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Latest revision as of 02:50, 1 October 2020

I Guess We Could Maybe Prevent Forest Fires
Date of Scene: 30 September 2020
Location: Upstate New York
Synopsis: Levian and Spiral meet at a forest fire!
Cast of Characters: Levian, Spiral

Levian has posed:
It's an early morning rather deep in the Westchester County hills, and a bit far off from where one normally finds people living. Maybe there were campers out here, a mutant, a lightning strike. Hard to really tell. But there's a growing forest fire that hasn't quite gotten out of control, but it's large enough //to// get out of control.

Levian's been making a point of exploring places far but not too far away from New York, and he kind of ended up here after detecting the forest fire in the middle of no where with his third eye.

He kind of stalks around the outskirts of it for a while, measuring it, his eye assessing things. And then he starts to walk into it entirely, raising his head to take a deep breath like someone who's smelling fresh air. One of the trees near him falls, and he walks toward it to reach down and touch the side, allowing his hand to glow red hot from the fire directly around it.

His clothes appear to be fine, he just seems to be enjoying himself and his environment. If there were campers, they're long gone.

Spiral has posed:
Without a home to go to in the Mojoverse, Spiral doesn't really have anywhere to go to actually just... chill out. Not with people in, or anything spectacular. She could stay inside the four walls of her Body Shop, but she's been cooped up inside for quite a while. She could make a pocket dimension, population 1, but that would be just as boring and need more work.

So of late she's got into the habit of ... Earth tourism, for want of a better word. And maybe the small piece of her that remains a Hollywood stuntwoman, Spiral's idea of a place to visit tends to be a bit extreme. So when she heard about the forest fire, she decides to go visit, and pops into existence quite close.

And immediately starts coughing, one of her many hands going to her mouth. "It's not like the movies..." she gets out. Not really close enough to see that much, but certainly close enough to feel the heat and breathe the smoke. Reality is a lot duller than Hollywood. She does a dance of middling complexity, to step aside dimensionally partially, phasing a little out of step with reality, so the smoke goes right through her. And breathes again. Somehow there's still air here, magic!

Levian has posed:
Levian immediately looks around when he hears someone, and then spots her, sniffing the air. "You look like a demon." he states as a matter-of-fact, walking through the fire to get a closer look at her. Though he keeps at least ten feet of cautious distance.

Some things about what she says stand out to him, and he tilts his head. "I've only seen the movie Mac & Me, it was playing in a place called Target." he admits, though looks a bit curious. "I wonder how many movies there are, I didn't know there were any about fire."

Then, holding his hand out, he introduces, "My name is Levian."

His tone is a bit even and measured, like he's uncertain how he should be approaching her. She's certainly something new, here on Earth at least.

Spiral has posed:
Spiral sees someone apparently less bothered by the smoke and fire than her - though her magic now has it under control so long as they don't get in burning range - and walks through the grasses and shrubs over to the voice, until she stops. They seem to have similar ideas about personal space. "One of my names is Shiva." she admits.

"There are movies about anything and everything. Fire? Reign of Fire, Backdraft, Firestorm, the Towering Inferno...". Four of her hands swipe down in a definitely negative gesture. "I'm not in show business any more.". She doesn't say 'thank god', but it's implied. "My real name is Spiral. Men whisper it as I kill them, I was told...". And she laughs at that.

"A bit melodramatic.". She indicates the fire. "Did you start this then?" she wonders. She doesn't sound judgmental or anything. She's no do-gooder or justiciar!

Levian has posed:
"You really do sound like a demon." Levian notes as he begins to draw magical circles in the air, seemingly made out of floating flames. He draws multiple circles, chanting things in an infernal tongue. "I didn't start the fire. I saw it, it's the hottest thing for many miles. I've needed a fire to rejuvenate my body."

"it's nice to be around someone familiar. Most humans here don't talk like that. They usually only talk like that back home, when they first arrive." He smiles at her, a bit sincerely. "But you're here, alive. I'm enjoying it."

Spiral has posed:
Spiral arches a brow. "Well, thank you." she says, considering that a compliment. "I'm not a demon though, if you're preparing your wards. I am a vat grown slave from an alternate reality." she tells him helpfully. "I probably need different wards to demons.". She nods at his explanation of the fire, and shrugs.

"I am not human." she says emphatically. "I am a freak, an outcast. Humans would probably put me in a cage if they could. There is one who likes me, but I think she is insane.". She looks over at the fire - she can feel the heat of it certainly, you don't have to be in a fire that big to get burned after all. "I get very bored. With nobody to talk to. So I visit places like this. I've never been this close to a wildfire before.".

Levian has posed:
"I don't know how to ward demons, I don't really like being around demon wards." Levian mutters some final infernal words, and some of the fire starts to suck into the floating circles. A good portion of it actually. It doesn't completely go out, though the fire likely won't spread much further now.

