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Latest revision as of 16:32, 22 September 2020

The Harley Pizza Delivery Service!
Date of Scene: 21 September 2020
Location: Spiral's Body Shop
Synopsis: Harley comes bearing gifts for Spiral along with Bud and Lou. Pizza and movies are a no go. But a vynil record player and a new outfit are a go! They also talk about Spiral's origin story. Mojoverse is weird!
Cast of Characters: Spiral, Harley Quinn

Spiral has posed:
The body shop is gone when Harley visits. The warehouse where it was is still there, but the room it was tucked away in no longer has any gear there - functional gear anyway. It's been smashed up, and anything worth taking has been taken. Alas, the price of not being subtle enough.

A few questions later about where Spiral is doesn't really yield results - until right after a conversation with some goon, Spiral literally pops into existence in front of Harley on the street, swords out, magic ready. Hopefully it's in a slum so there isn't people running away and calling 911 or something. "Oh, it's the little clown.".

Harley Quinn has posed:
What does a Spiral do when she needs to eat? Does she even got a cellphone? Harley has that experience with the little things, when she was an hench woman for the Joker, taking care of those details. Not that her relationship with Spiral is the same, but she can't help herself and be drawn to meet the six-armed wonder..

So here she is. Time to have a meet-up! A chat! A sharing of pizza and ....! When she stops her convertible by the warehouse her jaw drops. Oh no! No more body shop?

"Oh no! Spiral!" she pops out of the car, holding up two large boxes of pizza, one in each hand. A dramatic sigh... Was she too late?! Oh woe is me! Such a poor lived villainess and here she was thinking she had potential for something more...

With her are a pair of..., are those dogs? Nope, hyenas.. And big ones. They are snuffling in the back seat of her car, one sometimes jumping up to try and reach the pizza box..

"SPIIIRAALLLLL!" She calls out, loud, out in the middle of that street. It's when Spiral just pops in that she widens her eyes, first at surprise, then a big grin. "Spiral! Theah yoh awhe!" she makes a pose with the two boxes. "I arrived bearin' gifts!"

Spiral has posed:
Spiral actually DOES have a cellphone now, Kingpin's lawyer gave it to her. It's hidden away in one of the pockets on her legs. So that's what they are for, very practical, after all, spandex has its drawbacks. Not that Harley knows that, and not like Spiral would say. A dimensional sorceress should not need a 'phone' after all.

"So did Elizabeth. Gifts of destruction.". Spiral smirks, and one hand points to the warehouse. She's actually up on one tiptoe yet again, but settles down to a less dancey and more normal stance now she knows its only Harley poking around. It's kinda like holstering the magic guns.

"Gifts? What gifts?". She looks at what Harley is actually holding - and recoils. "You think I'm a human!?" she asks, voice a few decibels louder. "What are we going to do with that? Watch a MOVIE with that???". And... she promptly goes up on tiptoe again, though it's the other foot this time, seemingly unconsciously. For someone who is totally ax crazy she covers it up well - but has the oddest of triggers.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Elizabeth..?" Harley squints her eyes, looking again to where the body shop used to be. "Ya said that name befoouh. At the club. Does she own that joint?! Should we go whack at huh knees with a mallet?!" then she pauses and shakes her head vigorously. "No no, I ain't like that anymoouh.." she is a reformed clownette! But if someone tried to hurt her new friend she can get mad! Even if that friend may be a little crazy like her, and a sprinkle more towards the dark side than she is.. But she has a few like that!

"Pizzaaaa. And I got some moouh stuff in the car!" The reaction to the pizzas makes Harley just grin more wider. "Oh, don't be likee that. I am not a savage, they awhe pineapple freeee..." Very important actually. "And we gonna eat, a movie couuuuld be fun, but do ya even got a tv at yoh new place? I know some great ones actually.

Yet if there is one thing that Harley does well is reading people. She notes the return of aggression. "Ya need ta eat, Spiral. Do ya wanna be all skin and bones?"

Spiral has posed:
Spiral shakes her head. "Maybe she does, she returned my invitation surprisingly quickly... we had a pleasant time together.". Which involved a building falling on her, but hey. "This one has me in her past, too... I thought maybe it would be my past, her future, but no! that makes things much easier.".

