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Latest revision as of 22:12, 1 October 2020

The new Squad starts to be formed
Date of Scene: 01 October 2020
Location: Belle Reve
Synopsis: Welcome to the Suicide Squad, Spiral.
Cast of Characters: Amanda Waller, Cole Cash, Spiral

Amanda Waller has posed:
Waller isn't happy. But then again, she is never happy. New problems demand new solutions and she had to find one fast enough. A new team? More convicts? Mercenaries? She knows she needs a response to various issues going on..

So first, she needed someone to rein the cats in. A Flagg, so to say, but with him being unavailable she turned to the best next thing. Grifter..

She is currently in a white room, no windows or any other adornments besides a table, her chair and a long list of files on the table. Some of those that had served on the Squad in the past. Others new prospects. She looks at Grifter.

"This is what we will have to work with." she states in her low tone, gesturing so as for the man to peruse them if he so wishes. The photos are on top, with alumni such as Harley Quinn or King Shark visible, along with a few new ones. Prospects. "And after how last mission went I will expect results." ufff, last mission had been quite the blast... Literally. No survivors. "So I want to task you with herding them in, making them a cohesive unit. Think you are up to the task, Grifter?" She thinks he is or she wouldn't be asking.

Some moments later a knock is heard on the door. "Ah, we have one of our first prospects to speak with." she points to the file which has Spiral's image on it so Cole can get acquainted.

"Come in!" the door opens.

Cole Cash has posed:
"Well, you invited me back to America for a reason, Captain," and although Cole had not seen Waller in over a decade, he knows she is no the kind of woman that does anything without a good reason. Not even for old friends. If she had any. Truth is Cole had many enemies in the US, and now it feels as if they all are pretending he has not been back for six months.

"Oh, I have heard of the Queen Clown," he comments, giving Harley's picture a quizzical glance. He has been living in Gotham. Safer than more lawful cities for a man like him.

No comments about the others. Some he has heard about, most hasn't. Knowing Waller she will have a 300 page dossier of each of them, and will let Cole see about ten percent of it. "Not this... does she have six arms?"

Spiral has posed:
Well, they put her in a chair at least, but only because it's easier to wheel her around then drag her around. They've done their homework too, as she's in a straitjacket - and not that it's visible, but underneath the straitjacket, they've put steel handcuffs on her, and on top of those really tight gloves on her so she literally can't move a finger. And then the whole thing is duct taped up so it looks like she's almost mummified. They know she's pretty strong, and they aren't taking any chances. They even put some tape over her mouth. Hannibal Lecter gets let off lighter than this.

Judging by the expression on her face, Spiral is NOT happy. And not comfortable either. WOuld you be? One of her escorts rips the tape off her mouth, and then presumably with many guns pointing at her just in case some magical bullshit manages to happen despite the restraints. For once she doesn't actually say anything. But she looks absolutely furious, made all the more impactful by how her helmetless grey hair has gone totally wild what with being pushed around and is half over her face. Human ants had a net gun. And tasers, real powerful tasers. And she didn't bother using any spells because, well, human ants. Until it was too late.

Amanda Waller has posed:
"I did." Waller admits. Competence was hard to find these days. Or rather, competence to her standards. She could find competence but she needed those who didn't also fall to corruption or other such unpleasantness that forced her to take measures for earlier retirement.

The mention of the clown brings a sharp nod from Waller, "The clown has worked in the squad in the past. Part of why she is out right now and we aren't .., forcing the issue to have her back in. But that could change if she takes a wrong step." or we make her take a wrong step. But she doesn't say that last part! "But she knows if we need her she will have to come and work for us."

The mention of the six-armed woman makes Amanda look up to Cole. "How much do you know about the Mojoverse, Grifter? She is from there. A sorceress from what our intel says."

But then the knock, Spiral being brought in. Amanda gets up to her feet. "Welcome. I am glad you could join us. You can call me Captain. And this is Grifter."

