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It's a Liability Thing
Date of Scene: 23 September 2020
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: It's an autograph signing event in Central Park, and none other than Starfire makes an appearance! As it turns out, she's a big fan of Katsumi's. The two very nearly schedule a charity match, but Katsumi can't bring herself to tell her how wrestling really works. It ends on a bittersweet note.
Cast of Characters: Katsumi Oshiro, Koriand'r

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
It's a beautiful, warm day in New York City on a more-or-less peaceful Wednesday. Posters have gone up in numerous places around the city and high-octane commercials have been running advertising for the 'FOUR CORNERS OF THE WORLD' professional wrestling event! Soon, four federations representing a distinct region of the globe will battle it out for the right to claim their nationality to be the best! Remaining tickets on sale now!

Today's scheduled event is a meet-and-greet in the middle of Central Park. Settled in a neatly prominent position on the Great Lawn is an arrangement of five kiosks, all circling a central stage. Four of the five kiosks are bedecked in patriotic imagery relevant to their home turf and easily identified. Represented are the U.K., Russia, Japan, and of course, the United States. Seated at each kiosk is a quartet of individuals, two females and two males, comprising the 'team' for their country. The fifth and final kiosk behind the stage is a more generalized merchandising table, whereupon tickets are also on sale. A sizable crowd is in constant flux between the kiosks, mostly enthusiastic and invested, and the performers are kept rather busy with autographs and mugging for selfies.

Presently on the stage is an American man with slicked blond hair wearing a bright white suit and aviator sunglasses. "That's right!," he announces with a cordless microphone. "We'll see these four proud nations battle it out for the supreme right to call themselves the greatest! In the world! Of professional wrestling! Tickets are available behind me," he swings his free arm back in an animatedly exaggerated gesture, "while they last, but they're running out! And after you've gotten your ticket, meet the talent! Find your favorite, and be sure to YELL for'em during the event! Show your love, ladies and gentlemen!"

At last, we find Katsumi Oshiro seated at the far end of the row of grapplers with her kiosk. Despite the veritable Hell she's been experiencing in America, she's refusing to make that the visitors' problem. Any who approach her gets a sparkling smile, playfully sassy banter, and an autograph, selfie, fistbump - whatever suits them! Though her compatriots are dressed in their more modest casual attire, Katsumi's kept true to her punkishly daring fashion sense - sneakers with fluffy socks notwithstanding. Long, graceful legs remain on display, wearing a pair of black hip-hugging short-shorts. Up top, she wears a dark tanktop stylishly slashed against the chest with a trio of 'claw' marks, revealing... well, only the layer of fabric beneath it. The top is cut high, leaving her smoothly-toned midsection bare. Lastly, a pair of fingerless leather gloves and a black choker centered in gold coin finish the look.

Koriand'r has posed:
A little known fact is that Koriand'r absolutely LOVES professional wrestling. Specifically, the womens division of any given federation, she isn't specifically favoring any promotion over another, and has as much love for the ladies of the independent circuits as she does for the major companies like AEW and WWE. When she'd heard there was a group of companies from across the world coming to participate in a competition to see who would reign supreme over the entire world?!


She'd tried to get her girlfriend to come BUT 'LINA! It is the best action, it will be the talk of year, if not the entirety of this century! You must come, you simply must... Alas, it had not come to be. Not out of any disdain for being with Kori, as she just had class. ... and the Titans have their own thing going on!

So Kori has come alone.

Hovering down from her flight over a flowing crop'top blouse that shows off a sparkling belly button ring, and low hip skinny jeans, she lands on the walkway between the kiosks on designer boots that end just below her knee. The full mane of fiery red hair flares out, teased into a bees nest of curls that tumble down either side of her brightly smiling face!

Her excitement is beyond containment!

Practically RUNNING towards the Japanese kiosk to find a place in line.. stopping only to kneel down and speak with a young girl who recognizes the Titan! "Hello you tiny little adorable thing! Hmmmm! YES! I will gladly let you walk with me and I will even take a picture with you and the talent if she is welcome to this idea!" All grins, a lot of grins, the glow in her green eyes is so real..

