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The One Where Oliver Turned Into A Pumpkin
Date of Scene: 08 October 2020
Location: Verdant - Abandoned Warehouse
Synopsis: Oliver and Thea catch up, and the gang find out the recent killings were all people Oliver had a hand in putting away. Roy reveals four more men from the registry that fit that criteria for them to stake out.
Cast of Characters: Thea Queen, Vanessa Carlysle, Oliver Queen, Roy Harper

Thea Queen has posed:
Evening in Starling City. The stars still shine down, even in the Glades, and the pathetic attempts at neon lighting flickers on the roadsides as businesses still make what money they can from the depressed neighborhood.

Here, now, in the 'still' shell of a nightclub, a possibly ill-conceived notion from a young woman who is/was always one step away from a court-ordered AA meeting, is that same young woman. She's dressed in her 'usual', the short dress, a jacket that falls to basically the hemline of said dress, platform shoes (she's short!), but she wears it.. differently. Or perhaps that's her manner that has it all confused?

Thea walks around the large warehouse shell, the bits and bobs where it's looking like a nightclub frozen in time, as it were. There are still signs of the initial fight to take down the mob, then the signs of her 'fight' with Slade.. and then, there's the layer of dust as it'd remained closed up.

Fingers tap on the worktables as blue eyes look up to the second floor; where her office would be, could be.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa Carlysle spent a night or two in New York just recently. She'd mentioned to Oliver that she was interested in trying to clean up New Lots, the section of the city in which she'd lived. It had a lot in common with the Glades actually. And so she'd been spending a few nights there a week, as other activities allowed.

When she'd returned this time she had a bandaged leg, and arranged to get a rabies shot. A rat, she'd said. A rodent of unusual size. There was clearly more to the story, but she was not very talkative about it, which was itself unusual too.

Instead of talking about it, she'd wanted to go see Thea instead, as they hadn't talked since the trip to Lian Yu. Vanessa, arrives, wearing a pair of jeans to cover the bandages, boots, and a spaghetti strap top in black, and a light jacket overtop for the cooler October weather. The floorboards of the large space echo softly with the footfalls of her boots as she makes her way over. "Making progress it looks like," Vanessa offers.

Oliver Queen has posed:
A bandaged leg and a rabies shot. By a rat. That had made Oliver do a few more questions, at least until he figured out Vanessa wasn't too talkative about it which had been somewhat surprising to the man. But he accepted it at least.

And with Thea being back in town it also meant a visit was on the menu, the Verdant had been left in wait for her return, Oliver having made sure things were kept as they were and without being vandalized. But the rest, well, it would be Thea's work as she had wished. They were done with leaving projects half-way.

He arrives dressed casually, jeans, a tight shirt, a jacket atop it all. Not a lot that yells this is Oliver Queen.

"Speedy." He calls out, using that nickname of old, a faint grin on his expression. "Imagining the time you will be lording over the club and looking from above upon your subjects?" he couldn't help to put in a little tease on his words.

Thea Queen has posed:

Thea turns around at the arrivals, and the word is offered up with a smile. "Hey, you two." Still kinda wierd, Ollie having a solid plus-one, like.. solid, solid, and the smile is a touch lopsided. Her hair is still in a bob, straightened for the night's offering, whatever that may entail.

"Yes, and no," comes the rueful answer. "Just.. thinking is all." And when Thea does that?

She probably should go for a run instead.

Whatever her thoughts, it doesn't keep the younger of the siblings from offering up a quick hug, on both counts; first Vanessa, then her brother. "Yeah. My little empire, right here. This year, the Verdant. Next year? Maybe a hostile take-over of some company or other." She looks up at her brother, the smile reaching her eyes, "I might actually be ready to get back to work on this. Or, if for some reason I have to go somewhere for.. a time," she is, after all, still training. She's been quiet about all that.. those long sleeves do hide bruises well! "Do it right this time, call Carl and give him the greenlight to work when I'm not here. I think it's needed."

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa Carlysle returns the hug and then as the brother and sister embrace, turns to look around the place a bit more. "I think that would be a great idea. Let him keep progressing it," she says before turning back to Thea directly. "You've got a really great start on it already."

Vanessa finds somewhere she can sit. In truth she wants to get off the leg, but does her best not to let that on. She settles somewhere, whether onto a chair or a box depending on just how far along the furniture situation is.

"The Glades seems kind of quiet for what's going on," she says. "Normally something like the latest events would have people on edge. But everyone's pretty calm about it. I guess they figure they won't be targets?" she comments.

