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Latest revision as of 19:10, 14 September 2020

A Swing And A Mis
Date of Scene: 14 September 2020
Location: Park Row - Bleake Island
Synopsis: Misfit stops a bank robbery! Mostly. At least thirty percent of an armed robbery. Spoiler and Orphan might have helped though. A bit.
Cast of Characters: Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Gotham Central Bank. If you're going to rob, go big, the robbers told themselves as they entered. Masks went on, guns came out. They looked like superheroes; Spidey on the shotgun, running up to the tills. He brandishes it wildly, people hit the floor. Supes has two pistols and stands by the door, his eyes on the guard. The guard, paid too little to risk his life, huddles under a counter. Not much use. Big Green Hulking guy has something fully automatic...you get the idea.

"Everyone on the ground, nobodies gets hurt." They do, this is Gotham. With Robot Man in the car waiting outside, there's not a lot to argue.

This is when the heroes should arrive. If they do.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Spoiler races across town on her motorcycle. It's not a Batcycle, but it is a high performance vehicle. If there are any police who spot her on the way, the cape flapping behind her seems enough that they don't try to chase her down for exceeding the speed limit, or running red lights. Carefully running red lights. She doesn't want to have a memorial in the Batcave that consists of her image stuck on the front of a city bus.

<< Spoiler responding to the bank robbery. Send Orphan a map would somebody? >>

Soon she's pulling up to the bank and heading for the side of the building. A grapple gun shoots a bat-shaped head up at the top of the building, allowing her to scale up the side and then walk across the side of the building to where she can find a window with a view of the main floor, letting her check out the scenario inside.

<< Looks like Spider-Man, Superman, Hulk, not sure about the rest of the Avengers and JLA, have turned into bank robbers. Hint, they aren't the real versions. >>

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
The silent alarm has gone off, it is the late night hours in this branch, so it is shortly after dusk instead of broad noon. Bats and assorted Gothamites don't seem to really do noon as well right. The cops haven't got here yet though... en route of course but hostages right if they get here before the chase scene.

What is likely a knockoff bat-a-rang goes sailing over spideys shoulder and thunks right into The Big Green Hulkling's forehead. It stuns and confuses him, but doesn't disarm him. It isn't sharp even. Maybe it is one of those bat-a-rangs off ebay.

"You jerkfaces are dishonoring real heroes right now and you all need to knock it off!" which isn't much of a battle cry. The culprit throwing them stepped out of the restroom by Spiderman, who swears he cleared those and swings a kick right at his face while wearing clunky boots. With surprising accuracy. "Darrrk Vengeance!" also a bit of a hiss, which is questionably a better battle cry.

The clearly teenager is in a homemade Batgirl-esque costume.

Someone sure as heck looks like she is going to be shot.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Robot Guy in the vehicle outside sees something through the window. He's here, even if he is just the driver. His discount plastic mask has none of the bells and whistles that the real Iron Man's does, but he can still see through the little holes. "Crap," he says. He can't see how oddly dressed Misfit is, he just sees 'Bat' and reaches for his rifle.

Inside the bank, Spidey (not to be mistaken for the real deal) gets himself a boot to the face! He falls over, but he is far from alone. Supes grabs a hostage, a nice lady in a pencil grey skirt. "Bats!" he yells, as Spidey scrambles to get back to his feet. "Plan B!" Get it? B for Batman.

Then Hulky frowns, aiming his machine gun at Charlie. "That ain't no Bats," he says.

And all of them aim at her then, no longer terrified. That ain't no Batman.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
"Shoot," Spoiler says as she sees one of the bank customers is beginning to fight the men inside. "Going to get someone killed," she says. Even as she reaches for something in her utility belt, she peers closer. "Is that a Batgirl costume?"

Spoiler never answers the question. She presses something to the window and then grabs the line of her grapple, pushing off hard to swing herself out away from the building. A quick press on a detonator on her belt and the bullet-proof glass shatters just as gravity exerts itself on Spoiler and swings her back down on the line towards the now open window.

Any remaining crumbles of the glass, thankfully not sharp, are knocked aside as Spoiler swings in, landing on the island in the center of the bank where people can write and prepare their checks for deposit.

"Heard there's an alien invasion over in Metropolis you guys are needed for," she says. "Hey, Hulk doesn't use a gun!"