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Team America isn't all that surprised by the conspicuous arrival of a floating woman. Team U.K and Russia are a little more agog. Team Japan is full-blown staring, however. Including Katsumi. An unbelievably pretty, /excessively/ tanned(?) girl just floated in. Her train of thought is completely derailed. It's okay, the person she was talking to is also staring. But they return their attention to Katsumi before Katsumi has finished staring. It takes an awkward throat-clearing before the Punk Princess realizes she's mentally flatlined.

"Oh! Uh, sorry, I forgot how close we were to the Jersey Shore over here, ne?," she teases. The other person snickers as they take their autograph and hurry along to the next kiosk.

Katsumi Oshiro, the Punk Princess of Japan, three-time women's champion in the NLFW - best known for her sassy irreverent behavior, willingness to bend the rules, and cutting banter - is right back to staring agog at the approaching Tangerine Dream. She manages to muddle through the next few individuals, but soon, it's time for Koriand'r to pick a member of Team Japan to approach. Each one is well-accomplished in the federation in their own right. As far as the two females go, Katsumi and the petite brunette beside her, Minako, couldn't be more diametrically opposite in style. One is sweet and endearing. The other is rough and impish.

Koriand'r has posed:
Kori could not possibly be more pleased with all the attention, not that she is, exactly, someone who bathes in such staring on a regular basis. It is nonetheless clear that she's use to it, if only because she smiles (a truly engrossing thing, all incompassing!) brightly at literally everyone and stops in the line to speak to anyone who says hello. She's a Titan. She was in the battle against Doomsday.

She just sort of... knows people know her?

There really isn't even anything cocky about it.

If anything she takes it in stride and still manages to look ridiculously excited regardless of how many times she introduces herself, only to have them already know her! Especially children. She does a lot of charity work.

But the line keeps moving and so too does Starfire. Making her way, hand in hand, with the young girl whose parents are rather quite happy to see their daughter getting such attention from passersby because --look who she's with!---

When it is her turn to step up to the plate, she moves directly towards Katsumi with, if such a thing were possible, an even wider grin on her dark amber lips! "Kon'nichiwa! Tamaran nen no ohimesama koriandadesu! Watashi wa anata no shigoto no dai fandesu. Tokuni, osorubeki kenshidoragon ni taisuru anata no taitoru boei. Kore wa watashi no shin'yu, suteishidesu!"

Moving Stacy forward by their hands linked so that the young girl can meet the PUNK PRINCESS of Japan. "Issho ni shashin o totte mo idesu ka?"

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Minako is all smiles up at Koriand'r, naturally expecting the superhero to approach her, but- whiff. Right past the face, and right to the heel. And by the time the superheroine has finished talking, all three heads are turned and /staring/ at Katsumi.

The Japanese starlet in question is wide-eyed, mouth slightly agape. Her? She's a fan of hers? Not the sweetheart beside her? Katsumi's right hand lifts to draw a portion of silky blueblack hair behind her ear, and she swallows hard.

"<Thank you>," she replies in Japanese, stunned, and with an owlish blink. She's unfamiliar with Koriand'r's fame, but she has no reason to doubt anything that she's being told. After all, she looks downright ethereal and floated in. And she's tall. Katsumi's considered tall for a Japanese girl, but the girl in front of her is taller still.

Her brain sparks. She needs to do something other than stare and murmur.

"<That would be fine! Hang on, the angle will be awful.>"

Katsumi scoots back in her seat and quickly gets to her feet to move around to the front of the kiosk. Now, positioned before Koriand'r, she can really take in her presence. But she catches herself before she falls into staring again, and her attention quickly shifts to the youngling in tow. Japanese is immediately dropped, and Katsumi crouches down in front of her with a radiant smile. "Hi, sweetie!," she coos. "You don't speak Japanese even a little bit, huh?" The question is posed with an exaggerated, sympathetic pout, but she diverts it into a wink. "S'okay, I'm pretty good at English." Which is abundantly clear, given the clarity of her voice and easy grasp of casual vernacular. Only the faintest lilt of a Japanese accent occasionally colors her delivery. "Do you wanna take a picture with us?," she asks.

Koriand'r has posed:
Koriand'r barely even realizes how she's drawing attention, though she's anything if dense or unobservant. Call it... inundation. She beams a bright smile that wrinkles across the bridge her nose when she's come upon Katsumi, but offers an almost apologetic frown to Minako, "<Forgive me, it is not that I do not think you are an exceptional combatent! I have taken many great pleasures from watching your fights as well, but... This is Katsumi Oshiro!>" Both hands motioning at her selected star.