Oliver Queen has posed:
The hug is certainly returned even his blue eyes squint at his sister. Thinking. That could be either good or bad. But fine, he was good with that and he knew better than to be pressing too much for answers. Instead he but smiles, understandingly even. "You should come and train with us someday." he suggests. "I would like to see your progress."

He starts doing his rounds a little, peeking here and there at the place and the state of it. Not bad at all! "You are leading the project, you will know what's best for it." not that he hadn't given his opinion on it before, that she should be the one working on it. To make it hers.

His eyes go to Vanessa afterwards, expression turning a touch more gloom. "Maybe so. I *really* wasn't expecting it to be that woman having returned." Cupid, quite the thorn on his side a while back.. (literally!)

Thea Queen has posed:
Thea's learned a great deal, and during her quick hug of her brother, there's the limping Vanessa. Unless one moves specifically, there are little tells here and there. The whole 'leaning on a table' is a good start.

"Okay, out with it." This is, after all, a young woman who has a lot of experience being a little sister. "What happened to you." Beat. "Ollie?"

Still, the topic moves, and while Thea isn't really happy about it, it does move on. There is that quick, pleased look she gives her brother, though the thought of facing him in a sparring ring? She's.. learned a great deal so far. "No, no you don't." There's a flicker of a frown; there and gone. Slade's techniques? Ollie knows all about them. It's survival, dirty-moves, and no one comes out alive. Sparring? With their shared (now and former) teacher, it's a matter of keep up or, well.. or. It's replaced by a quickly squeezed hug before letting him go and wander a little.

Brows rise and she cants her head. "You... don't want to hear my opinion on that matter," she singsongs down an octave. Putting her hands up, she shakes her head, "Not me." Just in case anyone was wondering. But, the chances are good she wasn't even considered. Just- putting it out there. There's a nod before, "I heard about it.

"That woman?"

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa gives a bit of a wry grin as even trying to walk normal she failed to get post the observational skills of either Queen sibling. "Just an animal bite, while I was busy trying to shoot bad guys," she says, giving a little wave of her hand to dismiss it as not being a big deal.

The woman ruffles her fingers through her hair and lets out a sigh. "Cupid. Not a positive thing that it's her. But it matches her MO. Arrow shots through the heart. And there were a pair of little messages left in lipstick from two spots the killer had staked out the victims. The kind of thing she might doodle if she wanted it found," Vanessa explains.

"At least it's been quiet since those first two nights. If it was her, maybe she moved on?" She turns to glance at Oliver, though Vanessa's expression seems to suggest she thinks it unlikely.

Oliver Queen has posed:
A nod is given when Vanessa explains what happened. His jaw tightens just for a moment.. Worry? Maybe. But he is trying to learn not to be so overbearing.. "She should be back to normal soon enough." he says quietly. "Part of her training in becoming more independent." he then adding a bit more to the explanation.

As the conversation goes to Cupid he turns to face both women fully. There isa certain look of worry. "I know what your opinion in the matter is. But do you really think she'd stop there?" he questions. "Besides all the chaos this will be causing in the city. She is a murderer, she doesn't really care about anything else." and his murderous ways were long gone now.. Or were they? He still had doubts sometimes..

"I doubt she moved on." He then says to Vanessa. "If anything she was obsessed in the past. I do not believe she would had changed. Unless this is someone else trying to look like her. Entirely possible too." He then lets out a sigh. "We are still looking into it. You should join us as well, Thea." his eyes returning to his sister.

"You know you are part of this team, no matter what."

Thea Queen has posed:
It's evening in the Glades, and the Verdant is pretty much the way Thea had left it when she abruptly.. left. Half done here and there; still some signs of when they'd taken out the mob, still some signs of her .. discussion with Slade now a couple of months in the past? The three are in the open warehouse that is the 'open architecture' of the once and future nightclub, all in some discussion, coming in threes, as it were.

"Uh huh.." Dubious Thea is dubious. "You do know about secrets, right?" It's the only thing she'll say on the matter. She hates them, particularly when they have something to do with someone she loves, whether directly or indirectly. She'll let it go, though blue eyes linger on the woman just a little longer, perhaps, then they should.

