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Latest revision as of 01:19, 3 October 2020

Teenage Mutant Ninja...Spiders
Date of Scene: 02 October 2020
Location: Brooklyn
Synopsis: The Foot Clan, bringing ninja turtles and Spider-Men together...
Cast of Characters: Michelangelo, Peter Parker

Michelangelo has posed:
The Turtle family is in a bit of a disarray right now. With Donatello seriously injured as a result of an encounter with the Foot clan and their latest tech, the remaining brothers had all fallen into various states of emotional distress. While Leo and Raph dealt with the issue in their own way, Michelangelo is doing the only thing he knows best: keeping busy. He wasn't there for the encounter, but upon hearing and SEEING the injuries to his genius brother, it's as if his stomach fell right through the floor. It was hard to see. Hard to take.

In the days since, Mikey had been doing everything he could to make sure Donatello made a full recovery. Part of these duties involved making sure that they had a full stock of medicinal related products, from bandages to bandaids to ice packs and other things. So here he is, having taken the Van out to bulk purchase a whole lot of medicinal goods from the local pharmacy. At this stage, the pharmacist knows who the turtles are. Given the brothers can't go to the hospital like regular folk, the pharmacist is pretty much their point of contact when it comes to any of the Turtles getting injured.

Wearing his orange bandana, the baby brother loads a few big boxes into the back of the Van. "Thanks, Stevie. Appreciate you, man. You're helpin' us out big time." The orange-themed turtle lifts a three-fingered hand to wave at the owner, who just waves back and ducks back into his pharmacy.

Then? Trouble.

An unmarked black van pulls up to the front of the pharmacy, not much bigger than the one Mikey rolled up in. Giving it a cursory glance with his baby blue eyes, Mikey doesn't pay much more attention. That is until a bundle of Foot Ninja pile out the back, some of the armed with energy weapons. "...oh my God, oh my God..." Mikey's eyes nearly pop out of his head when he spots them. A rush of thoughts run through his head, but the most pressing? Revenge. His teeth grit in anger, and, despite the overwhelming numbers? He jumps into the Turtle Van and begins to arm himself.

Peter Parker has posed:
The leader jumps out as if his tabi books had springs in them. Others pile out of the black cargo van like flowing water, and pretty soon there is a baker's dozen of them in the street.

Stevie blinks through the window, and then hits the "panic button," which sends an alert to the NYPD...

...and a guy in red-and-blue longjohns, who was making his way through Brooklyn when the alert popped up. A waypoint bloomed in his HUD, with a distance of <12 BLOCKS> listed under it.

In other words, thirty seconds easy.

There is a THWIPP! and a jump and a cry of "Allons-y!"

Michelangelo has posed:
"Okay, Mikey... You got this... You got this, dude... You got this..." Michelangelo didn't have Leonardo's bravery, or Raphael's drive. He had his own strengths, but they seldom lent him any aid when it came to situations like this. With a collection of shuriken and kunai knives stored in a weapons pouch, some guards on his person and his nunchucks, the turtle leans over to press 'PLAY' on the huge stereo system that Donatello had fitted into the Turtle Van.

An extremely loud drum-kit can be heard playing through the airwaves, catching the attention of the surrounding Foot Clan shinobi. Seconds into the song, a piano synth starts playing. It's a-ha's classic 'Take On Me' blaring through at full ball! Hey, it was the song he had currently playing. And it'll do for a pump up tune.

As the lyrics start, Michelangelo charges out of the van, nunchucks spinning. "Time to kick some serious shell!" Dodging a couple of panicked energy blasts that are aimed at him, Mikey engages against ALL of the Foot Clan, flipping and zipping about to press in to take the fight in close.

All with an eighties piano synth driven song in the background.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man is coming into the area when he hears...music?

It MUST be serious. Someone's SOUNDTRACK just got louder.

The HUD picks out the Footies (his word for them) by the signature clothing, as well as the moves. The energy weapons are new, though.

And in the middle is a...

WAIT...is that a TURTLE?
Why, Yes, Virginia, that IS a turtle, armed with nunchaku, wearing a mask, and dishing out some serious pain.
Save that for later, though. The guns are starting to fire off from the guys in the bleachers, and that seems just WRONG...

Mikey finds himself in a spirited fight against the 13 ninja, six of them firing those funky rifles. One of the nunchucks sending one of them off to dreamland, which leaves him with only 11 ninja with five shooting at him. A well-placed kick dispatches another, leaving nine to go with four shooting...