Stacy probably would have chosen Minako, but she's going wherever Koriand'r does, not because she's being led... but because this is a pretty big deal for her. Meeting a famous wrestler /with/ Starfire?

She's happy as a clam.

Which is amusing ONLY because Starfire may well be more so! Mouth peeling back from teeth that are so white they basically glitter like stars in her amber colored mouth! Switching to english for the young Stacy's edification, who bobs a rapid serious of nods to Katsumi. Only about 9, her parents are staring on with looks of adoration at just how much attention their daughter is getting...

And then even more so when Starfire holds her hands out, flicks her fingers, and hoists Stacy up into the craddle of one arm when the girl takes them. "NOW, you must promise us that you will do very good in your school work! And always treat people with a great deal of respect and kindness okay? While The Punk Princess of Japan is notorious for her bending the rules in the ring, she is fighting the nefarious antics of foes who would see her harmed, but that does not hold true when in the streets."

Cutting green eyes towards Katsumi, welcoming her inclusion in this learn to be a good girl lesson ala one famous wrestler and one kind famous Titan.

Make a wish should be taking their numbers down right now.

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Minako awkwardly smiles and waves a hand, pretending to totally understand and that it's cool. For the record, she doesn't and it isn't.

Katsumi, on the other hand, couldn't be happier about this. It's like a much-needed medicine after the horrific time she's been having. Fans are always appreciated and loved, but being a famous person's - an /actual princess/, apparently - and possible superheroine's favorite is elating. Plus, she gets to dote on a kid while they're at it! Katsumi unabashedly loves kids, and doesn't even slightly care if it tanks her reputation to be seen like this.

Katsumi lifts quickly to her full height, not quite matching Koriand'r, but close enough. Her eyes flick between Stacy and Kori, and quickly nods to the younger girl. "She's right! Sometimes the best way to fight is to just use your mind," she chirps, tapping her temple with an index finger. "Study hard and make your parents proud, 'kay? Is that them over there?," she asks, pointing to the parents staring in question. She waves a hand energetically to them, bright smile still affixed. "They must love you a bunch! Be sure you tell'em you love'em every day."

The trio of Japanese wrestlers continue staring.

"<Seriously...?>," murmurs Minako.

The incredulity is mirrored in the expression of the males. Katsumi's a big ol' hypocrite.

Koriand'r has posed:
Kori smiles ever so wide as the pictures are taken, Stacy's arm around her shoulders, her arm around Katsumi's waist.

A momento, certainly. And beautiful words spoken by both women!

Well that seals the deal for young Stacy! She's a big ol puddle of goo right now. Two heroes giving her advice, showering her with attention, and generally being super awesome? Nine years old or not, this is the best day of her life. Her parents will hear about it for years.

Starfire, likewise, looks very appreciative of Katsumi's words, even if the other three Japanese wrestlers do not! "One of my very best friends of all, Raven, is much the same in this regard! Very dark, moody, not so nice.. until she is and it is a very important distinction between how people appear and who people are!" This is said for no one in particular.


Gently, Stacy is lowered back down to the ground, so Koriand'r can kneel down in front of her. "Now, let us sign this for you?" Scribbling her own signature befor eholding it up to Katsumi to do the same. Truly, the expression on her face bleeds so well into her bright green eyes. She is elated.

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
The picture is taken, the Punk Princess's arm around Koriand'r's waist in return. She tilts her head in, eyes happily shut and smile radiant as ever. If no one ever heard her speak, they might mistakenly think she's cute as a button. But then, that's where the 'princess' part of her nickname comes from.

The trio of Japanese wrestlers still seated behind the kiosk exchange a glance. In fairness, their personal experiences with Katsumi have been overwhelmingly negative. And Katsumi, catching what's said, shrinks into herself a little. The problem is, the real her? It's a negative thing that hurts people and drives them away. She has no idea why it's so easy to be different around fans and especially youngsters. It's like a switch that gets flipped. But if she tries to be nice around others, it's nervewracking.

Crouching again to be even with Stacy and Kori, Katsumi catches how bright the other woman's eyes are. There's a small internal twinge. Her own eyes used to be like that. Bright, gem-like green. Now, for reasons she can't understand and the optometrist could only shrug at, the green irises have faded to near-white in paleness, and increasingly sizeable motes of purpleish pink have begun appearing in their place. She has weird, spotty eyes, and she hates them.

