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Latest revision as of 16:54, 21 September 2020

A Crashing Star
Date of Scene: 21 September 2020
Location: 5B - Karolina's Greenwich Loft
Synopsis: A battle-worn Koriand'r almost literally crashes Karolina's apartment after a battle at Titan's Tower. Reinforcing hugs and kind words are given before weariness prevails.
Cast of Characters: Karolina Dean, Koriand'r

Karolina Dean has posed:
    It's past dark by a good margin. Karolina's usually one to bask in the sun, but tonight she's up late. The sky is clear, the sliver of moon is high in the sky. Even in the darkness of the cool night, though, the girl is lit up nicely, having left her bracelet set aside on the kitchen table, shining in her rainow radiance. There's a couple of lamps on in the house, of course, and some notebooks on said kitchen table.

    At present, she's dressed more for bed, that blue tank top with the rainbow and wings on it, coupled with some snug shorts as she leans over the stove. Wooden spoon in hand, she's stirring up something, though the frying pan next to it also has food cooking! Some sort of savory, spiced patty of vegetable matter, browning nicely. There's even a small pot of vegetables steaming. She's cooking a late dinner in between her studies.

    Over on the radio, the soft din of Dio's "Rainbow in the Dark" can be heard playing, and Karolina giggles softly at the odd correlation for this moment.

Koriand'r has posed:
Koriand'r had to spend some time in medical to be clared, but it would be neigh impossible to keep her there once she had it in her mind to leave. Besides, there were plenty of people who needed medical treatment and all she ultimately required was being observed... she could do that in more comfortable locales, in this case, Karolina's apartment.

Shooting across the sky, a falling star headed in the direction of NYC, she nearly crashes into the roof upon attempting to land. Sliding along the outside curve of her foot through the gravel until she's standing at the edge of the roof with a dazed look in her eyes and a hand on her stomach where she's getting a little nauseous.

Down the stairs once the world stops spinning, she raps upon Karolina's door and rests her forehead against the wood frame with the ghost of a frown on her usually jovial face.

Karolina Dean has posed:
    Karolina hears the landing, the gravel on the roof a minimal part of her own section, what with the garden, and she stops her stirring. She stares, blinking, listening, and starts heading for the door even before Kori starts knocking. But she moves even faster when that noise comes. "Just a moment..." she calls out, sounding unsure, and undoes the locks. Click. Click. Clunk. It pays to keep one's doors locked in New York, who knows what creature might fly in.

    But this creature is a welcome one, and Karolina's aura flares when she sees Kori, and she reaches out for her reflexively. "Koriand'r!" she cries out softly, likely to catch the girl if she falls, concern in her voice. "What's the matter?"

Koriand'r has posed:
Kori doesn't fall inside, but she only doesn't do so because her hands on up on either side of the frame bracing her from doing so. She looks haggard, wearing her Starfire costume, which is dirty, and is nursing one heck of a bruise on the side of her head. "Heeey..." She beams an awkward smile, not out of discomfort seeing Lina, but because her head is pounding.

"Oh, nothing. Titan Tower got attacked by a group of super powered villains, threatened to blow everything up with bombs, and walked all over us!" The sun came out yesterday, by the way she says it.. The Tamaranean steps inside, arm wrapping around the other woman's shoulders for a hug. "We're all okay though! How are you?" She is, absolutely, not okay.

Karolina Dean has posed:
    Karolina looks bewildered, and worried, seeing the damage. Seeing the haggard appearance. Everything seems wrong, and she easily accepts the taller woman's weight, letting Kori lean on her. "It got attacked? You're hurt! Who else was hurt? Is the tower okay?" She glances over her shoulder. The T-Com she has is silent, the result of downed communications.

    She carefully helps Kori to the couch, "...I'm just making dinner... it's late... here, have a seat... do you want some water? Want to split my food?" she's talking a mile a minute, a little panicky. "Do you need bandages? ...anything?" she asks, her aura flickering all over before she finally remmebers to pause, to give her friend time to speak. And some space. "...I have a class tomorrow, I was here studying... I could've been there helping..."

Koriand'r has posed:
"A couple people, but mostly our egos." Kori doesn't sound as happy go lucky as usual, except for the little bit she's putting up to try and calm Karolina down. As if she believes seeing her in a state is making it worse for the younger heroine. Once they reach the couch, Starfire slumps over onto the arm, burying her face in the cushion with a mumbled acknowledgement of something that Lina had said.

"Everyone is okay... Supergirl showed up, she gave a chance to collect our senses and we were able to get everyone to medical." Glancing up with one green glowing eye at Karolina, Kori reaches out to run her fingers down to grip her hand, gently pulling her onto the cushion with her.

"Communications are down, we will go back to the Tower tomorrow after you finish your class."

Karolina Dean has posed:
    The squeeze to her hand, the tug, it gets her to sit down. She seems less worried, also, when she's reassured that injuries were... not as bad as they could be. And that everyone is at least alive. Karolina sighs, sitting, nodding, and pulling her legs up. She hugs them, looking over at her friend.

