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Pinky's out for crime
Date of Scene: 21 September 2020
Location: Abandoned Warehouse
Synopsis: Toys are not only for children, for an army of bears to take hells kithcen.
Cast of Characters: Winslow Schott, Wilson Fisk

Winslow Schott has posed:
Winslow Percival Schott was definitely not in familiar territory. The short Englishman almost never left Metropolis unless important business called him away. But, important business had indeed called him away. It has proven a necessity to build a second workshop somewhere, and NYC was a prime location, especially with what he had in store. He had hardly been in the Big Apple for a week when he had been contacted by the mysterious "Kingpin of Crime", NYC's big boss when it came to organized crime. It would seem that his reputation as The Toyman spread farther than he had originally thought. The Kingpin had requested a meeting with the mad toymaker, something that rather surprised Schott. Schott of course sent a message of his own, which was delivered via a toy biplane, not rigged with weaponry of course.

The coordinates lead to a old warehouse in the Bronx, a warehouse that had seen better days. Back in the day it was the shipping hub for a Distillery, but now was a run-down piece of crap building in the worst part of The Bronx. But, in that building was "The Terrible Toyman", and whatever crazy inventions he had managed to make so far.

Wilson Fisk has posed:
Reggie was a lawyer, not a good lawyer, but a lawyer. Nerdy with glasses, red hair, babyface. Green eyes, one of those punchable faces. I mean, if you googled nerdy red-head man, he is on the first page. His suit is simple, black, with a dripping clock tie. Delhi, of course, is his favorite artist; he is so Avantguard. The job was simple to bring this case to a man, hand it over, get him to sign, leave. Said case is a black leather briefcase in his right hand, papers he had to get notarized, then he is to hand the phone to the man in the case, push redail, and then leave. Simple enough for 30,000 dollars. This man steps into the den of toys into the den of fun.

Winslow Schott has posed:
As you approach the warehouse you would see two men hanging out by the side entrance of the warehouse. One of them was a obese Asian man with short black hair and the beginnings of a goatee. The second was a very tall, very scrawny Caucasian man with light brown hair. They were both dressed in the same outfits, a red lab coat and blue jeans. As you get closer, the fat man breaks away from the thin man and starts to approach you, scowling as he does. It is obvious that the man, who was roughly the same size and build as a Sumo is trying to intimidate you and, depending on the amount of courage you have, might even be succeeding. Once he gets close enough, he says in a deep voice twinged with suspicion,

"So, your are Kingpin's representative eh? Mr.Schott told us to keep an eye out for you, follow us."

The two men then walk into the warehouse. As they walk into the musty building you would see written in big, childish,blocky letters on the back of their jackets "THE TOY FACTORY". The warehouse itself smelled of mold and mildew and it appeared to be falling apart at the seams, but the two men did not seem intimidated. But, they did suddenly stop right before entering a set of double doors, with the Obese man turning and saying,

"Schott want's you searched for anything "not fun" before you join him. We ain't doin it ourselves, but we do have a "friend" to help us. Yo, Princess Midnight, our guest is here!

You hear what sounds like clopping of hooves approaching your direction. As the clopping grew louder, the figure of a large, pitch black, regal-looking Unicorn appeared. The two goons nodded respectfully at the creature before it turned to look at you. Suddenly, it's horn lit up and began to scan you, no doubt looking for any knives or guns.

Wilson Fisk has posed:
Reggie is not trouble; he got busted that once for weed, twice for coke, and three times for hookers. But he is not violent ya know, man, that is for like real criminals. This is all heavy, matching suits and big dudes, man. Is this even worth it. Then they mention his boss, his eyes going wide, as his teeth finding his bottom lip as he chews softly."I was told to bring this; I don't know who sent it." His voice is breaking, nervous as the day is long. His eyes wide green specks of terror behind those horn-rimmed glasses, as he nods nods nods. As he moves with them, and now a scanning something about weapons.

He stops now in his tracks, holding that expensive leather alligator black leather case in front of him, as the unicorn comes out of nowhere, a scream of panic and fear seizing him. His hand is dropping the case, his right hand plunging inside of his suit jacket, reaching so deep. He is going for it, that thing to save his life, a sleek white inhaler is produced, placed in his mouth as he puffs on it four times, trying to live, trying not to die.

Winslow Schott has posed:
The Unicorn does not seem phased by the man's panic, though the goons do seem ready to pounce once he reaches into his jacket. But, they stop once they him pull out a inhaler and breathe into it. The Unicorn then steps back, peers to the two men, and says in a very regal, but soft British accent,

"He has no weaponry my two loyal servants, please bring him to the Master Toymaker."

The men nod and gesture for the man to follow into the next room. You are immedialtey bombarded with bright lights, music boxes playing familiar lullabies, and what sounds TVs playing cartoons. Once your eyes clear, you see what appears to be a toymaker's workshop, but still under heavy construction. Littered between power tools and discared 2x4s are toys of various shapes and sizes. On the walls are three big-screen TVs playing cartoons all at the same time. But, what really stands out is what was in the middle of the room.

It was a big, long, brown mahogany tea table with chairs gathered all around it. Each chair seemed occupied by either a stuffed animal, or a doll, expcept for the two at either end of the table. The first one is empty, save for a handkerchief, and the second is occupied by another human. Before you sat a short, fat, middle-aged man with slightly-long brown hair and wire-rimmed glasses. He was wearing a blue and purple-stripped three piece suit and had a almost comically large black bow tie. He appeared to be holding a kettle of tea as he chuckled a bit and said to you,

"Hello there young man! You must be the friend The Kingpin told me all about. You are just in time for my tea party, do sit down and enjoy yourself."

