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A Little Archer Talk
Date of Scene: 17 September 2020
Location: Oliver's Room
Synopsis: Oliver catches Vanessa up on JLA happenings while she surprises him with a favorite dessert from abroad
Cast of Characters: Vanessa Carlysle, Oliver Queen

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa is in the room she's come to share with Oliver since back in the days when he brought her here to protect her from the drug smuggler she was set to testify against. And after it became obvious enough to the family matriarch that it seemed to be more than one of the flings Oliver was known for in his wilder days. Besides, she'd taken a liking to Vanessa, thanks in large part to Vanessa knowing Oliver's mother as well as Oliver knows her.

At present she's laying back against the human-sized stuff animal bear that Oliver won her at a carnival game. Going over some Queen Consolidated work items on a tablet, related to the project revitalizing IT that she's doing for Oliver.

Over on the desk a pitcher of lemonade sits on a tray, along with a few glasses and an insulated container of ice. Also, two of the serradura desserts that she picked up from a grocery that specializes in imported foods.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Oliver has been absent for the last day. Justice League business he had said. Some kind of meeting? It had taken most of his earlier day, one he had wanted to spend getting ready for their mission at Lian Yu. Because indeed he was the type to want having everything studied to the last detail, nothing out of the realm of possibilities from the plan he had crafted..

So when he makes his way into the room he is also holding a tablet, going over some photos, sweeping them past, examining each. He had marked a few already, some possible points of entrance but there was still much to do.. When he looks up and sees Vanessa leaning back against the stuffed bear he can't help but grin, "Getting comfortable, are we?" Is he talking to the bear or Vanessa? He makes his way over, placing a kiss atop the woman's head and then taking note of the desserts and drink. "Pretty much ready for a break? How are things going with your work at Queen Consolidated?" He trusted her enough to not having been following it too closely, letting her have breathing space. He knew he could be a bit too controlling where it came to business afterall!

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa does look quite comfortable. So does the stuffed animal bear for that matter, his paws kind of resting on the young woman reminiscent of a hug. Her face lights up as Oliver comes into the room. "Going fairly well. Think I had a little bit of opposition to overcome from one or two of the managers on someone they didn't know coming in. But they at least seem to recognize the benefits of the improvements," she tells Oliver.

She smiles and motions towards the desk. "Got you a treat," she says. "Something brought up a memory of that restaurant in Portugal and how much you enjoyed this dessert," she comments to him. "Turned out to be more difficult to get here than I'd have thought, but finally found it."

She puts the tablet aside and rises to move over and give Oliver a long hug and a soft nuzzled kiss to his cheek. "How about you? How did your meeting go?" she asks. She hasn't been around him long enough since his return to pick up his memories of it.

Oliver Queen has posed:
The man's head cants to the side at the mention of a memory.. Portugal.. His eyes then widen some. "Oh. Oh!" that had been a long time ago. Even from before the island. "I have good memories from there. Well, you should know.." he lets out a brief laugh, large arm about Vanessa and bringing her close for a warm one-armed hug before he makes his way to the desk, serving one glass first of lemonade for Vanessa before doing the same for himself. "I never found it with all my years here." he says. But well, it's not as if he is the type to go shopping much...

"I wonder if it will taste the same." Oliver ponders. "Nostalgia has a way to play tricks with us." like something one thinks is delicious turns out to .., not be so! But he was confident enough.

But before digging in he looks to Vanessa. "It was an unexpected one. We got a proposition to add Black Panther to the team." he says, brows furrowing. "And while that is welcome I am unsure on what it may mean to Wakanda. We still need to talk with the man."

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa smiles and presses into Oliver's one-armed hug, her own going about his waist. "True... and one thing I've found is that something like flavors can be a little odd for me. Like if you really like something, but it's something I hate? I get both memories at once. I can kind of focus on one or the other a little stronger which helps some going with whoever likes it more. But it's... yeah I can't really explain it well," she says.

She gets her container of the serradura and her spoon. "Ah, I don't know too much about him. Or Wakanda. Which is to say, if it weren't for your memories I wouldn't know anything really. So, small, landlocked African country. Queen doesn't have any business with them. Farmers mostly?" she asks.

Oliver Queen has posed:
That was news to him but in a way ..., it made sense. Oliver does sound amused. "So is there any particular food I should start hating ferociously?" he asks her, another laugh escaping him and he shakes his head. "I am always amazed at the way your powers work. There's still so much I feel we have yet to discover." which was an adventure all in itself.

"And yes, pretty much that. Small country, no business with them. But they are very secretive too so..." his shoulders rise in a shrug. "And they were very quick in offering aid to Genosha.., so maybe not as small and just full of farmers." he states, "The problem mostly comes if we used our teleporters to help his country, considering we are a very public group. It could be seen as we favoring certain countries over others and ...." he lets out a sigh. ".. Politics. I never really enjoyed them too much." even if he understands them as necessary. "But I feel my doubts will be dissipated when we can actually talk."

He starts to uncover his own serradura too, taking a spoon to start the digging in. He tastes it.. "Mmmm, it's actually quite good!" and very much tingling like those memories of old did.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa gently brushes her fingers over the back of Oliver's neck, not trying the dessert yet. "Oh good, I'm really glad it didn't disappoint," she says warmly. The brightness of her smile shows just how much she enjoys giving Oliver little surprises like this to brighten his day. Even with all of his wealth, she tends to focus on little things, the kind of things she might have been able to do when she was living in the slums of New Lots in New York. Well, honestly the serradura would have been a lot for her to spend for a dessert. But still, the little things tend to get Vanessa's focus.

As she gently rubs the back of Oliver's neck, she slowly nods her head. "So instead of having to decide on making an exception for someone not in the League, Superman suggested just considering him as a member," she says, obviously having picked up on the memory during those few moments of close contact with Oliver. "Smart. So how well do you know him already?" she asks of Black Panther. Yes she knows exactly how well he knows, but sometimes she acts like she doesn't in order to carry on normal conversations.