Harley either doesn't know to quit, or knows what she's doing, as Spiral really doesn't care about whether it has pineapple on it or not. In fact she aims a magical blast at the nearest pizza, planning to erase the hateful reminder from existence. Kill it with fire generally works. "I've had enough of TV to last lifetimes." she adds, and pizza too apparently. "Eating... fine. Where do you want to go?". She's quite eager to move the conversation away from pizza.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Indeed that pizza is erased from existence! RIP pepperoni and mushrooms pizza, we hardly knew ya. The blast makes Harley's hair flutter all over as if it had just received this big gust of wind, also making the hyenas yelp and duck under the cover of the car. She takes a moment looking at her hand, then wiggles her fingertips. All still there! Great!

"Yoh awhe right! Two pizzas was too much. We don't wanna get fat, heh?" the wide grin returning, she rubbing her hand at her admittedly flat stomach. "Ya'll have ta tell me about it sometimes." the offer there, but she doesn't press too much right now, it was time for something different than pizza! So she tosses the remaining box to the floor. "BUD, LOU. ATTTAAACK!" it's like a cry of the valkyries right there, making the two *big* hyenas jump out and start tearing through the remaining pizza.. "They awhe so lovely when they eatin'" a sigh and she moves to stay near to Spiral.

"Well, we could go ta yoh new joint, and I will introduce ya to ..., Ubaheats!" best way to eat really!

Spiral has posed:
"Fine." Spiral says coldly, continuing the dance. The next blast of magic envelops them both - there's a slight delay as Spiral pauses in the Wildways for a moment, just to upset Harley's stomach for laughs, and then the two of them appear - in another Body Shop! Though this one looks a bit less makeshift than her last. Less addled minds have had a part in creating it. It probably even has a coffee maker, not something Spiral herself would put there. It's actually in some mafiosi hide out probably, tucked away in some nondescript building rather than stuffed into an unlocked warehouse. It might even have goons outside protecting it, who knows! Spiral hasn't checked, to be honest.

Nobody is being worked on at the moment, and there are actually chairs, one of which Spiral sinks into - a sort of office/command chair, which she can drape her arms over. "Ubaheats?" she asks.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Upset Harley's stomach? Ooooh, babyyyy! She is actually 'weeeeeing' as they go through. Apparently she likes those wild rides. Upside down, side to side. Bring it on! When they drop Harley adjusts her ponytails. "Ufff, what a ride!" she takes in a breath then peeks about. "Hey, wheah awhe Bud and Lou?!" she asks, peeking up at Spiral and then around again. "You fohgot ta bring 'em. And besides I got moouh gifts in the car too. You will like 'em.." Oh yes. She is waggling her eyebrows when she says it, plucking at those greedy strings so she does her bidding! But Bud and Lou are important!

And hey, shit. Ya went all modern already. I like the style o' yoh new joint." she looks over.

"And yep, ya just ask foh food ta be delivered ovah. Heah oh somewheah on the street." A lift of her shoulders. "Real great." she uses it from time to time too!

Spiral has posed:
Spiral shoulda known the Wildways wouldn't bother Harley. It's probably a hidden superpower all insane people have - these two really do have a lot in common, aside from limbs and magic and concrete mallets. "I didn't forget them." she says icily. "What gifts?", she asks, ice melting, piqued a little - but only a little. More pizza? Harley's DVD collection? The twist to her lips suggests she isn't expecting much, and it needs to be better than that to get her to go back there.

She sighs a bit, then and decides to be a tiny bit nice for once. "Look... Harley." she says, actually remembering Harley's name, something usually reserved for people she hates, and putting her furry booted feet up on a table. "I'm not interested in your... human food habits. And movies are for weak minds, trust me, I know. Or deliveries, something I have great experience in myself.", though apparently hyenas are on the banned list. It's lucky she has six arms, as two of them go to her temples, to rub, while the rest settle in her lap, before one snakes out to grab a cold coffee on the table.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Bud and Lou can't be left behind ..., oh they awhe like my babies!" Insert doe-eyed Harley, up on her tiptoes, hands held in front of her in an almost pleading manner. Awww, how can anyone resist those piercing, blue, crazy eyes?! But the question about gifts makes her grin. "But music isn't weak. Ya like it don'tcha?" teeth showing as the grin widens. "And sooooo, heah I was goin' about Gotham aftah I came across this guy I blew up some yeahs back.., It sorta didn't stick and he got back ta life and ..., well, long stowwy. ANYWAY, I found this antique place and theah it was!" she opens her arms wide. Some pause for dramatic effect. "This old, vinyl record player! And let me tell ya, vinyl is tha new shit." she nodding as if she knows all about it.

"I also gotcha some vinyls ta go with it so you can have some music ta put some life in heah! Huh, whatdya say?!"