He smiles warmly as he beckons you to sit down at the only empty chair.

Wilson Fisk has posed:
Reggie is missteps forward now, his eyes from the unicorn to the goons, back and forth, his eyes so wide and pure green. He catches himself, hand is steadying himself on his side. As he nods, nods, nods, is like a bobblehead, good now to get this over. But they are moving, kid shows, he stops to watch, but he is usher deeper into it.

That table gets a double-take, and then a triple take."Do you have peppermint tea?" The voice is confused, shocked, filled with joy, but fear, he is lost in the wondrous nature of the place. Reggie walks forward, trying to find a spot on the table for the case, placing it in front of a pirate-themed teddy bear."I was told to have you open this, for you to sign then go, might not have time for tea." His lips pursed into a thin line as he tries to get to business, Reggie, you got this your in charge, not this tea maker.

Winslow Schott has posed:
Toyman smiles warmly at the lawyer as he pulls out another kettle from a nearby stove, and hums lightly as he pours a cup of Peppermint Tea and slides it over. Schott then chuckles as he says,

"Growing up in a proper Yorkshire home has taught me to always make more than one batch of tea young man."

Once the briefcase is set down, Schott's eyebrow raises as he cautiously approached the case before opening it, peering in cautiously to see what's inside.

Wilson Fisk has posed:
Reggie watches it all as his hand is reached to unlock the briefcase, as he removes the paperwork, then the phone, then a tape recorder. "Thank you for the tea, sir." He is lifting that cup to his lips to take a long sip of the cup."So good, do you wish to listen to this now, or read paperwork first?" The lawyer is so excited to get this over with, his eyes locked down on the tape recorder, as he looks around now. This is not normal; why does he keep getting these damn jobs.

Winslow Schott has posed:
Toyman seems to think this over for a bit, even taking a few sips of tea as he does. He then grunts, as if finally making a decision. As he hands a biscuit over to a stuffed tiger in a rajah's outfit, he turns to you and says in his British accented voice,

"I would like to hear the tape first young man. I very well can't sigh a paper without bloody well knowing why I am being contacted now can I?"

As Toyman talks, if you were to turn to the left, you would notice that you were being stared at by the stuffed pirate bear from earlier. But wait, wasn't looking at the wall?

Wilson Fisk has posed:
That bear was looking over there right now, but now he is asking about the tape."Of course, Of course." With that, the red-head, scared lawyer pushing the button.

A voice resonant, filled with bass and a rumble of power."Hello there, Mr Schott. My name is Kingpin, and I have business with you. I have seen some of your work, and it's most impressive." The sound of a cigar being light can be heard, with a deep long inhale."I wish to hire you; I need a man of your talents on my payroll. This young man will hand you a credit card; now, the fun part is as long as you work with me, sending me I pay lovely toys and your expenses. You're an outside contractor, allowed to use what you please, or who you wish to. But I will be sending monthly orders with our good friend Reggie." Another puff of smoke can be heard along the tape, as the sound of a chair leaning back into a desk."Once paperwork is signed, you will take this phone. You will be called with your first order in a few days with where you can drop the product. I want an army of Teddy Bears, ready to take to Hell's Kitchen streets." With that, the tape ends.

Reggie takes out the credit card black as sin, placing it down on the table, as he takes out the paperwork placing it down, no name, of course, but Reggie, if he traced the card, it will link back to Reggie. It seems this dumb lawyer is going to be a fall guy.

Winslow Schott has posed:
Toyman listens to the tape silently, ocasionally letting out a hum or scratching his chin. He then reaches over to the paperwork and grabs it. As he grabs it he says to Reggie,

"Kingpin's offer is quite interesting. Let me read this paperwork and i'll get back to you with a answer."

Schott then begins to read the paperwork

Wilson Fisk has posed:
Nothing odd, it is traditional work for hire: Nothing glaring, products delivered with a 30-day window of ordering. Stay in contact with his handler, Reggie.

As Reggie waits with golden pen in his right hand, nervous and biting his lip waiting for this odd man to read, as he sips that tea again.

Winslow Schott has posed:
Toyman suddenly drops the paperwork and takes the pen. He then begins to toy with it, as if trying to figure out how it works. He then suddenly glares at Reggie and says,

"I will sign this paperwork, but under one condition. My toys are not to be used against innocent children! Is that understood!?"

This sudden aggressiveness came completely out of nowhere. If you were to look around, you would see that all the stuffed animals were suddenly staring at you, as if they could tell that their maker was upset.

Wilson Fisk has posed:
"I understand, it will be addressed, and I will forward it to those in powerrrrrr...." Reggie nods, nods, nods, nods as he bites his lip over and over again, his eyes so wide open."I will do that, anything else before I go go go." His hand is dropping the tea, down as it shatters on the floor, the card is called in by him, quickly activating it, as he stumbles backward, watching the maker and the toys.

Winslow Schott has posed:
Winslow's aggression suddenly drops, and his warm smile returns as he signs the paperwork. He then takes the card and places it in his pocket. He then suddenly takes the paperwork, folds in into a paper airplane before throwing it at Reggie. He then says in the same, polite, almost kindly voice he had at the beginning of the meeting,

"Thank you very much for coming to my tea party tonight. Tell Kingpin that his army of bears shall come soon."