...hang on. What's with the MATH?

Michelangelo has posed:
"FLY KICK TO THE FACE!!!!" Mikey hollers as he cannons into a foot soldier, his foot landing directly into the enemy face. Literally bouncing off the foe, he barges into another Foot shinobi that's right nearby. "NUNCHUCKS TO THE FACE!!!!!" He yells out again, spinning his weapons into the... yes, you guessed it... the face of someone else. "KNEE TO THE FACE!!!!" Looks like all of his moves involve face attacks. Unfortunately though, through sheer numbers? He is getting struck, and struck hard. "Oof -- ow! My gallbladder! Dude, at least try and hit me in the -- urk!" The turtle falls backwards, but he's able to quickly roll out of the way from someone firing their energy gun. It misses Mikey but strikes another Foot ninja, vaporising him from existence. The energy weapons are new, but seriously powerful.

"You guys are NINJA, right? From Japan? What's up with your energy weapons? Go for old and traditional, dudes! The classics are the best!" Reaching into one of his pouches, Mikey throws down a smoke bomb to grant himself some temporary cover from the ranged Foot clan enemies.

Peter Parker has posed:
The eight Footies begin to realize that thair shooting section is getting depleted, and one turns around to see a Foot gunman suddenly do a disappearing act of his own, being suddenly FLUNG backwards and upwards into the gloom of the nearby alley.

<Another! Another is here!>

The others start looking around, looking for both the smoking-section ninja and the unseen ninja-pincher.

Then, he makes it easy, because whoever that turtle in the mask was, a little distraction might be a good idea.

"Hey, FootStank!"
Eyes look up to see a familiar figure perched on the side of the building overlooking them.

Spider-Man waved. "Hello, boys and girls. Welcome to the FUN ZONE!"

Michelangelo has posed:
"ELBOW TO THE FFAAAACCCEEE!" As Michelangelo hollers out another finishing move, feeling the bruises and scratches slowly yet surely building on his body, he too is distracted by the sudden arrival of Spider-Man. Truthfully, Mikey has to squint from behind his mask to try and see Spidey up on the building. But that outfit? He can recognise it from a mile away. "...ohmyGod..." He murmurs, jaw loosening in earnest surprise. "That's... that's...!"


Mikey is struck in the back of the head by a Foot clansman, forcing the turtle to stumble forward in a stunned fashion. Seeing stars, he looks back up to the corner of the building, before turning to engage once more to the enemies that linger around. "Time to unload some turtle-fu on you losers."

By this stage, 'Take On Me' is soaring into its chorus. It's enough to fill Michelangelo with renewed vigour, hand-springing and flipping neatly around some energy blasts that pass precariously close by.

Peter Parker has posed:
Annnnd now they are shooting at him. He can deal with this. Not his first time being shot at.

Spider-Man springs into action, somersaulting over two Feet (not two feet, that's just weaksauce) and webs them to the street, landing to throw another blast of webbing at the third shooter, leaving only one left with a gun and three others who are realizing that this is not going to end well for them.

The last shooter unloads at Spider-Man, who dances to the side, and...

Wait. Is that a crouching-Mantis side-feint? It sure looks like it, even though there is a slight variation...

Michelangelo has posed:
"ohmyGodyou'reSpiderManI'mlikeyourbiggestfanandI've beenwantingtoteamupformonthsbutmybrothersarelameandAIEEEEEE!"

The fangasm from Michelangelo is incredibly real, perhaps doubly so when he slips into a ninjutsu stance. "Oh dude, you're a ninja too? No wonder you kick so much butt." With the Foot clan numbers dwindling, Michelangelo is able to really zero in on them, happy to press forward and slam the weaponry he has at multiple foes. Having nunchucks in each hand means he can engage multiple foes at once, something he is happy to do to bring down the guys that do not have any guns.

"Watch out for those ray guns, Spidey! They hit harder than the finale of Lord Of The Rings: Return of the King." Here he is. Teaming up with Spider-Man. Is his life complete? Probably.

"...wait. What are you even DOING here, dude? Are you hunting the Foot clan, too? How did you know who they were?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man fired a webline at the energy gun, yoinking it out of the Footie's grasp. He looked a bit lost, so Spidey fired a web at his open hands, pulled him towards the wall, then webbed him to it as he hit it.
"Guns are VERY bad for you," he admonishes the new wall-art, then looked to Michelangelo.