A batarang, the real variety, is already flying through the air, hitting Hulk in the hand and letting out a intense shock that will numb his hand to unusable for a few minutes.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
I mean the costume probably doesn't stand up to actual inspection it is true. It is very low budget. The cowl is hand sewed and made from maybe a blue jacket. The cape looks very similar. Like things tossed out behind a craft store perhaps. The T-Shirt is an actual honest to god from a thrift store classic Batgirl with the logo shirt. The belt, yellow but no utility pouches. The sneakers which left a very nice converse sole print on Spiderman's cheek, also not regulation.

Are there even regulations for Batpeople.

"Uh." is the response as everyone turns guns her way and one person takes a hostage. "I am too a Bats... person..."

Pause for a moment.

"That.. is a lot of guns." she observes.

Then there is crashing glass and an actual regulation Bat person comes crashing in with witty banter on a grapple line. Like a totes real one and a real batarang.

"Woah..." Charlie says wide eyed as she gets distracted watching Spoiler sail in.

Her reverie is broken when Super Dude shoots his pistols at her "Ack.. Villains!!" diivng back to the bathroom under the pistol shot... "Ow!" and well is gone into the bathroom.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Spidey turns, his shotgun raising. Unfortunately he doesn't seem to have the webs in his loadout, yelling, "THAT BE A BAT!" as he tries to sight Steph. He fires once, the buckshot spraying the walls; pro tip folks, if you're in a shootout, get down like these smart shoppers did! None of them get hit, they're pasted to the ground.

Supes, firing from behind his hostage, chases the new girl into te bathrooms with a hail of bullets. He stays behind his protective female abductee, wheeling her around to keep her between him and Batgirl. "Shoot her!" "I'm trying!" yells the Guy in Green, his hand gone numb. He's dropped to one knee, his right hand gone numb. "Just need a moment..." With Spidey still armed and Supes with a hostage, it's still rough here.
Outside, Iron RifleMan comes up on the window. He knows that the tint will hide him pretty well, but he puts his back to a section of concrete anyway. "Batman is inside, Bats are inside! I can be the man who kills the Bats! I can do this, I can do this!" He closes his eyes and takes a calming breath.

Misfit, in the washroom, might see it. A man outside, raising his Iron Man mask to get a bead on Spoiler. His rifle coming up. The moment when a bullet should come crashing through, and then...

The glass from the outside shatters, blown out from the man being thrown through the window by something behind him. And then a lady in a dark hoodie walks in from behind him, the man's body sliding across the floor.

She does get their attention well.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
There is a hsss, one of more pain than Dark Vengeance in the bathroom. Also the guy is still shooting and trying to chase her in there.

She does notice the rifleman out front and is about to do something, but ..well someone else seems really on top of it.

There is a small slash of pink and purple smoke in the bathroom which disappates rather quickly.

There is another slash of smoke entirely hidden under one of the big tables people right checks on near Spiderman. Then two yellow gloved hands dart out and grab Spidey by the ankles and give a hard yank pulling him clear off his feet.

He does shoot the gorgeous ceiling and hit the back of his head probably on the marble floor.

It is really surprising probably for Spiderman. "The real spiderman wouldn't hit his head!"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
"I wonder if my first costume looked- ack!" Spoiler says as she has to do a somersault off the elevated surface to avoid the buckshot that faux-Spider-Man sends her way. "I thought you were supposed to be a FRIENDLY neighborhood... oh nevermind!" Spoiler says, grabbing her bo staff off her utility garter. It extends but then separates into a pair of batons.

Seeing Spider-Man go down, and the hostage-taking Superman occupied on shooting towards the bathroom, Spoiler lunges forward. Her batons move in quick succession, landing three blows one after another to Superman's head, then another to a wrist causing him to drop one of the guns.

Then another blow, this one coming up between his legs and doubling him over. "I really hate hitting the Man of Steel from behind. But HE DOESN'T TAKE HOSTAGES." The hostage is pulled free while Spoiler slams a baton down on the final gun hand, disarming the would-be-alien who won't be siring more Kryptonians for a few days at least, after that blow to the family jewels.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Supes goes down almost as hard as Spidey, though admittedly Spidey at least only got his head bashed; he seems like the one with the better part of the deal, ouch Spoiler! Still, the way that the Dark Vengeance moves is unnatural. It gets past barriers almost as well as Steph.

Hulk, trying to get his weapon up, aims as well as he can. He sees his team go down and the Iron Man guy that is their getaway skid across the room..and he panics.

