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Latest revision as of 00:35, 26 September 2020

A plan that will (hopefully not) blow your mind.
Date of Scene: 24 September 2020
Location: The Danger Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: In preparation for the raid on the Red Room Vivian Vision and Supergirl try work out a way to remove a bomb from inside a person using the Danger Room in Titans Tower. It turns out this is easier said than done!
Cast of Characters: Kara Danvers, Vivian Vision

Kara Danvers has posed:
The Titans Tower had seen a bit of action recently. The front doors had been blown in by a mage and they had yet to be fixed. It was very recent. Security is on higher alert than usual, but Supergirl has you wear a visitors badge that the AI recognises and doesn't turn the turrets on you immediately.

She takes you to the Danger Room where they had intended to practice defusing brain bomb. Kara already had the administration controls unlocked for this. She's not great at operating this set up, Earth technology is still mostly a mystery to her because of all the assumptions in iconography and terminology they use with assumed prior context.

Kara shuts the doors and smiles, "Welcome to the Danger Room of the Titan's Tower. Or the Danger Zone as I have started calling it ever since I learnt about that song." She looks amused with herself for a brief moment and then gets serious again. A person appears in the center of the room but has no face, no real features. "Let's see if I can't recreate that device from memory."

She begins to construct a 3d object wrapped around the spinal cord just below the ears and penetrating in to the brain. It seems designed to resist removal using conventional surgical means. They don't intend to do that. She fiddles with it a bit, shutting her eyes as she tries to remember the finer details.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Ever since her Great Aunt Nadia became a Titan Vivian Vision has been sort of but not quite planning a visit to Titans Tower. A plan that has been put off for various, admittedly excellent, reasons like the possible end of the world. She should in theory be thrilled to be here but it's hard to enjoy a day where you know you're probably going to have your hand explode more than a few times.

"I can provide full holographic scans of Miss Ying," Vivian offers helpfully holding out a memory stick. "I would transmit them directly but I am unsure what your security procedures are. Given the state of the buidling I would imagine you're currently in a higher than usual state of alert."

Viv watches as the device takes shape. Committing all the details to memory and cross referencing them against the Human biology records for the appropriate sections of the spine and head. "It seems like it will be a tricky task to remove this painlessly. In an ideal world I would have liked to ask Great Aunt Nadia for her advice on phase calibration... This will require me to disable several safeguards on my systems.. And if I make a mistake my hand could cause a fatal injury before the bomb. May I ask how realistic the simulations you can create here are?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Cyborg and Robin are utterly paranoid about security and I see no reason not to trust the work they've done. They managed to contain Brainiac's technology somehow. So," she takes the memory stick and plugs it in, "I've no doubt this system is properly isolated too."

With a tap tap tap she updates the bland model with the detailed version of Ying Vivian made. She moves the recreated device and with a tap on the enter key, it snaps around the brainstem. "How realistic do you want them to be? The Danger Room can put up quite a challenge, though I never go that far because then my response ends up damaging the expensive wall panels."

She taps and Ying starts to breath. She isn't programmed to respond in any way, just stand there. "We could have it knock you back, or make an annoying buzzer noise, or really apply some serious kinetic force. Do you require ramifications for failure to assist in your task modeling?"

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision frowns. "That's a good question," she muses. "I had been thinking purely of how the holographic tissue will response to my attempts to seperate the device via phasing. Hrm... I do not really need realistic consequences to help me learn. But it might be good to gauge how best to shape my hand after removing the device to contain or direct the blast. We can't be sure who will be around at the time this happens. So I may end up needing to shield others in the group."

She experimentally wafts her out of phase hand through the Ying simulation.

"Would you be willing to copy the schematics you just put together on to the memory stick for me? That way I can transmit them to Doctor Pym and the other scientifically minded members of the rescue team. That way if I'm injured and unable to perform the procedure someone else will have had the oppertunity to think up a back up plan. Some sort of pym particle reaction or an superhuman high speed extraction perhaps." It also can't hurt to have the plans in her own memory files for reference.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara taps at the administration console and sends it back in to the memory stick, "And done. I have marked the explosives versus the circuitry. I couldn't make a guess at how it works, it's very unique Human technology after all." She ponders a moment and says, "It's not a perfect simulation," she hops off the cat walk and lands on the ground next to the simulation.

"But if you can find a way to unlock these cables that wrap around the brain stem, phasing it out should be fairly straight forward. If I were to try and do it, I'd cause a great deal of injury just getting to those little mechanical arms. If I'm there you can pass it to me and i will cup it in my hands."

