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These were the voyages of the Space Shuttle Enterprise
Date of Scene: 16 September 2020
Location: Hell's Kitchen
Synopsis: When an inter-dimensional slimy tentacle monster attempts to relocate to our Earth, Replica and Supergirl are there to stop its psychic attacks from destroying the world.
Cast of Characters: Kara Danvers, Daisy Johnson

Kara Danvers has posed:
The large black trucks were conspicuous enough, but the four SUVs that drove with them really drew the attention of those on the look out for trouble. Unlike government vehicles, these ones had no markings. They are ignoring red lights and they chose the perfect time, 3am, to do it. They seem to be on a mission and are headed toward the docks. They just crossed over in to Hells Kitchen territory though.

The lead truck smashes through the boom gate of the Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum. A pier that had been turned in to a museum where they house the submarine USS Growler, and of course the retired USS Intrepid. But also in a hanger set up specially for the exhibit, the Space Shuttle Enterprise. It's a very cool exhibit.

The trucks come to a screeching stop as people dressed all in black like ninjas but with guns jump out of the SUVs. They make quick work knocking out the security guards and one of them takes out a laptop and begins hacking the security systems.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Quake-ahem...., REPLICA, was still getting used to all this vigilante business of going out at night in the new outfit. Granted, she was used to SHIELD but this was a different thing, going on her own or with Daredevil without her 'family' to rely on. It felt weird, and made her feel 'naked' in a way but such was life..

Those thoughts sort of breeze away when she notes those SUVs driving past, ignoring red lights.. They gave a peculiar sort of vibration that she wasn't used to finding during her nights out.. That feeling of rush, intention. This wasn't just speeding. This was something else.

Daisy puts one knee down, gathering up her vibrational powers and then launches herself up in the air, flying across Hell's Kitchen while she approaches the area from above. Surveying first. A frown when she notes the security guards being knocked out.

Kara Danvers has posed:
The group is efficient. The flood lights for Pier 86 shut down from the back to the front. The side panel of one of the trucks drops open and a customised bobcat drives down a ramp. More people jump down. One of the men in black rushes over to the museum door and starts to cut through the lock with a blow torch. Another two people approach a gate and start cutting through its bolt locks. Several men fan out and begin to check that they have the location secure.

Four of the men kick through the door to the museum and rush in with guns drawn, doing a sweep and check of the building. It's easy to spot how this group is configured - engineers, hackers, fighters, specialists. It seems everyone has a job and they are working together like clockwork.

The Intrepid is covered in decommissioned planes, even an SR71 sits up there. At the very end of the pier is a concorde, and several attack boats. They seem to be ignoring all these vintage planes and boats, even the submarine. The customised bobcat drives up a ramp on to the deck of the Intrepid.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
This is certainly not the usual run-of-the-mill robbers that one would be used to around here... It makes Daisy narrow her eyes from under the goggles of her mask and starts descending down in a slow manner, reducing the sound of her own vibrations that propel her through the air so as to not be easily overheard...

And all that SHIELD training comes to the fore. No rushing in, not just yet at least. She needs to understand what these guys are doing here, and assess their weaponry as well. Way too many stories of dead vigilantes that just went headlong into danger just to die with a stray shot..

So she lands atop one of the planes that the group rushes by, crouching down in the darkness and watching, one knee on the ground.

Kara Danvers has posed:
The top gun era jet proves to be good camouflage as they make their rush past. The guy with the blow torch starts cutting through the locks of the hanger to the Enterprise. In no time at all there are several pulling the large hanger bay doors open. Within, the preserved space shuttle Enterprise: OV-101. The bobcat is parked in front of the shuttles nose and several men start taking out wires and hooking up batteries to it. They are preparing some sort of device for the shuttle.

The men are equiped with FN P90s but one or two of them have an odd alien looking weapon at their hip as well. One of those men seems to be in charge, "Faster," you hear him whispering to the group as he checks the watch on his wrist, the face of which is under his wrist instead of above it. The accent sounded American though.

