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Latest revision as of 19:22, 7 October 2020

Date of Scene: 05 October 2020
Location: Central Park Zoo
Synopsis: Batgoyles pursue Alexander, and then pursue Harley. The nerve on those things! So they get whacked down!
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Harley Quinn

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    New York has its sounds, the iconic background noise of traffic in the distance, the occasional honk of a car horn, a raised voice in the distance, the sound of a television set through an open window. It all blends together to create this melange of sound that suits the city itself as a backdrop to the city. So much so that the people of New York tend to tune it out, unless it's broken by something out of the norm. And the norm for New York is often insane compared to anywhere else.
    Like in the neighborhood nearest the zoo, at all hours of the night the animals can be heard calling out, crying, roaring. Those who live near it are used to the sound of a lion's roar or a peacock's cry. Which might be why the people of the city don't notice the bat-like creatures and their shrieks of outrage as they slice across the sky. The city's citizens... are just too jaded.
    But the person they chase after knows they are entirely all too real as he rushes down the street, his backpack bouncing on his shoulder and his arms pumping as he tries to outrun the flapping monstrosities that slice downwards, sweeping and diving at him with extended claws even as he /skiiiids/ around a corner, knocking over a trash can and then leaping over a dumpster to force those flapping batgoyles to change direction, causing a few of them to run into each other. Four of them collide together, but another two make the turn and keep up the pace.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Woah, these pea-cocks seem ta be gettin' it on!" Harley is walking down the street right next to the zoo leisurely talking on her phone, rather amused at the loud screeches coming from those batgoyles. Really, her knowledge of the animal kingdom is like diminute. Unless we talk about Sir David Attenborough's shows. Those ones she keeps religiously in her DVD collection. More for the voice than anything else.., but it's still something!

"No, not ya." She says to the phone. "And what do ya mean we get access ta all the sexy channels? Ooo, April will love it!" Yes, she is apparently talking with a cable salesperson, dressed in shorts and fishnet stockings, sneakers of a different color and a tank top on. For the 'cold' she has a leather jacket atop, some feathers around the shoulders. As for the colors, well, lets just say they don't exactly match...

"Do ya have a list..?" She asks right as she takes that corner that leads her to see Alexander running on the opposite direction. Some flash of recognition goes through her gaze. "Oh shit..." then when she sees whatever is running after him. "OH ShIT!"

She is just about to step to the side and out of all this mess when she notes the bat-thingies look at her funny. And she knows what happens! She has those Attenborough shows remember?!

So soon enough she is running next to Alexander at full speed. "What the fuck!"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Indeed! Tis the King of the Amazons! Though don't tell Hippolyta he said that. He's busily beating feet, taking that corner around the side of the building and as quick as he was in Harley's field of view, suddenly he's right out of it again for a split second. But not those four squawking bat creatures that look grim and evil as if the Dark Knight had decided to undertake genetic engineering. Apparently it's an instinct that Bat-things don't like Harls for as quick as that they're chasing her too...
    And then she's actually catching up to him. Just in time to see the youth /plant/ his hands on the hood of a car that's partially pulled into the alleyway, leaping over it smoothly with a clean arc of a jump like a gymnast over a pommel horse, landing beside a mess of trash cans.
    The blond youth spins back around, a hand snaring one of the lids of those cans and without breaking stride he twists around and sends it flying straight into the face of one of those bats with a heavy, /BONG!/ that causes its wings to flare and flutter as it falls behind.
    Only in that instant does he see her, and she can see the recognition in his eyes as they widen for a second and he says, "Oh hey." Even as he's picking up speed again running beside her.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley goes through a string of foul words that's better left out of sensible readers view but eventually she does seem to remember she is still on the phone. "OH, huh... suwah suwah. We will want the full package!" She says. She is sure April will like the surprise! And then she clicks the phone off. Right in time as she closes in with that car, pirouetting in the air and using one hand for impulse as she /pushes/ herself forward and over that can that Alexander is throwing to the gargoyles, all elegance and poise. No hiding the past of the gymnastics from this one!

"So, did ya nominate yohself king o' the bats this time oh somethin'?!" Because that's the only logical explanation for this!

