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A Super Family Reunuion
Date of Scene: 30 September 2020
Location: Highway 19, Metropolis
Synopsis: Toyman meets Power Girl and Hyperion and release killer kangaroo toys on them
Cast of Characters: Winslow Schott, Karen Starr, Hyperion

Winslow Schott has posed:
It was rush hour in the City of Tomorrow. Highway 19 was one of many highways that criss-crossed this bustling city and it was, surprisingly dead. The majority of the rush hour traffic in this town tonight was centered in Down Town, and Highway 10 was located near the Suburbs, making it a godsend for commuters who work near the neighborhoods. One of the cars that was driving on this highway was a Sanderson Armored Car, no doubt on it's way back to deposit all the money it collected today from the businesses assigned on it's route. As the armored car zoomed down the highway, a RC Car suddenly drove right up to the middle of the road and stopped, as if waiting to be ran over. As expected, the armored car, failing to see the Toy ran it over. But, instead of a resounding crunch, something worse echoed out,

% "KA-BOOM!"

The explosion echoes across the area as the armored car is send flying, it two right tires absolutely obliterated. The car lands was a very loud bang right on the middle of the highway, with what few cars that are on this road screeching to avoid colliding with it. Suddenly, a man hole right in the middle of the road opens up, and five figures clad in matching boiler suits and ski masks suddenly emerged from the sewers and make their way towards the armored car. One of the men, a short, stocky fellow, reaches into a duffle bag being carried by a taller, fatter fellow, and pulls out what appears to be a Super Soaker and begins to squirt at the reinforced doors. The doors, much to the horror of anyone watching, begin to dissolve. What was in that water gun?

Karen Starr has posed:
    Rush hour doesn't mean a whole lot when you're Power Girl- whose alter ego Karen Starr has just left for the day, ostensibly driving home in some overexpensive car only to get caught in traffic in some display of intense chagrin. Little does anyone know that it only means that Power Girl is now on patrol in Metropolis.

    The explosion gets her attention, of course- An armored car is always something to watch on its route, and while it only has her cursory attention- she doesn't even notice the RC car loaded with explosives- it has more than her curiosity when it goes up in that brutal eruption.

    The robbers, as they may be, don't get long to put their toys to use- Power Girl swoops out of the air, and thuds down directly in front of them, straightening to a stand rather swiftly. No attention is paid to the door- it is hopefully still primarily intact, and the people within, safer than they would be outside.

    "Okay. I'll admit this was pretty well thought out- but not well enough. If you put the weapons down, we can have your first prison meals on the table at dinner."

Hyperion has posed:
    And what is Hyperion doing in Metropolis? He's been doin' the New York thing of late. After all, Metropolis has their fill of caped visitors from far away. But Hyperion was looking for Power Girl. He had to give her a personal thanks for the role she played in his being free and alive once more.
    I mean sure, he could email the JLA but he believes in the personal touch. And a digital copy of what he had in mind just doesn't have the same... feel to it.
    So, he made the trip down to Metropolis through the air, a rolled up document tube tucked into a pocket sewn into the edge of his cape. What? Spandex doesn't have pockets really. But he is searching the city for her when the explosives go off.
    His eyes zoom in and scan the area even as he alters his course to arrow in and approach from above to land and investigate. One thing he has learned in -this- universe is that apparently, wit is treasured almost as much as power. So as he comes down to land, he says from behind the super soaker dudes, "I'm fairly sure that the proper way to withdraw funds involves a clerk, or an ATM." as his golden boots set down.
    Then he notices he was just overtalking the very person he was looking for, "Oh, sorry Power Girl. Didn't mean to try to steal your thunder there." he states a bit awkwardly.

Winslow Schott has posed:
The goons are silent when Power Girl and Hyperion come swooping in, with a silent swear coming from one of the robbers. The men suddenly drop their weapons and hold their hands up in what seems to be an almost easy crime bust, too easy. Suddenly, the sounds of buzzing fill the air and the lead robber lets out a knowing grin as he and his pals dive down onto the ground. Suddenly, machine gun fire echoes echoes across the area as 20 toy biplanes come flying out of nowhere, firing real bullets at Power Girl and Hyperion. As 19 0f these planes continued their assault, the 20th plane broke from the fleet and hovered in place. Suddenly, it's cockpit opened up, projecting a hologram. The hologram was of a short, fat, middle-aged man with slightly-long brown hair and wire-rimmed glasses. He was wearing a blue and purple-stripped three piece suit and had a almost comically large black bow tie. The man appeared to be clutching a teddy bear and sighed with annoyance when he Power-Girl and Hyperion. He then says with a British accent,

"Drat! You aren't Superman. You aren't even bloody Super-Girl! You are that Power Girl aren't you?"

