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Latest revision as of 03:56, 8 September 2020

Lazy Labor Day At The Pool
Date of Scene: 08 September 2020
Location: Swimming Pool / Patio Deck
Synopsis: Lazy Labor Day at the swimming pool for Gabby, Hank and Kitty
Cast of Characters: Kitty Pryde, Henry McCoy, Gabby Kinney

Kitty Pryde has posed:
It's Labor Day, and Kitty is taking advantage of the holiday to relax in the swimming pool. She's in a floating chair that has her just lower body just barely submerged. It has a cup holder which is seeing use. Lockheed is sprawled out on a floating inflatable pillow beside her, on his back so his belly is towards the warmth of the sun.

There's music playing on a sound system. Classic rock, but very relaxing songs. Because that's the kind of lazy day it has turned out to be. Kitty's got on sunglasses and a bikini. She takes a sip of her drink, which has a straw in it for extra decadence. "This is the life," she tells the little dragon, reaching over to offer him a fist dap. He gives her some paw back.

Henry McCoy has posed:
It had been a long weekend - a nice weekend. Warmer than average, which tended to wear more on Henry. So it was off to the pool he went! Stepping out into the pool area, he stretches and grins. "How is the water today, Kitty?" He asks, tossing his towel onto one of the chaise lounges. "I'm not interruping, am I?" He wonders, moving over to the edge of the water.

He sits on the lip of the pool, dipping his feet in.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
It was hot and there wasn't much to do inside at the moment. Gabby heads for the pool with the same idea of several others here. The light smack of flipflops heralds her approach as she hops up the stairs already dressed in a one-peice bathingsuit. It was the black and yellow of the school so nothing quite as colorful as she'd wear out at the lake. With a towel slung over her shoulder, and a corndog with some mustard half-eaten in her other hand she grins cheerfully at everyone here. "Great day isn't it?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
"Water is fantastic," Kitty says, turning her head towards him. Not really so much turning as she lets it roll over to that side on its own once she stops holding her head upright. Yes, it's THAT lazy of a Labor Day!

"Thought maybe there'd be more people out here. Though I saw Hambone and a bunch of others heading down towards the Lake. Not wearing bathing suits so they are probably... ah... hard to say. With that group? Catching fish and racing them? Holding a belly flop contest? Practicing waterboarding? It's all about an equal chance there," she says.

Gabby seems to warrant a raised hand. Probably just using up the energy Kitty saved with the gravity-assisted head roll. "Hey Gabby. Yep. Just a beautiful day for the pool," she says. Lockheed rolls over a little bit more as his float is slowly drifting and turning. His movement repointing his belly at the sun.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank nods to Gabby as she arrives. "Perfect day, I'd say. Even with the warmth." He chuckles, easing himself into the water, with a contented sigh. "Hambone?" He blinks, slowly treading water as he does. "And waterboarding? I would hope not."

A grin over at the lazy dragon. "He's going to crisp himself." He chuckles.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney pauses to drop her towel on an empty chair, and take another nibble of her corndog. "Is there another meaning for waterboarding I'm unfamiliar with because I'm pretty sure that's against the Geneva Convention." It's shrugged off for now as she steps over to the edge of the pool where she sits down letting her feet dangle in the water. The corndog wasn't quite finished yet so she wasn't going to just jump in.

"I figured I could use to get out for awhile. I've got this list of stuff I'm supposed to be going over to study to catch up on what schooling my age is like but it's so boooring."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty gives a shake of her head. "Oh no I meant the torture one. I just wouldn't put it past those knuckleheads to give it a try," she says.

Hambone is one of the younger students. With a proclivity for playing video games and coming up with ideas to make himself money. Things like insect races or a snack-delivery service (which involved paying other students to deliver the snacks while he took a bit off the top).

Kitty uses her hands, padding in the water to push herself more towards the middle. "You'll make it through it in no time, I have faith," Kitty says to Gabby, relaxing her head back and soaking in the rays. "Lockheed? Nah, sun if anything will just make him comfortable. He likes lava baths. I've never quite figured out how he feels about the weather, cold weather especially. He goes out in it readily enough, but much prefers being in the sun or by a fire," she says.

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a smirk at the explanation of Lockheed's fondness of the heat. "I suppose that makes sense, breathing fire and being a reptile." Henry chuckles. The Beast floats around on his back in the water. This is clearly the life, no crisis, no battles, just a nice relaxing time at the pool.

He does nod to Gabby. "It can be dry, yes. But it is foundation that will help you throughout life. I am a man who loves learning, and even I need a break from time to time."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney sighs heavily. "Happy Harbor wasn't the greatest but they did at least kind of test me to see where my levels were in knowledge. Like, okay, I may not know much about writing or literature but I can navigate with GPS coordinates. That's got to count for something." A grumpy pout comes, and she bites down on her corndog to the stick this time requiring she pull it off and stuff the rest in her mouth in a hurry. The stick just gets set aside for now on the pool edge.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The warm sun shines down, not so much adding to Kitty's tan but at least helping preserve it for a little longer. There won't be too many more days like this ahead of them. Though the heated pool is always useable, one can't just bask in the sun in Autumn in New York State.

Kitty says, "I wish I'd known you in college, Hank. I mean, ok I would have been a kid. But just watching you study and all. I think that would have been a joy to see. Especially after all the homework you've given me in my life." The latter part said in a teasing joke. Kitty's much like Hank. She's an omnivore when it comes to learning new things.

"The great thing about Xavier's is people understand. We all came at things from some very different perspectives. You'll get it all in time, Gabs. And it's not like this place is ever not interesting. More the opposite," she says.

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast gives a big grin at Kitty and her talk of knowing him in college. "Well, I was certainly less furry." He assures, feet kicking lazily in the water to keep him floating comfortably. "And I was quite the personality. Football, studying, I some how managed to balance it all." He sighs. "It was an interesting time of my life, that is for sure."

