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Three Arrows, Three Bodies
Date of Scene: 02 October 2020
Location: The Glades
Synopsis: Three killings by an arrow through the heart draw Team Arrow out to investigate.
Cast of Characters: Vanessa Carlysle, Oliver Queen, Roy Harper

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Flipping through the television channels, a news story might be caught on one of the channels. The banner at the bottom of the screen reveals that the reporter is Margot Stockton reporting from Starling City.

"... updating you on the story unfolding in The Glades over the last 24 hours. Three slayings have taken place, two tonight and one the night before. According to our sources within the Starling City Police Department, all three people were killed with a single arrow strike. And what's more, all three victims are in the registered sex offender database."

Behind the reporter can be seen yellow police tape marking out the crime scene. Various police officers can be seen going over the crime scene, while a crowd of onlookers have gathered on the other side of the tape.

One of the officers in plain clothes ducks under the tape and the reporter rushes over to him. "Detective! Detective Quentin Lance! Margot Stockton, Channel 8 News. Do you have any leads on what appears to be a triple homicide over the last two nights?"

The detective has a bit of a haggard appearance and he says, "It's still too early to say for sure that they are the work of the same individual, but-"

Margot interrupts him with, "But all three were killed with arrows weren't they? Do you suspect vigilante involvement given the criminal history of all three men?"

The detective gestures with both hands as if for calm. "We're just beginning our investigation. And look, I don't know what to think. Bunch of people running around in costumes and with bows. Far as I know the Green Arrow has been a helpful presence in the city. Lately. But I also have a hard time forgetting when he first showed up. The number of people who showed up with arrows in them? So... I just don't know at this point."

He walks off and the reporter turns back to the camera. "We will keep you updated as the story progresses. Margot Stockton, Channel 8 News."

Oliver Queen has posed:
The news going rampant on the television channels in Starling has surely not gone unnoticed by Oliver. In fact he has all the big monitors in the cave showing the various channels with the info known about it, leaned back on his chair while the Queen Consolidated proprietary software runs analysis on what has been released so far, collating info for later use.

His expression is certainly not a friendly one.. Another archer.. Right what he needed right now. Not that this was a novelty. There had been some over the years, copycats, others obsessed with him and the 'vigilante business'. They -normally- tended towards the good, or at least those they hurt were mostly themselves..

This was different. A killer..

And while at the time he started there was noone to stop him or bring him to the right path this time it'd be different. The Green Arrow would not let this be.

"I won't get anything sitting here." He announces to Vanessa, getting up to his feet. "Let's go out. I know this detective, maybe he will have information for us."

Granted, his relationship with the SCPD wasn't the best but they had occasionally teamed up. And he was part of the renewed Justice League. That DID count for something.

A message is then sent to Roy. He knows he is around the city tonight. It's the weekend he comes visit! "Arsenal. Feel like going out? We are in the cave."

Roy Harper has posed:
A text came back pretty quickly since Roy was just upstairs, after all. "Meet you there." And truly, it's with appreciable alacrity that the red-clad archer arrives in the Arrowcave. "You were watching too, huh?" Of course they were. He'd had it on upstairs while he was working on some homework for the following week. Traveling from city to city meant that Roy tended to bring work with him wherever he went. It was just the nature of trying to balance school and superheroing.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
The news of the first killing had drawn notice. But two more the next night? Definitely bumps it up in priority. "Yes, I don't think we can assume it's going to end there," she says. She moves over to get dressed in her costume, and soon Quiver is moving to join Oliver. "Hey Roy," she says to him as she fits the domino mask on her face. "So think this detective will give us information on the killings? Sounds like you guys have a bit of a rocky past from his comment."

She gets herself a quiver of arrows and her expandable bow that was crafted just for her, with just the right pull on it for her strength. "You have any past with him too, Roy?" she asks as she heads for the motorcycles to make the trip to wherever Oliver leads them. The station, or the detective's home?

Oliver Queen has posed:
"It never does." Speaking from experience really. Oliver gets his own hood up, covering his features and picks one of his bows from the stand, setting it over a shoulder. A nod to Quiver and then one to Roy, "We need to find whoever this may be and stop them before it gets worse." her flips the voice modulator on. Never forget it!

