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Latest revision as of 09:10, 8 October 2020

The Raccoon and the Tiger
Date of Scene: 08 October 2020
Location: Morningside Heights
Synopsis: Tigra and La Raton investigate a murder.
Cast of Characters: Lyle Marston, Greer Grant

Lyle Marston has posed:
La Raton grinned as he scaled the walls of the Caspar Memorial Laboratory. This lab, which specialized in robotics and was partially funded by Stagg Enterprises, was technically owned by Columbia University and was mostly staffed by graduate students and their professors. Tonight, it was getting an unexpected visitor in the form of La Raton. This whole affair began when The Mole, his ever loyal and eager aid and hacker, contacted him with the news that one Dr.Philip Sturgen, a lead scientist of this laboratory had been murdered last night and his office ransacked. Apparently, the murderers did not find what they were looking for, at least according to the police. But, it did not take a genius to know that whoever killed Sturgen would come to the lab looking for whatever Sturgen had that was important enough for him to get murdered over. Lyle mission was simple, find whatever the murderers were looking for, and steal it before they could.

Lyle continued to scale the building. These suction cups that Mole provided him a while ago really did wonders when it came to scaling large buildings like this. If one were to look up they would see a man dressed up like a French Nobleman from the eighteenth century scaling a building with seemingly his bare hands. Lyle continued to scale the building, hoping to find either a unlocked window to slip in through or to reach the roof and find an access door.

Greer Grant has posed:
Quiet, cool, crisp. Autumn descends through the dulling blaze of summer like a bright, fresh lance, parting the smoldering air with the wings of the sea wind's fresh breeze. Lights gleam below, thrumming sulphery yellow glows illuminating the paths. Kept in good repair, they blaze as stachions, stalwart sentinels against the insidious, encroaching darkness. Though late at night, few have use for them, they stand watchful and patient, calm and waiting.    
Much like others of lashing tail and gleaming eye.    
No proper windows to allow entry-- security has tighten to fanatic levels, but they are only human-- and campus security to boot. Checking the doors one last time, they went away, back to their cars and offices and homes, back to the world outside brisk air and evening light and the pop of subtle climbers rising to potential windows, testing, moving on. Up to the roof, where...    
"...Somehow, I doubt you are here for the classes," comes the warm voice, a sultry purr carrying on the cool breeze. Bright eyes gleam in reflected light, the tall woman leaning over the edge, half-shrouded in the night. And offering a careful, considerate hand. "Mind if we continue our discussion on the rooftop? To be fair, leaning over long drops always gave me chills."

Lyle Marston has posed:
La Raton let out a swear in French when he realized that their were no open windows. Now, he had to climb to the top of the roof and hope their was a roof access door. As he approached the roof, he was suddenly greeted by a familiar voice, though he could not place it at the time. Lyle immediately let out a surprised gasp and yelled out in a thick, French accent,


Once the hand comes down, Lyle sighs softly and grips it gently while saying,

"Very well mademoiselle."

Greer Grant has posed:
The woman at the top hefts, lifts, a sparkle in her eye as she draws him up and over, settling the wall-climbing thief to the rooftop on his feet. "De rien," she replies, smiling unseen. "You're welcome. And that just about exhausts all the French I learned from my high school classes, so pardon me of I do the rest in English."     
Stepping back into the rooftop's lone light, Tigra crosses her arms, tail lashing slowly. Her smile is there... if small. "If I remember correctly..." she begins, smirking faintly. "The last I had heard of you, it was in the back of a police cruiser, heading off to a quiet stay in the lovely accomidations provided by NYPD." She pauses, thinking carefully. "...El Rato?"

Lyle Marston has posed:
Lyle lets out a small grunt of surprise when he is easily pulled onto the roof. Upon hearing of Tigra's limited knowledge of French, La Raton just nods and grins, giving her permission to continue in English. Upon seeing the woman step into the light, a look of recognition came upon his face and a sly grin started to appear on his face. It was that mademoiselle from months ago. Last time he saw her, she ended up sprinting right past her and ended up God knows where. Upon hearing Tigra's comment about the NYPD, Lyle chuckled and said,

"Well Mademoiselle, last I heard of you you ended up miles away from where I was. As for the NYPD, i "arranged" for a free bail before arriving at the station."