Said eyes are redirected to Stacy and the autograph. She takes it and writes her name first in English characters, then again in kanji, and finally with a small, cartoonish feline head smile with a little 'Nyan!' speech balloon. It's certainly more elaborate than what she's been signing.

She steals another peek up at Koriand'r in silence.

Koriand'r has posed:
Kori stands as Stacy runs off to return to her parents, happily sharing the signed picture of Katsumi, which suspiciously has a Starfire signature too, but whatever, and beaming when they show her the phone picture she'd been part of with the two women.

Kori turns to the Japanese champion then, all grins, "Thank you for this moment. I am an incredible fan... possibly not your best, but I would wager one of them! Now... can I also trouble you for a signature?" Looking at the trio staring at Kat with her head cocked to one side.

She doesn't comment on their odd looks at their compatriot, but... Well... it's written on her face when she looks back? The question left actually unspoken.

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro lifts to her full height as well, and her smile starts to return. "You are, though? Really?," she asks, trying not to sound too dumbfounded by it. "I- uh, sure! Yeah! I just, lemme get one of those pictures..."

She starts towards the kiosk again, pausing only to track Kori's focus to the other three. When they realize they're being looked at, they quickly resume their PR work. Katsumi's oddly-hued gaze returns to the /actual/ princess.

That little cocking of her head wounds her. It isn't her fault. It's just a reminder that she's 'different' from the others, and how isolating life's become. Especially given the general manager's mandate for her to keep her distance from them outside of events.

Katsumi's smile fades, and her gaze drops a little. "I'll just.. get the thing.." Not that this serves as much of a distraction, as the "thing" she's obtaining is a stock photograph of her that fans can buy for her to autograph. This one is of Katsumi perched atop a turnbuckle, decked out in her wrestling gear, and clearly ready to dive at an opponent. But the shot was taken during a moment of looking out over the crowd, a vague smile on her face, her long hair blowing to the side in the open air arena.

Katsumi has no intention of charging the taller girl, and she returns to her with a subdued smile. "Anything you want it to say?"

Koriand'r has posed:
The sudden shift in Katsumi's mood is noted, it's fairly obvious really, from excited to talk with the young girl to being subdued... That hardly passes even Kori's limited observation skills! So, obviously, it must be something /she's/ done! A small frown curls her lips downward, looking at her hands. She's seen the pink glint in Kats eyes, of course, but .. one of her best friend turns into a Rhino. She's got an unusual metric for what would be considered abnormal.

"Yes... for one of my biggest fans.. top two, at least. Definitely top one in the United States." It's a mouthful, she does not seem to realize that. Full sentences and all that. Multiple of them!

She's also reaching to produce the agreed upon cost for the photograph because she's unaware that this is a free perk for Galactic Princesses of the planet Tamaranean! "You are very kind. It pleases me to know that you are not as aggressive and evil as you are in the ring. I was worried I would have to do combat with you."

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro catches sight of the money being raised, and she moves her hand to gently set over Koriand'r's in an effort to nudge it away. "This one's on me," she says. "I can't go charging princesses, can I?"

Her focus turns to the picture, finding a conveniently vacant section of sky to write in. But she pauses and looks back to the girl who she's increasingly convinced is actually not from Earth. Or at least any part of Earth she's aware of. "Do you want all that in English? Japanese? Both?"

There's another beat before she tilts her head slightly to the side. "Are you actually a princess? For reals? With superpowers? I saw you float in..."

The matter of her being evil is glossed over, as is the prospect of doing 'combat' with her. But it's pocketed for the moment. She wants to understand who she's talking to first.

Koriand'r has posed:
Kori looks up when Katsumi covers her hand, but complies with only a brief moment of hesitation on whether to put the money away or not... "If you are certain. I know that this is for relations to the public, I do not want others asking for free photographs when you are trying to make paper!" Smiling, it's like she never doesn't smile.

Because when she doesn't smile, it's a very weird turn for her. Why bother? Glass, half, full.

"Whichever is easier, I am fluent in thousands of languages." Starfire assures her, leaning over to look at the photograph, "I remember this match! There was a man in the front row who spit his drink on the floor when a tooth flew into the audience right as he took a drink!" Pointing at the man, it is not the moment where he spit though. "That would have been a very exceptional moment to have captured forever."