"And hey, nice frisbee toss."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The can clatters off down the alley and caroms against one of the walls before it falls still, yet the sounds are what cause the bats to shriek and roar as they rush after the pair. Their wings flap, their claws extend outwards as they scream with fangs wide.
    And as Alexander runs he says sidelong toward Harley, "Long story, family issues." As he skids around a corner, back onto the Manhattan street, he shouts sidelong. "This way!" As he breaks to the side and starts running past a handful of street vendors, past a man selling dozens of different t-shirts, past a merchant pointing to his knock off electronics and trying to pitch them as legit. It's all part of the multi-cultural carnival of New York, and just a normal day. Until those bat-things round the corner too. Which is when the screaming starts.
    Yet the Olympian youth skids to a halt at the next corner, with enough lead over the bats they have a few seconds. He frowns, "Sorry about this, did you do anything that..." He starts to ask, but instead he finally sees what he must be looking for and then says, "Here!" And breaks into a run again. This time heading South, but she might see what he's looking for. A big kiosk on the street with all sorts of sports paraphernalia.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Yea? Those don't look like auntie's pets!" The clownette calls out at that response from Alexander, huffing and puffing as she keeps up to Alexander's run down the streets. Her eyes instantly go to one of the merchant's stalls.. "Ooooo, I love that top.." She says of a counterfeit black top with encrusted faux-diamonds. So glittery! "I will come back for it latah!" she says over a shoulder. It's just before the screaming starts ... Ooops. Maybe the stand won't be there when she is back.. Resigned sigh.

"Do I have that look on my face o' someone that annoys bats just from 'em lookin' at me?!" She snorts and then a. "Wait.., don't answah that.." and they aren't even in Gotham...

As they approach that kiosk her expression turns to one of devilish delight. "Oooo, babbeehhh.." she tosses herself over the counter and snatches one of the baseball bats from it.

"A limited edition Babe Ruth?!" Well, it's counterfeit.., but it's the thought that matters. She turns to look at the approaching bat-things.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The man behind the counter grins at the likely buyer, his gap-toothed features brightening at the prospect of someone finally buying that replica slugger as he says, "Good day to you, miss. Are you interested in the..."
    "The..." A pause as he sees the great black squawking flapping shapes flying down the street. Then he gives a little eep of his own and breaks into a run away.
    Yet Alexander, as he stands there at the kiosk, doesn't seem to be shopping. Instead he's sort of got this wild grin on his lips as his attention is on the big stack of NY Mets! Bullhorns that have become so popular with the local crowd, each with their pre-programmed cheers and electronic synchronized musical numbers. So he starts hitting buttons, clicking on them at random, keying their cheer sequences.
    And suddenly he's beside Harley, grabbing her elbow with one hand as the first of the bullhorns starts squawking LOUDLY the fight song.
    But not before he has the chance to yell to her, "Quick, over here!" And if she allows him he'll pull her into a hooded alcove doorway of one of the nearby businesses, out of view and away from the bats as all those bullhorns start to ROAR the song.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Duck!" Is what Harley replies to the salesman, giving him an hard bump with her hip to toss him aside. Truly, it's a strong enough one. But she ain't got time to play! And like Babe Ruth she needs a wiiiide space to swing that bat in. "Put it in the kind of amazons tab..!" She calls out to the running dude...

Oh she is all set to start swingin' and blastin' away at those damn bat thingies.. It will be just like on her birthday! Swinging at those Pinatas! No way she could had known that wasn't an actual pinata and it wasn't even her birthday gift.. Really, some people have just the worst taste for art... ANYWAY..!!! She casts a look at Alexander when he tugs at her arm. "What..?!" but then she hops over to hide on the alcove.. Blah, perfect swing ruined.