One of them lookout glancing over the bay taps his ear and speaks softly and suddenly the entire group stops their work and they drop down. A NYC police patrol boat putters down the river and sweeps its light across the pier. As soon as it has passed, they are up again and continuing their work. All up, perhaps a dozen people are involved in the operation.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Ooo, Top Gun! There is a quick glance inside the cockpit, noting the helmets on the pilot's seats. Cool! Hey, she only saw these in the movies! But then it's back to focusing on the group. And they want to take a space shuttle?! She frowns at this, taking note of that alien weapon and then begins to make her way closer... She drops down from the airplane and edges ever closer, shadow to shadow like a ninja.. Hey, she has trained with Daredevil!!

And to be honest, the suit helps too. It's rather similar to Daredevil's in making, protective but instead of red it has a dark blue and black motifs, fitting to the body and clearly armored in various parts of it even if lighter than what Daredevil's would be. As for her face, the lower part is covered, along with a pair of goggles in her eyes. It leaves her hair in sight, held up in a ponytail behind her.

And now she is closer, looking for those on the edge of the group so she can begin weeding them down, perhaps take one or two unaware before they notice.

Kara Danvers has posed:
The leader of the group gets a thumbs up from one of his engineers. He touches his ear piece and speaks softly. Back at the SUVs, a man steps out in a suit. He strides casually through the doors, up the ramp, across the deck of the Intrepid and to the Enterprise. The crew are keeping their eyes peeled as the person who pays the bills does this.

He approaches the space shuttle and adjusts his tie, almost like he wants to make a good impression. He makes a motion with his hand and the engineer at the bobcat throws the switch.

There is an intense vibration from the electricity as a wild green and purple beam starts to pulse over the Enterprise, nose cone first, emanating from the device on the bobcat. Several of the crew turn to watch, which leaves them more open than they were moments before.

Supergirl has had a heck of a month. Fighting Brainiac, rescuing Kandor, fighting Zod, losing Kandor, getting beat down by Ursa, then losing four team mates. She has been pushing herself to the very limit every single day, only stopping to rest because she made a deal with her team mate the younger Hawkeye.

Her trip back from the Iceland leaves her hovering over Manhattan suddenly as she hears that very strange sound of energy. She turns slowly in the air, listening for direction. Somewhere down there, near the west side piers. She begins to approach quietly wondering what could possibly make such a sound.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Clearly these guys were pros. But so is Daisy! So when their attention goes to that beam that begins to hit the enterpries it's when she makes her move! She finds one of the guards on the outliers and wraps one arm about his head, pulling him out. A simple chokehold, one hand covering the mouth so no screaming and the other strangling the neck. No, she isn't going for a kill blow! Just to drop the man unconscious..

She does so, putting the man on the floor once she has accomplished it and steps in... But then no more time for subtlety... She brings one arm up, pointing it towards the large group (mostly those with the p90s) and lets it rip! And by ripping we mean she unleashes a shockwave through to knock them off their feet if she can, the ground rumbling as her powers manifest.

"Stop!" She orders them, but doesn't wait to see if they comply, already rushing in at full speed to knock against one of the men.

Kara Danvers has posed:
The man Replica grabs struggles and throws a few soft punches. He even reaches for a knife but she has him and he is soon out cold. Professionals indeed. When the cloak and dagger is relinquished and the shockwave knocks back a group of them, the rest lift their guns and point toward the vigilante.

The leader lifts his hand and motions to lower and the group slowly dip their guns down to the ground, but they don't exactly stop. The energy beam keeps whirrling against the Enterpise. The man in the suit takes off his hat revealing his bald scalp and humble face.

"Greetings, as yet unidentified hero of New York. You are no doubt wondering what it is we are doing here. Allow me to explain. You see, my name is Gunther Argent and I am not from your world. I am from a .. parallel .. world. A world much like your own, or, it was. Before the Zhed'Zhud'Ger'Uth arrived. His glorious madness enveloped our world and sent most of us mad." He smiles almost kindly, the man has a peace about him, "But some of us escaped. I ended up here."