"Aaaannnnd.... I did getcha some moouh pieces foh yoh wardrobe.." yes, she has noticed Spiral walks around with the same clothes all the time! Do they smell though? Well, even if they did Harley wouldn't be the one to tell her! Or well, she might...

Spiral has posed:
Spiral sighs. She doesn't care about pleading eyes, she doesn't care about vinyl. But after the begging just keeps on going, she's had enough. Anything for a quiet life. She gets up from the chair, pirouttes, and then zaps Harley. No dawdling in the Wildways this time as that didn't work, they end up by the car again, and Spiral doesn't bother to slow down, zapzapzapping hyenas, car, and Harley, all in turn.

The Body Shop is pretty damn tight with a car jammed into it, but there it is. "At least you're not fat, and begging is better than demanding.". The dancing finally stops as Spiral slumps into the chair again.

"Someone thinks I am working for him now, in fact. Somehow, I'm sure it's a huge fat man, with or without spine. It's my fate." she admits to Harley.

Harley Quinn has posed:
When they go for the trip there's again that WOOHEEEEEEE (Is she getting louder on those trips?) and she looks absolutely delighted, re-arranging her pigtails. And of course that what Harley says next is. "Can we go again..?!" someone took a liking to tp'ing around the place all the time apparently!

Yet more importantly the car and hyenas are here. Wooo! "I could kissa ya right now!" she tells Spiral, but instead she goes over to give a big slobbering on the hyenas as they pool about her. "Yea, my good boys.., who's a good boy? Yea, you awhe..." how she is able to so masterfully control those huge hyenas is a mystery. But then again, so much mystery around the clownette! But some moments later she looks back up to Spiral..

"Fat? Who you talkin' about?" she looks down at her belly and then back up to Spiral. "Ya know, I am sorta insecure..."

"Are ya talkin about some mobstah ouhh..?" she looks around at the new place again, furrowing her brows.

Spiral has posed:
Spiral smirks a little when Harley looks down at herself - but shakes her head. "Not you, you fool. You look like you would blow away in a light breeze.". She nods, and shrugs. "Crime show, now, probably... or maybe a corporation. But I need some money for now.".

One of Spiral's arms points to a dot on the wall, where someones face met wall. It's probably still got some blood on it. "Three people broke in here today. I only just got here, they must have been sent by this person who is paying for me.". She doesn't sound that bothered though, she's just sharing the fact.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Hey.., I am strongah than I look.." Just a bit of a pout given at Spiral. But being called a fool makes it all better, for what is an harlequin if not a fool to make others laugh and dance? So the grin just comes back real quick while she begins walking around to the car to get the vinyl player out, along with some vynils. And yes, the front one is David Bowie's MAGIC DANCE. There, now Spiral can listen to her theme song anytime!

"Now we gotta figure out tha best place ta put this..." A quick glance around. "Oh, ah know.." she walks over to one of the side tables, not far from the coffee machine.

"So he buys ya a place, then sends goons. Testin' ya?" she starts setting it up, the stack of vinyls put on the side. "Some people used ta try and test Mistah J too. He normally made 'em disappeah with a magic trick.." No, Harley. He didn't use magic to make people disappear.

Spiral has posed:
Magic is just something people don't understand. If Mister J made people disappear and nobody knew what happened... that's a kind of magic. "Mr J, well, Earth is big, lots of room for sorcerers I have not heard of...".

"Testing, no, I think she wanted me to improve them. Not something I normally do, without someone coming to me and begging for it, but...". She shrugged. "They were barely human anyway. The one who had a spark, I sent away, unharmed. She cut my arm.". The smirk is back, implying something horrible happened to the others, but at the same time, it doesn't seem like Spiral is entirely contempuous of them. "The others... cowards, bullies, idiots. Especially idiots. They got cancelled.".

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Cancelled..?" It makes Harley look at Spiral with some concern. "Oh, Spiral.. Did ya go and kill 'em..?" the vinyl player is finally set up and she slaps in the top vinyl on it. Nothing like some ambiance music while Spiral talks about murder and dealings with fat, shady corporate men.

"I used ta kill foh Mistah J too.." She explains, then shakes her head. "And foh me, too. But that's not what I wanna be anymoouh, not gonna be what he wants me ta be." she casts a look over at Spiral when the music starts and then returns to the car, start to dig out some bags of clothing. But considering how Harley dresses ..., tough chances that it will be much normal clothing for Spiral.

