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Latest revision as of 23:07, 26 September 2020

To hunt a Hunter
Date of Scene: 26 September 2020
Location: Athletics: Triskelion
Synopsis: The hunt comes to fruition and noone gets quaked! Daisy and Hunter talk about Daisy's mother along with what Hunter wants to do now that he may be back at SHIELD.
Cast of Characters: Daisy Johnson, Lance Hunter

Daisy Johnson has posed:
To say that life for one Daisy Johnson has been a roil of emotions since her friends got themselves free of Whitehall's clutches would be understating it. Finding out that Bobbi was in danger of her life due to the choices she had taken to take that serum.., the emotion of finding her 'sister' Jemma well and back into the fold and the news that they had apparently ran into someone that *could* be her mother.. It left the young woman somewhat overwhelmed with everything, most of her time now spent focused in the search of the clues they had brought. A radio frequency, names.. Afterlife, Jiaying, Gordon.. So far nothing, which was frustrating enough..

Yet there was something else, Lance Hunter. She knew he was back in SHIELD, maybe not yet officially but apparently he had been abducted with the rest of them and was now a guest at SHIELD .. And guess who had access to Guest entries into the Triskelion? Yours truly! So by coincidence (or not), she found herself out here at the gym today. Waiting .., or was it on the prowl?

Well, she knew she'd need to talk with him sooner or later. Might as well make it sooner! And not being the type to skip leg day here she was doing some intense workout, focused on the legs, earpods blasting some music into her ears.

Lance Hunter has posed:
Funny when you get kidnapped by scientists working on top secret projects SHIELD tends to call you in a lot to talk about it. Which is what Lance had been doing until checking into the gym with his guest lanyard courtesy of one of the Koenig brothers (no clue which one though!) and set to work hitting the heavy bag enjoying the novel idea of not imagining Bobbi while he did it.

Pausing in his punching he goes to grab his water bottle his course just so happening to take him past the leg press where he sees a familiar face. Or somewhat familiar anyhow, Skye looked stronger than the hacker he knew before and had different hair. "Skye?" he asks, cocking his head. Likely only looking like he's mouthing the words from within the agent's earbud contained world.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Oh yes, Lance still has to be introduced to the different hair style every few months. It's become a trademark for Daisy now! But alas, now it's been the longish hair. She notes Lance passing by then looking at her and mouthing something. She stops what she's doing at the workout machine, slipping those earbuds off. "Lance Hunter." she reaches for a towel to clean her face and shoulders, still breathing heavily. "I could say it's a surprise, but we both know I am aware you have been back." the corner of her mouth twisting into a faint grin.

"You are looking good." She says, having not yet put her eyes on the man since the return.. Or since all those years back.

There is still that rebellious little twist on the woman's gaze while she inspects Lance, scrutinizing him maybe even if she looks a far cry from the Rising Tide Hacker that hacked into SHIELD those years ago to search for her family. Now she looks much more the Agent.

Lance Hunter has posed:
Lance looks pretty close to how he did three years ago, middling height, footballer's physique, inexplicably well manicured stubble that seemed to be set to 'five o'clock shadow' 24/7. He looks Daisy up and down as well taking in the changes, noting the agent vibes coming off of her. "Glad you didn't play it like you didn't know I'd be here," he says with a grin. "Means even without the big hair and the flannel there's still some Skye in there with all that agent," he teases, before asking "How ya been?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Woah.. Going with the flannel just like that. "Word of advice, Hunter.." And she leans forward to tell him in a stage-whisper manner, "We don't talk about the flannel around here. It was a phase, ok?" but she seems to be accepting the tease in a light-hearted manner, her grin blooming. The question about how she has been has her quiet for a moment.. "I .., am not sure. Lots of new things, happy at having my friends back but also.., worried about new developments.."

Her eyes lose focus for a brief time, looking at the floor before there's a refocus on Lance, "And you seem to be the wildcard here." she says, "Thinking on coming back definitively?" she folds her arms together after rubbing the towel over face and shoulders.