Lyle then chuckles again upon hearing Tigra mispronounce his name. He then says as that sly grin grew on his face," My name is La Raton mademoiselle. Now, may I ask your name? I don't recall hearing it, and I always remember a name, especially if it's attached to a belle femme like you."

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra grimaces, nodding with a lash of her tail in rue. "Well, it is sometimes the way of things," she says, brushing her hand at the air. "Too fleet-footed for our own good! I'll try to get some pointers on short-distance sprinting from the Flash..."    
Playful smile fades; she exhales slowly, her gaze becoming warm, but more serious. "Tigra," she answers quietly, tail coiling in serpentine fashion, weaving down to rest. "And I shall make the rather small assumption you are not here out of normal curiosity, or even unusual curiosity." She unfolds her arms, poised-- a longbow string, tensed, waiting. "La Raton. I remember now-- this is not your usual, if I may say, M.O." She tilts her head, gazing quietly. "Jewels, pendants, lockets. Things others have stolen." She gazes silently, considering. Next words. "Someone was killed here last night. You would not be connected to such things, would you?"

Lyle Marston has posed:
La Raton grins and let out a small laugh as the memory of Tigra zooming past him and into the night echoes back into his brain. He would never forget that as long as he lives, it was just too hilarious to forget easily. Once Tigra properly introduced herself La Raton, being the ever chivalrous gentleman he was, took off his hat and bowed politely, revealing his long, brown hair, which was currently tied into a pony tail. He then says,

"It is quite the pleasure to finally know your name Mademoiselle."

Then, Tigra's question came out, and Lyle's face darkened as he let out a disgusted scoff. Lyle then says to Tigra,

"I may be a thief Mademoiselle, but I am not a murderer. I am no fool. I know that whoever murder Sturgen was looking for something, and I intended on stealing it and keeping it away from the late professor's murderers."

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra lashes her tail, a metronome motion slowing as she considers the implications with a growing frown. Then snapping her attention back-- her smile returns, accopanied with a quiet twinkle in her gaze. "I wish I knew what they were hunting for," she admits, growling quietly. She glances back; the rooftop door held opne by the most devilish of means-- a door stop, thrust appropriately to hold it ajar. "I know the has-- had --a few investigations into various things, but he was mostly associated with studies into archaelogy, odds and ends with chemistry." She turns, feline grace supple as she slinks forward, stalking across the rooftop in nigh utter silence. Her voice drops, a soft rumble that barely carries.    
"...artifacts..." she murmurs, the thoughts racing through her brain. She pauses at the door's edge, glancing back with a quiet gleam in her eye.    
"How does it go? 'I solemnly swear that I am up to no good'." SHe teases with a sly wink. "For now. This way, misseur?"

Lyle Marston has posed:
Lyle huffs lightly in disappointment when Tigra also admits to not knowing what the men were after. It was rather difficult to safeguard something when you didn't know what to guard in the first place. However, when Tigra brought up archelogy, a lightbulb suddenly went off in his head. Of course, they were probably after an artifact. But, before they he can say that, Tigra murmurs the same thought before heading towards the door. Lyle chuckles and says,

"It appears that brilliant minds do indeed think alike mademoiselle."

This line is said with a very light chuckle and a flirtatious wink. Once Tigra quotes Harry Potter and gives him a wink back, Lyle grins and says to her,

"Oui Mademoiselle, we shall go to Sturgeon's office immediately. But, ladies first."

He then gestures towards the door, giving Tigra permission to descend down the stairs first.

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra smiles, eyes sparkling before she turns...    
    ...swiftness. Quicksilver. While nowhere near the speed of themarvelous Avenger, she crosses to the door, opening it with care. Clawtips barely clicking to the concrete- she moves again, from soft light to shadow, bulbs lighting the roof exit corridor like forlorn watchmen. Swiftness, silence-- stealth and revelling in it, she moves from hallway to stairwell and down again, crossing floors one after another.    
"A cat told me that the good doctor had discovered something on an expedition to South America that was interesting beyond normal artifact delights." She weaves, tail whisking as she pauses, scenting the air-- continuing on, counting the doors. "He brought back several items, rubbings, papers, descriptions of the stonework. Inca pyramids... Mayan? I forget which-- ah."    
She stops before an office door, one marked by barriers of yellow and black tape, marked with clear "POLICE SCENE" letters. "Whatever they were, the whole of them vanished in... well, they vanished practically and virtually overnight. Noone knows why."

