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Seriously Who Wears A Purple Cloak
Date of Scene: 30 September 2020
Location: Suicide Slum - New Troy
Synopsis: The apparent burglar that Supergirl intercepts in Metropolis turns out to be Spoiler on an investigation. The two talk. Louis, this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Cast of Characters: Stephanie Brown, Kara Danvers

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The buildings of this section of Metropolis are not the kind that would appear on the postcards found for sale on the Avenue of Tomorrow and in other areas of Gotham that tourists might visit. Suicide Slum has rows of tenement buildings, some nice but most showing the years and neglect. Buildings that make money by not putting any more than the merest amount of maintenance into them.

Standing atop one such building is a figure in purple and black. An eggshell cape whips behind her as she stands in the night, the strong wind also stirring blond hair that spills out of the back of her cowl.

The building itself has dark scorch marks on it, evidence of a fire that was cleaned up enough someone could be encouraged to start paying rent there again, but no more. Rains have caused the soot to run down the side of the building, leaving it even more of an eyesore than it was before the fire.

Spoiler crouches at the edge of the building, running her glove over a dark spot. It barely comes up anymore. She gives a little shake of her head and then begins climbing down the building. Going from one balcony to another. Avoiding the ones that have lights shining out of glass doors that might reveal her. Until finally she drops down on a balcony on the 8th floor. She goes over to the door, pulling out a tool from her belt and using it to work on the lock.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara is trying to ride the emotion high. First the rescue of Nadia and Janet went off perfectly, then the raid on the Fearsome Five ended with all of them in custody. After such a terrible month it feels like things might start to turn around. It's been so long now without their lost Titan team mates, she was beginning to lose hope that they would ever see them again... and that is not something she can bring to the job.

Supergirl clears her throat as she hovers in the air a few feet away from the balcony. How long had the Kryptonian been there? or at least been watching? "I think the people of these homes have suffered enough, don't you?," she says and folds her arms. "You're clearly not from around here, so I'm going to make this simple. We do things differently here in Metropolis, we look out for each other. I'm Supergirl and you're trespassing and apparently also breaking and entering."

She motions with a hand across the \S/ upon her chest. It's been a while since she's felt this confident to lay it out so plainly for someone who looks like a burglar. "Let me save you the trouble, there are zero things you can do to prevent your delivery to the Metropolis police."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Success! There is no keyhole on this side to pick, but the tool that Spoiler is using slips into the tiny gap in the door frame. It comes out the other side and bends when she squeezes the tool's trigger, catching the lock and allowing her to undo it.

Which is when the voice unexpectedly rouses Stephanie from the revelry of her success. She spins about, seeing the Krytponian hovering there in the air, wind whipping her cape around much as it had Spoiler's. "Oh my god," the purple-clad figure says. "Oh my god. You're... SUPERGIRL!" she says, as if the Justice Leaguer had not just said that.

It takes a second for what else was said to filter through apparently, but it does make it. "Oh. No. You misunderstand. I'm not breaking in," the costumed figure says. Then she looks down at the well-designed tool in her hand. "I mean, ok yes I AM breaking in. But not like that," she says, slipping the tool back into her utility belt.

The blond girl stands up a little straighter. "I'm Spoiler," she says in a proud voice. And then waits. Watching the lack of recognition. "You know. Spoiler?" she repeats. A soft exhalation and a few words spoken sotto voce though Kryptonian hearing would have no problem picking them up. "Of course she doesn't know who Spoiler is," she says as if that's a recurring theme.

But she doesn't give up. "You know, Spoiler. From Gotham? I work with Batman? Doing the... investigating, not thieving thing?" she says. And then she gestures with both hands. "And I took the Batsub down to the bottom of the Atlantic with Wonder Woman and Aquaman last week. To retrieve a... statue thing that sea monsters were chasing. I guess they probably didn't share that story?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara is a little intrigued by the tool she used to get the door open. She has no use for them herself, but human ingenuity is something she really appreciates. Alien world, alien solutions to alien problems. She can't help but admire the ecosystem and the strange choices the people make here.

Ah, the old 'You're SUPERGIRL!' thing. That may never get old. Though it probably got old for her twin Power Girl really quick. That's a her-problem, not a Kara-problem.

At least Spoiler admits she's breaking in, which makes it a little easier. The ones who are caught red handed and swear to her face that they're not doing anything wrong really annoy her. Spoiler? is she meant to know that name. She watches the fellow blonde quietly as her mind skips about trying to place the name but she's drawing a blank.

"Of course you did," she says unconvinced, "and just the other day I ate a sun for lunch with my best buddy and pal ....." suddenly she draws a blank. Anyone she can think of to insert in there to sound impossible is entirely possible. "Steven...." uh oh, drawing a blank here.. "Hawking?" ..nailed it.