"It's late enough that he will be at his home now." He informs the rest of them. Well, it's no surprise to anyone that Ollie keeps tabs on the movements of cops around the city, specially a certain few. It's good to be informed of those who can be his allies, and more importantly knowing who you can trust. But in this case, it was more keeping your enemies closer. "Let's just say he was already part of the force when I wasn't exactly the Green Arrow yet. But just the Arrow. Our relationship has never been the best, but at least he talks to me now." darker times.

And then it's time to roll. Motorcycles this time. He gets the secret back door open and then off they go through the night, across the city to visit their old friend, Detective Lance.

Roy Harper has posed:
"With the detective?" Roy asks, both brows going up a bit, "Nope. With the PD?" He handwobbles a bit. He'd been picking pockets and thieving when Oliver met him, so he'd no doubt had a few run ins with the PD before he became Oliver's protege. Of course, the cops would know Roy Harper, not necessarily Arsenal. "Wouldn't say that we're friends. But they probably won't arrest me on sight either." He flashes her a grin.

Roy loves his bike. It's a sleek dark red sports bike that may have made AJ a little uneasy the first time he'd ridden on it with Roy. But it's quick and it's agile and he loves it. And so he zips on after the other two as they head out across the city.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa Carlysle loves her bike too. There's no way she could have ever afforded something like it, and just opening the bike up on the ride into the city from the affluent section where the Mansion and Arrowcave are is always an exhilarating rush.

As Oliver turns on his voice modulator, she does so as well, slipping back into that celebrity-sounding voice she's been using. "This is it?" she asks as they pull up at the tiny little one story house that looks like it probably only houses about 2 bedrooms.

The regular lights are out, but there's white light shining on the drawn curtains that are thin enough the light shows through though they mostly block the view of what's inside. As the light patterns keep changing it's a good bet it's the television.

Quiver parks her bike and looks around the area, then moves to follow Green Arrow and Arsenal to the house. "So do you just knock on the door? Or walk out of his bedroom suddenly to do the whole... mysterious hero thing?" she asks with a slight grin. "And, remembering he IS armed."

Oliver Queen has posed:
"I'd prefer not to get shot." Oliver says at the suggestion of popping out of the corner of Quentin's room. That's how vigilantes get killed ... I will use a much better tactic. He reaches down to his wrist, slidding a small cover over where a small, basic keyboard is. What does it do? Well, connections through his earcomm. Handy. "I will just call him and have him meet us on the back." the clearly smart move.

He sends in a message and as they wait on the back of the house there is some grumbling heard within, a light near the door being turned on, then the one outside.

"This better be good." Yes, he is grumpy while opening the door to the back where the three archers are. "And please don't tell me it's one of you doing this. I have enough headaches as is." No, Quentin Lance never truly liked the Arrow much. But he knows he can be useful during these cases.

Roy Harper has posed:
"I'm gonna opt for the not breaking-and-entering route when it comes to saying yo to the cops," Arsenal says with a little smirk as he pulls his bike over and hops off, pulling off his helmet and fastening it to the bike. His hood goes up -- convenient for hiding helmet hair. He adjusts his quiver on his shoulder, bow still collapsed for the time being since they're just paying a social call at the moment.

He chuckles a little bit when Oliver just calls the man, like you do. He puts up both hands when the detective says it better not be them. "I prefer to deliver'm gift-wrapped with their little pinchers tied together like live lobsters -- still kickin'."

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Quiver follows around to the home's backyard. She watches as Quentin Lance comes out to give Green Arrow that not-too-pleased to see you look. "Not any of us," she says to him, glancing towards Green Arrow.

The comment from Quiver earns her a longer look from the Starling City detective, and one for Arsenal as well. "You know, the police can protect the city," he starts to say but then holds up a hand and waves it as if to let the topic go.

He's soon refocusing on Green Arrow. "So if you guys aren't behind it and you're taking the time to come see me, I'm guessing you're looking for information?" he asks, his eyes drifting across each of the concealed heroes. He must have seen confirmation from at least one. "Each of them killed with a single arrow. Each time right into the heart," Quentin says. "One, the first, was just getting home, shot in the back. The second as he was leaving. The third was shot through his window. Glass was open, screen was shut. Arrow punched right through the screen," he says.

"All three had convictions for sexual assault. Two for rape, one for molestation," Quentin says. "I don't suppose you've got a lead for me in return, do you?" he asks.