"The guy in the drug store hit the alert and I was in the area. I've seen these Feet before, and they cause trouble, so these Feet stink."

Yes, he Dad-Joked them.

"You good with those last three, or do you want me to tag in? You seem to have it in hand."

Michelangelo has posed:
As Spider-Man asks if Michelangelo needs help, the turtle is putting them down. It's sort of a ninjutsu style combined with his own acrobatics, resulting in a spinning blur of green motion. A final, hard SLAM of a turtle-fist into the guts of a Foot ninja is enough to render the final schmuck unconscious. Just as the song from the Turtle Van comes to an end.

"Stevie hit the alert, huh? The legend. But for real, you gotta wonder why the Foot is even here in the first place, yeah? Maybe they ran outta bandaids. Heh heh heh." With an idle rub of his chin and a shrug, Michelangelo bends down to pick up one of the ray guns that the Foot wielded. "These things are ridic. They killed their own men with them." Then it clicks. He's talking with Spidey!

"Oh, dude. Thanks for coming to help. I'm a huge fan. You can call me Mikey if you want. Did you make that costume yourself? Any pro tips?" Beaming a wide smile, he gestures to his own mask. "I can relate. Costumes and masks are hard. But yeah, thanks for showing up." That's twice in about two seconds he thanked him. "If it weren't for you, I probably would've been in some serious trouble."

Then he remembers why he got into this fight in the first place. "...bro, I gotta get back to the Lair! My brother got seriously messed up by one of those guns." With an about face, Michelangelo starts to leg it back to the Turtle Van.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man looks to Mikey, then he sees what Mikey has to load into the...Turtle Van? Sure, why not?
He jogs over with Michelangelo, then says, "Hey, let me help you with this stuff."

As they begin loading the van, Spidey says, "Well, it's nice to meet a fan, Mikey. And yeah...kinda made it myself, but I had made a few others before this one. My first one was a balaclava mask, a hoodie, sweat pants, and tennis shoes. That was about...two years ago. Since then, I've had to make...as well as mend." He points to a long seam that had been sewn up along the left arm. "Sword did that one. I was kinda fighting more than one at a time, though..."

Michelangelo has posed:
"I love sweat pants." Says the turtle with a grin, wearing some sweats himself. They're pretty stretched, but the bright orange strip down the side is still there at least.

Loading the boxes of pharmaceutical goods into the back of the van (itself just a heavily modded old Volkswagen bus, Spidey may well catch sight of all of the gear already inside. Reasonably good looking tech is within, ranging from radar detection monitors to other screens. However, they are all made with very 'street-level' parts. "Fighting guys with swords can be really hard. Sometimes I think it's easier to just press in really close to them, so close that they have no room to swing it around." Sparring with Leo did teach him a few things, at least.

"So, uh, you know the Foot clan? I didn't think that they were widely known, really. You fought them before?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods. "From time to time. Seen them committing a few crimes against people."

He peers at the tech in the vehicle, then looks back to Mikey. "Nice tech. But if you're looking for a good place to dumpster-dive for technology, I know a good place. Interested?"

Michelangelo has posed:
Michelangelo pauses at that, perhaps realising for the first time that he's sharing entirely too much with a 'stranger'. Hell, letting Spider-Man look INSIDE THE VAN is probably too much in the eyes of Raphael. But hey, Raph ain't here! "I don't really... I mean, this isn't really my thing." Mikey gestures to the all of the detection and radar monitoring equipment loosely with a rolling hand. "But... yeah, actually. It could make for a good surprise. Wanna hop in? I can drive us." THAT earns another huge, cheeky grin. "I learned to drive just a few months ago. The other day I drove super fast with Mongul on the roof. It was a whole thing." With a low rolling snicker, the turtle shuts the back door of the van now that it's loaded up. and jumps into the drivers seat. With a turn of the ignition key, the van springs to life. Sirens can be heard in the background as the police start to come in.

"Come on in, bro. When the Popo come around, that's usually my signal to bail. Where we goin'?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man smiles wryly under the mask. If you can't trust a humanoid turtle trained as a ninja to drive you in a converted van in New York, who CAN you trust?

Spider-man gets into the passenger seat, then points. "Onward to Engineer Row, Mikey. I'll give you details on the way!"

After all, for Spidey, traveling at ground-level is sort-of a novelty...