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Latest revision as of 00:00, 5 October 2020

The Mouth meets the Spiral
Date of Scene: 04 October 2020
Location: Belle Reve Prison
Synopsis: Turns out Spiral is a Deadpool fan. THINK OF THE RATINGS
Cast of Characters: Spiral, Wade Wilson

Spiral has posed:
Spiral had some relaxation time on the sands of Tahiti, but she turns up back at Belle Reve the next day. She did solemnly promise on pain of pain that she would never go too far after all. The same dimension should count as not too far, but she turns up again just so the security cameras can see she's there when she turns up in the prison canteen where she was last time.

Except this time her hands aren't all cuffed, making the guards probably a bit more on edge. It makes eating the prison gumbo a lot easier. Actually thats why she's here, why hold up a McDonalds when you can just teleport here and eat for free? So she's settled at a table with a bowl of gumbo, one hand busy clutching a spoon for the eating part, and another hand doing her nails in turn.

Wade Wilson has posed:
It's hard to say why exactly Wade has been wandering around everywhere being kind of lazy. Maybe he had a traumatic experience, maybe he's found his zen, who knows.

But now he's visiting Belle Reve, wearing plain red swim trunks, a Captain America hoodie, and some comfortable bunny slippers. With his hood up, his natural face fully exposed, he carries a dinner tray with one hand, and a 15 year old portable DVD player/TV combo in the other, sitting both down at the same table, across from Spiral.

He starts pulling DVDs from his hoodie, stacking them up next to the player, then looks over at her. "Nice arms. You know, the food here is kind of awful. If they want people to actually stay here and not be miserable, you'd think they'd have better food in this prison. I'd definitely stop committing crimes if I had to eat this every day. It's very bad for the prison industrial complex."
He shakes his head and starts immediately eating his disgusting gumbo while looking over his random assortment of DVD cases. "Wade Wilson." he introduces himself, mouth full.

Spiral has posed:
Spiral looks up at being addressed, expecting some trouble. She's disarmed a bit by the bunny slippers and swim trunks. The nasty face, well, that doesn't faze her much. Except when he comments on the arms, the riposte is obvious. "Nice face. For a human." she tells him with a smile.

"Is it?" she asks, looking down at the bowl. "I was told it was great. But I don't have any other gumbos to compare it to. It's food.". She shrugs, and ladles another spoon of it into her mouth.

"You... don't look much like a prisoner." she admits, sneaking a look at the slippers. That's probably not jail issue footwear. Mind you she can talk with her blue spandex and furry boots.

Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade suddenly dips down, looking under the table, then sits up straight. "Wow, first, I'm hurt. I meet a woman with six beautiful murder arms and she comes right for the face. Well... I guess that makes sense in hindsight."

He finally chooses Disney's Aladdin, the original, and slides it into the DVD slot. He watches while he shovels food into his mouth. "You've //gotta// try actual food. Did you grow up eating prison slop? Went down the wrong path early? Shoplifting addiction?"

"I'm not a prisoner. Well, I'm a prisoner in my own mind, so in some ways, aren't we //all// prisoners? I'm just here to think, and because I'm not sure if I'm ready to sleep on a couch under the same roof as telepaths and eat their rich people food yet." he explains, pulling out a few assorted bags of snack foods from his hoodie pockets to drop on the table.

Spiral has posed:
One of Spiral's hands lifts up from the table, palm up and facing Wade. "I wasn't judging. Merely... somewhat surprised you are not bothered by a freak like me beyond 'nice arms'. Maybe the face helps there.". Her white eyes fully focus on him for a moment, her mouth twitching into an amused smirk. "You're more human than a casual look suggests." she tells him.

"I've never been in a prison before this week." she assures him. "But prisons make good settings for soap operas. It's actually quite fun to be here so far. Even when they had me in the straitjacket.".

"I am not exactly a prisoner of this building. And... telepaths? Who?". Spiral seems intensely curious about that, smiling even. Will it be her good friend? "There can't be many telepaths in the world.".

Wade Wilson has posed:
"Oh, you know, Jean Grey, the Professor, a bunch of super powered children, the usual ones. I sleep on their couch sometimes, they haven't kicked me out yet. I'm just not allowed to shoot anyone when I'm there, they have //rules//." Wade points his spoon at her suddenly.

"Now, why would I be bothered by a woman with //extra// arms? Do you have any idea how fun two arms are? Now imagine //six//. I certainly am." He shamelessly says before opening a bag of BBQ chips, holding them out to her. "So, if you're not human, what are you? Alien, demon, Spice Girl?"

Spiral has posed:
Spiral claps two her spare hands, somewhere well above the gumbo. She's used to having arms over her head, there's nowhere else for them to go some times. "Xavier and his school! I knew it! Some very amusing people there. Do you know Elizabeth? We go way back. I made her the woman she is today.".

Another hand snakes out to take a chip. "I never signed up to that school but I think I am pre emptively kicked out by now. But... I think you're not allowed to shoot people here, either." she points out.