"Mmm? Oh yes. I am the Tamaranean Princess. I would point out to you which star it is, but at this hour, you would have to take words for it because you cannot see..." She still points, vague really, at a cloud. "It is that way. A long ways that way."

Super powers are easier to prove, but rather than launch a fireball, she just bobs her head like a child being asked if they know Sponge Bob. "I am a member of the Titans. A founding member! I once punched a monkey robot so hard that it imploded. I found great enjoyment from this fight. And amusement."

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro winces at the recollection of the tooth. Not her finest moment. Sakurai should've turned her head! Or Katsumi should've held back a little more. She felt so guilty about that. Punk or not, her goal has never been to leave lasting injury to an opponent. It's all about the fun, fame, and competition, not injury. But, drop in the bucket as far as ire towards her is concerned.

Katsumi chooses to focus instead on the other bits. "I can afford to cover just this one," she notes, one shoulder coquettishly lifting towards her cheek in a non-committal shrug. And so, Katsumi begins writing kanji into the corner of the photo.

'To my biggest fan in the United States. You are like a living ray of sunshine. Promise me you will never lose that. -Oshiro Katsumi, your fan.'

It's a lengthy message and not exactly the stumbling awkwardness that Kori had dictated, but she hopes it'll be a little more special and heartfelt.

When finished, she breathes a quiet sigh and look back to the redhead. "So you're a superhero." The corner of her lips quirk upwards in a small grin. "I dunno. Wrestling you could be a really good show. You'd just have to promise not to kill me."

Koriand'r has posed:
It is a very impressive display to Kori though!

See, Kori has no idea it's not, precisely, real fighting.

The concept of sports entertainment is one rather quite foreign to her. While she is not, at least by appearance, a violent woman... "Tamaranean are a combative people. We train for fighting our entire life! I have vanquished many foes over the years, obviously they deserved it, but I am very glad to find out you are not an enemy of people who would do harm to innocent." Still smiling, not even a shread of realization how overtly she'd just threatened someone.

In fairness, she thinks she's talking to a rather accomplish /warrior/.. which may well be true, but her body of evidence is from ... well.. Not the most reputable examples of her ability?

Staring at the picture she looks genuinely thrilled, "Oh this is delightful! I think that Gar will be quite jealous. He introduced me to Wrestling many years ago." He's grown up since then, no telling whether he still enjoys it, though. "Also Donna. If she is not dead."

A temporary pause to look rather quite thoughtful on this point... and the point of possibly fighting Katsumi. Mouth twisting into something beyond elation, bordering on full blown enjoyment overload! "Oh, that would be wonderful. Perhaps this is something we could organize as a charity event between the NLFW and Titans?"

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
The man on stage - his eyebrow. It's arched so high it's threatening to leave his head. He doesn't have super hearing, but there's a reason this fellow is the director and promoter for the event. ...As well as its creator. When he catches wind of opportunity, he latches onto it like a lamprey eel.

Katsumi has no idea Koriand'r isn't more in-the-know on the industry. To her, there'd have to be some logical understanding. After all, injuries are a very rare thing while people are doing horrifically painful and damaging (when done all the way) moves to each other! So the elation at the prospect gets a smile from the Japanese grappler - a more genuine one. She's gonna skate right past the whole 'Donna' thing.

"I don't know about all /that/, but you'n me? Superhero versus the Punk Princess? Hell," she pauses, letting her gaze dip over Koriand'r's frame, ending once more on her face, "I think we'd sell out to pervs just wanting to see us lock up anyway." She giggles.

Suddenly, the man appears at their side: "Hello! The name's Vincent Delaney, I put this little shindig together, and you must be Starfire! Wowee, what an honor to have you visit us!" The microphone isn't on at the moment, but there's basically no 'off' button with him. His words are rapid-fire and precise. "Was I hearing a little prospect of the two of you going at it? Superhero versus...," he looks at Katsumi. She raises her eyebrows at him expectantly. "...a villain?," Delaney concludes. "We could make that happen! And you said charity? I think we can swing that. You let us sell tickets on the side to the main event, and I'll let all the proceeds from this bout go to the charity of your choice. What do you think about /that/, Starfire?"

Katsumi blinks and looks back to Kori.