He then turns his head to Hyperion and says," I have no bloody idea who you are. But, i might as well introduce myself now. I am Winslow Percival Schott, but you may call me The Toyman"

Karen Starr has posed:
    As the robbers put their hands behind their heads, Power Girl seems almost relieved. After all, it's so rare that anyone ever just -gives up-, and she is quite ready after the past few weeks for a few outmatched criminals to at least recognize that fact.

    "Finally." she states to herself, halfway under her breath. Her attention moves to Hyperion, to whom she shrugs. "It's good to have you here." A pause, "Eyes up."

    Then, the buzzing. Power Girl heard it long before the noise really reached them, and her happiness at the situation somewhat deflates, as it looks like this will be another slog through whatever support weaponry they've brought on these drones. "It's not going to save you, you know."

    She is quite right- even if the planes were firing rail-powered rounds rather than machine gun fire, Power Girl- and very likely Hyperion- are quite bulletproof, in the absolute sense. The metal slugs strike her without any issue- the tall blonde isn't even trying to avoid them, as much as she is trying to soak as much of them as possible. They crush against her form, and the plink of metal cascading to the ground as they fall from her impervious skin, and costume.

    The danger here is in letting them have their way for too long- Power Girl is impervious, but the armored car isn't, and even she can tell armor piercing rounds when she feels them.

    The last 'toy' plane is safe from the retort, and the other drones will have to evade quite quickly, as her swift response is to let loose with a blast of red, the might of the sun bursting from her eyes and raking across the biplanes in an effort to take as many out as she can, and to break up their formation.

    When Winslow makes her appearance, Power Girl takes to the air, distancing herself from the armored car and sparing it more incidental weapons fire, if she's lucky. She is the threat, after all.

    "Really? That's all I get? 'You're not Superman?'"

Hyperion has posed:
    At first, the sound of the buzzing is as audible to Hyperion as it is to Power Girl. His head turns and his eyes start to glow.
    As planes do their King Kong Attack scene re-creation, he snaps out an atomic powered thermal pulse once, twice.. vaporizing armed toy planes. But when the last one stops and projects its hologram, he stops and tilts his head before speaking.
    "I have heard that it is bad for the future health if one seeks out a Kryptonian for the purpose of crossing them. Me? I'm not from another planet myself. I mean I am, but I'm not...." Hyperion pauses, "It's complicated." he says with a sad shake of his head. Then he attunes his eyes to a broad scan of the EM spectrum, seeking the control signals to these toys, looking to trace them back whence they came while Power Girl does the talking.

Winslow Schott has posed:
As expected, the toy planes, except for the one projecting Schott's hologram are destroyed. Schott, however does not looked bothered. The attempted to scan for the signal ends up with multiple different locations at once. Either there were more than one controller, or this "Toyman" set up decoys. The Toyman then smirks childishly as he pulls out a remote control from his suit pocket and presses a button. He then smirks and says,

"I've fought Superman long enough that I knew those planes wouldn't do jack against you. But, these should."

As Schott said this, mechanical hopping, and the sounds of thuds were heard echoing towards the highway. Suddenly, two giant kangaroo toys with boxing gloves hop onto the highway. Schott just laughs as the kangaroos approached the two heroes and throws punches which, if connected, would have the force of 1,000 hydraulic presses.

Karen Starr has posed:
    What little good mood Power Girl had is rapidly evaporating as Toyman seems to continue, well, not surrendering. Folding her arms, she glares quite deeply at the hologram. "Okay, listen. I'm having kind of a week here. It would really make my day if you could just surrender, and-" she pauses, "Do these things even have a microphone?"

    Toyman continues, summoning his robotic marsupial allies. "Results inconclusive."

    The hopping menaces make their way to the pair, and for all of her might- and erstwhile genius, Power Girl doesn't consider them much of a threat. Which, of course, is why she is quite comically struck with a bullet of a punch with enough force behind it that, it seems, the woman is rather dazed.

    Sent flying backwards, she arrests in midair some few dozen meters from the kangaroo opponent that had chosen her. There is a look on her features- she is neither broken nor especially harmed, but oh boy...

    She /is/ angry.

