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Latest revision as of 12:04, 7 October 2020

Comfy Jammies
Date of Scene: 07 October 2020
Location: Stark Tower: Penthouse
Synopsis: Tony supports Pepper after her crazy experiences at the museum.
Cast of Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts

Tony Stark has posed:
"That's the deal," Tony teases Pepper lightly, sliding back to sit upright against his bed pillows. "Comfy jammies, and telling Tony everything," Tony grins slyly. He pointedly gestures to the empty spot next to him, lifting and then tossing aside a pillow out of the way, inviting her to join him there, warm and safe from the awful stuff she's been through, just for a little while. Or a long while, should she elect. An interesting role reversal of sorts, as Tony is usually the one with his head deep under danger's guillotine.

Tony's in his version of 'comfy jammies', which consists of drawstring navy lounge pants, and white socks with grey toes and heels. His arc reactor glows under a loose black tanktop, a circle of triangular blue-white lights.

"But I might also accept watching TV, if you don't want to talk about it."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Mmmhmm," comes the answer from the direction of the bathroom where the redhead has just emerged. Pepper's leaning on the doorjamb, fresh from the shower, the smell of flowery soap slowly emenating from the bathroom into the bedroom at large. She's got a pair of drawstring lounge pants, and has appropriated a certain AC/DC t-shirt she'd found lying around. She can't help herself, and there's a ghost of a smile that plays on her features, a brightening of her face and a lightening of the day's load whenever she sees him. And he doesn't even have to say a word.

The last couple of days have been, to put it mildly, a little tough on the her. It's not easy essentially running roughshod through what had been a battlezone, in the dark, to find a dear friend passed out. Hiding out in an Egyptian temple, at any other time, might have been fun, but then?

Not so much.

"It.." and she takes a breath before Pepper crosses the short distance to the expanse of bed, her towel-dried and still damp hair down and around her shoulders. "I feel like it'll be forever to get the media off the museum. I still have to talk to 'Manda again as to exactly //what// happened."

As she speaks, she settles at 'her' side of the bed, sliding in to sit up, but not before pulling up at the tossed pillow. She looks 'down' and exhales in a chuffed laugh, the sound a release of some strain, "No.. no TV." She shakes her head quickly and shifts, "I don't want to hear another report about it. Not in a trailer, a teaser, nothing. No 'Night at the Museum movies, either.." Just in case.

Tony Stark has posed:
"No thriller movies or comments about being mummies for halloween. I'll somehow steer the conversation away," Tony answers easily. He's watching her, and her expressions, her tiredness, the slump of shoulders from the weight.

"Scoot in here, you can praise me for my stellar shoulder massage skills," Tony suggests, upbeat. He's always able to promote himself, even in these situations. It's another 'special' skill.

"Nice shirt. Somebody around here has good taste," Tony adds, trying to pluck at it with a few fingers. He's playing with her, in his coaxing way. He's done this for months, his style of comfortable brushes of fingers, or tugging on her ponytail, well before they had admitted anything. It's continued, though with more awareness, now.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper shakes her head, and gives Tony a put-upon //look//, but it's all part of them, part of the game. It's comfortable, it's.. her, and him. "No, no mummies either." There's that moment that she holds before she turns to him fully, still in that 'mode', and adds, "Do I have to make an entire list for you to not pay attention to?" She's joking, too.. and every word that comes sounds fond.

She is tired, and this? This is a haven where she doesn't have to worry about passed out mutants, people with magical swords, magical necklaces.. this is safety. With him.

Pepper won't say no to a shoulder massage, not at all, so there's the scoot, the fresh smell of her soap even more pronounced. "This ol' thing?" She moves her hair around to one shoulder, looking over that one shoulder back to him, "Just found it lying around."

Scooting back a little more so she's got a little contact, Pepper looks back 'straight ahead', if not bowing her head just a little. She reaches out a hand to tap at his hand first, then moves to hold it briefly, just for that momentary warmth of his touch on her hand. "I think I might owe you a new shirt. It's comfortable."