Koriand'r has posed:
Koriand'r is blissfully blind to the fact there's any kind of Tom Foolery in the Professional Wrestling circuits. Which is probably why she's so eager to meet these great warriors! Who survive such stunningly painful looking maneuvers and engagements without so much as a bruise (sometimes. We're looking at you Mick Foley.) Clapping excitedly, she bobs her head, "Yes, we should do it for the perverts!" Not exactly the greatest battlecry.

Except a lecherous weasel is approaching and Kori is canting her head curiously at his proposition. Milling it over in her head before errupting into a massive smile, "This sounds wonderful! Everyone wins in this situations?" Again regarding Katsumi, "Wait. You do not really look like a villain, though... Will this be an exhibition match? Are you going to attempt some nepharious behavior that I must stop through combat?"

Gears turning... she looks down at her hands again curiously.

It should be pretty obvious by now that she is, 100% a mark where it comes to Pro Wrestling.

And if that don't send off alarm bells, well...

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
"Great! I'll have my people contact your people and we'll make sure the waivers get printed off. Just a formality! You all know what you're doing, right? Of course you do," rattles off Delaney before moving back towards the stage. He has plans.

Katsumi, however, has cottoned onto the situation. Her hands lift to gently take the actual princess by the shoulders. "It's a /sport/, honey," she emphasizes. "I'll probably say some mean things to you, but I won't actually mean it. It's like banter, you know?"

There's a small flash of worry behind her eyes. Kori's so innocent. So naive. Katsumi isn't sure she has the heart to take any of it away. But if they get in the ring together, she could get herself killed by a superhero not realizing they're holding back. Another issue? They're in a crowded place! She can't ruin it for the normies!

"You... get how this works, right...?," she asks with a subtle dip of her chin. "You..."

She can't do it. She doesn't have the heart to break it to her. She'd seem like such a fake to this extremely special fan.

If her hands had landed on Kori's shoulders, they slip down to hang limply at her side at this point, defeated.

Koriand'r has posed:
"Then why would you say it?" Kori wonders of Katsumi saying she will say mean things just for show, "I have watched many sports, yes. Boxing, Ultimate Fighting, and occationally basketball. I know there is a necessary amount of shit talk that must go on amongst athletics to increase hype levels for viewers, but perhaps it would be better if we do not engage in slinging of harsh words and instead delight in the glory of combat, instead?" She blinks her owlishly large eyes at the wrestler.

This could be bad.

"Oh, yes, I absolutely understand! We face each other in the squared circle- which is a really silly concept, but i do not argue because it is entertaining to hear said out loud by adults who should know better- and fight! The superior combatant stands victorious!" The hand that was previously on her shoulder falling down to Katsumi's side draws her green eyes towards it.

"... do you not think I will be a good competitor?" The formation of a frown is immenient.

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Her and her stupid big mouth. Katsumi sighs softly and pinches the bridge of her nose, unsure how to tackle this.

"Yeah. That's.. basically it. I mean, there are rules and stuff. You know, you've seen. But..."

She still can't do it.

Wait. Maybe?

"Okay. Come with me a second."

She spares a glance back to the kiosk, and sees the general manager is on the phone. A glance towards the stage reveals Delaney is also on the phone, off to the side. Why they're choosing to communicate that way instead of in person, she can't say. But she's pretty sure they're talking to each other.

"<I'm taking off for a minute. He'll know why!>," Katsumi calls to the trio of remaining Japanese athletes. And with that, she attempts to hook an arm around Koriand'r's waist to begin leading her away from the throng of people. Further down the lawn, further, further. She needs them well out of earshot.

Koriand'r has posed:
This is all very curious to Koriand'r, watching the shift in Katsumi's expression is like trying to figure out what exactly Gar is cooking. It flip flops! She is confused, it shows, and confusion is making her fidget. Her smile isn't gone, but it's muted. A thin line slightly quirked on the corners of her mouth, eyes fixed up on the wrestler.

Then she's being led away.

SHe doesn't resist, arm around her waist drawing her from the throngs of people who still crane their heads to see where the Titan and the Punk Princesses are going. "In my experience with wrestling events, we must do more adertising so that it is appropriately hyped." Assuming that this is about to lead to them fighting /now/.

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Satisfied that they're /far/ removed from prying ears, Katsumi releases Koriand'r and turns around to face her. "I know, yeah, don't sweat it. I wanna talk."

She tilts aside to take one final peek towards the crowd. They seem to be clear. Her back straightens again to look up into Kori's eyes.