Hyperion has posed:
    Senses speeding up just as Toyman says... these should, those words come out more like, theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese ssshhhhoooooouuuuuuuuld. Really, it's just because Hyperion has gone into hyper-speed mode. Why -hyper- speed? Well, as said previously, Kryptonians are super. Hyperion is Hyper. It's just that he'd never dream of infringing on their trademarks. At least not fully.
    Either way, he lunges back away from the punch aimed his way, just in time to spot Power Girl get jabbed across the street. He winces and shakes his head, "Now you've done it. You should have had them both hit me." he says as he focuses on his defense, dodging and weaving. He's not attacking, just evading while Power Girl works herself up for sheer destruction.

Winslow Schott has posed:
As the kangaroos do their jobs, the robbers suddenly get up from their positions on the ground, surprisingly unharmed and begin to rush towards the open manhole. Once they get close enough, they begin to climb in, one at a time. Power Girl's kangaroo, in a surprise form of intelligence, hops towards an abandoned car and, with amazing strength hits it with it's tail and sends it flying straight towards Power Girl. Meanwhile, Hyperion's kangaroo continues trying to punch him. Suddenly, it hops up in the air and tries to deliver to deliver a rather devastating kick. Meanwhile, Toyman is grinning ear to ear as he says rather tauntingly,

"Funny thing about these kangaroos. When I tested them on dummies in my workshop not only did they destroy the dummies, but they bloody near destroyed part of my workshop as well."

Karen Starr has posed:
    To a Kryptonian, an armored car is not even an especially effective deterrent. It flies towards her, with the kind of accuracy only a robot can muster, before halting midair- not instantly, of course, there is a degree of brakes that are applied rather than her merely halting it. Don't want to scramble the men inside, who have already been through enough.

    But, stop it does. Hoisted, then, over her head as if it was as much a toy as the RC car- sans explosives- had been. Power Girl sets it down next to her as if it's weightless, and her expression has not softened.

    She takes off, pushing off from the highway and then accelerating to a speed just south of ludicrous. Her intention isn't to avoid or evade like Hyperion, but instead to draw back, and meet its robotic fist with her own. She isn't using all of her might- because that's not especially safe to do even with a robot- but she's using a rather substantial amount. Enough that you might have to add a few zeroes to the number of hydraulic presses involved in its measurement.

Hyperion has posed:
    Seeing Power Girl set down the car, Hyperion gets an idea. "You can handle these jokers." he says... meanwhile firing a pulse of thermal power frm his eyes at the hologram projecting toy just before he speeds over to the truck and says, "I'll get these people to safety. We don't want to give the guy more bystanders to use, right?" he asks before scooping up the truck and proceeding to put action to word, and whooshing off with the intent to return. By the time he does though, it might all over.

Winslow Schott has posed:
As Hyperion destroyed the hologram, Schott let out an audible cry of rage. Power-Girl managed to collide her fist with the kangaroo's fist, and completely obliterates the robot. As the robot goes flying off the highway towards it's doom, the second robot suddenly bounds up to you and swings it's tail at you, trying to strike you with a very heavy blow, a blow, if connected, is enough to crush concrete.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Unluckily for the Kangabot, Power Girl is not concrete.

    "Good work." she calls after Hyperion, who evacuates both Toyman's assumed goal, and the civilians in question. This, however, left her with the two robots- though, her following strike certainly removed one of the two issues.

    The second comes at her with its tail, and Karen lilts to one side, opening her arms in a massive hug that surrounds the tail, just as it collides with her... And she doesn't move. "I'll damn well teach you to -wish- you'd gotten Superman." she chides...

    Before surging backwards, aiming to rip the tail off of the robot by the roots. If she's successful, it'll make a good weapon with which to aggressively batter the 'bot in a most violent fashion.

Winslow Schott has posed:
The tail comes off with a furious rip and the crunching of mechanical parts coming lose. However, instead of continuing the fight, the Kangaroo suddenly stays still and suddenly starts to beep loudly. Toyman's voice suddenly echoes through the kangaroo, saying in a much more angry tone,

" I know when I am about to lose. You might've stopped me from getting my money, but my men are long gone by now. I have activated this robot's self-destruct feature, it will release a detonation strong enough to punch a hole in the street. But, before this I want you to pass a message to Super Man. THE TOYMAN WANTS TO PLAY!"

Toyman then begins to laugh as the beeping grows louder.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Power Girl will never understand why it was that Toyman -told- her about the self destruct, but regardless, as soon as she does, she drops the tail. Offering this low, intensely bothered growl, she flies forward, turning into a pink blur, and moving in under the now-inert Kangaroobot.

    The robot isn't impossibly dense, and she is flying it up and up- to get it away from people and buildings and into the sky as far as she can get it. The blast is bound to send her reeling for a moment, but on the same token, she's happy enough just to make sure that nobody else is caught in it.