The energy starts to pulse creating a circular rim between the bobcat and the enterprise. "On my world, this space shuttle launched in to space where it encountered ZZGU. When it returned to Earth, it brought the creature back with it. On your world, I have learned, this space shuttle never went to space."

Supergirl lands on the museum roof top and listens to the explanation Replica has managed to earn from their group leader. She peers at the energy ring and murmurs to herself, "Then what is that he's making?" Her eyes peer down at the black trucks and she peers through, seeing another half dozen men and a massive chain gun awaiting in the second truck. "Hm, doesn't seem like they're here on a peaceful mission of exploration."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
When they don't seem too keen on shooting back at her Replica sort of slows down on her run towards the group.. Well, that's different .. She is still attentive though, ready to bring one of her shields up if needed to cover herself from being riddled with bullets. But she is at least listening. A brow raises up at the name the man offers.. And.., parallel dimensions? She has heard of a few things related to that.., other dimensions where some people have found themselves falling into theirs.

They even have a certain item in SHIELD custody which was used to stabilize an hero from another universe to become part of their reality!

"Well.., Gunther. I got no idea what you are trying to do here though.." she frowns. "Make sure the creature isn't found ..., or..?" she eyes the man suspiciously.

CULTIST ALERT! . o O (That's what goes through her mind)

Kara Danvers has posed:
With a sudden *whompf* the ring of energy creates an empty space between it. There is some sort of hanger on the other side. The remnants of a NASA Space shuttle. The building looks in ruins. There are long dead bodies on the ground and bullet casing everywhere. The air has a haze to it.

Gunther motions to the portal that has opened, "I am doing what must be done. I am sharing the glorious torment and insanity of ZZGU with your world next.. and the next after.. and the one after that.. all must bath in the magnificence that is ZZGU."

An inky black tentacle licks around the edge of the energy portal, slapping down on the concrete on our side. A mucous oozes from its pours and the sounds of an animalistic guttering call to war is heard echoing through the air. It's hard to look at, some sort of psychic emanation begins to pulse from the portal. It tastes like insanity and fear and rage.

Gunther looks delighted, "It has begun! The end is here. Praise be to Zhed'Zhud'Ger'Uth"

Kara frowns as she tries to look at the portal but struggles. She feels a shiver running down her spine. "Oh heck no," she says and steels herself, making fists, she floats down off the roof and lands amongst the crowd. She looks as best she can at the portal and says firmly, "You shall cease and desist all paranormal activity and return to the dimension from which you came." This is her first void monster too.

The men raise their guns up again suddenly at the appearance of Supergirl. Whether or not they recognise that \S/ upon her chest seems not to concern them at the moment as they train their weapons back and forth between Replica and Supergirl.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
NooooopppeeeeE! Daisy sure as hell ceases all attempts at communication when that damn portal begins to open and there's some sort of tentacle popping out. It just feels wrong! So she does what she does best. Blast them away!

She amasses her powers once again, hands closing into fists and she unleashes a shockwave towards Gunther and his cronies. No more holding back! But she also knows she needs to stop that machine, or invert the signal somehow to close down the portal. A look is given over to Supergirl's appearance. "I don't think they are going to stop!"

She begins running towards the machine creating the portal. "We need to close it!"

Supergirl being here IS a relief though, even if right now they need to move -fast-!

Kara Danvers has posed:
The shockwave knocks Gunther back and he hits the ground hard. He begins to laugh maniacally, "Yes, the violence, it begins again. The new cycle has begun. You will all witness ZZGU as it slithers across this mortal plane devouring all sanity in its wake." The men are knocked back again and then rise up quickly, ready to do their job.