Then the circles suddenly blast him with fire, a much more pure-looking fire, until his skin glows white, seemingly not actually giving off heat, strangely enough. But soon his skin is back to normal, and the circles vanish. "I've been injured a lot lately, but I needed a large fire to fuel my Earth fire spells."

Once this is explained, he starts to focus on her again, still not approaching too closely. "Strange. You have extra arms, and you're not a demon, but you still seem human. Though aliens also seem kind of like humans. I'm still not sure how different humans have to be until they're no longer human."

"Though I find you easier to talk to than the humans I meet, so I can see the difference in that way." He starts to approach slightly, cautiously. "I'm curious about your scent. I've realized that it's rude to get too close. Do you mind?"

Spiral has posed:
Spiral watches what's going on with the fire with mild interest. She looks a bit saddened when it seems like he sucked up a lot of the flames though, that means there won't be much more of a spectacle after all.

At his words, she folds four of her arms, looking rather stern, and shakes her head. "I am not human." she declares, sounding a bit irritated at that. Sounds like Harley Quinn psychology or something. Demon, fine, human, not fine. "I rebel from human conformity in mind and body. Never mind the smell, I have six arms.".

She edges away a bit, not only because 'can I smell you?' is a bit weird even for Spiral, but if he decides she smells human, well, that's the wrong answer.

Levian has posed:
"I don't want to offend you. I like you." Levian steps onto the fallen tree to crouch down slightly, sitting almost like a dog, or Spider-Man, as he stares up and over at her. "Do humans hurt you? Do you hate them? I've met many affected by the actions of humans, though for my kind it seems natural that we would have a mutually predatory relationship with them. I'm not sure what you are, but I've never met anything like you. Do other people like you also hate humans?"

Spiral has posed:
"Do I hate them? Well... they are fun to play with. Some of my best friends are humans. They all tend to hate me, though." Spiral explains. "Only one at present does not. And there is nobody else like me." she says, shaking her head.

"There are other vat grown slaves, but they don't have six arms, or the magic of the wildways to command.". She just stays standing, though she does hop around a little, almost unconsciously - the Time Dancer is never far from breaking into dance after all. Maybe she's maintaining her phasing spell or something.

Levian has posed:
"It's strange, the things that humans are afraid of, when they commit the same acts and have very similar behaviors. Though there are of course very alien things about them, like when they're born and have a very long phase where they can't defend themselves." Levian seems to be stuck on that note lately, but shakes his head.

"I find that humans are mostly afraid, they don't like what other creatures make them think about themselves, or they simply believe they'll be hurt." He motions a hand to her. "You aren't like me, but you are like me in some ways. There is a place where most of the things are like me, even though we may look different."

"I don't really understand what friends are very well yet, but I understand your feelings. I do not understand human feelings unless I'm being predatory usually, but I understand you and I'm not being predatory at all, so logically, you aren't human." He holds his hand out, though doesn't move from where he is. "I have no reason to hate you, though you are in motion a lot, it doesn't bother me. I like it."

Spiral has posed:
"I do enjoy giving humans what they want, when I think they will regret it afterwards." Spiral admits. Hey, he does look like a classic demon after all, so maybe some of Shiva's antics will go down well with him. "But only if they want me to. Of late I've been ... encouraged to just do it to unconscious humans which is annoying.".

"I am sure there is. I have spent some time travelling across dimensions ... enough to know many are dangerous so I don't do it lightly unless I am familiar with them. I met a human the other day who was experimenting with the Darkforce and had no idea what he was doing. I'll keep an eye on him for scientific purposes.", she says, with a smirk.

She stays dancing slightly, but one of her six hands extends down to him. They are quite long! and the bottom set are kinda half way down her body already.

Levian has posed:
Levian takes her hand, and he holds it very lightly, as if unsure of the correct amount of pressure to use. He doesn't seem to be used to the gesture of handshakes. But he does look down at her hand. "You're very strong." he determines, possibly from sight, possibly from her strength, it's hard to tell.

"I enjoy learning about humans, but I particularly enjoy those with grave levels of sin. To learn their innermost desires, their secrets. Humans full of sin... the only Earth word I have for them is kummerspeck. It isn't a perfect translation, and I don't know the names of your languages, but that word feels right."

"To be around a pure and good soul, it feels great, but a sinful soul, it makes me feel like what I am." He carefully releases her hand, then slowly stands, taking a deep breath. "I want to see you again."

Spiral has posed:
Spiral does have oddly hard skin, probably more noticeable than any outright strength. And she didn't even use a metal hand!

"Sin? Oh one of those. Like the Exorcist. Ha. This soul has plenty of sins, but the Time Dancer is above such things.".

It's pretty safe to say Spiral is not good and pure. Though more ax crazy than Victor Von Doom.

"If you want to meet me again, just ask around for me. My name is Spiral." she reminds, a bit amused by something. She has her ways!

Levian has posed:
"I will. If you need me, well, I don't have a home yet. I'll find you." Levian crouches down, then leaps to a tree like some kind of wild animal, and goes running into the woods like something that definitely uses its body in very inhuman and contorted ways.