"We know everyone has skills - we're just trying to broaden them. I'm not expecting people to leap into scientific escapades like I do, or Kitty. But knowing what we're talking about is helpful. It helps you feel included, feel grounded in more of the conversations and discussions. If that makes sense?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney still grumps a little. Less so than before. Probably because she had a full stomach now, and that was always a good way to cheer up. "I guess. I'm not reading 'Little Women' again though, that was soooo boring." Scrunching her face with tongue out she gives her thoughts on that.

"I don't mind science so much. I did win second place in the science fair last year at Harbor. Alex said I did a good job explaining the potential issues with the Yellowstone supervolcanos, and that the Coke and Mentos reaction was probably a pretty accurate representation of the mess that would happen when they finally go." There's a pause, and she looks sheepish. "Though it did take me forever to clean up the gym after that."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty lets out a laugh about Little Women. "Careful, I'm filling in on English Literature until Scott is back fulltime," she says, though it's a teasing tone. "Hey, the older you get the more you can decide what you want to focus on too. But this way you get a taste of everything. And that knowledge does come in handy from time to time," Kitty says.

She looks over towards Hank. "Big Man on Campus I bet. All the ladies chasing the football star, am I right?" she teases him. "So, speaking of the ladies, Hank? How are things going with that girl you're seeing? High society or something like that, from Gotham?" Kitty asks, obviously having picked up on bits of the story both from meeting her the once at Harry's and other people gossiping about the Hellfire Club gatherings.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Hmmms, nodding. "Indeed. And some of the best discoveries in science have epic clean ups after." The man laughs, amused. "Lord knows I've made my fair share of messes, Gabby. It comes with learning and exploring."

A bit of a clearing of his throat, perhaps a blush under his fur. "Carrie and I are doing well." He says, grinning. "We visited that embasy opening for Miss Prince." Still more gentle splashing as he moves through the water. "I've spoken with Warren, I will be getting a loft in his building so ..." He trails off.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney can only nod along with it knowing they were right. That didn't make it any less boring... And the memory of the science fair was fun. She was glad to have taken the chance with that even if it was just a trumped up version of a volcano display. The studdying and work on it had been genuine as well as the geyser effect she'd created. When the topic turns to Hank dating though, her eyes widen with obvious interest. THIS was a topic she was quite interested in being a healthy teenager.

A soft gasp comes, and she clasps her hands together. "You're getting a place? Together?" It sinks in a moment and she leans forward gripping the edge of the pool as she stares intently at Hank. "Are you getting *married*!?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty gets a small grin as she hears about Hank's relationship going well. She apparently doesn't jump to the same conclusion as Gabby, as she comments to Hank, "It definitely helps to have a place away from the school. Kind of harder for private time if they don't attend here," she says.

Kitty picks up her drink. "Or, you know. Even if they do attend here but let you pine after them for years without doing anything about it," she says with a sigh. Though it lacks any heat. There haven't been any signs of anything between Kitty and Piotr since she got back at the least.

Gabby's question draws a grin though. Kitty just sits back to let Hank answer it.

Henry McCoy has posed:
There's a cough from Henry. "Married? I don't think that's been discussed. And the place is for me... she may stay there every so often, but... I'm not ... I mean." Amazing, for as large as his feet are, they can still be lodged into his mouth. He sinks, dunking himself to keep from saying the wrong thing. Regroup, refresh, all that.

He resurfaces, standing with his feet on the pool floor. "I do love her." He says, with a chuckle, swiping his fur back out of his eyes. "But I don't want to rush things. It is as Kitty says, it's good to have a place away from the Mansion. I wouldn't want to invade her privacy to have her visit."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney blows out a little 'pfft' of air in response to the embarassment. The mention of love still earns a grin from her. "It's a start I guess. But I've never been to a wedding before. SOMEONE needs to have one to fix that." With that she nods solemnly and considers. "Maybe Alex and Emma... I need to check up on them." Lost in thought, she at least doesn't do something like ask why they would need privacy. She does shrug again though. "If she wants to visit and knows what it takes to come visit, isn't it up to her to decide that then?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty gives a small shrug at the question about such a visit, as if figuring that's something for each person to decide for themselves so she's not going to try to venture an opinion.

She takes a sip of her drink through the straw. Lockheed has drifted back over near to her and she reaches over to pick up the little dragon and move him over into her chair. He immediately curls up, in her lap but head up on her stomach. "Really glad to hear it's going well, Hank," she tells him with a smile. "If anyone deserves someone good in their life, it's you," she says warmly.

Another sip of her drink and she relaxes again, a hand going to pet Lockheed's head as he snuggles up against his best friend. "Have dated a bit. I didn't take too much time to do that in England. It's kind of nice actually," she says.

Henry McCoy has posed:
He thinks on that, hrming a bit. "I suppose it is, Gabby. Unless I have an alternative." He shrugs. "Not too many people want to be telepahtically probed - it can be invasive for people." He says, quietly. Henry thinks a few moments. "Even to me, after what happened... it is an option I would likely balk at." A sigh. "I trust Jean, I trust all the telepaths in our home. But... after what Sinister did, I can't get around that."

A smile over to Kitty. "Oh? Should I be a protective friend?" He offers to her with a smile.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney allows herself a nod of understanding when he brings up Sinister. "Yeah. I know some telepaths that are good... and it's kind if nice then. Like reassuring almost. But the rest is ... Yeah. I get that." WIth a deep breath she pushes to her feet only dripping a bit of water from her leg dangling. A smile is flashed both to him and to Kitty.

"Okay I'm gonna go do some stuff," she states simply. "I hope you guys have a good rest of the day!"