"Won't take me alive, Bats!" he yells, making everyone in the room wince. Not just because of the cliche, but if he's that terrified, well. He could do anything.

Luckily he just aims his machine gun at the people on the floor, his move slow and painful to watch. Still walking through the window frame, Orphan's eyes widen. She starts to run, sprint really, but she won't be fast enough. She can clearly see that something's about to get serious, and her unmasked face has gone from its usual calm to panicked.

Somebody stop him! She's yelling it with her actions.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie dragged Spider-Guy under the table after his head bounced off the floor and there is the dull sound THUNK of a fist into someone's face bouncing his head off the ground one more time for good measure.

As the Incredible Bulk turns and brings his gun to bear on the hostages on the floor cowering there is a smoke bomb that goes off behind him. The exact nature of what just happened is .. very hard to say....

What is very clear though is Spiderman's shotgun is swung over his head and then jerked back under his chin with two yellow gloved hands hard reeling the huge guy backwards.

Charlie has surprise and a good grip on the gun... she was not really for him to topple backwards on top of her though as he shoots up the historical ceiling.

The Gotham Historical Society will have a heart attack, and probably a fundraiser.

At the end of the crush there is a wheeze as Charlie tries to breath and keep her grip on the shotgun choking the big guy out "God.. you are chonky!"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Spoiler turns towards the last man only to see a set of smoke pellets go off behind him. Wait, those weren't smoke pellets. Not of the Bat variety. Too little smoke, and then Spoiler sees the would-be Batgirl there!

She starts to run forward towards Hulk and the young vigilante. The gun goes off, hitting the ceiling and chunks of debris rain down. The ones that hit Spoiler only sting, but it's the one that lands beneath her foot that is the real issue.

Spoiler's foot slides out from under her as she's running forward, resulting in something like a drifting back flop onto the ground near to fake-Hulk. "I hate you gravity," she groans, struggling to regain her breath. She lifts a baton to swing it at the villain, but there just isn't any strength left in her arm after that fall. Instead she fumbles at her belt pouch and then slams her hand into Hulk's leg. When her hand comes away there's a dart in his leg, the end making it appear like something that a tranquilizer gun might shoot.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
A heartbeat later Orphan leaps over Spoiler and Misfit both, tearing the machine gun out of Hulk's not-so-huge hands. She slides to a stop a good five paces away, her face firmly grumpy and in a position where she could turn that weapon (which she holds really well) on the original owner.

She looks down at Hulk, Misfit holding him in place with Spidey's shotgun, and the look in her eyes is murderous. And she does, in fact, turn the muzzle of the fully automatic weapon his direction. If looks could kill, there would be bullets flying.

"Wait," the Hulk coughs, not sure what's going on. His whole team is down, he can barely breathe, didn't even notice the pain in his leg, and then...she's aiming. She's aiming it at me! "No! Don't...don't!"

Orphan snarls, then tears the weapon away from his heart, and snaps it over her knee. Snaps a machine gun, over her knee. The guy is crying now, unable to move, and...his eyes start to close. Misfit finds it easy to hold him suddenly. Then a trifle. Then he's out cold. And heavy. Too heavy.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie peeks past The Bulkster there unsure for a long moment if the guy is going to be sufficiently like a bulletproof vest or not. "Uh." and then Orphan is snapping the assault rifle over her leg breaking it. "Woah."

Not that she doesn't keep choking the guy out, which ... hard to say.. either that or the tranq dart does the guy in, regardless though he is unconcious and heavy on top of her.

"Guh.. get... off me..." she notes and wriggle scrambles until she is out from under him leaving the gun on the floor that she used as a choke out bar. "That was Totes an Epic Team Up.. good job Bat... folk..." she honestly isn't sure looking at the outfits the two of them have right now. I mean it is Gotham. They do look like scary vigilante types. Also the robbers seemed to think they were legit.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Spoiler slowly gets to her feet, groaning. "Evade shotguns and machine guns, only to be done in by a chunk of crown molding," she grumbles, a hand going to her back as she stretches to one side and the other.

She looks around the room, where the bank employees and customers are starting to get up finally. "Everyone, please gather over here, and wait for the police," she says to them.

The blond vigilante looks to Orphan. "Do you want to- right, I should do the talking to the new girl," she says, "You bind the bad guys up?" Spoiler tosses Orphan some ties for their wrists.