Oliver Queen has posed:
"I am surprised. Thought you'd be all about some B&E on Detective Lance's home. Some payback?" Well, Oliver is teasing the young man when he says that, folding his arms together and waiting. It had been some time since he had been face-to-face with Quentin, at least as the Arrow. Oliver had seen him more recently during a police ball. The nod is curt but at least shows some respect.

"Detective Lance." not even bothering to go about that first comment from the man. It's a discussion they had many times in the past.

"We are, yes." He listens to the info shared attentively, eyes narrowing when the way they were killed is explained. "A skilled archer. And one that has killed in the past." he murmurs. Hand is brought up to rub at his beard. "Not many that would be able to kill with one shot like that. And through the heart. It reminds me of someone." a glance is given to Roy.

"Do you remember Cupid, Arsenal?" He frowns. The woman obsessed with him who had turned to killing. "I lost track of her a while back. Thought she was dead." Not that he was fully *sure* it was her but ... damn similar method. A glance is shared with Vanessa. He didn't have to explain it to her, she could see through his memories.

Roy Harper has posed:
Arsenal glances over at Oliver and puts his hand over his heart like he's shocked. SHOCKED. (Not Shocked).

"The goalie can protect the goal, too, but you know, the rest of the team doesn't hurt to help with the rest of the game," Arsenal says as he leans up against a tree in the back yard, standing off behind the others a bit so he's not crowding up on the guy, arms folded in front of him. Hockey and lobster references aside, though, he falls quiet to listen to the conversation.

When the detective asks for a lead, Roy opens his mouth as though to bring up the aforementioned lobster delivery, but apparently decides he's done enough wisecracking, and instead he nods to Oliver's question. "Yeah but, didn't she vanish like.. a while ago?" His brow furrows just a little bit. "Why would she just turn up again now?" That seems to puzzle him a little. "It's.. something." He doesn't mention the other two people he watched shoot people through the heart recently, however.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
The sports analogy from Arsenal draws Detective Quentin Lance's attention over more fully. He takes a moment, that gaze seeming to weigh the younger man, before he finally he relents and says, "Ok, gotta give it to you. That was a pretty good one," he tells Roy reluctantly.

He turns back to Green Arrow as the female archer is mentioned. "Cupid? Red-haired lady with the bow from, how long back was that?" he asks aloud. "Great. Doesn't she know it's not even February?"

Quiver's reaction is her lips pressed together in a line. Oliver of course knows she remembers the events like he does, and even if Roy isn't aware of that yet, that expression makes her knowledge of the matter clear enough. Oliver can probably guess she's remembering a certain kiss that might not have been done with his approval. But BOY does it stand out amongst the memories.

Quiver clears her throat. "Last time she was here, she had dual motives didn't she? Gaining... attention. But also a measure of revenge? Any idea which it could be this time if it is her?"

Quentin Lance doesn't seem to have an answer to it. "Not like crazy needs a reason always, but yea, she seemed a particular kind of motivated crazy."

The detective pauses a moment and then asks Quiver, "Anyone ever tell you that sound you like Kathleen Turner?"

Oliver Queen has posed:
"He has grown wise." Green Arrow says about Arsenal when he admits to the analogy being a good one. But then he shakes his head, "I don't think Cupid is the type to respect the calendar much." he admits. He takes in a breath. She had been quite the trouble in the past.., he was certain she'd be worse now if it was her behind it all. "I think she is more committed on revenge this time."

"Considering the types that have been attacked she is after specific men." He assesses. "We could try to prowl over some of her older hideouts. I know of a few.."

That's when Quentin asks Vanessa about the voice. It makes him briefly amused, even if his worryness soon returns.

"This is Quiver, Detective. She has joined us recently. But as good as any of us." Literally so!

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy Harper can't help but cover his mouth with one hand when Lance points out that Vanessa sounds like Kathleen Turner to hide the chuckle. His own voice isn't modulated the way that theirs is, but his also isn't as easily recognizable. He's quiet for the time being, though, glancing over at Quiver when she seems to be familiar with Cupid. He doesn't question it, though. He just assumes Green Arrow told her.

"We can also probably assume that her next targets are also going to be on the registry, so if we can find connections between those that were attacked and others on the registry, that might give us a lead on who might be next," Arsenal adds, after the introductions are done.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
A hand is raised to give the officer a little wave as Green Arrow introduces her. "Well, the voice is an improvement at least," Quentin Lance says to Green Arrow. "Kind of hope she's better. I still remember the early days," he says in a judgmental tone to Oliver.