Lance Hunter has posed:
Hunter's eyes dance with amusement at the flannel remarks. "Noted," he says before taking a drink. His expression grows a few shades darker as developments are brought up. "Right, the developments," he says. "And how much do you know about them?" he asks looking around to make sure there was plenty of space around them should their talk stray into classified areas.

As for his return, "Considering it, still got to talk to Hill, see if they even want me back."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I have spoken with Bobbi and Jemms." Which probably means Daisy knows a few things by now! Or most there is to know at least. "We will see how things go.." she does sound a touch impatience and anxious though. But she is quick to re-focus back on Hunter, lifting her chin just so.

"Part of those developments is why I am here too." She then finally admits, taking a step closer to Lance and making that rather SERIOUS question. "What are your intentions with Bobbi, hmm?" she keeping eye contact while asking it.

Lance Hunter has posed:
"It was rough going," Hunter says about their captivity. "Still mad at Bobbi for doing what she did but ultimately it turned things in our favour," he admits before asking "Did they tell you who we might have met?"

As for Bobbi, he grins, "Good bloody question, right now, we're just doing the parts were good at. As for the rest? Guess time will tell how serious she is about changing." Then there's a pause as if a thought has hit him. "She's not been going around talking behind my back has she? Telling people I'm some sort of hellbeast?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Typical Bobbi. It also means we will need to be there for her now." Daisy replies with a nod of her head, a sigh escaping her lips. "She can be .., stubborn. But you more than anyone know how that is." the following question does make her pause and she takes in a deep breath. "Yes, they did. It may match my mother but I am unsure yet.." she shakes her head to herself, at the same time finding it hard to believe but also wanting it to be true.

"I already started looking into it." Of course she did.

The 'parts we are good at' makes her quirk a brow. "I see. So she *did* get that call in afterall.." whatever that means! She then smiles faintly. "She deserves some happiness, and you do too. But if you hurt her ..." beware the fury of the Hackerette!

But finally a sigh when she admits. "And no, she didn't say you were a hellbeast. She actually asked me to treat you well, after all that you guys went through.."

Lance Hunter has posed:
"Bobbi? Stubborn? I have no idea what you mean," Hunter says with a grin before a bit more sympathetically he adds. "Well if she is your mom, she's a strong woman," he says. "Can't say I liked her much but she was focused on getting out of there same as we were." Except they would have taken her with them! "And figured you would," he says of Daisy already looking into things.

As for the rest, he cocks his head, "What call?" he asks her, before he chuckles and salutes, "Yes ma'am," he says before the threat reminds him of something he heard and grabs a seat on one of the nearby benches, "So, heard a rumour a certain someone got themselves some superpowers? That true or was Bobs and Jemma pulling my leg?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"They haven't really told me much about *her* though.." Daisy then says, a brow peeking up curiously, "What made you not like her?" well, she may not have heard the whole story just yet! "But I am guessing you were all under a lot of stress to get out of there." she moves to take a seat as well on a bench opposite Lance when the man does the same.

"You could say that.." About the superpowers. "I am an Inhuman apparently." she glances to the side at a weight on the floor, pointing one hand at it. Soon enough the weight starts to vibrate and move a little on the ground. Slooowly. But she quickly lets that go.

"They certainly weren't pulling your leg. And yes, I was very surprised when that happened, I would had been dead otherwise." She says, "But now here I am. An Agent! Can you imagine that?"

A grin later and she asks Lance. "And what have you been doing these last years?"

Lance Hunter has posed:
Hunter nods, "Probably don't want to get your hopes up about her," he says of Daisy's potential mom. "But since I've already cracked that seal, she was pretty, if she's your mom you definitely got your looks from her, but she was cold, very focused on getting out, left the body of one of her people behind when he asked to be taken home and then when she called for help she just got herself out, left the rest of us to make our own way out."