Tony Stark has posed:
"I have to draw lines somewhere. And that does include theft of my favorite shirts," Tony replies, laughing softly. He turns his hand as she pokes him, giving her palm to tap her fingers against, before he draws his hands back and captures her by the waist to haul her bodily just a few more inches into reach. He didn't /have/ to, but he chose to, to mess with her. However, he intends to pay for it, by placing his hands on her upper back and running thumbs firmly down the inside edges of shoulderblades, adjacent to her spine, and then up, kneading a press into her upper shoulders.

He HAS had good practice (don't focus too hard on that...), and the intent is to relax and calm her. And probably to draw her into a closer comfort, too. He's easing through this, for as much as he pretends that all of it's fine. This is still new ground for them, figuring it out. There's a light brush of beard on her shoulder, proof that he leaned forward for a moment to look at her sideways. "Just make sure you stay here now, no drifting back in time into any museums."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper's head hangs and she rolls it to the side to look up at him, green eyes bright, "You'll smell like lavender and lilac." This means war? Probably. It's a comfort, it reminds her of him and wraps around her, giving her that added feeling of security. While she may not say as much, the shirt is an extension of him.

There's a sharp breath, just short of a squeak as he pulls her back a little more, and she's close enough now to feel his breath on her, the warmth of him close. If she wanted to just lean back, he'd be right there. She doesn't, though, instead giving in to those hands that glide and knead into her back, her shoulders, and she starts to feel a touch more pliable under his experienced (she's not asking!) hands.

"Oh.. there.." and her shoulder rolls slightly at the feel of his fingers at a perceived bit of a knotted spot.

At the feel of his beard, though, she leans her head in the opposite, offering up that side of her neck, even though they're 'still', just talking. It's soft, intimate, and it's exactly what Pepper needs. (How does he know?)

"I have absolutely no desire to drift back into time," is murmured, and her words hold a smile. "You're worse for all that.. stuff than I am. I don't even like the thought of those.. portal things that 'Manda does."

Tony Stark has posed:
A low laugh bubbles out of Tony, and he senses her temptation to lean back-- and he does just that, draws her to lean back against his chest, looping his arms forward over hers, to continue the massage down her forearms to her wrists. He sets his chin against her shoulder at her neck, and while he does give her a kiss there, he's mostly just continuing with this relaxed time together, without any big 'moves'.

"There's other ways to go, like in memory," Tony says, a slight frown in his voice. He often goes 'back in time' to a cave, or some other place. Recent kidnapping revived some of the things he'd managed to get out of his dreams. He chuckles and smiles, though. "Lavender and Lilac? Is that what the scent of 'Pepper' actually is?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper does just that, leans back against his body as he continues to rub down her forearms, her wrists. She reaches to capture them and wrap his arms around her, just at her stomach. It's a light, gentle hold, and one that she can absolutely fall in to. And does.

There's a soft mrrr at the kiss, but it's a comfortable reaction more than a 'come on'. This, this moment is one to be cherished..

"I might think about when I was back in school, and 'Manda likes to point out some of my bigger.. mistakes," comes with a touch of amusement. "But, given the past and my right now?" Pepper lifts her head slightly to turn her head to look at his dark eyes. "I like my 'right now' a whole lot more. So much that I think a lot about the 'tomorrow', too." There's that soft, affectionate smile before she tilts her head sideways to lean on his.

A soft exhale of breath that holds a quiet laugh exits the redhead and she nods, "And a couple other things. My own mix. You'll never get this shirt back.. or, maybe you will. I don't know yet."

Tony Stark has posed:
"I like the idea about tomorrow," Tony agrees, charmed by her active participation in his hug of her. He adjusts his arms a little but leaves them in the position she requested around her middle, folding one arm over the other, secure but comfortable.

"Sometime you'll need to tell me more about your tomorrow future, what's in it." Tony's talking around the topic of their shared future. There's casualness here, but also some care with it. It /is/ something they should start to open, should this continue. And he's aware enough of it, intelligently, to start to build.

Tony is definitely a builder.