Quiver nods in agreement with Arsenal's suggestion. "They have the obvious connection, but the order might matter. Not to mention, she caught them going and coming and at home. Which means she's staking them out or even following them. So we might be able to catch her canvassing others in the Glades. Detective, any idea how many-"

Detective Lance cuts her off. "42. That's just within the five block radius these three lived in. Yeah. Really kills your faith in humanity finding that out, doesn't it?" he says.

A soft sigh is given by Quiver. "So finding other ways they are linked would be good. Also we should check out the locations, see if we can find any other clues." Detective Lance cuts in, "That the police missed, you mean?" Quiver pauses and tries to find a delicate answer but finally just goes with, "Ah, yeah. Sorry." Quentin just shakes his head and sighs. "I could have taken the job in Scranton," he mumbles to himself.

Oliver Queen has posed:
As both Arsenal and Quiver bring in their assessment about both the connections and how they should be looking for the woman he finds himself nodding, taking in their advice thoughtfully. As Quentin cuts in and says the number he sighs.. Perhaps expected. "Don't lose faith, Detective." is what he says.

"Then lets first investigate the crime scenes. And yes, Detective. You shouldn't doubt our competence." he states. "And don't forget we are all trying the same thing. Finding the killer."

"You would had missed Starling if you had taken that job. Can you send us the locations to that number I called you from?" He then asks. "We should go and start investigating those places now."

He won't really wait for an answer. It is time to go. "Arsenal, feel like some homework later when we are done with the investigation of the crime scene?" he did susggest checking the registry afterall!

Roy Harper has posed:
Arsenal looks only marginally surprised by the number. It's a lot. But there are also a lot of people, and it's no larger a target pool than they've dealt with before. "On it," he says to Oliver in answer to the question about homework. Because, you know, what he needs is /more/ homework. The fact that he's doing it at all and may actually graduate though? That's a marked improvement. "I'll take a look at what I can find as far as similarities between the three, see if they had a victim or type of victim in common, anything similar about the cases, the perps, or the victims." And then he's heading over toward his bike, giving a nod to the detective on the way, "Evenin', Detective."

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Quiver turns to depart with the others, giving the detective a little wave goodbye same as the one she greeted him with. "If you do find anything, you CAN pass it back to us as well," Quentin says as he watches them departing. He turns to head back into the small house, the dwelling's size suggestive of just what a police detective gets paid. "I bet Scranton doesn't have 'Cupids' in it though," he mutters to himself as he goes in and closes the door behind him.

Quiver walks with them back to where the bikes are hid. "Interesting guy," she says now she has first hand experience to go with the memories of him. "I have a feeling if it wasn't for that gruff streak he'd have been worn down by that job long before this," she muses. "Ok, to the scene of the crime then? Literally?"

Oliver Queen has posed:
"One thing I can tell you is that he is as tough as it gets." Oliver says with a sharp nod, back to his bike and getting his helmet on. "To the scene of the crime." he confirms to Vanessa, "It's as you said, there may be details there which escaped the police. She used to like leaving notes to me in the past. Normally stuck to her victims.." he frowns at this, climbing atop his bike.

"But she could be careless sometimes too so..., perhaps it will pan out." Is he hopeful? Not -too- much, but they had to start somewhere.

Just in time to receive the locations from Quentin. "If there's one thing that I can count on is Quentin never failing us."

Roy Harper has posed:
He shrugs his shoulders a little bit on the topic of Quentin Lance. "Seems alright, for a cop." But that's all he has to say on that topic. On Cupid, however; "Assuming that it's her at all and not someone new, or someone she trained, or..." Arsenal trails off as they head back to the bikes. He once more falls in behind them as they head off to their first location.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
The first crime scene is devoid of any police, there really being nothing to guard once forensics have had their time at the site. The yellow tape is still up to warn people away. There's a blood stain on the porch of the small, somewhat rundown house where the man was shot in the back. The reports that the detective included with what he sent to Green Arrow indicate he was unlocking the door when he was shot. No witnesses.

Quiver looks around the area. "Good sight lines to the front door. Could be they followed him. Or could have just staked it out. From... hmm. Those bushes. Or that roof. Or up on that billboard, could have waited on that walkway on the other side out of view."

Oliver Queen has posed:
"A second Cupid? Please Arsenal, one was already more than enough." Truly, he had his hands full with that woman..