She smiles, "Then if it decides to explode, everyone will be safe. If you fail at an attempt, simply say Simulation Reset and we'll be back to where we are now, here. I have configured it for an annoying buzzer sound, as injuring you during training would be counter productive. Also the fake bomb will fake blow the model apart."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"To be safe we should assume they are using a very powerful explosive and very precise sensors," Vivian muses, making a slow circuit around Holo-Ying. "I don't know if I'll need to unlock the cables. If I can tune the whole device out and leave the organic bits it should just slide out.... What we do with the gap I do not know. The device is probably creating internal pressure and I haven't got the medical background to say what removing it will do..."

"As for my safety please don't worry too much. I am built to be far more durable than a Human although I suppose /everything/ must seem fragile to aliens such as yourself?" She shrugs. "My hands won't be harmed by grenades or other explosions though."

Tentatively Viv makes a first attempt at phasing the cortex bomb. A few seconds of gently pulling at the device followed by a bzzzzzt and Holo-Ying going poof. It's a combo Viv and Kara are likely to be seeing a lot of in the near future. Although not every attempt ends with the bomb triggering. Sometimes the buzzer sounds because Viv has dephased something critical for Holo-Ying to live and less commonly because she unphased herself enough that Holo-Ying wouldn't survive.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara nods her head and says, "Sadly, I am not a medical expert either. I don't know what will happen, but I do know that humans have large cavities in them anyway. I know this area isn't meant to have one, but let's hope the human body is resilient enough to survive this, because it certainly isn't resilient enough to survive an explosion."

Kara can't help but smile and says, "Well, if I'm being honest, it's almost two years since I arrived on this planet and I am still getting used to the sudden change in strength levels. Back where I'm from, Krypton, we were all very much like the Humans of this planet. But, yes, I try not to think of myself as an alien, despite how alien this world still is to me."

Kara watches with various levels of grimaces and concern, steely eyed or cheerleader. After so many attempts though she begins to pace slowly back and forth, her finger on her chin. "This might be a bit of a long shot.. but what if we did this in reverse. Instead of trying to carefully phase the bomb out of Ying, what if you phased her - while tackling her away from it. It remains and explodes but you are pushing her away in safety and also shielding her at the same time?"

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I think the tissue should expand to fill the gap," Vivian muses, taking a step back from holo-Ying and frowning. "And the hole... shouldn't be a major concern. Even thousands of years ago Humans were drilling holes in each others heads to cure various conditions. With varying degrees of success."

She begins to make a slow circle of the hologram. "I know it won't make it easier, but can you configure the simulation so that she has ambient movement? Breathing and so on. As I doubt the real Ying will remain perfectly still throughout." She glances over at Kara. "Chronologically speaking I was built less than two years ago. But I've only been outside of a virtual environment since earlier this year. I am still not used to all the differences..."

She idly twirls her hair around her finger and considers the suggestion. "I can try, although Humans are made up of numerous types of materials and without physical contact with the device I may not be able to isolate the bomb. Potentially that means the bomb will come with her or even if it works the density increase I'd need to become a suitable shield could crush her."

Despite the risks she gives the shove method a few tries. Some failing in a pretty similar way to the original method and a few where things go even more wrong. Ying ending up bomb free in one attempt although according to the Danger Room systems she'd be missing some rather important bits that were bomb adjacent.

"Perhaps if I try slowly shifting the bomb out of phase with one hand and then scoop it out with my other hand cupped... It would certainly be easier if I had an ability to see through the matter."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara flies up to the administration controls and Ying comes to life with casual NPC motions. Breathing and slight swaying, looking around here and there. "Wow. I wonder if that was Troia or Cyborg who programmed that." Her imagination gets the better of her for a moment when she contemplates the hole. "I don't know if it would be safe for me to fly her half way around the world to a suitable medical facility at high speeds. But if the hole turns out to be a problem, it may be our only option."

She drops back down to watch again. The next attempts have her cringing again. "That could work. Though if it doesn't, perhaps we could try a different tactic."

"How does your phasing work? we could consider either disrupting the explosives chemical make up so that attempts to detonate it yield no result, or the firing mechanism that sets it off, or the electrical signals in the device itself." A curious puzzle, not one her science brain was ever trained to tackle but now she's starting to really think it through. "But my all means, try the two handed approach first. I fear you may simply not be fast enough to stop the device from detecting the tampering."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"If we are lucky we'll have one of your teleporting team-mates available," Vivian points out with a shrug. "I'm unsure if speed is the issue. It's more.. I'm trying to grip something very delicate and manipulate it physically while also trying to pull it out of phase along with my own body. If it slips even a little bit outside my phasic alignment it's like trying to hold smoke and once I lose my grip... Well it reverts to normal inside tissue with predictably unfortunate results."

