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The SHIELD Signal
Date of Scene: 11 October 2020
Location: Downtown Manhattan
Synopsis: Levian creates a massive magical signal in the shape of SHIELD's signal, and Daisy Johnson comes to investigate. He asks for a job at SHIELD, and Daisy is at least going to put a word in and give them his makeshift SHIELD application.
Cast of Characters: Levian, Daisy Johnson

Levian has posed:
It's been a bit of a winding process that got Levian to his odd plan today.

First, his attempt to 'save' Nessa, though she turned out to not be in danger. Which led to encountering Melinda May and Hawkeye, and the other assorted SHIELD agents. At this stage, he had no real idea of what they were.

Then, his accidental summoning by Lara Croft, who expressed that he needed a job. She suggested he join SHIELD, but... he really had no idea what it was, and figured it wasn't something for him.

But over the course of trying to get a job, he realized that not many of his skills are applicable to the human world, and when he tracked down Siobhan, from his initial meeting with SHIELD, she said that they were apparently like 'world police'.

World police, he can probably do that job?

Anyway, here we are standing on a Downtown Manhattan rooftop in the middle of the night. He crafted up a spell. Normally he needs a //lot// of Earth based fire to do something of substantial size, since typically it involves some form of healing, or other big effect. But he learned about satellites, and if they're world police, surely they're watching the world with satellites? So he's whipped up a new spell, one simply meant to be //seen//, and nothing beyond that.

The set up was rather long and complicated, requiring him to set up materials all over the city in an extremely long radius. It took him days to set up in fact. But now he stands over a barrel of fire in the middle of a complex magical circle that he's burned into the rooftop, and begins chanting infernal words.

That's when a circle of white fire ignites across //miles//, until it forms a SHIELD signal bright enough to be seen from space, bright enough to give many people pause who might see the sudden flames rise up.

This lasts for a solid minute, enough for SHIELD to go 'wtf'. By the time the flames go down, they send an agent to check it out.

Nothing destructive happened in that minute, but it was large and weird as hell, so they send one Daisy Johnson to investigate.

They send her to the brightest point, the very rooftop that Levian himself stands on right now, and he simply waits by the now dark and empty barrel for someone to show up.

If anyone shows up.

He stares at the sky because he has no idea how satellites work.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
It had been some rather eventful days for Daisy, first with her friends being recovered from captivity and coming with news about her mother possibly being alive..., then investigating a laboratory along with the DEO that seemed right out of a Resident Evil movie with crazed out scientists... Uff, she needed a break to take her mind away from things..

So when Jenkins, one of the data analysts came to her with a, "Check this out! Looks right out of Signs!" the weird spirally signals that appeared scorched on empty fields... "Someone is burning fires and ..." another analyst interrupts that one. "Why don't you zoom it out? I am detecting a pattern there and ..."

The pattern had indeed been identified as a huge signal for SHIELD.. One that certainly could not be ignored. Orders came quick for someone to check out the point of origin and so Daisy was sent.. A backup SHIELD team was nearby but far enough to let her investigate without interfering.. Just in case whatever this was turned into a menace..

She is first heard than seen when arriving, almost as if the sound of an helicopter was close.. Close enough to make the pebbles on that rooftop to shake. But instead of some huge vehicle landing it's Quake that lands, hands still sending small shockwaves to keep her steady in the air as she comes down to solid ground..

She is dressed in her typical SHIELD uniform, black and blue colored, high black boots and the SHIELD symbol clearly visible on the right side of her chest.

"I have just arrived. There is someone here. Making contact." she speaks through the comms before beginning her approach.

Levian has posed:
Levian sniffs the air, then looks in her direction. "So satellites are real." he states as he very cautiously approaches her, sniffing in her direction, but he keeps a good ten foot distance from her. "You do smell like SHIELD people."

He clears his throat, stands up straight, and announces, "I am Levian, 999th son of a demon lord whose name I don't know and who I've never met. Sorry, it's instinct to state the most important title I have. But..."

Reaching into his coat, he pulls out a Wendy's job application. "A woman named Lara Croft told me I should try joining SHIELD, but I already told her I didn't want to, and it would be rude for me to change my mind, so I thought I'd contact you all directly. I need a job so..."

