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Latest revision as of 22:56, 22 September 2020

In each others' orbit
Date of Scene: 22 September 2020
Location: High Altitude / Low Orbit over the Eastern Seaboard.
Synopsis: Meeting of the titans. Well one named after one. Plus aliens! Who knew?!
Cast of Characters: Hyperion, J'onn J'onzz

Hyperion has posed:
    It's been a long few days. Hyperion has been trying to learn about this world. He came here with no money, and nothing to wear other than his costume. Some of the Avengers were nice enough to give him enough to get some street clothes. Mostly so he could launder the uniform...
    It was starting to get ripe. But that's been done, and now he has a small room to rest in when he is not out among the masses.
    A couple of hours ago, he strode into that room with the laundry basket in hand. Taking the time to fold each item meticulously, and most notably -not- using superspeed to do it. Yeah, sometimes he believes things should be done the old fashioned way. The way his mom taught him. But he put everything away and then changed into that black bodysuit with the golden cape. Yeah, the girdle and belt are a bit weird... but focus groups liked them back home and it's become something of his signature.
    But... after walking out and letting the others know he was going for a flight to clear his head... he rocketed up out of the front yard... angling for low orbit.
    Now, with his eyes closed... he finds himself enjoying the near silence of the high altitude. Most sounds don't reach this high, but his ears are far superior to most others. He's not listening for trouble. He has spent a bit of time studying the East Coast of the USA, and there are subtle differences. For example, there is no Cosmopolis. No city at all where his home town stood. And there are other cities where in his world there was just farmland. Metropolis for one. His presence stands out to the eye if anyone can see that high. To energy senses if anyone can sense the cosmic energy radiating frm his body's cells... or mentally since the way his people were genetically designed, was to psionically activate their body's vast reserves of energy. That's how the body heals too, something of a bio-feedback psi thing that functions even when they are not conscious... their minds totally in control of every cell of their body at all times.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
It is widely known that a lot of humans go on vacation during summer, and J'onn is always ready to learn human's habits by trying them himself. After some months of absence, though, he is returning home, and that means he's flying through space at a speed quite close to lightspeed on a vector that links Earth with his true homeplace, and the place he did his vacation in, Mars.
More than a relaxing couple of months, the time has been spent looking for anything about his past on the dead planet of his dead race, but as all the other times, he is returning with empty hands. Something else he must have learned from humans, keep trying even when you have failed again, and again, and again, and again.
In any case, he is still in his true form, quite large, quite green, and dressed in the Martian Manhunter's outfit, the cape as motionless as the rest of him, relatively speaking, as he approaches that nice planet full of lifeforms not so far from Sol.
His muscles are relaxed in the practiced habit of flying, his mind however is travelling in front of him, scanning not unlike a radar everything in his path. And that's why, right once he passes the moon, he alters his course towards where Hyperion is flying because, for J'onn, this is definitely something new, something that, he is sure, wasn't there when he left, and there means anywhere around the planet.

Hyperion has posed:
    As the Martian begins to enter the upper edges of the atmosphere, the air whistling past his body makes a minimal sound. This registers with Hyperion, and he opens his eyes to turn and face the new arrival. If the light were behind him and all you could see was his silhouette, it could be easily forgiven if he was mistaken for a certain Last Son of Krypton.
    But it is not Clark, or Kal. It is a man in black and gold just hovering there with a ready and relaxed posture. Certain of his safety, and confident in his strength. Still... that's definitely not a local he sees approaching. so he merely waits since... speaking generally requires air, and he is up at the limit of where there is enough air to carry voices.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
Entering the atmosphere at lightspeed is bad, very unwise, so of course J'onn slows considerably, but still looks like a dot that resolves into the image of a green man floating effortlessly in front of Hyperion. At first, he even really thought it was Superman! But all his nine senses are saying otherwise.
The Manhunter may not have the ability to express friendliness through facial expressions, what with having that alien green square-ish face, but at least his posture looks relaxed enough. Luckily, he doesn't need air, or to produce any sounds to speak, and in fact his lips remain closed as his red eyes focus on Hyperion. His question is projected, as a telepathic message, towards the Eternal "friend or foe, of this planet?" and if thoughts, if telepathic messages can have an intonation, his would be serene.

Hyperion has posed:
    Now, for some people, such a message might feel friendly and welcoming. Some people have a lot of experience with telepaths. Some don't. Hyperion understands that this world is different than his, but.. his reaction at first to the telepathic projection into his own mind is a kneejerk tensing up.
    Almost like it feels invasive. But that lasts only a moment... until he hears the message. He does not possess the ability to communicate the same way, and doesn't really realize he can just project back through the network connection. But then again, his TCP/IP protocols may be just a bit off.
    "I suppose that depends." he states as he rotates to match the Martian's basic approach angle. "The friend or foe part. That depends upon you. As for the second question.." his blue eyes flicker downwards, and then back up. "The answer to that is both yes... -and- no."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
Noticing the reaction, the Manhunter makes sure that his next message comes a lot more gently, less like a sudden telepathic intrusion, and more like a tendril of thoughts brushing over Hyperion's mind to deliver the message.
"Your answer is inaccurate. Your being friend, or foe of Earth is unrelated to me. And that, is what I was asking." the Manhunter stands still, or rather, floats still in front of Hyperion, at a distance of ten metres or so. And all his nine senses are focused on him! Which includes the involuntary reading of surface thoughts. "However, you have not committed any acts of aggression, which is a good start. I am the Martian Manhunter, one of the protectors of this planet"

Hyperion has posed:
    "Oh..." says Hyperion, now a bit sheepish. "I thought it two questions. I thought you asked if I was... oh skip it." he responds with a wave of his hand as if to brush it aside, "I am no foe to this world. I would like to be a friend. But I am new here, at least in -this- version of Earth."
    His head tilts to one side and he lifts his brows, "Interesting. In this version... Mars -does- have life?" he asks. "I mean, I might have just gone with Manhunter. It's a good solid name. But I suppose pride in your people is important."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
"It would be pointless to ask you if you are a friend or foe of mine knowing that you didn't likely have any idea about who I was, mh?" slightly but surely, J'onn's posture relaxes a bit, as he inclines his body forward in a salute of sort "welcome to this version of Earth, then..." the question, however, is answered in a rather dry tone, "no, Mars has no life anymore, and that is why I call myself Martian Manhunter and not just Manhunter."