    "I... would go now? But... I need to rest and study and eat..." she isn't trying to make excuses, she's trying to juggle the superhero life and normal life. "...you sure you're okay?" she asks again, pursing her lips, "...I mean.... I guess you are... if you came all the way here..."

Koriand'r has posed:
"I have suffered a great deal worse injuries." Kori answers the question cryptically since it really doesn't give much answer at all. Is she okay? No, probably not. She's got a concussion, a brain injury, and despite how she's trying to make Karolina feel better about what's happened, is feeling a sore spot in herself because she failed. Failed badly. Her smile isn't nearly as bright, but she still smiles at Lina.

"I had to go somewhere I would be comfortable. I could not stay at the Tower tonight, I needed fresh eyes, and the only place I could think to come is to you." Patting her side, her other hand pillowed between her cheek and the arm of the couch. "We can go now, if you wish, but I did not want to come disrupt your life. Maybe I should have not come."

Karolina Dean has posed:
    Karolina nods, slowly, listening to the answers. She... doesn't press. But she's concerned, and it's obvious. She can't hide it. The look on her face, the way her aura dims and dips then flares a little. She lets go of her legs, reaching out for one of Kori's hands.

    "No, no, we'll stay here. You came all this way... you look like you need a bath, a change of clothes, and a warm meal. You can stay here tonight, too! I have space!" she getures to the sizable apartment that she lives in, alone. "...really, please, I'm glad you came. You're not by yourself, and you're not dead, and that puts my mind and heart at ease... look, I'm making dinner... let me go get you some tea, and share my food... and we can study together, ok? Just relax," she tries to assure Kori even if her heart is racing.

Koriand'r has posed:
Rather than try to fight through nausea to vocalize her agreement with Karolina, Kori lifts her hand and gives the other solar powered haroine a thumbs up. The hand flops back down onto the couch, rolling just a little so her face is entirely buried in the cushion rather than look at the blaring light that's making her head hurt worse.

"I am going to take a bath." She says finally, slipping down off the couch to make her way on wobbly legs towards the bathroom. Out of sorts enough that she doesn't start tearing off her costume until she's hidden away. Like she forgot she was Koriand'r and didn't care about silly things like decency.

Karolina Dean has posed:
    Karolina is pretty bright, and she's not aware that her shine is causing discomfort. All the more reason to dim her bulb but she's not aware of that yet. But the thumbs up makes her stand, and she starts moving towards the kitchen. "Sure, bathroom is that way," she gestures towards the master bath, then hurries to make sure nothing on her stove is burning. She has to flip something, stir something else, and then fills up the electric kettle to get tea steeping.

    "Is vanilla chamomile okay?" she calls out, gently, offering up something relaxing in terms of tea. She's genuinely worried. Seeing Kori like this after how bright and jovial she was is definitely a ... change. But she's in crisis mode, and she can do her best to help one of her friends right now. So she does.

Koriand'r has posed:
"That sounds great, thank you." Starfire calls from the bathroom, soaking in the tub with her head resting backwards and her floating around her like a red velvet curtain across the surface of the water. She's staring blankly up at the ceiling once there's no need to put on a brave face for Karolina.

Not that she has to do that anyways.

The lights are off, completely black in the room save the omenous glow of Koriand'r's green eyes lighting up the water like an erie cauldron of boiling poisons. Going back over what's happened, at least all that she can remember, which isn't as much as she wishes... a lot of it is a blur or hidden behind a haze.

Karolina Dean has posed:
    It really doesn't take long for the kettle to heat and boil, the joys of modern technology. She fills two mugs, plops a tea bag in each, then carries one to the bathroom. She pauses, seeing the darkness, and focuses to dim herself down to, well. Nothing. She looks 'normal' right now, and isn't blindingly bright. "Here," she says gently, moving to place the mug on the edge of the tub. "It's really hot still, so be careful? I'll drop a towel off, and I've got a couple of big oversized shirts, I'll leave them on the bed, okay?" she offers, smiling, even if it might not be seen in the dark. She knows how to treat a guest, at least, especially one so dear to her now.

    "Food should be ready in a little bit, the mashed cauliflower needs some seasoning and less water..." she explains, quiet, gentle, and turns to leave the room. "I've got some hot sauce just for you," she says over her shoulder with a smile.

Koriand'r has posed:
Dispite the fact that the thought of eating anything right now actually makes Kori's stomach turn she still smiles up at Karolina in the dark. Reaching a hand out to touch the back of a now empty hand before the other can leave, "Thank you, Lina." Quiet, aside from the occational sloshing of water when Kori moves about in the tub.

It isn't long, maybe another twenty minutes, before Kori makes her way out wearing one of those oversized shirts. Barefeet are easier to keep beneath her, but it could just as easily be that her body is eating through reserve energies in lue of the presence of the sun, to heal her. The mug is clutched in both hands and all of her mane of fiery red hair is held up in a long topknot ponytail as she resumes sitting on the couch staring straight at a blank television.

