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Latest revision as of 18:46, 7 September 2020

Wake Me Up When September Ends
Date of Scene: 07 September 2020
Location: Bullpen - Daily Planet Building
Synopsis: Terry's message gets to Lois. Clark's secret comes to the surface in a feat of crack reporting from beyond the grave.
Cast of Characters: Terry O'Neil, Lois Lane, Clark Kent

Terry O'Neil has posed:
There has been no word from Terry O'Neil since the events surrounding Warworld began. The last thing Lois would have gotten would have been a hasty text indicating he was 'on the field', and then total radio silence.

Which, usually, means that Terry is in the hospital somewhere. Except that, usually, that means Gar would let Lois know. And there has been no word from Beast Boy.

A cunning Lois might have even noticed that Beast Boy's social media accounts have vanished, provided she has had time to look into it.

In any case, thirty-two hours after the last time Terry inputted his code, the deadman's trigger activates, and an email makes its way to Lois Lane's phone, marked urgent.

from: tarryawhile@starkmail.com
to: llane@dailyplanet.com
Subject: Urgent

Lois Lane has posed:
Great, now Lois has two farmboy-esque heroes to worry about mixed up with her work and personal life.

She texted Terry back <<Don't do anything stupid.>>

She is working on the story about the Invasion with the Kryptonians and Mongul's army. Thankfully the Daily Planet didn't get blown up and is accessable. Also it is just easier for her to write sometimes in the chaos of the bullpen after a big news day like yesterday.

Also yes she noticed that Garfield Logan, aka Beast Boy, suspended his Social Media accounts. Which can't possibly be a good sign. Still he hasn't called her to say Terry broke his leg so it may be okay. Not a good sign and she does have a bad feeling about this but still try to focus on the work.

The email from Terry is surprising, she wonders for a moment if he broke his phone but still has his laptop or tablet is all.

The mouse slides over and clicks the email open.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
The email contains a link to a starkmail drive folder. After playing the video, the screen blacks out for a second, and then is replaced by Terry, looking at the camera.

He's still wearing the bandage he was wearing from a light injury he received during the Brainiac invasion, which might help to place the time of the video.

After checking that his phone isn't going to topple over, he leans back on his chair and exhales, drumming his fingers.

"Hello, Boss!" he says, with a smewhat uncomfortable smile, "I bet you're already suspecting this isn't a regular day of me calling in sick at the office."

He rubs the back of his neck, and pauses. "So... there's a whole lotta stuff I gotta tell ya. But first things first... I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if you're seeing this, it probably means something happened to me and I'm..." he trails off, and then he says, "You get the picture. After the Brainiac invasion, I decided to sign up to something they call a dead man's switch service. I have to punch in the code every three days, or a whole bunch of emails go out."

He pauses, again, and reaches for something off-screen. "Why would I do something like that? Well... this is related to the second thing I gotta tell ya."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois leans back settling into her chair.

Then she pauses the video really fast leaning forward and fishing out her earbuds before hitting play again. Once more leaning back to listen to Terry.

"Oh you idiot O'niel.. You set it for a week at least if you are going to do one of these things. You could just be taken hostage by someone.. way too short a timer." yes she is mostly muttering under her breath and talking to herself. Then again, Lois does have experience being taken hostage.

She rubs the bridge of her nose, but she is listening, and also worrying, a good deal now. It is a given that what he is saying means he didn't manage to get too a computer after the fight with the invasionary aliens. Still no one has any breaking news about Fallen Titans yet so there is hope right.

"This better not be a wide distro of these with lots of embarassing things you will regret later O'Neil..."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
It's a handheld mirror. Lois knows what's going to happen, most likely. "So... I haven't been totally honest with you, Boss. You see..."

The transformation happens. The multicolor effects play havoc with the phone's auto-focus, so the Cheshire Cat is in soft focus for a few seconds later.

"So... I'm Vorpal. And I have to be honest, I've been agonizing about whether to tell you or not, or even how to tell you. I can imagine how surprised you must be... and, you're probably going over whatever I've written and wonder whether I've had conflicts of interest. Yeah... I've... been worried about that." The feline crosses his arms, "I hope I haven't screwed up. I hope..."