There is an unearthly screech in everyones minds emanating from the portal, some kind of psychic blast. All the men grab their heads and cry out in pain. Supergirl does too. Several more tentacles flop out through the portal and a beak appears with an eyeball inside it, though it's hard to make out, some sort of psychic shield prevents direct visualisation of the thing.

A few of the men recover and start to shoot at Supergirl, but the bullets bounce right off. She knows what she must do. She sees Replica running for the machine. Her eyes being to burn bright and she peers in to the insanity itself, carving across its tentacles. They flop around like limbs that have their own life, leaving slime in their wake.

There is another might psychic screech and once again everyone grabs their heads. "Ahh! What.. is that," Supergirl says to no one in particular. She touches her ear and sees specks of red. She forms fists once more and shuts her eyes, "Fine, if I can't see you, you can feel me." She strides toward the portal and makes a mighty punch at what she thinks must be the beak and eyeball.

The creature makes a garbled noise as it is punched in the eye and jerks back. A tentacle lashes out and wraps about Supergirl's leg and it tries to drag her back through the portal.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The intense screech makes Daisy bring her hands up to her head too. Argh! It makes her pause, stumbling right as she nears the machine and hitting a shoulder against it as she tries to right herself back up. She shakes her head to knock out that feeling and gets to the machine, starting to fiddle around with it..

Hey, she is good with technology! She cracks open the side panel and gets to start re-arranging the wires in there.. Time to invert the beam!

It's when that second screech comes that she reactively sends a shockwave out in an attempt to smother those screeching vibrations. Well, it's psychic so it's not 100% stopped, but some of the worse coming her way appears to be stopped.. It's a good thing too because something that makes Supergirl bleed from ears would probably make her head pop.

But it's when Supergirl starts getting dragged to the portal that she intervenes. She launches herself up in the air with her powers and then sends a full-on blast towards the tentacle holding her down. No holding back, so fissures crack on the ground around the tentacle as she blasts it full on.

"It's going to close soon! Just hold on a bit more!"

Kara Danvers has posed:
The tentacle holding Supergirl flattens and squishes like a pancake, yet somehow still pulls at her. Kara digs her other foot in to a forming fissure and pushes off in to flight. She is in a tug of war against a void monsters trying to yank her in to its conquered world of insanity. This was not how she envisioned the night ending.

She reaches her fingertips out ahead of her and peers in to the distance, willing herself to pull away, perspiration running down her forehead. This creature is impossibly strong, possibly because it is an impossible creature.

The guards start to laugh and begin to shoot at each other, like they're playing a lethal game of tag. Gunther gets up to his knees and yells at the portal, "We greet you once more oh great ZZGU, enter this dimension, consume it, let it burn in flames like you did the last."

And then, suddenly, the portal snaps closed and Kara rockets off in to the sky with a thunderous crack at the instantaneous breaking of the speed barrier. It's extremely loud and causes a big shockwave of its own.

She turns back around and flies back, grabbing Gunther by the scruff of his neck and shakes the slimy tentacle bit off of her leg. "You have failed Gunther Argent. Thanks to this brave citizen," she says looking to Replica with thanks. The truck containing the rest of his little armada starts trying to back away. Kara turns her head sharply and dumps Gunther to the ground, "Do not go anywhere." She bursts through the air and lifts the truck up right, balancing it on its tail doors.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The sudden closing of the portal and that instant break of the sound barrier makes many people fly off their feet, including Daisy, she being knocked back to the floor.

Ugh... Note to self, get R&D to develop some kind of psychic shielding for her.. She groans, sitting back up and rubbing at the back of her neck before finally springing up to her feet.

"You know, ZZGU is an awesome name for a villanous computer game character." she comments to Gunther, moving closer and nodding towards Supergirl.

"Replica." Yes, her name ok?! "And thanks Superg-" it's when she goes up to get the truck.

"Well, there she goes." a look to Gunther, "We got great psychiatrists back at-" a pause. "I mean, we will make sure you find the help you need.."