Still, this wasn't a new angle for Superman, but it was a new angle for Supergirl. This is the first time she's caught someone doing a B&E and then claiming they work with Batman. Then again.... she looks kind of earnest, those eyes and that body posture. Every one deserves the benefit of the doubt.

She reaches up and touches her ear, "Nightwing, this is Supergirl. I am looking at someone right now who claims they are called Spoiler and that Spoiler works with Batman and that they recently worked with Wonder Woman and Aquaman..." a pause "...yes that works with Batman." another pause and then she nods. "I am corrected, there is one thing you could do to prevent your delivery to the Metropolis Police." She floats to the balcony and touches boots to floor.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown tries not to let that bit of frustration show when she's not believed. Normally when this happens it's some Maggia goons who don't know who she is. And always say somethinga bout her size, too. What's wrong with being modestly sized!?

But Spoiler then makes the point to them by trouncing them. Not like that's going to happen with Supergirl. Nor, would Spoiler want to at that. She's searching about for what to respond with, saying, "Well, we don't really have like, IDs for this sort of thing. And if we did I probably left it in my other costume." There's a definite light-hearted tone to the blond caped figure, a bit of humor that's visible in the girl's blue eyes and her voice both.

"Yes!" she says, doing a double finger-gun when Nightwing comes through for her. "And I probably owe him taking on one of his patrols now," Spoiler says with a sigh.

Though as Supergirl lands, Spoiler practically bounces on the balls of her feet. It's /Supergirl/. "I'm sorry if I showed up on your turf. Just checking into someone's background. And... ah, well. I sort of did that. But while I was here," she says, Spoiler's tone turning a little more somber as she turns to look at the glass door. "Some bad stuff happened here. And... well. Figured, I'd kind of pay my respects. The place hasn't been rented since the fire."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl smiles to Spoiler and offers her hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you Spoiler. Gotham is a very different place to Metropolis, bu welcome to the city. If this is your first time visiting, you're missing out on all the best bits." She glances out over the slums, "This is not really it, but there's only so much we can do."

She chuckles and says, "You're lucky he decided not to prank you by pretending not to know who you are." She raises an eyebrow but the young Kryptonian's smile betrays how amused she would have been. Nightwing is one of her favourite team mates.

"Tell me what happened here Spoiler?," she asks and then slides the unlocked door open, peering in to the place but letting Spoiler lead. This is her investigation, but now she's intrigued too. She's going to have to ask Nightwing a million questions about Spoiler when she gets back to the Tower. She'd bother Batman but he really really really doesn't like that.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
"First time actually," Spoiler says of Metropolis. "I'd love to get to see the place during the day. Though this was all the time I could spare." She doesn't mention the Court of Owls, or her missing teammates. Making sure Misfit isn't somehow connected was the only thing that took her away from Gotham at such a time.

The apartment has only been partially repaired. Spoiler doesn't have Kryptonian senses, but even she can smell there was a fire here. "The building was below, I don't know. Probably every code there is?" she says as she moves in with Kara. "Fire started and people couldn't get out. There was a family here. Mother and a daughter perished," she says quietly, her tone somber.

She looks around, shaking her head. "And the landlord... slumlord? Got off scott free. Or near enough. Paid some fines but... has he actually fixed anything to prevent it from happening again? I'm not a building inspector, but I'm not seeing it," she says with a sigh, the leather of her gloves creaking as she clenches her fists.

Spoiler clears her throat. "Sorry. I've met the family member who survived, and... sweet kid I think. I just... feel for her, you know?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara's mouth opens in a small o of shock. A fire in Metropolis and no one there to save the family? She feels a pang of guilt in her stomach. Was she off at the Fortress? or up in space? was she in Russia? ...she should have been here for them, she should have been there to save them.

"Right. It's distressing that these people get away with it," she says and folds her arms again, tighter in fact, annoyed that there are injustices she has no power to stop without becoming the problem herself. "One survivor and you've met her. I feel for her too and I haven't even met her." She frowns and walks around the living area slowly, glancing over at burnt up objects.

"This shouldn't have happened. But you're checking up on her story. Do you think she is hiding something? has told an untruth to you about the events that took place here?"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The girl in the purple costume shakes her head. "No, I don't particularly suspect her of anything. Just being thorough and confirming," Spoiler replies. "And I haven't found anything out of the ordinary," she says with a small nod, her eyes slowly going over the apartment's remains.

She clears her throat and turns back to Supergirl. "Sorry to meet you on such a somber subject," she says. She hesitates a moment and then motions back towards the balcony, moving out there herself. "There aren't a whole lot of women in this line of work. Well, not our age anyway. I'm guessing we're close there, though not sure. I just realized I have no idea how fast you age compared to humans," she says, scratching her head but then giving the kind of warm laugh that is likely to make people that hear it give a soft smile.