He reaches to his throat to remove a necklace hanging there. "The guy who wanted to go home, Jacob, he wore this, took it off him so that could get buried back home in this Afterlife place," he holds it out to Daisy. "Figure you might see it before I do, mind taking it the rest of the way. Jacob died to stop Whitehall, figure we owe him a ride home at least."

Daisy's demo is met with surprise. "Well that's definitely new," he says. "Must have been have been some time when it happened," he says, "Sorry it was a rough one."

As for him? "Oh you know, going here and there selling my services to the people who needed me. This whole kidnapping business blew my last contract, so, working out what I'm going to do going forward. SHIELD or another contract somewhere."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy's expression turns more worried the more she listens. Her mother being a monster? Well, her father had his issues.., what's the probability her mother has some too.. But she seems to be still on that denial stage about her mother and the possibility of she not being all she ever imagined she could be. "Everyone was stressed. They said .., that she had been under much duress, tortured by Whitehall. Maybe it was just .., wanting to go home after all that.."

But she lets that go when the necklace is brought out, watching it curiously. "Afterlife. I have heard that name." she says, reaching to hold the pendant, watching the small figure between fingertips. The eyes that turn to Lance then are ones of respect. "You are a good man, Lance." a nod. And that seems to settle it that she knows he will treat Bobbi well.

"So you are safe from getting quaked.." There's still a small tension in her voice but she does try to introduce some levity to the whole issue of her mother and Afterlife. "And I will make sure Jacob finds his way back home." she says solemnly.

"Maybe you should consider sticking around. We all need men like you around.."

Lance Hunter has posed:
Hunter nods, "Sure, seemed like she'd been there /awhile/ and what they did to her," he shudders at the memory of the twitching pile of parts that had been Jia before Jemma had sewn her together again. "Probably being a bit harsh," he admits blinking away the haunted look that formed at the memory. Not for the first time Hunter finds himself glad that Whitehall is dead.

"Yeah, seems like that's the place Jacob and your mum are from, so figured you'll be the one to find it." The rest actually brings a little colour to his cheeks before he coughs and takes a drink of his water. "Not sure about all that but I try not to be a total wanker." A smile there before he gives Daisy a nod when she promises to take Jacob home. "Looks like I'm not the only good one around here,: he says with a smile. Though that last suggestion gets a laugh. "Always with the sell with you people," he grouses good naturedly. "Definitely thinking about it. Have to admit it's nice working with good people again."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Ufff, people are still saying wanker these days?" Daisy wrinkles her nose a bit at that before she lets out a laugh, shaking her head a bit to herself. She sobers up a bit, noding quietly about what Jiaying may have gone through while under Whitehall's clutches. It makes her let out a sigh, going quiet for a while..

At least until Lance suggests Daisy is doing a 'sell', "Ugh.. Don't compare me with one of those door to door sales people." she murmurs. But then she leans in, asking with a grin. "But how good is the sell going?"

Because well, maybe she *is* trying to do a bit of it! "And don't worry, nazis is the normal. Ask Jemma sometime about the uh .., disco ball truck of doom some day.." there's quite a tale there!

Lance Hunter has posed:
"They are on my side of the pond," Hunter assures her with a smile. "Y'know, civilization and all that." Hearing the sigh, Hunter puts a hand on Daisy's shoulder, "She's free of that now, and sooner or later you're going to find her and things will be great."

"Not bad, definitely making me miss hanging out with you lot between missions," he says. "Maybe mention the pay bump, benefits, the 401k to really seal the deal," as if that mattered at all to him, Lance had always been about the people. "If you want the honest truth, the thing that's holding me back is Bobbi, she says things are going to be different, and I believe she believes that, right now. But a couple of world crises later and who knows. Do miss working with her though," he says before cocking his head a little to the side and adding "And the other benefits of having her back in my life," then more serious again, "Guess I am just not wanting to go through the same drama again and I'm dragging my feet."

The disco ball truck of doom bit gets a smile out of Lance, "Good to see things haven't stopped being weird around here."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Ouch, I can already see that upturned nose from here." The arrogant Brit nose! Though Daisy's tone is one of jest. She doesn't seem to mind the hand on her shoulder, even appreciating it, a small nod forthcoming. "Thank you. I hope so too." even if there is this high probability that things won't be that great..