His application is held out, and if she reads it...

Name: Levian, 999th Son Of An Unknown Demon Lord

Skills: Grimoire Reading, Ripping and Tearing, Hunting, Contract Law, Negotiation, Speaks Human Language

Powers: Inherent Elemental Demon Magic, Earth Fire Spells, Perception of Higher Dimensional Geometry, Exorcism, Soul Contracts, Eating Other Demons

Work History: Former Demon Lord Servant

Describe Your Best Trait: 'I like humans'

References: Asmodeus, Mesphisto, Lucifer

"Anyway, it's nice to meet you."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Someone announcing themselves as the son of a demon is weird enough..., but Daisy lives in the weird ever since she joined SHIELD so even if it does bring some noticeable tension to her shoulders it doesn't mean she gets all out aggressive.. And the demon is talking so...! The reaching for inside his coat does make her raise one of those hands encased in a tech glove, "Careful there..." she says, but does seem to relax some once Levian announces he knows Lara Croft. She nods sharply. "I am Daisy Johnson, agent of SHIELD.." a beat, "Or some just call me Quake."

It's when that job application comes out that she looks a mix of confusion but also amused. "Are you telling me..." and she picks up the application form.. ".. that you did this giant sign because you want a job with us..?" it all does sound a touch surreal indeed!

Eyes do start to skim over the form. "Hey, speaking human language is always a plus.." she murmurs, then adds, "You know, there were other, more subtle ways of calling out attention.." she notes. "Like, to come knocking. But I understand if not many would believe you if you just went saying that. But with Lara vouching for you..." she quirks a brow. "How did you meet her?"

Levian has posed:
"Human language is tricky, but I'm good at translating to the human I'm talking to. I've learned that your language is called English, though sometimes I can only think of words that fit in other languages that I don't know the name of yet. English doesn't have words for every infernal concept." Levian offers his hand to her, nodding. "I forgot the traditional human handshake, sorry."

"I wasn't sure how to contact you, people I asked didn't know, and it seemed rude to ask Lara Croft..." He considers her question, speaking in his very measured tone. It's less that he lacks emotion, and more that he seems uncertain of how to express himself, like someone in a foreign country. "She accidentally summoned me with an artifact that summons the nearest demon. I told her it was dangerous, so she said she was going to lock it up. She gave me a bottle of Earth water, it was very delicious."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"So you can speak in every human language..?" Daisy then asks.. That did seem interesting, and useful. But the offer of an handshakes makes her interrupt her line of thought, reaching to shake the demon's hand and smiling faintly. "Well, good to meet you Levian. I will be honest, I am glad this didn't turn out someone trying some kind of attack on us. And yes, that's a usual thing..." she sighs but then smirks. "Though I will give you ten points for the originality."

She folds her arms together, one hand still continuing to hold that Wendy application but she not looking at it anymore.. Instead her dark gaze is inspecting Levian, looking over his overall aspect and demeanor, as if assessing him. "You don't seem too used to being out here with us. Recently arrived from..., down there?" look, she won't admit there's an actual hell! "Or was Lara responsible for summoning you to Earth?"

She gives a pause for the demon to answer those questions before she finally asks, "But more importantly.., what makes you *want* to join with our group?"

Levian has posed:
"I was accidentally summoned about a month ago. I've never been summoned to Earth before, I think they miswrote or misspoke the name and probably accidentally used my true name. So I left, then I ran into Lucifer, who I didn't know existed, I always thought he was a myth, I'm very young for my species. But he gave me permission to stay on Earth if I stay out of trouble. I try to avoid him, he scares me." Levian takes his hand back, his third eye opening behind his bangs as he looks around them.

"I met the SHIELD agent who has a personality like a demon, I think her name is May. It's strange to me that she's a human. But anyway, they were doing an exorcism. She threatened to shoot me at first, but it was a misunderstanding, so they let me help. That was the first time I met SHIELD, before Lara Croft." he explains, perhaps for some context as he begins to hunch a bit. He doesn't have great posture.