"And sorry for showing up on your turf. I just was trying to get in and out quietly and not upset anyone or anything," she says.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara steps back out of the apartment and closes the door behind her. She leans against the railing and looks out over the slums with a small sigh. If she could fix all this up for them she would. If she could do that everywhere in the world at once, she could. Some would consider it an invasion, for her to use Kryptonian technology to build new homes for these people.

"It's okay, often heroes meet in undesirable circumstances. It comes with the job." She looks to Spoiler and chuckles with amusement. "Well on this planet I count my ageing the same way as every one else, one trip around the sun at a time.. I'm 19, but I was born 51 years ago. Cryostasis. It's a thing," she says and rolls her eyes. "I count my lived experience rather than my time since conception."

"You're welcome here in Metropolis any time you like Spoiler. We don't have rules on that like Batman does for Gotham. I understand his reasoning, that city is in a complex situation and I trust his judgement. I trust the judgement of my cousin too."

She smiles kindly and says, "Though next time, call out my name - I'd love to see you again. You're an interesting person Spoiler.. with an interesting name. There must be a story behind that. And any friend of Batman is a friend of mine."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Even with the mask that covers her nose and mouth fully, Spoiler's blue eyes are fully visible and they light up a bit as Supergirl not only invites her to come back, but shows an interest in meeting up with her again. "There's some stuff I need to help with back in Gotham. But soon as I am able to make the time, I will definitely take you up on that," she says, the tone of her voice suggesting there's a big smile behind the mask.

"Yes, about the same age then," she says. "None of mine spent in cryo. Unless you count a Gotham Knights game I went to on a sub-zero day. The only reason I was able to score the ticket so cheaply was how cold it was!" she says with a laugh. "Hey, do you like things like that? Football games or baseball? I can get cheap tickets for Gotham U games. Though... ah... I guess you can probably just fly up and sit on top of the press box and watch. See, I've never thought about how cool it would be to fly. I'm pretty happy just being able to swing around," she says, pulling a grapple gun out of her belt for a moment before replacing it.

"Yeah, there is a story. Willing to tell you sometime if you'd like. I'd kind of like to hear your own story too? If that wouldn't be prying?" Spoiler asks the famous superheroine.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara tries not to peer behind masks. Once she's seen a face it's hard to unsee. Sometimes it just happens. She doesn't need to though, to see that she's smiling. She relaxes and listens to what Spoiler has to say about the Gotham Knights and then admits, "I've never seen any football matches. I've heard them going on from afar, the crowds can be very loud all over the world at different sporting events."

She looks over the grappling hook, swinging.. she is reminded of her time swinging around with Spider-Man and she grins, "Swinging around everywhere would be very fun. I wouldn't want to give up flying though, not unless I needed to. It's so freeing and quiet. I can really enjoy being by myself up there with the wind rushing against my face."

She stares off in to the sky thoughtfully and then remembers to answer the other question, "Oh, well I try to be as honest as I can be, so I'm happy to share what I can about myself without putting others in danger. I like to educate people on Krypton. To keep the memory of my home alive." She chokes up a touch saying that.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown has never had a very well-developed filter for her internal monologue. Nor does she have one when when certain emotions are shown. She reaches out as Supergirl's voice gets choked up. If allowed, the hand rests lightly on Supergirl's shoulder.

"Then I especially would like to hear about them," she says. "Do you like popcorn? With cheese powder on it? Or karmelcorn? Or if not, whatever you like. We'll get something good and you can fly us out somewhere nice and we'll just sit and you can tell me stories of your home," she says, eyes shining with empathy for the other girl.

She glances up at the sky. "Someone took me flying one time. Like you fly. And it was one of the more amazing experiences in my life," she confirms. "So I am sure I would do the same if I could," she says brightly.

Spoiler turns her head for a moment, and it's clear that she's listening to something. "I need to get back to Gotham I'm afraid. That stuff that needs dealing with," she says with a sigh. "I've never been glad to be caught sneaking into somewhere before. You're very cool, Supergirl. I'll definitely call out for you next time I can come."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl's shoulder feels solid. They don't call her the Girl of Steel for nothing. If ever there was a doubt she was like Superman, those doubts are surely gone now. Her smile to Spoiler though is self as a pillow. She nods her head, "Thank you, I'd be delighted to tell you. I like butter on mine." Proof, perhaps, that Supergirl does know what movie night is.

"I'd be happy to take you flying somewhere. I have a few places I really like to visit, though some are quite far away and I can't fly people are super speeds, so it'd take too long to get there. But there are lots of great places to sit and watch the sun set or rise."

She carefully ignores the little voice in Spoiler's ear.. she knows if she knew half of the troubles of Gotham she'd be arguing with Kal about their agreement to stay out of the city. Best she not know, but instead trust in Batman and his family to do good.

"Thank you for being so honest with me Spoiler, it's a rare quality in this world sometimes. I look forward to our next meeting. Be safe," she says and remains on the balcony for the time being as she leaves.