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Latest revision as of 17:27, 8 October 2020

Caturday Night Fever
Date of Scene: 08 October 2020
Location: A dark street outside a small bistro advertising several upcoming events. Some people walking by and entering.
Synopsis: Greer and Ted swap stories and have potato skins.
Cast of Characters: Greer Grant, Ted Kord

Greer Grant has posed:
A dark street, scented by the road and the distant waves and evening light. Quiet-- mostly. From somewhere, a small bistro drums up its business by hosting the strangest sort of charity-- Speed Dating!    
"...how did I ever let her convince me to try this..." comes the soft growl, a long sigh. Clad in longcoat and slouching hat, Greer glances at the entry again, wishing for the hundredth time.....    
"...maybe Dr. Doom will attack. Or the Sinister Six. Or Stiltman."    
Enough dawdling-- a bet is a bet! Tail whisking beneath the coat, she strides into the shop, eyes accustoming to the warm blaze of light...    
        ...and the music. Smooth jazz! Saxohone.    
"...Janet, remind me to thank you," she comments to nobody in particular, smil teasingacross her features.

Ted Kord has posed:
A dark street, smelling like rain. Ted Kord, in his own long coat and Breaking Bad style hat worn over his costume looks at the bistro.

"I don't know who Booster talked me into this... oh yeah... desperation," he says with a shrug.

It should be good for a laugh at least, and be over in time for a quick patrol. At the last moment he pulls his hood back and slides his goggles down around his neck. No one seems to notice the costume despite the open coat as he enters and signs up. He fills out a form, pays the fee and gets a name tag reading #6 slapped on him.

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant debates for several seconds-- decently clothed, or just wild and fuzzy? And then the sax player strikes a low melody solo, warm and rich and that makes all the decision for her--    
Striding through the simple line of people (and gawkers!), she moves forward, eyes alive with warm mischief.    
"One, please," she answers the sputtering one-night facilitator/maitre de'. Filling out the same forms, accepting the nametape-- #*17*? -- she stifles a grin, shedding coat and hat for the entry room, attaching said tape carefully to her bikini top. "Showtime," she purrs, eyes glittering eagerly. Should be fun!    
<10 minutes later>    
.oO "Janet. I am so going to knock everything you own off your shelves." Oo. A forced smile as she listens to --What was his name? --blathering on eagerly about the particular and minutiae of the latest and greatest thing in the world.    
    Jet chemtrails.    
"So, they fly overhead, and disperse all these chemicals! How else could we keep seein' all these mutants and super pees and stuff cropping up! Big Pharma nd the Deep Gov!"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord tries not to sputter.

"So these people are, like global warming, global warming. I mean I needed a sweater this morning, you know? Are you a welder or something?"

"That's weather, you're talking about! Global warming refers to climate: weather patterns over years! Wha next? Chem trails?" Fastest speed date ever.

Ted rubs his eyes. Even he isn't this desperate. He's just looking for someone different he guesses. He texts Booster between dates <<I am going to get you, and your little bot too Jazz music is good. Maybe I just give up on women and get a cat or something. Bwahaha! 8D>>

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer Grant politely excuses herself when the bell chimes (Thank heaven!), glancing at the chalkboard for the next number connections. Four and twelve. Nine and thirteen. Six and seventeen. "Here we go..." she murmurs, girding herself for the bone-weary evening sure to come. Tail deciddly not swirling behind her, she affects a warm smile, breathing deep. Jazz-- it makes os much *everything* better.    
"This seat taken?" she asks, eyes brightening with humour. "I thought I would ask before just claiming the table or throwing myself to the floor."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord stands for Greer and says, "It is now. I'm Ted. Nice to meet you." He head tilts evaluating what he thought was a great makeup job then rubs the back of his neck, a little embarrassed.

"... Tigra. Avengers, right? I'm sorry. I thought for a second you were the best cosplayer who ever lived. Please sit. I think they saved us for last."

Stop talking, let her talk.