The talk about benefits and money brings a snort out of her, she shaking her head at Lance, "I will remember it for the next time." yet she is quick to sober up when the topic goes to Bobbi.

She doesn't answer right away, instead considering Lance, what she knows of Bobbi.. "She won't be able to do this forever. And she needs someone that can keep her stable." but then she is quick to add, "Even if I know it sometimes may not be a fair thing for you. I think you both deserve a second chance though."

"Well, with Fitzsimmons and Jane in it you can bet things get weird." She says. "But that's how we roll."

Lance Hunter has posed:
Hunter grins, "Course it's upturned, have you /smelled/ America," he teases before shaking his head. "It will, figure you and SHIELD are due for something to go your way." He removes his hand from her shoulder to settle on the bench as he takes a drink.

"Don't want to be Bob's caretaker, I want to be part of her life, the biggest part, like she is in mine. And her eventually retiring to be with me isn't exactly a comfort." He shakes his head. "Anyhow willing to give the relationship a go." Still not sure about the job.

"And how's Jane been?" he asks.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Savage.." Daisy replies at Lance, now utterly amused. "Fine, I had forgotten your superpower. The tongue." everyone's got a power! She leans back a bit on her bench while they continue to talk, she listening in that way of someone paying attention, trying to figure out a way to help Lance, and at the same time Bobbi. "After that big jump she took for you both maybe she will rethink things. That it's not all about the mission but about the people too. And those she cares about."

As for Jane. "She is good, adapting to being out in the field, pretty much as Jemms is. I think Jemms is being put up for senior agent. It will be a big step, and a responsibility." she says, "The three of us have formed a sort of group here at SHIELD. Fury's Furiae." she grins. "So yea, we are pretty close." and they even got t-shirts with their logos and names too! Furiae assemble!

Lance Hunter has posed:
There's a smirk about his superpower. "Is that what they say about me?" he asks her with an amused look on his face. As for Bobbi. "Who knows with Bobs, this time things might be difference, like I said, she believes she believes it, it's what's keeping me around to see how things end up landing."

He gives things a shrug before he settles into the easier topic of SHIELD news. "Jemma did good out there for a lab rat," he says in genuine approval. "Stole a submarine, which is pretty awesome. So if that's the benchmark being set it sounds like Jane's doing fine too," he says before grinning at the little club that's formed. "Do you guys have a handshake or something?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"It may be what -I- say about you." Daisy replies, tone still rich with her amusement at the whole thing. Well, Bobbi did say she might have a tongue fetish ..., or something of the sort. She doesn't have to share that now. "Well.." And she starts getting up to her feet, "Hopefully you will both land on your feet. I will be rooting for you.." she giving a tap on Lance's shoulder. One of comraderie.

"And Jemma is the best crackshot at SHIELD. Specially where Nazis are concerned." It's turning legendary if one is to be honest. "So stealing a sub, easy peasy for her." a laugh then returned about the handshake. "We are still trying to find one. But we do have t-shirts, so that's something right? You can blame Jane for that.. But time for me to be on my way." she announces.

"I will catch you around I am sure. Maybe at swordfish. It's still in the same place in case you are wondering."

Lance Hunter has posed:
"Thanks, good to know Bobs and I have a cheering section," he says with only a little bit of self-consciousness in his tone. Like navigating a tricky relationship wasn't hard enough, now he's got an audience. He rolls his eyes a little at the thought but the smile he gives Daisy for that thump on his shoulder is genuine.

There's a bit of skepticism about Jemma's purported shooting skills, "I'll have to invite her down to the range for a demonstration, can even put little swastikas on the targets to give her a boost." The t-shirts get a laugh. "Well, will have to see one of those sometime," he says.

Then he stands too finishing his water, and tucking the empty bottle into his pocket. "See you around," he says before heading back to the heavy bag for another round.