"Ya nevah told me wheah ya come from..." There, Harley asking for Spiral's origin story!

Spiral has posed:
"Well... no... they've been transferred to a different studio." Spiral 'explains'. "But they may as well have been. Their old selves are no more. But there was nothing there of value anyway.".
Ugh, she sighs when she's asked that. "A pointless story. I am from another dimension, made in a vat to be a slave." she lies. "My master was a completely useless idiot, who is nevertheless very powerful and rules that dimension with an iron fist. His power comes from the mindless worship of the denizens of that realm, encouraged by great spectacles like ... like...". She sighs, like the most idiot things she's ever been forced to do. " ... gladiatorial combat, public executions, that sort of thing.". True! and a bit more metal than X-babies.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Anotha dimension...?" Harley isn't too sure how that all works. Other dimensions, parallel universes. "Oh, like Powa Gal? From a parallel universe?" but she then hrms, no, that doesn't sound like the normal kind of place, this dimension with spectacles and murderous worship. "Is that wheah ya gained ya hatred foh movies and pizza too?" she asks it casually. But is there anything casual with Harley? Or maybe she just figured out there must be something else to the story than being just a slave made in a vat.

"So were ya a gladiatah? Fightin' foh yoh life, lookin foh freedom?"

She starts to open up the bags, and indeed some of the clothings are a bit mismatched, but she appears to have made them suitable for six arms, extra holes in them. Some jackets for the cold, few t-shirts. And jeans! Those are more normal-ish! "So, I figured ya didn't have much in terms o' clothin'. And normally I'd bring ya with me on a shoppin spree but foh some reason I figured ya woulda blasted me oh somethin' if I suggested it so heah we awhe.." she gestures...
"But also ..., I got you one laaaast suhprise.." a wink.

Spiral has posed:
"I can't SHOW you as he banished me here, and shut me out. Fortunately I can still feel the Wildways at least...", and Spiral holds up her hands as if to feel the air. "One day he will take me back, as he can't leave his dimension without me, but for now, I think I have irritated him enough to leave me alone for a long time...".

"A gladiator? No. I find the gladiators! I am the one who can cross dimensions to find new stars.". She tilts her head, and notes, "I could probably get a few points for you, I am sure you have star power. Sassy, funny voice, good looks, distinctive fighting style... All very valuable, you would draw in the crowds! But I am not a talent agent at the moment.". The pizza comment, she just flat out ignores.

"Ugh. You are annoying me now, human.", she adds when she sees all the clothes. Yup, she absolutely would have been blasted.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"It's a good thing then.." Harley says, just continuing to take out a bit more clothing until she turns to rest her behind against the door of the car, hands on her hips. "... That ya were banished. Ya don't wanna go back d'ya?" some notes do hit with her though. Being a slave to someone, an all powerful being (Hey, for her the Joker is an all powerful being!), to whom one couldn't help but obey to. For Harley it had been willingly at first, the obsession, the fall into insanity..., but the end results had been similar. She smiles then, looking sane-ish for the split of a second there when she says. "I won't let him take ya. Ya don't have ta go back."

Yet her more delighted expression returns when Spiral talks about Harley being a star, "I'd bust those ratings open wide!" she striking a pose, arms wide up, one hip to a side. "But that doesn't seem like a good place ta live in.. So, hard pass foh me. But now that you awhe free o' him, what d'ya intend ta do heah on earth?" she asks. And nope, that comment about pizza being ignored is noted by Harley. But filed for later! She is a doctor afterall, and knows when not to press too much!

"But I almost fohgot...!" She turns to the car again and brings out what seems like a .., suit. "See, I always done mah own wear when I was the harlequin, thought I'd make ya one too, so ya don't need to wear that .., blue thing." blue thing.

Spiral has posed:
"Research... preparation... revenge..." Spiral says, regarding her plans. "Slaves don't get to turn down their roles. Any more than those condemend to execution get to say no to that..." she adds, shaking her head slightly regarding Harley's hard pass. "But I'm not there any more, so hopefully it won't happen, and the bloat is stuck over there just like I am stuck here, so everybody is safe, except perhaps me.". Now Spiral knows Harley, should Mojo ever find her again, Spiral would have a talent tip! He'd probably ignore as he ignores all good ideas, but still...

Clothes again, and Spiral's meagre pool of agreeableness finally runs out. She gets up, does another twirl and then starts zapping things - the car, the hyenas, Harley. Not the clothes, though, they stay where they are. But Harley ends up by the car where it was originally, back in the slum, with some confused hyenas.