"You said you imploded a robot with a punch, right? So that's, what, super strength? You can break rocks, lift cars, things like that?"

Koriand'r has posed:
"Oh, yes." Starfire bobs her head experessively at the rather simplistic, but still accurate, description of her capabilities, "I can also get hit by rocks and lifted cars. Not that I would care to do that, obviously, do you think there will be much of that in our fight?" Suddenly very curious, leaning towards Katsumi.

She's... okay so she's right up in her personal space. Like she has no real concept of personal bubbles or do not cross auras. Nearly face to face, almost nose to nose. "It will be okay if there is, but I worry about the spectators at our combat. Someone could accidentally get hurt..." Thinking, "Oh! I will have others from the Titans on hand to protect them in that case."

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro is a professional wrestler. She has no personal bubble. Plus, a little human contact is sorely lacking in her life, despite her career consisting of grabbing and pressing into people. She's not shying back from the invasive face.

Her gaze, however, breaks from her, somehow ashamed of what she's about to say. "Yeah, well... I can't do any of that. I can't punch rocks apart, I can't lift cars. I'm just a human. So if you hit me that hard, y'know what'll happen?"

Koriand'r has posed:
"You will surely die." Koriand'r says as if this was something she absolutely already knew, nodding just as emphatically, "Do not worry, Katsumi, I will not kill you. My goal is to beat you in combat, not end your life. I am a Titan, not a Titanic asshole." Her grin, wayyyyy too big.

She's still not grasping the intricacies though.

Even not going full steam, and not really knowing what Katsumi can do herself, Koriand'r is... well.. a monster. "I was unsure why you would suggest a fight with me, but now I am starting to believe, perhaps, you have latent talents that you do not wish to mention?"

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro snaps her gaze back up to Kori at the bluntness of her response. "Y-yeah. Great, don't kill me. But also you said you've watched MMA and stuff, right?," she asks. "You've seen how those matches can end in.. like... one minute? Or two seconds, even? Which one's more fun to watch, that or professional wrestling?"

Koriand'r has posed:
"Oh, I greatly enjoy the back and forth of a longer engagement, but that is not what is going to happen..." Kori frowns a little, not entirely sure what this line of questioning is leaning to. "Do you wish for me to fake it for the sake of the enjoyment of the battle taking longer? It is not too late to change our minds... I do not think I can fake combat inferiority. Deception for the purposes of saving someone indignity is one thing, but disgracing oneself in a physical confrontation?"

She's from a warrior race.

".. Please, explain to me what you are trying to say."

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro deflates a little as the pressure mounts. What is she doing? She can't do this. It isn't gonna work. She's talking to an alien who is also royalty, about 'faking combat inferiority'. It feels wrong.

Katsumi steps back from her to get a little distance. "...You're right. It was a dumb idea. I can't ask you to be less than you are, and being anything else is either a really lame show, or lethal to me. Or probably both." She self-consciously rubs a hand against the side of her neck. "Sorry," she murmurs.

Her eyes rest glued to her feet now. Not just for the shame of what she was about to suggest, but for the idea that she just lost a fan.

Koriand'r has posed:
Koriand'r inclines her head at Katsumi's sudden deflation, not entirely certain what has happened. She opens her mouth as if to say something, then closes it again. Curling a finger on a hand coming up to lift the womans chin with the curve of her knuckle.

"It was not a dumb idea. It was a good idea. It would have been a great charity event! I do not know why you have suddenly had hearts change, but I will not fault you. And to save your public image, I will inform the weasely man that it was I, not you, who has decided it is a poor decision."

No boundries by the way.

"I may not able to fake being inferior, but I am more than willing to save your face in this way!" All smiles again, a bright flash of green from her eyes.

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro quickly raises her right hand haltingly. "No. Don't lie for me." If she won't 'lie' for her to do a show, she absolutely won't let her lie for her to cancel it. Besides that, no one would blame her for this turn of events. "Delaney will get it. He'd have to be a psychopath not to."

For the man's faults, he isn't in it for the ruination of talent. There was a miscommunication, no PR had been made to hype an event that won't be taking place, so there are no losses to cover. Besides that, her GM might have even nixed the idea anyway.

Katsumi's hand lowers again, ultimately stuffing both into her pockets. Her gaze refuses to lift and meet Kori's. "Best not to dwell on it," she mutters. "I should get back to'em."