Meanwhile the bats are heard screeching, coming closer and closer to that source of sound.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    In the shadows and the dark, with the sunlight gleaming out there on the street, they can both hear the heavy roar and squawk of those bats even though those forty or so bullhorns are tearing it up out there. Yet when the bats arrive, shrieking aloud and flapping their wings...
    They twist in place quickly, shrieking louder as they can while they hover, the noises around them seeming to make them angrier and angrier as they 'look' yet cannot see. One of the creatures bites wickedly at the other, drawing blood which causes that first to round and roar. For a time it's a wild primal argument between monsters...
    While in the alcove Alexander and Harley keep quiet. They're tucked in close though, not scared assuredly considering the control the youth has over those feelings. But there's a thrill to the moment as he looks toward the monsters, a wicked half-smirk on his features. Yet there's a moment when he turns his head and looks toward Harley, as if looking at her for the first time and letting his gaze linger. Before he shakes his head and looks away.
    If she looks at him he'll mouth something, that might seem like, 'hold up' or 'hold on'? One or the other.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley is looking between the two creatures in curious manner. Maybe she will have to try this tactic someday! But with a better music ... But she can be patient..., at least for 20 seconds which is pretty much how long she can stay still without actually moving -in-.

So when those words from Alex comes she hears what she wants. And that is "Game on!" sure, it's a bit of a stretch to what he said but she doesn't particularly care!

So a dashing Harls is seen running out of cover and towards the two creatures, getting more and more speed as she runs. "Hey, batshit face!" she calls out, jumping and putting a foot up on the counter, a flip following and she swinging that bat to hit one of the creatures right in the head, tossing it across the street.


Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Arms spreading open and his eyes going wide, Alexander's face is the picture of a slow-motion, 'Nooooooo!' Complete with a lack of sound coming from him considering the noise out there. But one good thing about all the audio messing up their sonics, is that it makes them entirely not ready for the sudden onslaught of Slugger Harley as she leaps into the fray...
    And smacks the bejeezus out of one of those bats, sending it flyyyyying across the way where it smacks into the wall, splatting loudly as its wings slap the wall. It starts to sliiiiide down that wall, then abruptly disappears in a black wisp of smoke.
    Yet that whack is enough to have the creatures all snarl and swirl, yet the music continues, a jaunty marching band tune that seems to serve the prospect of smacking bats rather well. Which, the absurdity of the whole thing causes the youth to sort of grin. He lashes a hand out to the side as a crimson-bladed katana manifests out of the air in a rush of silvery light as he murmurs something to himself...
    Which if one could read lips they'd take it as him saying simply, 'Oh what he hell?'
    And suddenly he leaps past Harley, planting a boot on that sports vendor's kiosk as he leaps into the air and slices at one of the bat critters.

Harley Quinn has posed:
With the creature that Alexander swings at getting sliced in half there aren't many left on the grounds.. And with them being crazied enough they aren't exactly the best at striking back.. So Harley continues on her homerun momentum, dodging out of the way of a pair of razor-sharp wings... It nicks her on one arm, drawing just a bit of blood but it makes a frown appear on her expression. She swings with all her might on one of the critters, tossing it down to the ground and she stepping forward to place a foot on it's screeching head..

"Wanted ta suck on my blood? Well suck on this." She drives the end of her bat down on it's head, making it disappear in another wisp of smoke.

"Bah, no fun..!"

The rest of the bats screech, beginning their attempt to escape.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Another winged creature falls prey to the ancient blade of Grasscutter, its wings sliced free and causing it to flop on the ground before flickering and flashing out of existence with that remaining stench of brimstone and decay, its wisp of smoke appearing and then fading almost just as quick.
    Which, after a few moments, leaves the two of them there in the middle of the... entirely reasonable amount of carnage considering what they were facing. Though people begin to stick their heads out from cover, the hum and rumble of a crowd murmuring to itself can be heard even as Alexander hops down off of one of the vendor's tables, dropping to land with a thip-thap before her.
    "You know," His voice barely heard though he does start to turn off those bullhorns, picking up a few that fell off the table. "I had that like, totally under control."
    He says that, and from some people it might seem rude. But the wild smile that shows he /loved/ the carnage, well it might take some of the sting out of those words.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Yea, get outta heah bitches. This ain't yoh turf! New York represent, yo!" Harley taps on her chest, all tough as the batgoyles scurry away, resting her bat on a shoulder. Well, new type of enemy unlocked apparently! She blows a loose strand of deep red away from her face. "Man, this is like that Pokemon Go shit." she says. "Go around a cohnah, nevah know what kinda pokemon ya gettin' next. Oh in this case enemies." hey, she had found a few peculiar ones so far! But were all her stories true?

She looks back to Alexander then. "Suwah you had, King." she eyeing the sword. "Look, I am not gonna ask wheah ya got that sword out of..." he isn't wearing a magic trenchcoat like those Immortal dudes anyway... And no Queen soundtrack either..

