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Latest revision as of 03:47, 25 September 2020

Toys Vs Amazon
Date of Scene: 25 September 2020
Location: The Home of Johann Von Graft. Metropolis
Synopsis: Artemis meets The Toyman
Cast of Characters: Winslow Schott, Artemis

Winslow Schott has posed:
In the world of artifact collecting one name stood out in Metropolis, Johann Von Graft. This eccentric old man spent most of his life traveling the world, first as a executive for the Royal Dutch Shell oil company, then as a missionary for the Catholic Church. Over the years, he is accumulated what one may call a "impressive" collection of Egyptian artifacts,a collection that made him a curiosity amongst enthusiasts of Ancient Egypt. Nowadays, the old man spent his time in the suburbs outside of Metropolis, enjoying his retirement and generally staying out of the way of the world's various heroes and villains. Unfortunately, that ends tonight.

In your travels, you heard about this eccentric old man from a local mail carrier, and how he is still collecting Egyptian artifacts, mostly idols, but he also implied the man might have some weaponry in his home. This caught your attention; perhaps he unknowingly now owned Bow of Bast?

Tonight was a calm night in this calm little suburb, despite a few cars zooming by and a few curious stares you got from neighborhood children out late, the neighborhood was surprisingly quiet. The man's home was quite easy to find, as it was the only home that had a statue of Isis, the Egyptian god of Magic standing out in the front door, as if welcoming guests to the home.

Artemis has posed:
Approaching, Artemis isn't like some of her sisters. She doesn't care who stares or what they think. She isn't here to impress or be a diplomat. As she notes the home, she clenches her fist briefly as she notes the statue. Her tall form standing higher as she considers of this will at least be a clue to her goal.

She whips her hair back slightly, the long hair shifting against her back before she sighs and slams her fist several times against the door. It isn't enough to hurt the door but it will be heard even outside the home.

Winslow Schott has posed:
After a few moments of silence, you hear what appears to be very slow footsteps approaching the door. After a few moments of waiting, the door opens, revealing a old man. The man was tall and thing with watery blue eyes and thinning brown hair. He was wearing a pair of bifocal glasses, a red bathrobe, and a pair of blue pajama pants. He let's out a startled gasp once he sees you, leaning heavily on what appeared to be a cane, which he grasped on his right hand. He then clears his throat before saying in a thick, Dutch accent,

" Hello there, how may I help you?"

Artemis has posed:
Artemis says, "I am searching for the Bow of Bast. I have heard you have an impressive collection of artifacts." She nods her head to him and simply looks past him toward the inside of his home and then back at him, "I am Artemis of the Bana-Mighdal." She nods again and stretches slightly as she stares at him with those piercing eyes. "We should speak inside.""

Winslow Schott has posed:
As you peer into the home you can already see traces of the man's artifacts. As far as the eye can see you can see what appear to be images, statues, framed artifacts, and even a Egyptian sword hanging over the lit fireplace below. One thing that stands out however, is the rather large collection of Bast statues all over the room you are currently looking at. The old man looks at you for a minute before grunting and gesturing you in while saying,

"Do come in and let's talk about this."

As the old man turns and starts to hobble in the home, leaning heavily on his cane as he did, he suddenly stopped in front of one of the Bastet statues. The statue appeared to be in good condition, and was of Bastet in her humanoid form, complete with a Cat's head that seemed to smile at the old man. The old man seemed to mutter something at the statue before taking out a Quarter from his pajama pocket and placing it in a small dish full of change near the statue's feet. The old man then plops down at a nearby couch, which had a statue of Sobek nearby on the floor to the right, and a statue of Thoth to the left. He then clears his throat again and said,

"That Bastet statue with the change was sold to me by a merchant back when I worked for Royal Dutch Shell. He told me it brought good luck, and it seemingly did. I just now feel the need to repay her for all the year's of good luck."

What the mail carrier said was true, this man was eccentric.

Artemis has posed:
A hmm and she walks over to the statue, eyeing it carefully as she looks at it before turning her gaze to him. She walks over to his living area but doesn't sit. She instead considers more of the art around. She considers her words carefully.

"I am not sure how she'd feel about this. I have met her and she is a capricious woman."

Winslow Schott has posed:
The old man hums at this while eyeing another statue of Bastet, this time of her in her cat form. He then shrugs and says,

"Hopefully, she would appreciate the token. Now, you wanted to talk about this Bow of Bast?"

As he said this, he reached for a pipe and lit it and began to smoke it.

Artemis has posed:
A nod of her head and Artemis shifts in her seat, "It is a weapon of my people. It is supposed to be used by our greatest warrior and it is now missing." She nods her head, "Any who aren't could die from just trying to draw its string." She frowns and then looks down before shifting her gaze to the statue, "Someone dear to me lost herself to the bow." She turns her gaze back to the man, "I doubt you have it but you may have a clue."

Winslow Schott has posed:
The old man nods at your story, occasionally letting out a grunt of understanding. He then clears his throat and says while staring into his fireplace,

"Interesting story young woman, I will do what I can to help. I did receive a shipment from a old friend in Egypt just last week. It's still in the box if you wanna take a look. It's located in the basement."

He then points towards the basement door, which appeared to be guarded by a rather large, snarling statue of Sekhmet. The old man chuckles good naturedly and says,

"Don't worry, she is harmless."