He pauses, and then he says "I hope that whatever impression I left, it was a good one. I wasn't always like this- when I started working at the Planet, my powers hadn't manifested."

He pauses for a few more seconds, and scratches an ear. "Maybe it's presuming a lot, but I don't just see you as just a boss. It's been an honor to work for you and to learn from you. But you've also given me advice. You've shot straight with me... and that's meant a lot. Heck, you gave me advice when I didn't know how to even approach Gar..." he chuckles and shakes his head, "I can't believe you've put up with me, to be honest. I'm a mess most of the time..."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois groans and glances to make sure no one is around her desk that might have an angle to see her screen. She does have a privacy screen on her laptop but still, as soon as he pulls out the mirror she knows of course what is going to happen. "You didn't update the videos despite having.. Terry." she just sighs, a deep weary sort of sigh.

"I really hope he didn't send look who I am videos to.. many people... because if he isn't dead he is really going to wish he was when he gets out of whatever mess he is in now." she just frowns at the screen. Waitng to see if he has a But Wait There is More moment.

She is pulling out her phone and texting Clark though, to tell him she needs to fill him in on some developments soon. Maybe he knows more about any trouble the Titans are having or what has happened. God knows he can find out.

She also texts Garfield Logan to see if he needs to talk. Got a video from Terry.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"But enough about that. Lois, you've been a mentor, a boss and a friend to me... so I'm going to ask you a few favors." He grins. "Don't worry. They're not big."

"The first one. If ... If Gar is alive," he says, his tone going serious, "If he's alive... can you check on him? If you can't because of your schedule, I'll understand. But I worry for him. He's... he's someone who has lost a lot, and he barely came back from what happened during Doomsday. We've come to mean a lot to each other and..." he sighs, "You know. But if you can check in on him... and if he needs to, maybe suggest any professionals you know who might help..."

A pause. "Or... maybe Superman could check in on him? I- I know that's asking a lot. If the big guy's got a world-saving thing and can't spare the time, I understand. I just... don't want my guy to be alone. And he'll run. It's his reflex. But the Big Guy can find him..."

He exhales. "My second request is... I hope I died doing something good. You know, like saving the world. And that I died in a dignified fashion. If it's not too much of a bother... I'd like you to report on my death, if it comes to that. But, oh my god, Lois. If I got sucked up into a Brainiac turbine or the statue of liberty fell on me... can you... you know. Stretch the truth just a little bit for me?" He smiles. "You're one of three people I trust to report on my death. The other one is April, who... you know. She'd not be in a good spot. And Clark. But he's running out all the time.

He pauses. "In fact... there's something I've been meaning to tell you about him for a bit now..."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois looks back up at the screen from her texting Clark and Garfield Logan and rolls her eyes, just a touch. She is focusing on the task at hand and not letting her worry about Terry consume her. Of course she is checking in on Gar and also with .. Clark as it were about this whole mess. "What a mess..." she mutters, concern just laced in her voice.

"Report your death. first I need to figure out what happened and if you just got busy and forgot to hti your email button or something Terry there is going to be a lot of hell to pay about this..."

Which is when she goes very still, because he just got to something about Clark, pivoting off the needing to tell her something about him for some time now. "Oh.. no Terry do not." she murmurs. She does't know what he is going to say, but she >knows< enough about Clark to now be concerned that he may have recorded words that should not be together. She taps her volume down even further. People have superhearing and even with earbuds..

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"At first, I had to ask myself why he would just cut out at times, leaving at random moments. And then, the whole thing about him sometimes disappearing when there's something big going on." The Cheshire cat sits back in his chair and taps his chin. "Because he doesn't really strike you as a scaredy cat. It doesn't make sense. And then... well."

He leans forward. "I started looking at forums on the internet. And some things some people were saying started to click with me. You know, when evidence piles up in your subconscious and it goes 'pop?' That's what happened. This is something he is probably hiding from you..."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois clicks the volume down another couple of clicks and shifts to make sure no one can see around her to the screen even with the privacy film on it.

