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Latest revision as of 02:22, 18 September 2020

Time to do some Avenging
Date of Scene: 17 September 2020
Location: Pym's Mobile Lab
Synopsis: Thor arrives to speak with Hank about Nadia, they have pizza.
Cast of Characters: Hank Pym, Thor

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym throws his phone angrily across the room. Since he built the case, the phone is undamaged. After a moment and a silent oh yeah, he goes over to it and shuts the alarm. "Sorry, I need all my faculties. I'll rest later." He looks over at the wormhole portal now half disassembled and walks over to a whiteboard to inspect his calculations again. He's distracted by his stomach growling and taps his chin, feels a few days of beard there. How long since she left? Where is she now? Why hasn't he heard anything? Has he got anything to eat left here?

Thor has posed:
    The message Thor had received had been curious. The sender was identifiable but the text was a jumble of errant symbols and strange icons that made little sense to the man even with the gift Odin granted unto the Asgardians. Yet the name... had been clear. Perhaps it was simply that Thor's contact had been there at some point spurred by Hank's wandering thoughts, or pure coincidence. But whatever the case there was likely a warning light or signal that displayed when the Thunder God approached Hank's mobile laboratory...
    And if not then assuredly his presence was announced, when his presence was announced.
    "Pym!" The strong voice lifts outside the lab, then there's a thump thump thump upon the door, not too heavy but loud enough to gain attention. "Hank?" He changes his tone and then makes that introduction, "'Tis I, Thor." No declaration of lineage, perhaps an informal visit.
    "Is aught amiss?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym raises an eyebrow. Why not a little fun with the week that he's had? Maybe he shouldn't have sent a message of emojis to see just how far the All Speak went.

He cups his hands around his mouth and shouts, "Thor who?"

In truth he likes the declaration of lineage.

Thor has posed:
    A brief pause, then a laugh is given as he raises his voice and answers back. "Son of Odin, Prince of Asgard, Strongest Avenger, and Warrior of some small renown." The words flow from him with an ease even as he then rests a hand upon the door, testing it.
    "How fare you?" There's curiousity in his voice, a touch of concern, but still a bit hesitant as if unsure the state of things and if his interruption will be looked on as good or ill.
    "I trust matters proceed apace?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym opens the door. "I am Henry, son of Warren, Doctor of Entymology, Most educated Avenger, as well as Snarkiest after Janet, Father... of Nadia." Suddenly the joke turns to bit the joker on the rear. Hard. Thor can see the lab inside... well it looks about normal except for a wall of calculations that'd send the All Speak running. "Come in Thor. I was about to send out for a pizza. Shall I make it three?" The scientist's shoulder slump as he walks back inside. "Matters... proceed with damnable slowness."

Thor has posed:
    Following along with Hank, Thor gives a nod at the string of titles, lip curling up a little at each one. But he too comes along for the ride, only to find that hint of bitterness at the end, though his features shift less condemning and more toward a touch of sympathy given.
    "Fear not, Pym." His voice is a little more subdued as he steps in at the invitation. "I have complete confidence that you shall provide us with the means to find young Nadia. And once that is done then all you have to do is show us the path and your friends will aid you with such vigour that those who have declared such a vendetta upon your family will rue the day they so swore."
    A single sharp nod is given as he then pauses to consider the room and the state of it, then as to the pizza he smiles a little. "If you wish, perhaps the respite and words shared will help how you view the task at hand."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym nods, tries to smile. "I have a problem. I... was never a heavy hitter like you or Bruce or Tony which I swear I will deny of I repeat but... I am capable of... causing far more trouble than people think I can. This thing with Nadia... Thor I love her already so much... I'm afraid of what I will do for her... and that if I don't... it won't be enough. I mean, I held you all off as Yellowjacket that time."

"Thor I worry that I am at my most powerful when I am at my darkest."

Thor has posed:
    "Hank." The word is said with some solemnity, and the scientist can see the Thunderer's mien change subtly. There is ever that carefree manner of his that is present in so much of what he does, the blithe optimism that permeates his words and conduct. Yet that change that comes now is heralded by the steady way he meets the other man's eyes.
    "It can be so in some ways, when we feel ourselves lost. When we feel we must turn inward for some... strength, some greatness. When our thoughts take on that dark aspect and we surrender to the..." His head turns as he tries to find the right words, a rare thing for one such as he.
    His blue eyes meet Hank's once again as he looks back. "That darkness you mention. At times it helps us survive. When we feel lost and without support. But I am here to tell you."
    A hand rests heavily on Hank's shoulder, trying to build that connection between one and the other. "That you are amongst friends. Aye, and family. For in a way we have all been drawn together with what we have experienced. You do not need to surrender to this darkness. You are not alone, my friend."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym looks the Thunderer in the eye. "I've not always been a good friend. I've attacked you, lied to you, abused your trust. Before that... it's hard for people like me to make friends. I find a lot of people vexing and strange. Why did you guys keep me around after all this trouble I caused? I mean I understand why you'd help Nadia. Everyone loves her. despite her genius, she's adorable. Likely smarter than me. I never thought I would admit this of anyone."

Then Hank grasps Thor by the forearm and shakes it. "Anyway, thank you. I see why Nadia liked you so much. You two are much alike. You see the good in everything first."

Thor has posed:
    At Hank's words Thor's smile slips toward the gentle as he gives a slow nod, "Hank, I am... well-practiced in seeing the warmth and the good in those around me. Some would call it a flaw, Natasha likely would call me a naive fool. And in some ways she would be right, assuredly. But if I have one talent, it is acceptance. And perhaps forgiveness."
    There's a pause, then he bites his lower lip and grins a little as he adds, "But that would be two talents wouldn't it?"
    That said he says, "Do not denigrate yourself, my friend." And as he says that he draws Hank to him by that forearm into an embrace, thumping his free hand light upon the man's back. Gentle but firm. "Come, let us place this pizza order, then we shall regale each other with tales of what has passed in the time of our absence, and perhaps this time shared will offer insight into our present woes?"
    That said he draws back at arm's length, still holding Hank's hand and with his other hand on the man's shoulders, seeking the other's eyes to solidify this decision.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym stands up straighter and nods. "I have the pizza order set up in advance. I just hit the button four times. You're a good guy. You're a friend first and warrior second. Which is saying something for you as a friend given you've slapped Ymir."

"I will be the father that Nadia deserves. I will be the man she believes in. If those lunatics have hurt her... they will regret it to their dying day."

"For Nadia, for Maria, it's time to do some avenging!"