Then, it's back to Ollie, and the younger Queen perches on another table, one that had previously been set right from being upended, most likely by workers. "So, any ideas? I mean, if you're involved, I'm in." There's a lopsided smile that rises again, but can one really shake the fact that Thea's .. learned to kill? When /she/ deems it necessary, anyway. The guards back at LianYu? Those that hadn't been killed outright STILL died. So, which is really better? Pretending that one isn't killing, or living up to it?

"Any leads? Anywhere to start?" There's a pause before, "For us, anyway."

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa crosses her arms where she's perched one a few boxes of things that have been delivered but not unpacked yet. "I do," Vanessa responds to Thea, first. She hesitates a moment, and then doesn't say more as if not sure what she can say in the moment.

She lets out a soft sigh though, before turning back to the other topic. "Roy was going to do some research into the victims. See if they had other connections besides being on the registry. And living in the Glades," she says. "We visited all three crime scenes but did not find more than the messages she'd left," she says.

"Also there are 42 others in the registry within that part of the Glade. So, enough it's tough to cover them all. Though I'd imagine a number of them are probably going on extended vacations until this is settled," Vanessa says.

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy Harper turns up a bit late to the party, but present anyway. He's splitting his time pretty hard between multiple places these days and it takes a bit, even with the loop, to get from one city to another. Yet, here he is. He comes in through the front door of the place as though summoned by Vanessa. He lifts his chin in greeting to the other three as he makes his way inside. He's in a pair of jeans, a dark red button-down and a pair of red chucks as he strolls on over to the assembled trio. "I did do some research," he says, having caught that last bit. "There were definitely connections between them. All of them were folks that Oliver helped get convicted, or was involved somehow in bringing them to justice. There are a few left who also meet that criteria who are also in the same area."

Thea Queen has posed:
Thea is learning that beating around bushes gets her nowhere. To get what she wants, well, she's got to push. This, too, is something of a change in the younger Queen; from passive and reacting to active, proactive. It may not gain her friends, but at least she'll know what is going on and where she stands. The shift of posture of Vanessa, the woman's arms coming up to cross in front of her is noted but not remarked on, accepting the response of 'I do' for the moment.

Instead, she shifts her tack as she gains information regarding the victims, nodding slowly. When she speaks again, her words are softly spoken, an unamused laugh sounding under the tones, "You know, I really hate the idea those... people could possibly get police protection. That's just.. wrong." Her head shakes, but the mood is somewhat lifted as Roy enters, as if on cue.

"Oh, hey Roy. Gang's all here?" Thea takes a quick theatric look around, no doubt looking for 'Digs'. The added information, now, gains another nod from her. "So, it's a stakeout game?" Is that an eye-roll? Nah, just in her tones, but her arms, too, rise to cross in front of her, her legs crossing at the ankles as well in her table lean. "We take streets?"

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa turns over towards Roy as he arrives, flashing him a small smile and uncrossing her arms to lift a hand in a motionless wave towards him. "Hello Roy, hope the evening is going well," she gets in, then falls quiet as he starts to share what his investigations into the victims found out.

"Well, if it is someone looking to get Oliver's attention, that would probably be the list to go after," she says. There's a bit of something kindling in Vanessa's eyes when she says it. So far she hasn't made any comments about the woman obsessing about Oliver. Well, maybe one. The added evidence that Oliver is probably the focus doesn't seem to make Vanessa feel any better.

Thea's comment draws a nod from Vanessa. "Probably best. That there was a lull might suggest she is having to do more research to figure out who to go after next. I'd hope we have better resources there, but she has a lead. If it's her. Split up and each cover one?" she suggests.

There are four more names on the registry that Oliver had a hand in, to some degree.

Roy Harper has posed:
"AJ's back at Happy Harbor," Roy says, since AJ is the more studious of the two and also the one who has a few more obligations to actively involved parents -- he doesn't quite run around as much as Roy does, so is more likely to turn up on the weekends. "I've got some info on the ones who out of those 42 Oliver was specifically involved in." He pulls out his phone and pulls up the files as he flips through them, giving a list to the pair, as well as what he knows about their current residences and last known whereabouts.

He nods, regarding the stakeout and says, "Don't know if I'm going to be able to stake them out, myself. You guys might need to cover that bit. I can definitely take a few shifts over the weekend, though." He's trying really hard to graduate, after all. Then, he can stakeout as much as he wants.

Thea Queen has posed:
Thea's not surprised about someone from Ollie's past coming back to 'bite him', as it were. Her brother was a pretty big partier back 'in the day', which... seems, seemed to run in the family. She's a little more intune with things now, maybe that's from 'growing up' or learned, but either way? Brows rise at Vanessa's reaction, but nothing is said. Nothing directly, anyway.