She can't exactly explain why it wasn't a good idea without either insulting the redhead, revealing everything, or risking making it all worse. She has to cut her losses. She won't be the one ruining wrestling for her.

Koriand'r has posed:
"This is a white lie! Those are acceptable, at least that is what Dick says. You can tell white lies because the purpose is to spare someone painful information, incident, or circumstances." Koriand'r turns slowly, watching Katsumi, with hands in her pockets, make her way back towards the gathering...

She still doesn't get it.

"I would very much like to do this lie for you! You are three time champion, and while I do not demenish my own accolades, I do not make my living doing combat against others in the way you do. Perhaps it could be beneficial for your reputation with other opponents that even Starfire is scared to fight you!"

Smiling brightly, "It is okay to say this because we both know I could kill you." How she says things like this and still sounds like she's being sweet and nice is beyong everyone.

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
"It's not /that/, peach," Katsumi says, head lowering. "Just- it's okay." The white lie is the one Koriand'r, herself, has fallen for. It would be like telling a kid that Santa Claus is fake. And what would even be the point? She already said she couldn't fake it. So all Katsumi would be doing is signing up for a six-second-bout, getting beaten up, /and/ ruining something Koriand'r loves. No one wins here. It would go down in history as the worst ever charity event. It'd be so bad, it might make the charity give the money back!

"I don't want a superhero to seem like less than she is, anyway." Something she hadn't even thought about. It might've even been selfish, what she was thinking of doing.

Koriand'r has posed:
"Which is why I will say I do not wish to fight you..." This part, at least, makes sense to Koriand'r. Following along with Katsumi, arms swaying every bit as much as the rest of her does. Wiggling her fingers in a wave to someone who says something about holy hell it's starfire or whatever, really it's just reactionary at this point.

"Nobody will think less of me as a superhero. And if they do, it will be a terrible mistake on their part. I am not less..." Really, Kori is not stupid, she's not even an airhead. There's things she gets, but a lot of entertainment, culture, and the intricacies of humans still ellude her.

Not a simpleton though.

"I feel like you have seen a puppy get kicked." Not her favorite analogy, but certianly apt.

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
"No, just the boot lining up on one," Katsumi laments.

Turning around again to Koriand'r, Katsumi lifts her hands. "It's not about this. No one but Delaney even knows, and he's not gonna be stupid enough to think you're scared of me. It's about the match, and it's like you said. I'd be asking you to be less than you are. I don't wanna do that. You really don't wanna do that, either. It's a wash, okay?," she asks. There's a certain level of plead entering her voice, hoping she'll accept it and let it go.

Koriand'r has posed:
Koriand'r ... nods. Though she absolutely does not understand what the problem is, frowning at Katsumi with a furrowed brow and green eyes clicking back and forth looking for some piece of evidence she does not get. "If you wish to do it this way, that is fine. I was only trying to assist... I did not mean to incenuate that you are not a good fighter.." Reaching up, but lowering, her hand..

The picture she'd had signed is looked at, then Katsumi. "I am glad that we were able to meet!" Lifting up on her toes, "I will delightfully show off your signature and portrait to the rest of the Titans." Smiling again, impossible to keep her down.

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
And that's why Katsumi couldn't say more about it. She looks at the picture, the writing she'd made, and her heart breaks a little. Why does Koriand'r seem so happy when she feels like she did her wrong? She forces a smile, but it's obviously strained. "You're a good person, Starfire."

Her head lowers again, as if burdened. Her mouth opens again, but she turns to resume her way back to the crowd.

Koriand'r has posed:
"You are a very good fighter, Katsumi! And very sweet." Remembering the kind things she'd said to Stacy, who is now somewhere watching some other part of the gathering, but quite happy with the interaction she'd had with the pair of Koriand'r and Katsumi Oshiro. With a smile on her face, Kori watches Kat walk away, but doesn't follow her this time.

She still doesn't know what has upset her!

Inwardly, she worries that she was too blunt with her statements regarding how the fight would have gone. In a quiet voice, again looking at the picture, "I will never understand humans.." But that's why she's here, right? Learn about a culturally relevant part of human entertainment that appeals to her. Moving towards another exhibit, she... definitely does not disappear into a crowd. Crowds just sort of envelope her.

She is a Titan.

And a Princess.