As for whether she enjoyed the carnage? Quite the wide grin on her expression!

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A snort comes from him, "I was just kiddin' about the King thing, if Hippolyta hears you callin' me that, I'm gonna be in troubles." Which sort of makes him grin a little bit more as he shakes his head.
    As for the sword he looks at it, and then gestures to the side, palm open as if about to drop it... when suddenly the blade twists in the air as it plummets from his hand and disappears into what looks like silvery fire, flashing into existence around the weapon and then disappearing from view just as quickly. It leaves him empty-handed as he steps back.
    "Did you play little league? You have a mean swing." He asks as he starts to step away, but not seeming about to leave her behind. Yet after he asks that question they'll hear a shriek of another kind, this from the returning merchant.
    "What did you do to my wares? What did you do to my store? You! You smashed everything!" Which, to be fair, isn't true. They didn't smash /everything/ there are a few things unsmashed. Like that pennant on the ground. Or that radio in the puddle. That's not smashed.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Well, ya shouldn't kid about that shit unless yoh awhe willin' ta take the joke to the end." Harley says in an admonishing manner to Alexander, "And besides, she's old ta be like your great grandma or whateva. Unless ya talkin' about Di-Di. But if she calls ya nephew, tough luck." hey, she says it as she sees it.

The trick with the blade does impress her somewhat. "Ok, that's bettah than the alternative..." she doesn't share what she thinks the alternative was.. Maybe for the better. A grin then appears on her lips. "I been playin' with bats since I was wee lil thing. Or hammehs." she says. "Kinda my whole schtick, ya know? At least in Gotham." a beat. "And hey, ya sayin' ya don't know who I am?" she cackles widely. "Damn, can't believe Spiral missed this..." shame! But it's been a running gag between them that everyone seems to recognize her and not Spiral. Poor six-armed one!

"YOU THEAH!" She points the bat to the merchant when he comes running. "This ain't an authentic Babe Ruth!"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A snort comes from him and he seems about to say something in rejoinder as he points at her, perhaps some admonishment for the whole nephew crack, but then the merchant is there and berating not just Harley but both of them, even as the youth turns to face the guy's outrage.
    "Of course it isn't! It is twenty dollars. You get what you pay for, foolish woman!" He gestures sharply as he rests his hands on either side of his head, pained expression filled with misery. "You have ruined me, look at the damage you have done! Someone will pay for this!"
    Which has Alexander sort of looking at her, then at the merchant, then back at her as he suddenly points over the merchant's shoulder and shouts, "Oh shit they're coming back!"
    Which, naturally has the man squeaking in terror and spinning around to look... giving them the perfect exit. But then again Harley being Harley... who knows if they'll take it?

Harley Quinn has posed:
This clownette is reformed now! Harley hmphs at Alexander's easy way out, shaking her head. "Nope!!" then she approaches the counter. "Look, gimme that pen..." it's a wild enough request which the man just goes ahead and does it. Really he just needs something to get his mind out of losing all his stuff!

When Harley receives it she gets on to signing up the bat with wide strokes. "Ya sell this thing, say it was used by me when defeatin' bat things in New Yoik! Instant money!" she says. "With me bein' Harley Quinn!" hey, she can be a celebrity sometimes!

Once she is done she puts the bat on the counter. "Theah. Should covah the expenses!"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Ohhhh, Harley Quinn!" Alexander finally says as perhaps some element of recognition dawns. His lips part as that perhaps explains a few things to him in a way, and then he bites his lower lip as the merchant and maybe Harley looks at him in that moment so he hushes up quick.
    Yet that man with the bat now on his counter, he looks dubious as she tries to convince him that that autograph should cover expenses. Which, to be fair, to the right crowd it should. Yet he says, "If it doesn't then at least know who to sue!"
    Which seems to suit Alexander just fine as he steps backwards along the sidewalk, starting to step away as the crowds begin to gather in greater numbers, their voices rising and distantly there's the sound of sirens.
    It's only after they might be gone for a bit that Alex raises his voice again and asks, "So you're Harley Quinn?" Curiousity there, then a small, 'hnh' at her answer most likely as he tries to keep it cool.