"I have a proposition for you, Spiral." her tone is direct, no bullshit.

Cole Cash has posed:
"I like mojo sauce?" Replies Cole. No, has not heard about Mojoverse. "Sorceress, uh?" He steps back, not wanting to be in the line of fireballs or lightning bolts between a sorceress and Waller. Not that he really expects Waller to be hurt. But he was in the way.

Safer now, a little to the left, he expects.

"What did she do to get to Belle Reve?" he asks, skimming over the dossier. Looks like biomagic and stuff. Probably illegal in most countries that understand enough to ban some kinds of magic. Not many. But he is sure the DEO has protocols for those.

Spiral has posed:
Spiral isn't really in the mood for discussion so far. "I will have you all in a game show that will make the Running Man look like children's television. I'll devise a spell that turns you inside out like a teleporter accident just for you! What I did to Betsy will be as nothing! I'll dance you to the end of time and leave you there! I'LL PUT YOUR BRAINS IN A JAR AND MAKE YOU WATCH CHANNEL 57 FOR ALL ETERNITY!".

Assuming these two are the ones in charge, she spits out a stream of random invective while struggling mightily under all the bonds. Hey, she can move the straitjacket a bit, that's more than most people could in this situation.

Amanda Waller has posed:
If Waller is impressed by the the furious replies from Spiral she is less than impressed. The only response is a brow raising. Perhaps she expected something else. So judgemental! The straightjacket being moved does make her smile though. She is pleased. "Above normal strength too, Grifter. Yes, she is a good one."

Her attention is then turned fully upon Spiral, her eyes hard, of someone who has seen way too much already and has come out stronger for it. Unmovable and unshakable. She watches Spiral up and down, slowly, as if weighing her. "Your actions have been brought to our attention." She then finally says after a long time in silence. "Actions that demand we have to decide what to do with you. And while many would prefer to just send you back from where you came from...." yes, she does seem to know a bit about Spiral. How much though? Still unknown. ".... I believe you can serve a purpose."

"How would you feel about working for the government?"

Cole Cash has posed:
"Those are very original threats," comments the blond man, offering the furious woman a crooked smile. He has heard curses in a hundred languages, some of them alien. Hey, he is an expert. Who is Betsy? No, he is not going to ask right now. Derailing Waller's line of approach would likely lead to some petty revenge, probably monetary. He needs to pay the rent. And the bar tab.

"Criminal magic-users tend to end up in the Black Vault," he comments. "No trial. And in... pieces." Now, he might be exaggerating a bit. But the DEO agents tell weird stories when drunk enough.

Spiral has posed:
Spiral can do all sorts of fun things, but they all require her to be able to at least move a few fingers, and she can barely do that. Really, that annoys her all the more! Talk about helpless. She heaves again, maybe bending a handcuff perhaps, but not much more, before giving up.

She wrinkles her nose, rage dissipating a bit as she listens to Amanda. And then she smirks, widely, and madly. "Work for the government?". She laughs in apparently genuine mirth. "Is this because I'm an illegal alien?". And she laughs again. Well, she thinks it's funny. She turns her head to focus her oddly blank eyes on Cole. "Pieces? And you think you're better than I am?". She pouts a bit. "Doing what?" she asks Amanda.

Amanda Waller has posed:
The humor doesn't seem to reach Amanda. But really, she doesn't seem the type to have a laugh with co-workers after work or .., well.., a lot of other things. But the eyebrow arches again at the attempt to joke. Another judgemental gaze. "It is because you have no qualms about killing, nor about doing what you need to reach your objectives." the woman says. "In that we are very alike. As we are in being vengeful, and petty." and that last part does sound a bit like a threat.

A look goes to Cole and she nods. "It's not about being better. It's all about power." she says. And she has it that seems to imply.

"As for what we would do. Missions for the government that normal troops cannot carry." a beat. "Yes, they involve what you are thinking." most likely killing and ..., other such things.