She keeps listening, then pinches the bridge of her nose before rubbing it. "Stop popping O'neil." though part of her is pretty impressed depending on where he is going with this. I mean those are some pretty good reporting instincts if he managed to come up with a hypothesis here that is even remotely accurate.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"And, well. Since you two are dating, it's something you might want to find out sooner or later. So that when he comes out to you, you'll know how to help him."

He steeples his fingers. "I suspect Clark might be suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The emergency exits, and the ducking out when something very upsetting is going on? Classic. I stumbled upon a forum where people wehre talking about the things they do hide the condition from others and... what can I say? I saw a lot of what Clark does. He's a good guy, and he's probably a little too proud or embarrassed to tell you. But you can look up some literature and when the time is right, you know." He pauses. And then he says "Well, it was either /that/ theory, or the other one. I suspect Clark may actually be Green Lantern. I know, I know... it sounds farfetched, but... I have my reasons. If he /does/ turn out to be him, though, you have to tell him I figured it out when he reveals the secret to you. I wish I could see his face."

He grins. "Well... that's all I have for you, boss. I wish I could've spent a lot more time at the Planet. Say hi to Kara for me, and Clark, and everybody."

He pauses. "But... not Gary."

And the video ends.

Lois Lane has posed:
"Oh thank christ..." language.

Lois leans back in her chair and sighs a very long, slow sigh of relief. I mean which is a bit morbid because Terry may be dead, but god that build up of suspense there.

She shuts the laptop's lid and just sits there for a very long moment before going back to texting Gar and Clark.

A lot to follow-up on here and maybe not a lot of time to get answers.

This could have realy used a longer timer on it Terry.

Also Poor Clark...

Lois Lane has posed:
The texts for those curious readers out there, were to Clark <<Terry is missing, I think something bad might have happened to the Titans. He left me one of those videos with a deadman switch where he came clean about all his secrets, which he recorded before he came clean in person I guess. Are you aware of any problems with them out there? Any news? Beast Boy seems to have deactivated all his social media accounts Clark.>>

Clark Kent has posed:
Look! Up in the stairs! It's an intern! It's Green Lantern!

It's Clark Kent.

The reporter pops open the stairwell door and adjusts the collar on his blue gingham shirt, heading for his desk with a casual air that belies the fact that he just executed a high-speed flight approach and roof landing and did a super-speed change on his way down. Along the way, his gaze just so happens to land on Lois Lane, and his face lights up with a smile.

He's distracted -- anyone can see that -- and nearly knocks into Perry's assistant, carrying a galley proof to her boss's desk.

Clark apologizes, veers away, and by happenstance ends up right at Lois's desk. "Hi there," he greets her, all aw-shucks Kansas friendliness as he points to the chair in front of her desk. "Mind if I join you?"

Once he's seated, he leans in and says, more quietly, "Sorry. I came straight here -- I thought we should discuss it, but not over texts."

Lois Lane has posed:
The text that was sent could be reporters exchanging notes, like leads, other info, for a story really especially as Terry's article about him being cose to the Titans has already gone to print.

Though it is like O'neil is cursed having an alien invasion the day his story published.

"Good idea." she had gestured for him to sit. She offers him up her earbud even if he doesn't need it then scoots over so he can watch the video from start to finish.

Yes she is 'outing' O'neil as Vorpal to Clark but she knows and trusts him implicitly. It is also good context for Clark's alter-ego to help deal with this mess.

Clark Kent has posed:
Clark leans in closer to Lois, tuckes the earbud in, and turns his eyes to the video, saying quietly as he does so, "It's not security I'm worried about so much as... I didn't want to give you the news, except in person." His tone is gentle as he explains, "The ship the Titans stole... it's gone. Terry was part of a small group that stayed behind to operate it, but they didn't make it off in time."