Lyle Marston has posed:
Lyle's eyes widened in surprise at Tigra's speed. True, he has seen her move fast the night they first met, but now here she was doing it in right in front of his eyes and honestly, it impressed him. He then sighed and began to sprint down the stairs after her, managing to hear what he was saying as he sprinted the hardest he had sprinted. Once he heard the bit about the Doctor's note being stolen, Lyle placed a finger on his chin and hummed in deep though as he appraoched the crime scene door. Suddenly, Lyle pulled out a lock pick and placed a gloved hand on the door frame as he began to pick it . He then turned to Tigra and said slyly,

"Perhaps a closer look would be necessary?"

Greer Grant has posed:
"Indeed so," Tigra purrs,, tail dancing as she enters. Appreciative of the skills, if not the larceny. Still...    
The door creaks softly as it opens, well-oiled. Inside is a silence, cold, clinical. A maelstrom-- like a concentrated torando had been unleased, with drawers torn from cabinets, closet practically wrenched open, a state of disarray bordering on utter devestation. Tigra pauses, stopping short with a grimace as she scents the air. "Alcohol..." she growls, tail lashing. "Not part of a detective's ensemble. Someone covered their tracks.    
She surveys for a moment, tail weaving lower. Still. "...computer files," she murmurs, voice soft. She glances towards the tower, buried under a torrent of papers. Dented, coffee stained-- but untouched by the savage fury that had rent the rest of the office asunder. "Expeditions these days take photographic as well as journalistic evidence," she says softly , tracing her figners a hair breadth above-- smashed computer monitor.    
She sighs again, tail lashing in silent, seething frustration.

Lyle Marston has posed:
Lyle slinks in after Tigra, his sly grin growing as he does. The office was, as expected, a wreck. However was here did a great job at covering their tracks. Lyle also searched around for a bit, looking for any hidden panels or wall safes or something similar, but found nothing. Lyle let out a swear in French, but stopped when he saw the tower still in tact. Suddenly, Lyle puts his hand on Tigra's shoulder, gripping it gently as he suddenly says,

"I may have an idea Mademoiselle. I know a Hacker who could get into the files easily. But, since the only monitor here is smashed to bits I will have to take the whole tower, if you'll let me."

Greer Grant has posed:
The tiger woman pauses, torn. Breaking and entering is one thing, but this-- She grinds her fangs, tail lashing as she troubles herself over the offer. Exhaling a soft, quiet sigh. "Be careful," she finally, reluctantly replies, eyes dark. "Either whoever did this was a complete amateur.... or very, very good, and making it look that way." She seps back, letting the professional attend to his work. Cables, disconnects-- Tigra glances at the door as her tail weaves.

Lyle Marston has posed:
Lyle grins slyly as he carefully disconnects the tower and gently places it on the ground. He then turns to Tigra and says while clearing his throat,

"I must bid you adieu for now. I shall find a way to contact you once My Friend gets the files we need."

Lyle then suddenly takes Tigra's hand and kisses' it for what seemed to be 20 seconds. Suddenly, he releases his grip and hurls down a smoke pellet. As smoke fills the air you managed to hear rustling footsteps and a side door opening and shutting. Once the smoke clears you realized that both La Raton, and the tower, were gone.

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant blinks in a moment's surprise. Gallant, the warm touch, the kiss to her hand; an actual *blush* toying across her features... And the burst of the smoke pellet!    
Seconds in surprise, bitten back as she leaps into motion without a second thought. Time enough for selfdoubt later. Or not-- the die is cast, and as she slips back up the stairway, down the hall, a deft kick sending the doorstop sailing into the distance before she leaps for cover of night--    
Warm pleasure as she twirls through the air, landing on cat's feet. Racing through the night, as breath sings in her veins. To the patient come the prey; time for a long, intricate hunt!