"Ollie obviously isn't the target, target," Thea begins again. "She's trying to get his attention. She's got it. I just don't think she realizes there's more than just him in the game now, so that is definitely an edge we can work with."

Bumping off the edge of her table, she closes the distance in order to see the info. "Text that to me, will ya?" is asked quickly.

It's the schoolwork and such that gains a quick, 'proud' smile from the younger of the siblings. "Aww.. yeah. Kinda important, that. I'm not sure the dean will allow for a 'Please excuse Roy and AJ' note."

She's not far from 'work' mode, however, before she is back into the deep end. "I can take two, and not only check on them, but check angles, any empty rooms in the area, buildings.. any good spots to nest.. that sort of thing." Thea sounds like she's good for a stakeout or three. "Lemme know when we start. Tonight? Tomorrow? All the hits were done at night?"

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa looks at the information from Roy. "Well, between Oliver, Thea and I we have three. John would be a fourth as well. So, if you're able to help cover some shifts, Roy, great. And AJ. But if not we can probably handle it," she says. "That's not even counting if Oliver wants to trust Detective Lance with any of this," she says. She nods in agreement with Thea mentioning she can handle two of them.

A warm smile is given to Roy. "That's some really great work though. This might save a life," she tells him. "The hits were done in the evening, two as they were arriving home or leaving, and the other shot through an open window, through the window screen," Vanessa confirms to Thea. "So at least the two she was probably staking them out. Maybe even following them though we don't know that for sure either way."

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy Harper nods to Thea and sends off a secure text to all of them, so that everyone gets the information to work from. Roy catches that smile from her and gives a crooked one in return, one shoulder shrugging. He's trying. And thus far he's been holding onto his sobriety, as well. How long it holds? One never knows. But for now, he's trying to at least make it to graduation. "We can on the weekend. We can make it back down no problem," Roy says, about covering shifts. He nods over to Thea when she mentions keeping an eye out for more than just the targets, but nests and other opportune spots.

"I'll keep digging to see what else I can find," he tells Vanessa. "And I'll shoot it over to all four of you if I get any additional hits." He includes Diggles, even though the man isn't present -- in case he'll be doing some staking out as well.

Thea Queen has posed:
Thea so totally gets that 'one day at a time' thing. She still fights with it, every day. But now? She's got direction, which is hard to say considering she'd //thought// she had that before. Now?

It's liberating, and she's been dealing with her demons. Slowly but surely. But the trade-off is that she's not the //same// Thea as before. The quick to trust, the open-hearted one. Instead?

"Perfect," is grinned. "That'd be great. Any new rentals, moving out, moves in.. just within the block of each of the... jerks. It doesn't look like those shots were taken on the run." Thea looks at Vanessa and chuffs, a thought entering her head, an angle that perhaps Vanessa hadn't yet thought of because she hasn't been an archer quite as long as she. "Did the detective say anything about the angle of the arrow? From street level? Above?" It'd show up on the arrow, certainly. "It might cut out some work, though I'm still not above staking out."

It's the thought, and Thea wanders towards Roy to give him a quick hug, taking in Vanessa with a warm look. "I... gotta go. Back to the City. Running tonight. I have a time I gotta beat, and it's rough. If I don't, I run more."

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Roy is given another approving smile by Vanessa. "Great. Anything you find could help," she agrees. "This is already a great start though," she says of the list of names he came up with for them.

Vanessa looks back to Thea and says, "Each time she shot from location that would have been for concealment. A rooftop for one, a walkway on a big billboard for another. That was where she drew a heart with an arrow through it in lipstick. I didn't see the final site's location, but she left an XOXOX in lipstick wherever it was," she says.

She rises to her feet, and a trained eye would spot the small bit of limp though most people would probably miss it. "I'm going to go make a quick drive past each of these people and make sure she's not out there right now on them," she says. Vanessa starts to head out, though lets her path take her over nearer to Thea as she does.

Vanessa pauses and says more quietly to Thea. "Just not ready to talk about some things yet," she says as if that's an explanation. And then she continues on towards the door.

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy returns Thea's quick hug and says, "Run like the wind," with a little sidelong grin. "I'll drop you any more info I get." Then he gives a nod to Vanessa as well and says, "Going to crash at the manor tonight, head back to the harbor in the morning. But I'll be back Saturday to take a turn at staking out. Probably bring AJ so we can cover two spots."