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Latest revision as of 03:56, 19 September 2020

Deals in the dark
Date of Scene: 18 September 2020
Location: Abandoned Warehouse
Synopsis: Meeting to make a deal, coming to a long term agreement.
Cast of Characters: Jackson Mathias, Spiral

Jackson Mathias has posed:
Deals done in the dark are the best kind of deals. Secret, hidden standing there with his skull mask on, his dreads tied back into a bun. Luck Bender, with a rib cage shaped vest hugging tightly around his chest, with no sleeves showing off his chiseled arms. Tight suit pants, with a leg bones along the side of them, his hand in a pair of dark Skelton boned leather gloves.

The light pouring down is only from a broken skylight, as he stands under it waiting for the new arrival. A game was going to start, money on the line, and a new fun thing to hunt: a con, getting some tech, bio parts, flipping it, and profit. A simple plan, but he needs someone in the know for worth and how to move them, and he had a buyer lined up.

Spiral has posed:
Spiral has few possessions of her own - swords, clothes - cybernetics lab. The 'lab' however is not in one place, but consists of bits and pieces she's stashed across dimensions - some of which she's lost access to, since Mojo's latest hissy fit. She's not sure what she would use it for... yet. But she does know she wants a fully functional Shop again.
Unfortunately she knows almost nobody when it comes to buying, usually she's the one selling. Someone far more streetwise than her has perhaps heard of her clumsy inquiries - in any case, through a brave third party and with a magical disguise, a meeting is arranged.
As she plans on being at least businesslike if not joyous to be with, she appears outside the warehouse without the disguise on, and makes her way inside, to appear in as normal a fashion as a six armed sorceress can be. A figure beneath a skylight - she heads that way. "How dramatic. Noir is always popular." she says softly. "No shining lights and torture, though.". It does look like the sort of place where that sort of thing might happen after all.

Jackson Mathias has posed:
"Yeah, I guess and if ya ain't that sort of bad times, I got a kid that stumbled on this off a truck. Owed me a favor, so he sent it my way." Luck nods slowly, as he points to a large cryo tank behind him, as he speaks softly."He stumbled on 8 of em, and each one is packed with arms legs, hearts and a some lungs. This is a sample, if you want more and I can have em run over to ya." The accent is Cajun, mixed with texan, and a splash of Cally all blender up into an odd speak, that could only mean too much time on the road.

He is watching the tank, as he turns now to see who he is talking to he stops mouth opening and than closing, 8 arms, got it, and weird as all get out. But he is on his own now, in the big apple, tons of weird stuff that mouth claps shut."So than, whats the going rate you paying for this kind of goodies?"

Spiral has posed:
Spiral definitely is not normal. She's used to the reaction. Hates it. Revels in it anyway. She sways a little to one side, unconsciously doing a dance step, her white eyes half closed. And smirks when he gets back to business after only a brief pause. "This is all very... unsubtle of me, this meeting. We all have skills...". A hand lifts. "And flaws.". Another one moves down, palm flat. She, uh. Definitely doesn't sound like she's from New York.

"I don't have any money." she admits. "I have things to trade. Enhancements, boosts... expertise.". Her nose twitches in disgust, and she admits, "...transport.". A pause, and then she adds, "And things I want.". She points at one of those tanks. And after a little while, another hand points at him, quite used to having many hands all doing their own thing. "I need an agent. Like a talent agent, but more a fixing sort of agent.".

Jackson Mathias has posed:
"I don't work for one person, and I bring goods when I stumble on them or someone else does." Luck-Bender nods slowly, as he shoves his braids out of his face, with a little chuckle."Here, is the deal than and you keep all 8, and I'll have em here, you make anything out of it you pay me otherwise, if I get in a scrap or a trouble I'm call you. I got your contact info, for this meet up that still the best way to deal with ya in the future?"

Spiral has posed:
Spiral shakes her head a little. It looks more like confusion than anything else though. "Make anything...". She tilts her head a bit, considering him, and gathering scattered thoughts, two hands going to her hips while one rests on her chin thoughtfully.

"I take these. If you know anybody who wants to become both more and less than human..." - she waves her metal arm for emphasis - "... you send them to me. Along with parts, more cybernetics, more equipment. Money, pfft. You can keep that. You'll be my talent agent, and they get all the money anyway.". She laughs a bit, and shrugs.

"At least for a while, until I have all the things I need. Enjoy it while it lasts! As for contacting me, my name is Spiral. Just spread the word you're looking for me, and I'll find out one way or another.".

Jackson Mathias has posed:
"See ya around Spiral, I'm Lucky Bender. Put out you need a white rabit, folks will find me." With that he nods towards Spiral, as he walks away slowly with a wicked chuckle, spining on his right foot."I'll send them to you, and more of this, and not sure if they will find more, but I'll try. Be wonderful, have a blessed day." With that the vodun looking man is walking away slowly, as he kicks open the door with the heel of his steel toed boot, as he sighs softly, not a dime but maybe it'll pay off with the medical side of things.