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra smiles, bending her head warmly before she swirls her tail out of the way, taking a seat with quiet pleasure. "Got it in one," she returns, eyes gleaming. "Unless Cheetah is visiting. Then I might need to wear nametapes more often. Embarassing to be confused with someone else in the middle of facing down the Mole Men or some intergalactic world-conqueror. 'Curse you Avengers, and your little Green Lantern cat too!'"    
She leans back in her chair, sighing with agroan of relish. And a pause, stretching forward again. "Hello," she adds, purring. "My name is Tigra, I enjoy long beach walks, candle lit displays, fuzzy stuffed animals, and am assured by my doctor that turning fuzzy and growing a tail are not signs of becoming a werewolf."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord leans his hand on his chin and says, "I'm Ted. I like flying my Bug at sunset, building thing,s and B-movies with friends. I'm a little busy with the career and well.. we're in the same line of work."

He pulls his hood and goggles on properly.

"Ta-da! Blue Beetle at your service." He affects a tough guy expression. "I have an expired JLI card to prove this. Not being as awesome a visual as you." Did he say awesome? Dork.

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra steeples her fingers together, a warm smile brightening her features. "An adjunct of the Justice League?" she hazards to guess, pausing with a quiet grimace. "I should really know this. I need to catch up on my reading the files--" She pause, snapping her fingers as she nods. "International! JLI. Like the West Coast Avengers, or the Great Lakes Avengers." SHe pauses with a grin at the last. "..sort of, on that last part. And Godzilla movies: discuss."    
Frying pan to fire!

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord chuckles. "These days the JLI is regarded as the Great Lake Avengers I think. Godzilla: all good for different reasons... except that 90's American version. I'm more into William Castle stuff, or atomic horrors like Them. So the original Godzilla is aces. Also like some mainstream movies..." In a sudden gasp of honesty he mutters, "Breakfast at Tiffany's. Just... I like movies about redemption, about changing from what people expect you to be. I liked Megamind too... my tastes are all over the place. Now, candle light events: specify-protests in the park, religious services? Dinner after a movie?" He leans forward now smiling and doesn't seem to mind the heat.

It is a glorious thing when a dork suddenly gives zero f***s and thereby enjoys themselves.

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra swirls her tail, a loop-de-loop as she tilts her had coyly. "Candlelit affairs: all of the above." She raises her fingers, a study in elaborative grace. "Religious services, for the wonder and sense of gravitas. Dinner after a movie-- deliciously romantic! And torch-wielding hooligans in the part, because it gives me a ready-made excuse to bust heads. Especially those Sons of the Serpent creeps. Honestly, *they* should watch Megamind sometime." She spreads her arms wide, eyes mock-widening.    

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord extends a hand putting it on Tigra's. "So... candlelit dinner, following or during the original Frankenstein? Sit by my pool, look at the city. maybe injure some racists if we steal feel feisty? Does that hit all the buttons?"


Ted looks at the forgotten timer.

"Do you... want to go someplace else or even stay here and listen to the jazz and talk some more? Maybe a booth?"

Greer Grant has posed:
The woman smiles, a sparkle in her eyes as she nods. "And saxophones are Heaven's gift to music," Tigra purrs, turning her hand to clasp yours. She rises from her seat, reaching up to remove her number with deft care. "A booth sounds wonderful. Less so for the tail, but that still comes back to bite every now and then, if I'm not careful."    
"I've been meaning to ask..." she continues, leading the way to a quieter corner of the restaurant. "What is a 'bug'. Like, a giant flying mosquito?" She glances aside, mischief in her eyes. Teasing.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord shakes his head hard. "Not a mosquito. The Bug is shaped like a beetle of course. Iron Man has his wardrobe, I have my Bug. It's... you know what? I don't want to talk about it. Right now. I rather hear all about you."

His hand is still in hers so he has to go along with her or let go. He gets up and ignores the stares and daggers in some eyes as he follows her. It's funny, he always thought himself a dog person. She didn't even smirk about Breakfast at Tiffany's.

Booster is getting his room enlarged.

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra blushes, briefly. The smile that warms her features follows the sigh that drifts up into the air, a blissful thing. Tailswish!     
"Well, I haven't been doing this---" She gestures across herself, encompassing tall, fuzzy, magnificent-- settling in the opposite booth seat with a purr. "Married long ago, and widowed..." She trails off, smiling gently. "He was on the force, a long time ago. After that, I went back to college, learning a few things, working to improve myself. My professor at the time had a fascination with strange artifacts and mysterious antiquities. One thing led to another, and suddenly-- poof."    
She pauses as a harried waiter stops by, pouring fresh glasses of water before making his departure. And trying not to stare!    
"So.... widow, student, Avenger, part-time catgirl cosplayer---" She glances, mischief gleaming wickedly. "Maybe not the last."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord nods. Takes a deep breath.