She walks with only a slight limp over to where Misfit is lying beneath the large, unconscious bank robber, bending over, hands on her knees because ouch that hurts her back. "So... yeah. Appreciate the enthusiasm and all. Kinda gets me right there," she says, tapping her heart. "But really, a lot of people could have gotten hurt. People without training..." she starts to say. "Oh gah, how can I even say that. Look, it's dangerous. Really dangerous. This isn't something you should just make a costume and go do." More pangs at saying that. Spoiler pulls Hulk off of Misfit and reaches down, offering a hand to help her up.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Orphan snags the ties out of the air almost without looking, a motion she makes look like art. She's just like that, her face slowly managing to get back under control. She did not like that, aiming weapons at innocents. Her angry face is REAL angry.

As usual she barely looks at Misfit, the concept of talking to someone as alien to her as the moon is from the sun. She hunches down, slapping the knee of Spidey so he's made accessible under the desk where Misfit but him, and drags him out enough to lash him to the desk itself. Takes her a few seconds, but her motions not being at full speed mean that she's not concerned about further enemies at least.

She stands up then and glances at Steph, and at Charlie. A frown hits her face and she walks over. Then she...

Puts her hands on Spoiler's back and shoulder, lifting underneath the shoulder and pressing on her back. A popping noise happens as her face calmly appears behind the bat-fam member. And then she lowers Steph, letting her take her own weight again...

And goes over to tie up the faux hulk next, having popped Steph's back by instinct.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie gives the hulk masked man a kick in the head solidly when he is pulled off her completely, wriggling can only go so far right. Then she accepts the hand up and seems one hundred percent undeterred. "I mean.. yeah there were like.. way more then I thought there would be but I guess you bring a lot of people with you when you are robbing a bank..."

Now that the redhead is on her feet she just looks around at all the nasty masked men being methodically and very professionally ziptied up for the cops like that. "Wow.. she is really good at this." she notes chipperly.

Stephanie's admonishing, even if it is hitting Stephanie right in the heart, words seem to be sliding off the teenager like rain on a duck's back or whatever colorful metaphor you might like. She just seems absolutely thrilled about it all. Turning to take it all in. Mostly looking for her batarang.

Finally doing this heel turn back to Stephanie. "Seriously Epic. Good job team." she nods half to herself honestly not just Stephanie "Lets see... ah there it is" walking over to pick up the obvious replica. "We should probably Ghost before the GCPD rolls up on us."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Spoiler glances over to Orphan, seeing her approach and then taking hold of her. Stephanie knows not to resist, just relaxes and then suddenly. "Oh WOW. That's- wow, holy hell," she says, just managing to not use Cassandra's real name.

She turns, side to side, pivoting and testing her back. "So much better," she says, flashing a huge smile at Orphan, and if allowed, slipping an arm about her to give a quick hug, expressing her gratitude in a way she's sure Cass will understand. There's some obvious caring there between the teammates.

She turns back to Misfit then. "Yes, speaking of, we should get out of here and probably have a longer talk about... not doing this," SPoiler says, waving a hand about at the scene of the bank robbery. "How were you even here in that getup, anyway?"

Cassandra Cain has posed:
But when Misfit puts her hand on the batarang, she finds it hard to move. There is something on it, something heavier than her hand. She'd look up and find a boot, attached to one of the Bats. The maskless one is looking down at Charlie, her eyes serious. She hasn't said a word all night, how can she be so damn..expressive?

But she slowly lifts her toes, letting Charlie pick it up. And then she turns her head to motion at the exit. Something in her says that this isn't over.

But thankfully it is for tonight. And she turns, looking an upnod to Stephanie. Time to bail.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie peers down at the boot attached to one of the Bats standing on her knockoff Batarang. She hesitates and then well the boot moves and she picks it up. "For a second I thought you wanted to keep it..." she says with a grin. "I think your friends are a little better though."

She glances over at Spoiler then back to Orphan.

"Hold on dropped something in the bathroom" she jogs that way.

"Oh... I got here... uh.. misdirection.. skullduggary.. tricks of the trade..." is she just saying things that she heard in a movie. I mean it sounds like cliche movie or TV show lines really.

The teen gives the bathroom door a hard shove vanishing inside. The door slams with the force of the entry shove, and then bounces back open.

Thing is when it bounces open there isn't anyone standing behind it.

Skullduggary indeed.