When they arrive to the scene it's time to go all detective. And Oliver is used to this. He may not be the grand master detective but his years training, along with those perceptive skills of his had helped in making him rather good in catching up with clues. He takes a moment to look around, stepping close to that front door after getting past the annoying yellow tape..

Blue eyes turn up, over to the billboard, then the roof. No.., that one is too high. The bushes, he makes his way there, casting a look around, nothing there. Grass untouched, noone was here..

"The billboard." Not too high, lights on the target and keeping her mostly invisible. It was a perfect spot.

He starts to walk over there, climbing up nimbly.. Traces of someone having been there, kneeling and waiting. "Someone was here." he announces through comms..

Roy Harper has posed:
"That's what they said about you, and look at us now?" Arsenal says to Oliver with a flash of a grin. A merry trio of arrow fwipping vigilantes. Roy is more an inventor of doodles and gadgets and widgets than he is an investigator, but he can look around at stuff as well as anyone else. That he might happen to notice something might be more coincidence and dumb luck than training, but that won't stop him from giving it a look-see.

He glances up as Oliver heads up to the billboard and says that someone was there. Meanwhile, he wanders the area around the house, proper, just looking around the foundation and the area immediately surrounding, seeing if perhaps whoever did the shooting approached the scene after the fact, or if it seemed like they stayed at range. It's hard to tell, given the police have already been over the area, and their prints and motion is all over the crime scene.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
There aren't any signs that are clearly the shooter having come around the house, though with so many cops in and out of the area, by now the area has had people going through it after the forensics team left.

Quiver gets out some picks and undoes the lock, stepping inside and pulling out a flashlight as she examines the interior of the house. "Nothing particularly relevant that I'm seeing," she says. "Looks like he worked at an auto parts store. Letters from his mother, guess he hasn't switched to texts and emails yet. No signs of other entry," she tells them over comms.

As Oliver mentions he found something, she asks, "So she staked him out from there and then shot when he got home. Definitely an intent to have things go how they did, then," she says.

Oliver Queen has posed:
"Ok, that was a good burn." He admits about Arsenal's words. "Your quip game is up the roof today." some levity was needed sometimes during missions... No need to get all dour and broody. Not that he wasn't worried. If Cupid was back that was worrying in more ways than one.

"Letters. That probably tells us the attacker didn't track him through social media." And that was a clue. Or rather, eliminating hypothesis so they could focus their search better. He continues kneeling up there on the billboard, looking about. "We will need to figure out what they may have in common. Maybe a support group or ..." he stops. A frown instantly comes to his face and he brushes his hand over a particular spot of the billboard.

He lights that particular area and takes a picture, sending it to the others. "It's confirmed.." he says, perhaps a bit ominously.

The picture shows an heart drawn in lipstick. A telltale mark of a certain Cupid that they can certainly recognize...

Roy Harper has posed:
Arsenal laughs, "Sorry. I'm in a good mood." Which might be weird while chasing down a sex-offender murdering archer, but his spirits have been up in general lately. Roy certainly has his periods of broodiness and moodiness, but he's actually been fairly upbeat the past couple of months. "There's nothing on the ground around here. Nothing around the house either, really, and with all the people who have been through here, not sure I'd be able to spot it if there was."

He pauses though when Oliver says that it's confirmed, and his gaze is pulled back up toward the billboard. Not like he can see what Oliver is looking at, but his curiosity is piqued. "What do you see?"

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Quiver extinguishes her light and leaves the house, closing the door and stopping to work with her picks to lock it again. She finishes it quickly and then stands back upright as she pulls out her phone to look at the picture that Oliver sends.

A soft sigh can be heard from Vanessa over the comms. "Why is it the nutso ones are always so talented?" she says as she looks at the picture. "What a great shade. I'd kill to know which one that is," she says. "If not her, then someone who wants others... or Oliver, to think that it's her," she says to them.

Oliver Queen has posed:
"Could be. But for now lets go with the simpler explanation. That this is her, having returned." Oliver gets back up to his feet after sending the photo over to both of them, sliding back down from the billboard.

"Lets go back home." He tells the others, "We have much to look into tonight." homework! Or rather, Roy would have much to look into tonight..

"And indeed.., it's always the crazier ones that are committed enough to do these things. Unfortunately.." Just one of those things of life..

But right now it was time to regroup, look for clues. Search for that elusive Cupid.. And it wasn't even February ...