"I am sorry I have interrupted your studying time. I should have stayed at the Tower, but I was not thinking straight. I do not even remember the flight over here..."

Karolina Dean has posed:
    By the time the bath is done, there's two plates out. Both have a mound of mashed white stuff which vaguely resemble potatoes but she did mention cauliflower. Then there's broccoli and carrots, steamed and butterd and salted, and then half a patty of some sort, protein and vegetable matter, seasoned to perfection. And it'll probably be good leftover, too.

    "Don't worry about it," Karolina reassures her friend. She's still not glowing, but her bracelet isn't on. Seems like she's focusing on keeping her powers in check right now, if only for her friend's comfort. "It's a cooking class. Practical exam, really. Most of the homework is actually the meal I'm making..." she offers a lopsided smile, looking the girl over for a moment. "I'm worried about you. So stay the night, and I'll take care of you, ok? Then I'll do what I can for the rest of the team tomorrow, if I can do anything. You just... rest your pretty head," she says, nodding firmly. "...and let me know if you're hungry?"

Koriand'r has posed:
Kori glances over at the kitchen during Karolina's explanation of her examination, offering a brief smile and then settles into the couch with her hands crossed in her lap. Her tea is sitting nearby, within reach, but it doesn't look like she's touched it besides a few testing sips to see if her stomach will do cartwheels when it's swallowed.

"Okay." She agrees to the woman, nodding distractedly until some thought occurs to her and she pats the cushioin beside herself for Karolina to come join her on the couch. "I will try to eat in a minute, but right now I just wish to lay my head on your shoulder if that is okay. Perhaps cuddle. I understand cuddling helps someone feel better in times of great durress, especially if it is with someone for whom they have intimate feelings."

Karolina Dean has posed:
    Karolina's cradling her own cup of tea when she comes back to the couch, having had a long sip or three, or maybe she'd downed the entire first cup and is on her second. It's helping her nerves, too. Quite a bit. She sways on her bare feet, hair hanging free behind her. Then she sees the gesture, and mvoes closer. It's been a while since she's been able to... sit with someone. Like this. Like. Forever.

    "Oh! Yes, of course," she says quickly, putting her mug down and settling on the couch next to Kori's side. "Contact can be a great comfort, and... like I said, I'm here for you, okay...? So just, lean on me, all you need... and I'll be here..." she smiles, reaching an arm over Kori, and giving her a gentle hug. "I can't believe this happened..."

Koriand'r has posed:
Kori turns her legs to run them towards Karolina and leans in against her shoulder, resting her forehead there in the crook of the others neck. Her arms snake around her, gently, and small nudges of her elbow encourage the same around herself. "Me either." She adds, shaking her head from side to side, still parsing what happened in a way that aims to sort what is true from what is a foggy illusion.

One hand comes up to rest up along Karolina's neck, tightening into a squeezing hug.

"I should not have left." She laments quietly, muffled by Karolina unto whom she is clinging. "I should be there when they all wake up."

Karolina Dean has posed:
    It takes a moment, Karolina trying to figure out the exact logistics of this hug. But she does, and she holds Kori close. She's warm, as always, even if her aura is being manually suppressed. She makes a little noise as she's squeezed so tight, and squeezes back ever so gently. "You wanted to be somewhere else. Something bad happened there, and you needed time to get away, I get that, I know that feeling. I'm just... glad you decided to come here. That I can be a comfort to you. We'll see them tomorrow, ok? You need.. to rest.. and be somewhere you feel safe.." she sighs, closing her eyes and keeping Kori close.

Koriand'r has posed:
Kori nods against Karolina's neck, but remains quiet. What is left to be said? Her thoughts are chaotic because she has no definitive memory of most of the night, only small glimpses after she was bashed against a wall, and it's unilaterally bad. With a little sigh, she finally does start to relax, her usual overwhelming sense of calm settling back over her like a familiar shirt. Eyes closed, cheek rubbing against Lina's shoulder, until it's all but obvious that she's fallen asleep by how she's gently slumping heavier against her host.

Karolina Dean has posed:
    Karolina runs out of words, and just does the staring at the off television, too. The local rock station still rumbles quietly, but it's more of an afterthought. Some Megadeth chains into some late night Led Zepplin, and the blonde glances at her friend. She feels that slumping, that added weight, and purses her lips. Slowly, carefully, she gets her arms in a position to lift and carry Koriand'r.

    "...got you..." she says quietly, cradling the redhead in a princess carry, taking her to bed. "..let's get you cozy.." she smiles, sad and gentle, concerned. She lays Kori in her bed and tucks the blankets in around her, then heads back to the kitchen area. She's still hungry, and still has her notes. So she eats, slowly, making notes on what she'd put together, just some basic things to go with a more complex sort of protein dish.

    Her thoughts keep going back to Kori, though, and once she finishes her meal, she does her bedtime cleanup, and watches the redhead sleep for a few moments. Fighting indecision, she decides to cut all of the lights, make sure everything is locked up, and chooses to curl up next to her friend. After all, she doesn't want Kori to wake up all alone in a strange room.