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Latest revision as of 20:53, 24 September 2020

New Home, New issues
Date of Scene: 24 September 2020
Location: Bushwick <Mutant Town>
Synopsis: Home again for the first time for Jackson. He gets his first vistor, one Kitty Pryde.
Cast of Characters: Jackson Mathias, Kitty Pryde

Jackson Mathias has posed:
That was weird, a place to stay, a job, so much to do now. Jackson takes his time, thinking it over, still debating that long run away, two days in the broken-down car. But it was an offer, from someone aint' had one of those in a long time, down into Bushwick. He is holding a bag over his right shoulder as he moves into the street, his eyes hidden behind a broken of sunglasses, left eye cracked, and the right is not there. But style points right.

He is standing outside the address, pacing up and down debating on the knock. His eyes moving up over the apartment, as he is about to knock shaking his head."Come on, Jack; you got this." With that, he sits down on the steps, waiting for a sign of what to do next; home is where the heart is, and that has been cold for a long time.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde is in the city. It was not for recreational purposes. She thought maybe they had a lead on where Vulture and Green Goblin were working on the technology they stole from a research company. The power usage changes matched in the range of what they were looking for, so Kitty went out to recon the place. Though it turned out to be a bust. Just a large dry cleaning factory that stores send their goods to that had a machine that used similar power consumption. Plenty of comforters and dresses, but no supervillain lair.

Now she's making her way back through the city and pulls out her phone. She sends off a text message to Jackson:

> I'm in the city. Any chance you're around and not busy?

Jackson Mathias has posed:
>Yeah, I'm in Bushwick. Checking out a place.<

Admit to being a mutant, even though your not dumb, Jackson. You don't know how she feels about that shit, whatever. She is cool. Running through his real thoughts as he tries to go back to the cool, uncaring dude.

Jackson stands up now, pushing off the stoop, as he reaches behind his ear to bring up a bent water damaged smoke, placing it between his lips. As he flicks a stolen packet of matches against the wall, as he sharply inhales the smoke.

>I'll be sticking around New York for the long term it seems. Got freelance work.<

With that he inhales sharply, of the wet tobacco, with a little kick as he knocks at the door, better get this show on the road, a few moments later he is leaving the building with a key, but legally the place not in his name. That should be fine; he hopes only tested it once before.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty isn't that far away, and knows the area well. She texts him back saying she can stop by, and gets the address back from him.

It takes her about twenty minutes to over to Bushwick and then over to the street in question. She glances around, thoughts buzzing with curiosity. Not that everyone in Mutant Town is a mutant, but then many of them are. Not out of place for someone else to settle there. But it does start her mind wondering.

She's soon showing up at the door of the apartment. Knock knock knock, she announces her arrival and waits with a smile on her face.

Jackson Mathias has posed:
The door opens on a bare apartment, as he is looking at her, dressed in just jeans now, with his dreads flowing down that muscled chest."Hello Love." His hand is reaching around Kitty's waist to yank her into a quick hug as he smiles at her."Missed ya."

Behind him is a couch, and a bed lying on the ground nothing amazing to the average person, but to him, it's a game-changer.

"Welcome to mi casa, I aint' ever been able to say that in my life." The sound of true joy from the youth, as his mouth curls into a wide smile, for once he looks his age, so young, so alone, so scared all in the flash of a moment, till it is once again hidden under the rug with his false bravado.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty gives a soft grin, and a little bit of a blush too, as she's pulled in and into the man's arms. "Oh? Wow, then I'm really happy for you. If I'd known I would have brought a house warming present," she tells him. "I've only really had school and college places, myself. But I can get the excitement about it," she says with a smile.

She looks around the place and then back up at the taller Jackson. "I like it. Congratulations," she tells him with a bigger smile. "Oh, I do have something to show you though," she says, pulling a deck of cards out of her back pocket and wiggling it at him.

Jackson Mathias has posed:
"Want to learn the trick, only if I can call ya my gal?" Jackson says it in a teasing fashion, as he reaches for the cards."I aint' ever had nothing that like, was not shared space. I aint' been so lucky." His fingers tracing over the pack, as he looks over at Kitty."You're a house warming gift, seeing that cute little face."

The bravado, the charm is real but something about the way his eyes linger, says some more as he walks over to the couch to fall back into it, as he grins at her."I need a coffee table, aint' a home without ya know. I can do without a tv, or a laptop or anythang face, but I need a coffee table."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The younger woman gives a warm laugh, seeming to find the bravado on the charming side. "Long as you don't mind your gal is still dating here and there," she tells him, reaching up to brush a hand over Jackson's shoulder before letting him go.

As he opens up the deck of cards, his practiced eye would probably not take long to pick up on something. The cards. There's a lot of them. Instead of 52 cards, there are 104 each cut to half the thickness of a normal card so two decks can fit in a normal sized pack. A 'Phoenix deck' in the lingo of the magician. Which enables all sorts of tricks. "I picked it up at a magic store," she tells him.

