as a nation. Just I hope we might move in certain directions. A little more quickly than we have been. But, not something that anyone else can help with, I'm afraid," he says quietly.

He picks up his wine glass, swirling it and scenting its bouquet before finally taking a sip of it. An approving little nod is given. He looks back over to her, the mention of Shuri bringing a proud smile to his face. "Yes, I hear she has made some excellent contributions here of late. It is good to be back around her. Well. Mostly good," he says. He leans a little nearer across the table to say in a conspiratorial tone. "You know how little sisters can be," he says, though his warm feelings for his sister obvious.

T'Challa also seems to take notice of the smile that the mention of a certain person brings. "Tony's well. You're well," he says. "You and Tony are well?" he says, though tone making it an observation as much as a question. "I am glad. You bring a lot to his life, Pepper. A lot that I think he needs."

The African man takes a second small sip of his wine. The mention of charities brings a thought to his mind. "I was considering perhaps hosting a few scholarships here. I spoke at Metropolis University recently. There was a student, a journalism student. Thought-provoking. I would like to see more such people given those sorts of chances that education brings. I have been debating how best to proceed," he says.

Pepper Potts has posed:
The wine looks a lovely blush when delivered, and she thanks the waitress as she sets her water glass down. The stemmed glass is retrieved, and once T'Challa takes a sip, she too is tasting it. Fruity, dry, and perfect for the evening.

"If there is anyone that can set the direction for success, it's you," is avowed, and that's underscored with a warm smile. "It's for all the right reasons. A great deal of it undoubtedly comes from fear. It's hard sometimes to see the potential to make something better when all you hear or see is so bad. Some people, it makes them retreat. Others?" Green eyes are bright as she finishes, "See it as a challenge to walk it to the light and show what could be."

Pepper laughs soon after, the wine glass not too far from her lips. "Shuri is a god-send here. And I promise I won't tel her that you're happy to be around her again." Beat. "Mostly."

The mention of Tony brings that fond smile to the fore, and she looks down at her glass for a moment before bringing her gaze up again. "He's not the man most people think he is. A lot of that is show, but you know that." There's no need to defend the man to a friend. If it weren't for Tony and her relationship to him over the years as Personal Secretary, she'd never have met the Avengers much less been something of a part of them, or met the handsome King of Wakanda, much less a show and dinner! She's very aware of that.

It's one of her other favorite topics, charities, that she turns to next. "Let me know," and another sip is taken finally, "I have the contacts for the venues. Perhaps, a student forum? Have them submit an abstract of a posted topic? You could hold them monthly, with different topics for the evening."