Hyperion has posed:
    Open mouth, insert size fourteen boot. Hyperion hesitates just a moment before he asks, "Do you know if this Earth still has a saying about feet in mouths to express awkward conversational choices?"
    His voice is at least resonant and not hostile. "Forgive my question as I can see I still have much to learn. I understand your loss. I too am the last of my people. At least on my Earth I was. I believe there may be some remaining on -this- Earth but... I will just say that I am sorry for your loss. You are -certain- there are no others? It is an entire planet, and I would be happy to help you search."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz cannot chuckle, but something similar filters through the mental link "there is such an expression, yes." His gaze moves downward, towards the planet below, almost as if looking at a specific point that he cannot however see due to distance "there is but another martian. No others, though. I spent the last centuries looking, trust me..." his large shoulders move upwards and then down, did he just shrug? "anyways, from what Earth do you come, and how did you arrive here? But perhaps more importantly, who are you?"

Hyperion has posed:
    "Forgive me. My name is Mark. I would love to tell you -which- Earth I come from. But until recently, I had no idea there was more than one. So while I might think of this one as number two, undoubtedly the residents here think of their home as the most important one so..." He returns the shrug.
    "On my Earth, I chose the moniker Hyperion, after a Titan in ancient Greece." A pause and he adds, "Wait, did you say -centuries-? wow.. okay then." His eyes traverse downward also, and he nods and adds, "On my Earth, much is similar, but not entirely the same. There.." he points where Metropolis lies, "There is not a city, merely farmland. And there.." he points at a stretch of coastline which is literally just that, "Is my home city of Cosmopolis." He sighs, "I need to find a way to at least let my friends know I am safe. But... you asked how I came to be here, and the answer to that is that I am not -entirely- sure myself."
    He turns back and folds arms over his broad chest. "My team, the Squadron Supreme, was investigating the emergence of some new troublemakers who ran around in yellow suits that looked like armored beekeeper outfits." He smirks a bit and shrugs once more, "They had a portal device that allowed them to move between their world and ours. We fought... in the fight, the device was struck. I was the only one of my team close to it when it imploded. I woke up here after... what I am told... was two years being hooked up to a device siphoning off my energy for nefarious uses."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
"Intresting, so ancient history is likely similar in your version of Earth, since you chose a greek inspired name..." J'onn reasons out loud, well, not really loud, just, lets that thought filter through the telepathic link. "in any case, Mark, welcome to Earth and I am sorry for what happened to you. If there is anything that I can do to help you get acquainted with this world, do let me know and I'll see what I can do. Same applies to finding a way to communicate with your, reality, though that's not really my field of expertise."

Hyperion has posed:
    Nodding his head in confirmation, Hyperion says, "Yes. I have learned that much. Apparently, in my world the divergences happened in the early twentieth century. Maybe the nineteenth. There were two world wars, and conflicts in Korea and Vietnam, so that is the same."
    A pause and then he smirks, "I learned that the League of Justice... or however they say it... is -very- similar in its original core members to my own team. So, perhaps there is some overlap."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
"I am, currently, part of what is known as the Justice League, here..." J'onn replies, his expression unable to express the thoughtfulness permeating him right now. "In any case, this is, intresting... Very intresting indeed, it certainly will require further study"

Hyperion has posed:
    Nodding, Hyperion gestures down to the planet. "Please do not let me keep you if you are expected. I would not wish to be the cause of someone missing an appointment."
    A pause, and he adds softly, "If you have one other of your people, do not let anything prevent you from enjoying their company. I wish to find my own people here, so I can be among them for the first time in my own life. But.." He shakes his head, "Sorry, I have been growing melancholily of late. Homesick." he adds.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
"that is understandable, and there is no reason to be sorry about it, it is how it is." comes his response, as the Manhunter looks down at the planet again "I am not expected to be anywhere, and I do not spend all my time with the other martian. By now, I probably spent more time with humans than my own people, that I can remember at least." another pause, another shrug, then what could pass for a sigh "but I should probably head down there to take care of a few things. In fact, there is some work to do, now that I think about it."

Hyperion has posed:
    "You offered to aid me should I need it. The same offer is extended to you as well. If you've need of aid... call upon me. Can you..." Hyperion pauses and lifts a hand to touch his temple with an index finger, "Like.. call me from anywhere should the need arise? I mean you have a team, sure. But if they are unavailable and I -am-, I would happily back you up."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
"as long as you are on the planet, I likely can, yes." J'onn gently starts floating away, moving backward to keep his gaze on Hyperion "and, you are free to do the same with me, should you need me, if I can, I will come. May be, more difficult, but it's doable, I'll send you later the details to get in touch via, oh well I'll think of something."

Hyperion has posed:
    Staying up there, Hyperion watches the Martian head down. He shakes his head in amazement. "Martians. Next thing they'll tell me there are -shapeshifting- aliens out there." he mutters softly to himself.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz flies down, out of sight... And, now, J'onn can chuckle at that, because he, upon touching down, shapeshifts into a regular human. Perhaps, a stray thought floats up to Hyperion before the mental link is severed. "beware, humans, aliens are among you. But to protect, at least"