He reaches one hand over hers, offering a reassuring handclasp. "I went up to look myself. There are pieces that look like they were blasted off, but most of the ship is just gone." Trying to find a spark of hope, he adds, "I didn't find any bodies, so there's a chance -- it's just a very slim one. I don't want to gives you false hope, but that's where it stands." Truth be told, he's barely paying attention to the message; he's focused on Lois.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois ohs.

She turns her hand around and clasps clark's hand in hers now and is quiet for a very long time.

Finally she leans back hard in her chair and just stares at him. Honestly this is the stuff that makes her feel pretty helpless, which almost never happens. She is the one who writes the stories, including the ones about people, good people, dying. It is really sad that she can't do more than make sure they are remembered fondly and given their due in print.

"I see.. I assume you are all going to do everything you can to determine if there is any hope or not." she then just sighs. "He wants me to write up the story about his death... I'll probably be framing it as missing in action and the League and everyone doing everything they can.." her tone is subdued, reserved really. This is far from the first time she has had to do this.

Later ice cream.

Clark Kent has posed:
"That's not just a framing," Clark assures her. "My cousin and I have been spending what time we can out there. The Titans have a couple more people who can help, so we'll be working with them, too. But... like I said, there's not much hope. Maybe we can at least recover their..." He trails off, unable to say it, then shifts slightly to more directly face Lois. There's a slight squeeze to her hand, the merest fraction of his strength, but he has to share it with her.

"Lois, I know that thinking about it as a story to write takes it out of you, makes it something you can have some power over, but I know how you have to be feeling. If you need to just -- I don't know -- /feel it/, for a while, that's OK, too. I'm here for you. We can talk, or -- or go somewhere. Wherever you want. Whatever you need." Clark is doing his own mourning, of course, and unsurprisingly, he copes by finding someone else to help.

Lois Lane has posed:
Deep breath and then she squeezes Clark's hand back. "I know.. I know."

Just not right here. Not right now. Their coworkers all bustling about the stories that need to be written about Amazon encampments and the War of the Worlds and all don't need to see any tears or worry. This is a place for reporters and they aren't the story here.

"Later at home okay Clark..." which means yeah she wants him to come by so they can talk about it and maybe mourn and worry. "Also... I've seen first hand that not a lot of hope still means there is plenty enough."

Clark Kent has posed:
Something about that last sentence hits Clark hard. He has been holding it together himself, playing the part of the superhero, zipping around the solar system and the Watchtower and the Metropolis reconstruction. Lois brings the impossibility of their situation down to a personal level, to something the two of them suffered through and survived, and strikes an encouraging note he hadn't been able to bring himself to. There's a reason he loves her, and that's it: he's a symbol of hope for the world, but when he needs hope himself, she brings it.

He takes a deep breath, eyes suddenly watery, and answers, "You're right, Lois. Thank you. I needed to hear that." He finally refocuses on the video and raises his eyebrows, his composure immediately returning. "My... bowels... are fine."

Lois Lane has posed:
There is a little snort of a laugh.

"He.. uh... had me really concerned there for a moment Clark. With his instincts and crack.. reporting skills." she manages to mostly keep a straight face, but Terry did have her worried he was going to commit to a video like this a real secret.

"Good to know though..." she reaches back out and squeezes his hand now.

"We should probably get back to it though..stories won't write themselves and ... I need to get ice cream on the way home." it will be one of those nights.

Clark Kent has posed:
Clark's warm humor returns; he takes a steadying breath and then grins at her. "I can see why you're... concerned," he says wryly. "Honestly, I just wish I could tell Hal about this."

He pats her hand gently, and nods. "You're right. We both have work to do. I just wanted to check in with you. And I will again, after work." He stands, then hestitates and raises his eyebrows once more. "Any particular flavors you like? Any particular creameries?" He's hinting a bit: you know... outside DoorDash range.

Lois Lane has posed:
"I'll consider my options and text you my thoughts on that Smallville." she smiles amused though. She is picking up what he is putting down and something more exotic than the local options might be a nice treat with all the bad news that will have to be parsed.

"As long as your sensitive tummy can handle it." she notes with some mock concern. She can't help it.