Cole Cash has posed:
"Better at what?" Cole shrugs. He has done black ops before. It is not fun, but most times he mostly agreed it was necessary. The rest? Well, he was in the army. As a merc he likes to think he made better choices.

He thinks he does now, too. Maybe he is a little deluded.

"Look, bottom line: this deal is seriously better than your other alternatives," he offers.

Spiral has posed:
Spiral's smirk lingers for a while. Well, she worked for what she assumes is the mafia, this is just working for a different, more powerful mafia really when you think about it. She looks at Waller with ill disguised contempt for a moment, but seems to be weighing things up.

It's always fat people. She'll start murdering the overweight on sight at this rate.

"On my own?" she wonders. She looks over at Cole again, and licks her lips. "Or with this ... co star.". She sighs. "And what do I get out of it?".

Amanda Waller has posed:
"Grifter will be part of it, yes. Along with a few others.." Waller remains near the table, now her fingertips drumming atop a particular file. The image is visible, showing the clownette. "Our work here has a lot of rotation as you can imagine, many do not return from the missions we bring them to.." is there a message there? ".. you can be an asset though. You are powerful."

Eyes then drift to Cole. "And as Grifter says, it does beat any other alternative you have."

She then moves from behind the table, her large form moving with the kind of gravitas that while she may be fat there is quite the poise to her. A woman that knows how to use power, and is used to it. She considers Spiral for a time, now closer to her. "As for what else you get ..., working for us means you'd have other perks. Including being forgiven for minor crimes." the 'minor' is said with emphasis.

Cole Cash has posed:
"You wouldn't be here for minor crimes, anyway," comments Cole. "I'll read these over dinner," he adds for Waller, taking Spiral, Harley and King Shark's folders. Dinner will be taken at the staff cafeteria, though. He is not going to leave the prison for a time. "Maybe you could join me there after Waller finishes with you," he offers Spiral. "They have gumbo tonight."

Probably Waller won't let her, but he is the good cop here.

He heads out, turning just before leaving. "Six arms? That must be pretty useful," he comments. "Good luck with the negotiations." He nods to Waller and heads out.

Spiral has posed:
Spiral has a tendency to call people who hate her and want her dead her friends, because she doesn't really have friends. She looks a bit uncomfortable when the picture of the clownette comes into view, though she hides it as best as an unhinged six armed extradimensional sorceress can.

Brushing that away with a snort, she would shrug if she could. "Forgiven for crimes? Well why didn't you say so before?" she says, suddenly sounding all breezy and friendly - probably an emotion about as deep as a salesman's sincerity. Not minor crimes, crimes.

Amanda Waller has posed:
"Make no mistake." Amanda then speaks with a more intense tone. "We do not condone murder. Or at least.., murder not sanctioned by us." Now that's downright hypocritical isn't it?! "You -will- lower down the footprint you are leaving out there. There is only so much I can protect you of." she considers. "Consider this a blank state, all you did before is wiped. From here on out, I will expect you to keep a low profile. Or lower at least." She may also be saying 'dont get caught'. Apparently this is the kind of woman ruthless enough to not look at means to reach her ends.

"And bringing any of what we do here to someone else, well, lets just say we may have more than one way to reach the Mojoverse." does she? She has the best of poker faces so whether it's true or not.., it's left in the air.

"I am glad we could reach an understanding. We will give you a communicator device for when we need you. Do you have any other questions?"

Spiral has posed:
Spiral knows for a fact the human ants can reach the Mojoverse, because Rita Wayword got sent there by Dr Strange. Still, she doubts Dr Strange is working for this, creature. The smirk lingers for a bit. Some government sanctioned killing sounds fun. And if it gets her some pull with the local constabulary, and keeps the clownette from being gacked, so much the better.

She twists her head as best she can to eye the goons watching her, and then blinks innocently. "Look ma'am. I only need to know one thing. Where they are.", she says, and chuckles a bit.