She eyes the dead pieces of slimey tentacles around, frowning. "Why do cultists always go for tentacle monsters...?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
The severed tentacles continue to flop about leaving trails of slime. Like a fish out of water, they twist and jump and twitch. Horrible little things. Supergirl picks up the truck and flies it to the FBI building. She punches through the wall of the truck and rips out the mini gun. Agents swarm the vehicle. She flies back and with a blur she has scooped up the other men who survived the insane game of bullet tag and takes them to the FBI too.

Finally, she comes to rest next to Gunther and picks him up too, "Replica, nice name. Be right back." She smiles with a spry jump to her step and flies off, leaving him with the FBI too. She is back just as fast and rests her hands upon her hips, "Those were some pretty amazing moves Replica. Thank you for all your help, I might have ended up being pulled in to another dimension if it hadn't been for you."

She steps forward and offers her hand, "I'm Supergirl." They say it's next to impossible to hide something from a Kryptonian. The way your heart beats, the way you breath and move, even a disguise they can look through, but they are also polite and try very hard not to do that. Not that Kara has ever met Quake or Agent Johnson, but in the future if she did... "And if you ever need my help, just shout out my name. I'll hopefully hear it."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
FINALLY! Someone that likes her name. In truth, she was about ready to change it to Aftershock ... It has a nicer ring to it too. Ah damn it! But Daisy just watches while Kara goes back and forth at a speed, getting the bad guys a new home at the fbi quarters. So thoughtful!

"Yes, the S in your outfit sort of gives it away." She offers, grin hidden under her mask. And that ID -does- go both ways, considering how keen Daisy is with vibrations. Heck, she can even detect if people are evil clones! "Well, you too. I may hear it, if I am sort of around." she taps at ears. "I got a way with sound. Oooor, just start tapping to Danger Zone, from Top Gun. I will remember it." she points with her thumb behind them where that old airplane is at. Hey, references!

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara grins and says, "It's the crest of my family. The house of El." She loves having an opportunity to educate about where she's from. "Really. Sound. Good to know." She lifts an eyebrow and looks over to the jet behind her, "I'm sorry I don't know what Danger Zone or Top Gun is. But, I'll ask some of my friends about it."

"Is this where you usually do your vigilante work? And, what are you a Replica of?" She glances over at the twisting and jumping tentacles and lifts up a finger, "One moment." She taps a little ear piece in her own ear and says, "This is Supergirl. I'm at Pier 86. We have some extra-dimensional tentacle bits that need containment." When the call to the DEO is done she lifts her hand up though offering a high five up high.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Ufff, uncultured aliens... Daisy lets out a sigh of dismay. But fine, not everyone can know the classics. "Top Gun. Tom Cruise. Airplanes. Combat." she explains. "Youtube it." a sagenod given. Hey, she is a damn nerd ok?!

The question about her codename makes those eyes narrow under the goggles. Damn it! But she replies in a smooth manner. "Replica as in the aftershocks that come after an earthquake has hit." she explains. Fine, time for a new name!

She waits until Supergirl is done with getting the info out to DEO. No way she'd involve SHIELD in this, but nods. "Normally around this area, yea. New York. Hell's Kitchen. Good thing that you showed up this time though." she giving a tap at one of the tentacles with a boot.

"Really, I am going to have nightmares tonight..."

Kara Danvers has posed:
The look of confusion on her face is very real. "I will look it up." She folds her arms and raises both eyebrows, "Ah I see. Well, it's your name and you wear it well." Though, she worries if she has to explain it to everyone she meets, good and bad alike, it may not work so well after all.

"I hope not," she says about the nightmares, "My family will always be here to protect this world. Whether that's killer alien robots or inter-dimensional slimy tentacle monsters. I hope that helps with your dreams tonight Replica."

"I hope you keep up the good fight, the world needs more people like you. Taking on these guys alone? that's extremely brave. You should think about working with other people, it's dangerous to go it alone."