"My dad had a small engineering firm I turned into Kord Co. Uhmmm stereotypical tragic origin. lost a friend, the original Blue Beetle decided to carry on his name... without his powers. Teamed with the Question, joined the Justice League, got mauled by Doomsday, coma, rehab, now I'm back and wondering what exactly to do with myself. Uhmmm only one serious girlfriend a long time ago. She didn't like me doing this and left. Nothing since."

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra nods as she bows her head, sighing quietly. "It almost seems superhero groups are as much about mutual support as facing down the latest of Loki's gimmicks or fighting off the local Space Invaders." She reaches across, squeezing hands again. "You have a legacy to carry on, at least. Something to be proud of! Though less so the comas." She grimaces, squeezing again. "Never fun, that. I shan't get into details about how bandages and fur mix. Far too attenuating a subject!"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord moves a little closer in the booth. He looks at a menu with one hand. "Hmmm, forgive, me, I never met a cat person before, do you eat vegetables? Because I could go for some zucchini sticks and potato skins. Could I get you a drink or another goody from the kitchen?" He slides the menu more between them so she can read it. "Yeah bandages and fur... I had that problem with an EKG I got. It was sort of like that movie -The 40 Year Old Virgin? When he got his chest waxed."

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra winces instinctively; she shudders with a vigor, shaking her head at the idea! "I'm going to have nightmares now," she announces, quivering with laughter. She focuses her gaze on the menu. gaze sharpening as she marks with curiosity. "I can eat those, yes. Granted, it's more tempting sometimes to order things rare, and possibly bloody, and maaaaaaaaaybe still squealing...." She glances up, teasing with a wink. "Add the salsa and you've got a deal. My differences--" She smirks, quiet rue on her features. "Well, it makes eating oranges interesting!"

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord places the order. With an unvoiced side of 'and stay out of our way' and a couple of very rare burgers.

"Would it ruin things if I took a second to say how, incredible I'm finding this whole evening? Okay, incredible evening. But you must have guys say that to you a lot. You're not what I expected. I thought you'd be I dunno more serious. I mean Avengers... sounds pretty tough. Justice League... well now people know them but I'd think it was a bunch of concerned citizens writing letters. And new videos don't do you justice. You're way prettier in person."

Oh really Ted. You just met her. Would you tell Wonder Woman she looked pretty? Would you tell Canary? Sheesh! Okay he can pilot out of this spin.

Greer Grant has posed:
"Actually, you would be the first," Tigra replies, quiet pleasure in her voice. "Admittedly, I only came at first because I lost a bet. Wasp and I were having a friendly game of cards, crossed with Truth or Dare." She laughs quietly, shaking her head as she preses her palm. "Coming to this was her dare. And I took the bait, cat-fish that I am. Yay, me." She looks up, eye twinkling. "And yet, it is going much better than I imagined. It's actually a lot more difficult to enjoy a quiet evening out than you would think."    
She pause, canting her head quizzically. "Mmmph. Especially if you can hear police sirens every few minutes. I think the record is twenty-seven in an hour, but that might have been one of the Hulk's rampages."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord nods. "I monitor police bands in the Bug. Sometimes I try to be six places at once, sometimes, but I can't be there for everyone. Sometimes you have to make a little time for yourself or you won't be any good to anyone. It's a tough life and it's hard to meet people. I'm very glad you lost at cards. I got talked into it by my pal Booster. I'm glad I listened. If you want, I could take you up in the Bug, above all the sirens and noise. It really is nice. I just fly around and think... then some jerk grabs a purse or shots at me or something. I... can't believe no guy ever said you were incredible." He squeezes Greer's hand in return, being careful of the nails. He did see footage of her using them.

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra smiles warmly, clasping her second hand atop of yours. "We'll shelve that idea until the second date," she says with a grin, tail swirling in delight. "I'll try to wear something more fitting for soaring above the city--" She tosses her head, a sly mirth dancing across her gaze. "Unless Darkseid attacks. Then, I'm afraid the gloves are off. Romantic nights are just ruined by falling parademons!"