Artemis has posed:
Listening, she hmms and then looks to the door. She smirks at him and then looks at Sekhmet, "I have faced much in my life. I am not worried about a statue." She then moves to the door and looks over at him briefly, "I am glad for your help." She nods to him, "I have not been able to find many clues in a long time." And with that she heads for the basement.

Winslow Schott has posed:
The old man nods at you and says nothing more as he seemingly stares into the fire, occasionally taking a puff from his pipe. As you descend to the basement, you would see a surprsie lack of Egyptian artifacts down here, except for, oddly enough, a small statue of Ra. In the center is the box that the old man was talking about. If you were to open it however, you would find only disappointment. Insides wasn't The Bow at all, it was only a statue of Anubis, a rather large one to.

Before you can vent disappointment, you hear what sounds like a explosion and the sound of the old man crying in pain. You then hear footsteps rushin in and the gruff voice of a man shouting,

"Where is the statue of Thoth ya old codger!"

Artemis has posed:
A sigh escapes Artemis's lips. Not even a clue from what she can tell. She glares briefly at the statue. She reaches out to touch it only to be interrupted by the explosion. She blinks and looks up only to growl under her breath and then takes the stares three at a time as she bursts back on to the main floor and looks around.

"No statue here, only a path to meet him. "

Winslow Schott has posed:
As you burst through the door, you are greeted by three men wearing red plastic lab coats surrounding the now prone old man. The leader, a tall, lanky man wearing glasses, just grabs the old man by the legs and starts to drag him out of the room, accompanied by the two other men. However, before you can follow, a toy tank emerges from the rubble of what used to be the old man's wall. It suddenly aims it's cannon at you and fires a miniature artillery round at you.

Artemis has posed:
"Mistress!" Artemis calls out and suddenly her axe is before her before she goes flying backwards through the door she just came out of. She is back in the basement with an oof. Her eyes going to the top of the stairs before she grumbles and leaps back up to the top and glares, "What the hell?!" She then looks where the men went and then back to the tank, staring at it in confusion before she attempts to simply swat it away with her axe.

Winslow Schott has posed:
You manage to swat away the tank, which goes flying into the wall and shatters into a million pieces. However, it is quickly replaced by the sounds of buzzing. The source of this sound is a fleet of toy biplanes, which immediately begins to fire actual machine gun bullets at you, except for one, which hovers in place and projects a hologram. The hologram is a short, fat, middle-aged man with slightly-long brown hair and wire-rimmed glasses. He was wearing a blue and purple-stripped three piece suit and had a almost comically large black bow tie. He frowns at you and says in a British accent,

"I do not appreciate your interference in this affair! Leave now!"

Artemis has posed:
A blink and she immediately begins spinning her axe, deflecting bullets at lightning fast speeds. She glares at the man and then as a response she whips across the floor and flicks her axe upward to cut that particular plane in two. With that she starts to run after the man who was being kidnapped, "What foolishness is this?" She asks of no one in particular and as she moves she calls out, "Release that man now and I will make it quick for you!"

Winslow Schott has posed:
The hologram disappears when the axe is cut in half, but not before the man lets out a groan in frustration. The toy planes do not seem to follow you into the next room, where you see two of the men holding the old man up, with the third one seemingly beating on the old man, as if he were interrogating him. Before you can do anything, a sharp, shrill "KIYAH" fills the air as what appears to be a ninja leaps in from the shadows of the house. It pulls out a katana and leaps towards you while slashing at you. As it does this, the same British voice seems to echo from the ninja as it's says,

"It appears you have angered The Black Ninja. Now it will destroy you!"

Artemis has posed:
"Stop that or..." And then she is blocking a blade from a ninja and skidding back from the attack and glaring, "What madness is this?!" Artemis sighs as she stands up straight and whips around her blade to the side and looks to the old man with the men and points at them, "You three are next."

She points her axe at the ninja and states, "Come forth black ninja. I do not know what madness I have stumbled into but I will end this."

Winslow Schott has posed:
The Ninja seems to glare at you before charging at you again, swinging it's wicked looking blade at you. Meanwhile, the three men suddenly rush to a linen closet and pull out what appear to be a statue of Thoth. The emn then rush to the front door, leaving the old man lying on the floor, battered, bruised, and groaning in pain.

Artemis has posed:
Waiting for the ninja, she frowns deeply as she notices the men leaving. She was ready for the ninja though. She flicks the axe up into the blade and then attempts to spin it right into the center mass of the ninja as a counter. She growls as she goes through the practiced motion before turning quickly into facing the old man and racing over to him to make sure he is OK.

Winslow Schott has posed:
The Ninja is cleaved in half by this attack. As it's half fall upon the floor, you would see that it was nothing but a robot, another one of that strange little man's creations. meanwhile, the old man was still lying prone on the floor, groaning. His cane was tossed to the side. He suddenly tries to get up, only to collapse back down onto the ground. If you were to look up, you would notice that this occured near the statue of Bastet with the change. But, it appeared that the statue was snarling in anger now instead of smiling. Were your eyes playing tricks on you?

Artemis has posed:
A blink as she looks to Bastet and then squints before looking to the robot and growling. She looks into her pocket and eyes the phone briefly and dials 911. She glares toward the door and her axe vanishes from her hand.