When Kara asks how her ability works the synthezoid teen frowns. "I don't know all the science behind it. But I am able to shift my physical form and my clothing, which was specially designed using the same material as me, so my density either increases or decreases. Allowing an increase in mass and strength or decreasing to allow intangibility and flight. I don't think I'm slipping fully outside of this dimension but it uses a similar principle to the mass storage and retrieval of the reactions Pym particles use."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara summons up a holographic white board and starts to write on it in Kryptonian. She pauses thoughtfully as she makes some drawings and some calculations in her head, "So the spacial displacement is pushed in to another dimension? You're constructed in 4D or more, or perhaps originally in 3D and then shifted using some technology that's in you allowing you to shift portions of yourself in and out of the smaller dimensions?"

She looks back at Ying and then starts to write more strange symbols on the board, "And you're attempting to use that technology to shift the components of the bomb - I think we could make the explosive component inert such that removal of the device in the moment won't be necessary."

She smiles and wipes away sections on the holographic board and starts writing in earnest. This is her jam. She loves physics, especially particle physics. "I have to expect the dimensional shift disrupts the quasi H spin, hmm. Which would mean.. we'd want the bomb to attempt to go off while you have the explosive component phased, so that you can then un-phase it and the device will be inert."

She turns back around, "Does that make sense? Phase the explosive material, trigger the bombs anti-tampering mechanism, then it will be safe to phase it back in and we can have a team of surgeons carefully remove the device in a hospital later...?"

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I am unsure if I can specifically target the explosives inside without physical contact," Vivian laments. "This isn't really a function I'm supposed to be able to access fully until I'm older. Would it be acceptable just to keep the entire device out of phase? I don't know if a trigger signal would reach it there or even if the reaction to induce an explosion would work.. Electrical and chemical energy don't function the same outside of normal space after all."

"Hypothetically I guess I could phase through the device, unphase to make contact with the explosive, and try shift the chemical inside back with me. But she would need to be fully restrained. Even the slightest movement and I'd repeat one of the fail state scenarios."

If she's baffled or confused by all the Kryptonian science technobabble it doesn't show. Hours spent around Nadia and Hank have given her plenty of experience parsing streams of super-science speak.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara looks delighted and concerned, "Yes I believe you're correct. My thought would have separated the explosive ability to react to the electrical signal creating the cascade that results in explosion, from the device that emits that signal. That would mean..."

She brings up a holographic 'zoomed in' section of the brain stem, device, neck, and explosives. "That would mean your finger would have to be going exactly through that port at the back of her head, so as not to be touching anything else."

She presses her lips together, "Finger phased in through that spot, not too deep - careful to miss the circuitry here here and here," she says pointing, "So as not to trigger it prematurely.. then phase again now that you are touching the explosives with the tip of you finger, set off the anti-tampering circuit and... job is done?"

Vivian Vision has posed:
"We can always give it a go," Vivian decides after viewing the holographic image. "I think Miss Ying will need a full head restraint though which may not be practical." She grips the Ying simulation with her off hand to try restrict movement as much as possible, then commences a few attempts at Operation phase poke. Of the five attempts she makes two which end with a synthezoid fingertip size hole in Yings brain, one where enough explosive gets left behind to cause a tiny (although still fatal) explosion, one attempt where Viv unphases the device but releases the explosive into the cavity causing chemical damage and the fifth attempt Viv does manage to unalign the explosive.

"My only concern is what if the detonate signal is not a single trigger? If it continues to send out a charge then when I unphase the explosive a second signal will occur and bzzzz."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara watches with interest at all the ways this can go wrong - and does go wrong. The Danger Room keeps throwing up 'simulation error' too as it tries to simulate what Kara wants. She has to keep editing the parameters. It's not as if this place was designed to simulation advanced quantum physics that Earth hasn't even discovered yet...

She sighs and taps a finger to her chin again as she paces. "It works, but there are too many things that can go wrong. What if we go back to the more brute force approach. You and I work together. You phase the device and explosives and I yank her away from you, leaving you and the explosives behind. She might get whiplash from it, but that'd be better than not having a head?"