Jackson Mathias has posed:
"So my little Kitty wishes to know magic, and I don't mind at all." Jackson nods slowly, as he looks into Kitty's eyes with a wicked little chuckle, as his eyes watching the cards for a moment."Classic, see I do my tricks, with my magic." His voice is soft, as he places them back into the deck, as he sighs softly."I can control luck."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The Jewish girl looks back up at Jackson as he chuckles. Her head gives a small, curious tilt at his comment. "And here I was debating how to work around to the question, given your choice of location," she says. "Which granted, could be because of the housing prices. So you're a mutant then?" she asks him.

She reaches up to touch his cheek softly, foreshadowing that her reaction is not a negative one. "I have known quite a few mutants," she tells him, holding back her own news until she hears his confirmation. "Lots of good people among them," she tells him.

She pulls her hand back and moves over to sit on the arm of the couch, feet just dangling above the ground. "So you did force me to get the card that was already on the table, made luck have me pick the card was already marked there?" she says, a question though as much statement. "That's pretty awesome," she says with a smile.

Jackson Mathias has posed:
"Not a mutant, I'm a magic-user. I have a demon bounded to my soul; I guess you could call it. No, I can adjust your luck, your person luck for good or bad, and I can watch your fate, adjust it, and stuff like that. So, I watched everyone's fate that comes to my show, from there, and I watch their choices and adjust myself to do them. It's weird, and a cheap and never fails." Jackson nods slowly, as he bites his lip, as he reaches into his pocket, as he looks down at the pure-white rabbit foot on his belt, forcing good luck into the card as he throws it towards Kitty. Seconds later, her phone dings telling her she won that contest she entered, for free concert tickets."Stuff like that."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde pulls out her phone, head tilting again in curiosity as her phone chimes. She pulls it out and checks it. "Wow, so you did that?" she says. "I suppose this means I should take you to the concert with me. Kind of a slick way of getting a date," she says, lips peeling up in a grin at the corners.

She nods slowly and says, "Interesting. The 'demon' part sounds a little worrisome though? That normally doesn't have a good connotation. Though, to be fair not all demons are bad. Nor everyone associated with them." Somehow Kitty keeps her cheeks from getting red. It's been awhile since Illyana returned and Kitty's connection to Limbo was lessened. But it's still there.

"Well, I think it's pretty cool. And hey, reminds me, there's a different magic trick I want to show you," she tells Jackson. She looks around and goes over to the closet. She opens up the door. "Normal closet. Nothing magic about it. So you THINK," she says. "Knock on the door three times and say the magic words, then open it," she says, stepping into the closet and closing the door on herself.

Jackson Mathias has posed:
Jackson leaps up after he listens to her for a moment, as he speaks."It's not something like that, it's odd. But that is the best way to explain it, yeah." With that, he watches as she is going to the closet, waiting as he knocks three times, saying his magic words.

"Bing Bong Bing." He opens it after saying it with each knock with a wide smile, then a frown and then shock."Kitty?" His eyes moving along the wall, as he touches it, trying to find her, the trickster got tricked.

"What......" His eyes wide, as his teeth find his bottom, lip as he steps back now, watching the home, trying to find her seeking for her. Slightly worried, as he speaks softly."Her trick is good." His eyes scanning as he walks back to the closet to peer back into it now.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty wasn't going to go up or down, not knowing who might be living there, so she'd stepped through the wall into the bathroom. As Jackson can be heard starting to move around and look for her, she steps back into the closet again. So when he returns, there she is, doing a Vanna White-esque tada gesture.

"What'd you think? Decent magic trick?" she asks him with a grin as she steps out of the closet and back over to him. "Though, you know, would have to work on the reveal better. Maybe come back in through the front door or something?" she suggests, grinning up at the taller man still.

Jackson Mathias has posed:
"Yeah, well, door front is yeah better, what the hell. I'm not going to ask how, you won't tell me."Jackson nods slowly, with a little chuckle as his lips bite his bottom lip, as he shakes his head, those dreads flying back and forth over his face."Damn, that was cool."

Jackson moves forward, as he looks around the closet, touching the walls, trying to find the secret."Ya, set this up how and I mean hell yeah, that was cool. Do you know that woman that told me to come here, Betsy, whatever? Owns a club, purple ninja and with bad ass powers."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty shakes her head in disagreement with something Jackson said. "I'm willing to tell you. I mean, you shared with me," she tells him. "And plus, you seem like someone I'd like to see do well. And knowing you have someone you can count on may help," she tells him.

Kitty takes Jackson's hand if he lets her to lead him over to the couch. She sits on the arm of it again though. "It wasn't the closet, it's me," she tells him. "I'm a mutant. One of the reasons I know a bunch of them," Kitty Pryde says.

She holds up her hand. "I can phase myself, become intangible to the rest of the world." She waves her hand at the back of the sofa and it passes right through. She does it a few times so he can observe it, then pulls her hand back and this time she pats it solidly. "I just stepped through the wall into the bathroom. Then when it sounded like you couldn't see back into the closet, stepped back through," she says.

Jackson Mathias has posed:
"Dude that is super rad, super cool." Jackson bounces on the couch, as he leans back into it with a little sigh, as he looks around."Fine, I'll teach you my tricks, Let's do that all night." As he grins at the younger girl, but not by much."I'll show ya, some real magic not my phony power stuff, that can't be copied stay here, I'll get my kit." With that he is rising to head to grab his stuff, it would be fun evening!