Then she shrugs, before munching on a chip."I am an alien, banished from my home dimension. So, I guess I am a prisoner, but the prison is quite large." she says, amused, but a bit dry. "I see you must be very bored. I am glad my corrupted form amuses you." she says, turning bitter all of a sudden.

Wade Wilson has posed:
"I'm sure I've seen most of them, but my memory isn't always the best. Most of them aren't always the most anxious to get to know me." Wade sips his gumbo from the spoon, looking from left to right. "Well, I'm sure I'm not //technically// allowed to shoot anyone here, but what are they gonna do, kick me out of prison?" He waves a dismissive hand at the thought.

"Oh, so now we're talking dirty?" he asks, before tossing a chip into his mouth. "You should be more confident." he suggests, perhaps detecting her bitterness. Then reaches into his swimming trunks and suddenly pulls out a gun, which catches the eye of multiple guards. "Relax! It's just a glock, it can't hurt anyone important."

He sits the gun on the table between the two of them, then points at her. "You can't let anyone get you down. If they really treat you like garbage about how you look, with your sexily toned arms and mesmerizing constant movement. Here's some advice that I'd give to anyone being bullied: When people call you ugly, or a freak, or some kind of living raisin man, you shoot them //directly// in the knee, and then they'll never do it again. And if they do decide to do it again, well, then you shoot them in the //head//. That's called the double tap."

Spiral has posed:
Spiral actually /laughs/, the first laugh since her banishment. Well, not the sort of laugh you do at someone elses misfortune, she's done that a few times, this is from merriment alone. Well, sorta. "You don't have to worry, I am just more subtle than immediately cutting their head off.". And more... broad, but she doesn't even think of that really.

"I am overconfident if anything. But it is a fact I have the incorrect number of arms. It's just the way it is.".

She finishes off the gumbo, and stretches, seemingly taking up half the room for a moment. "So. I am Spiral. Who are you? I know what you are not.". A thin smile, and you don't have to be a telepath to know what she's thinking. RAISIN MAN. "You would be good in comedy. Which is good, as we'll be working with my friend Harley Quinn I think.".

Wade Wilson has posed:
"Harley Quinn. Sounds like a news headline." Wade offers his hand to her. "Wade Wilson. My victims and admirers call me Deadpool. And you know, I've had my head cut off a few times. It sucks but it's not as bad as people make it out to be."

"Well, you don't mind my face, and I love your arms. Sounds like we'd make a great couple-- I mean team, a couple of teams!" He nods and holds up a free finger, apparently sticking with the last one.

Spiral has posed:
"I'll try and avoid that regardless. And I'm sure there will be headlines when Harley is involved in anything.". Spiral reaches out an arm to shake the offered hand, while the others all do their own thing. She's mostly back to doing her nails again, even though there's only three fingers per hand she still has a lot of fingers.

"If you're here, and you don't have to worry about getting your head cut off, I imagine we ARE on the same team." she points out . "I guess you will be going first, from the sound of it.". As for the couple thing, she just delicately ignores that, though her blank eyes do flare a bit, and a couple of hands twist unconsciously as if wringing some ex's neck.

Wade Wilson has posed:
"Well, I //am// a highly experienced mercenary." Wade grabs his gun and twirls it on his finger before it stops, pointed upside down and backward at himself, and misfires into his chest.

This is about when the guards come over and grab the gun, giving him a stern warning. They know better than to call medical.

"Wow I shoot himself and get yelled at. You could show some //sympathy//!" he yells at the guards before he starts to cough and choke, then spits a bullet into his hand.

"Can you believe the nerve of those guys?"

Spiral has posed:
"Well. You are definitely going first if Waller wants us to work together. Even if that was a little gun.". Spiral narrows her eyes, and leans forward a bit. "You have a natural talent." she says, in a slighly quieter, conspiratorial tone. "If we met even a month ago I could have made you a star... in my dimension, anyway.".

She leans back again, stretching all six arms towards him, and musing for a moment. "Typical though that the inhabitants there don't want any competition. You would be the best gladiator ever. The ratings would be off the charts! But... I am retired from show business now.". Such a shame. "If only I met you a month ago." she says wistfully, thinking.

Wade Wilson has posed:
"I don't think anyone's ever said they wish they met me //sooner// before. But I //do// love American Gladiators... your alien world intrigues me." While her arms are out, Wade suddenly swings his arms down to low-five all of her hands in a row. "If you ever go back to your home world, I'll go back and we'll get rich together!"

He leans in, apparently trying to match her energy. "You'd be great at Street Fighter."

Spiral has posed:
Spiral actually lets him low-five her hands like she's an organic piano or something, as she's nodding in agreement. "Yes, we could go there and take over and become gods.".

But then he mentioned... the game. She recoils. So humiliating. Not that one specifically, but still. "Meh. I'm not interested in that sort of thing.". And she gets up, knocking over the chair in her many armed carelessness.

"You are a particularly intriguing human. Maybe working for Waller won't be that bad after all.". And she starts dancing - as she's going a fairly long way, what with this prison being in Louisiana, she does a little twirl as well. Then she waves to Wade with a couple of spare hands not involved in the spell, and vanishes with a flash.