She says, "If we are to test this one, I will have to slow the simulation down... to simulate me moving extra fast. The Danger Room can't really keep up with me, but it tries."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Can you give me a rough idea how much I should slow myself down? I can program myself to move very slowly to match myself to the simulation and then when we try the real version we both go at a higher speed," Vivian asks curiously. "I don't really know much about your abilities and I would not wish to trust online sources." Because honestly if you search Supergirl chances are you just find wild speculation about her personal life. Plus a selection of social media accounts about her time spent dating some guy from New York.

Once/if Kara explains how much to slow down Viv will configure herself to try carefully grip the device, using her other phased hand to make a scoop that hopefully will also shield the direction Ying is moved from the blast. To reduce the risk of shrapnel hitting her in the back as Kara pulls her to safety. "Ready when you are."

Thankfully the way Vivians brain works she can perfectly replicate her position, speed, angle and grip strength each time. So once they /do/ find a timing that works she'll be able to replicate it even at a faster speed.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara says, "It occurs to me also, that I can hold her still for you to phase in to the bomb. That should improve chances of success significantly. Well, we'd be here for ever if we tried to push it to my top speed, so let's just -- hmm, go faster than the bomb."

She turns back to the whiteboard, "We don't need to outrace the signal from the device and any of its fail safes, just the speed at which the explosives can expand." She begins to write down formulas again, "Base on known Earth technologies and guessing that these Red Room people are ahead of the curve." A few more bits of writing, "There, let's attempt sixty times slower." She adjjusts the speed of the simulation and then places a hand to Ying's head and an arm about her body. She hugs the simulation and says, "Ready when you are."

Vivian Vision has posed:
Weirdly it takes far more processing power to more sixty times slower than it does to move at full speed. So Viv shuts down all non-essential processes and begins very carefully phasing the device. Setting a series of conditional triggers that will ramp her density up to maximum the moment Kara has moved Ying out of the volume of space she & the bomb occupy. At an appropriately slowed rate of course. "I'll signal you to begin moving by pulsing a harmless flash of light from my eyes, it'll be easier than trying to talk while moving slowly."

This time things go a little differently. In that when Viv gives the signal Kara is able to whoosh Ying out of the way. The Danger Room even gives her an eighty percent chance of survival, although it recommends immediate hospital treatment and warns the open wound has a risk of infection.

The only downside is Vivian gets her hands exploded. Rather painfully if the Red Room are using something with the same power as their worst case scenario assumptions. But it's better than the buzzer noise!

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara adds in a turn as she draws away just in case the explosion would somehow hit Ying. After the success though, she turns back at around and waits for Viv to not be slow-mo any moment. She lifts her eyebrows and says, "That may be the best we can do to relieve the Red Room of one of its weapons, Nadia's friend."

She takes this intel at face value, she's not paranoid like the Black Widow. "And then we get America to punch a hole in reality right to a hospital and takes her there for emergency treatment. We can even set that up before hand."

There's a small smile of confidence on her face. "I think we have devised a plan that not even Nadia's enemies will have been able to predict." She offers her hand to Viv, "With team work."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"We should assume that these devices have been fitted to both Wasp and Waspette," Vivian points out sullenly, rubbing her hands to get the stinging sensation to leave. "I will also request that Doctor Pym prepares the means to carry out repairs to my hands. Just to be safe. But yes I do agree that preparing a hospital for patients in advance would be a wise move. Is that something the Titans should do? Or would it be better coming from the Avengers side?" She shrugs. "Either way if you need me to I can co-ordinate before hand. Although once in the field I have to assume they'll jam communications."

"I bet with time and access to Great Aunt Nadia they would have been able to upgrade these devices with an anti-phasing tamper device. But hopefully we won't give them the chance to make such improvements." She's not really a handshake sort of synthezoid, but after having exploded so many Yings the success warrants some degree of celebration. So she shakes the offered hand. "I just hope I'll have hands to shake after we're done..."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara nods her head, "I hope not, but if they are we will deal with them. And let's hope you don't lose a hand or three either. I think it only depends on which city we want to transport them to - Metropolis would be Titans. New York would be Avengers. Both groups have a lot of good will in their respective cities."

She looks at Vivian's hands and her lips stretch a moment with concern, then she shakes hands, "Now, I must channel Troia, as she is missing and can't remind me herself - we should practice this two dozen more times. Ready?"

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I do not have a third spare hand to lose," Vivian says solemnly, looking at her hands and wiggling her fingers. "But yes. Lets practise until we eliminate as many variables we can. Perhaps even a few test runs where someone is shooting at us. It seems like that's a likely scenario where we'll be doing the procedure. But as they say practise makes perfect."