"Then, a few days ago, I found someone, not a member of SHIELD, but she was there when the exorcism happened. I asked her what SHIELD actually is, and she said they're 'world police'. I've been looking for a job, and, I think I can do that?" he says a bit uncertainly, almost asking her. "I instinctively understand rules and law, so I simply have to learn Earth law and then I can help you. I like humans, I want to stay here on Earth and learn about them. Humans who aren't damned souls, I like them. There are new feelings here. Someone taught me the word 'peaceful', that's how it feels here. There's not a demon word that translates to 'peaceful', so I wasn't sure what the emotion was. Like your soul, it makes me feel good being around your soul. You're good."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"That makes me happy that my goth phase didn't last as long as it could had ..." Daisy murmurs once she hears about how Levian was summoned to Earth. Misspelling demon names and summoning God-knows-what to Earth?! Ufff, no thanks. It's when Levian mentions May's .., personality that she lifts the corner of her mouth in her quirky smirk. "I always knew she was part demon.." the tone is one of jest but then she adds. "And I am just joking.." just in case he takes her literally!

The opening of that third eye does make her furrow her brows but no comment about it just yet, instead focusing on what Levian says next on his reasons to join SHIELD. "For most Agents being part of SHIELD is more than a job. It's a wish to do good and make the world better as a whole, more peaceful as you say. Along with it being a family for many of us.." which for her it was obviously so.

She is a bit taken aback at being told her soul is a good one, blinking once but then grinning more openly. "Not really sure about that. If you knew how I got into SHIELD you might not think that.."

She pauses but then adds, "Look, I obviously can't go and say yes or no to you being part of SHIELD, but I can at least bring it to those who do so. Bureaucracy and hierarchy. I am sure you know all about it where you come from. But we have other Agents similar to you, not from well..., an hell.., but from other places who may not have fit so good out there in the open world."

Levian has posed:
"I mostly only want to consume horribly corrupted souls, like necromancers or serial killers. Good souls make me feel good rather than hungry. Though I don't really go around consuming human souls, not since Hell. I mostly eat demons, they're how I evolve, and Ienjoy eating Earth food, as most Earth food appears to be horribly desecrated life, like the Baconator. I find desecration to be very appetizing." Levian explains this very casually, and then his eyes perk up for once.

"I know goth humans. One of them is a witch. But all goths aren't witches." he repeats this last part as if it's something he learned.

"I understand. There is an order to things. It's why my titles are instinctively ingrained into my mind. But yes... I would like to be closer to humans. Being in Hell is very lonely, and while I'm making more... friends, I want purpose. I need structure. And thus world, it's better than Hell, but..." He walks over to the edge of the roof, staring down at the people below.

"There are dangerous things, and I realize that humans often don't know about them. I see people possessed by demons all the time, I frequently exorcise and consume the demons. And humans seem to tamper with magic without understanding the consequences, or because of their fear of mortality. I want to preserve Earth, I enjoy Earth. And since I don't require the consumption of humans to live, like most demons, I feel that I can help..." He looks back at her, brushing his hair away from his third eye for a moment.

"Lucifer exists on Earth, but humans don't seem to fear him. You don't seem to understand that you're prey for the higher dimensional things in this world. So..." He looks away from her with his two normal eyes, though the third continues to stare at her, which looks larger and more intense than the other two eyes. "I guess that's my purpose."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The whole consumption of souls makes Daisy quirk a brow, "You might want to lower on the whole openly talking about eating souls a bit. Not something people here are too used about ..." a beat. "But well, at least your sincerity is refreshing." she adds with a short chuckle. The mention of the baconator makes her look at the Wendy application again.., that might explain a few things..

"We have an whole department specialized in learning more about such threats. The ones that come from out there.." She informs Levian, eyes returning to watch him. "You would most certainly be a good fit with them if I had anything to say about your acceptance. And you do seem.., honest about your motives.." gaze now focusing on that third eye is it appears to be peering at her.

"It's a noble enough purpose, and that's what's needed. The will to help, to do more than what life's cards dealt us.." it's an oddly familiar feeling as she looks at the demon, noting some similarity with her own reasons to have joined.

"Where are you living at now..? Or ..." and she looks at Levian in a doubtful manner. ".. Do you have any means of me contacting you? A phone or some such?"

Levian has posed:
"I don't have a phone yet, I only just learned what they are. And I need a job to get one. But I do have a means of contacting me. I'm trusting you not to trap me." Levian waves his hand, and flames suddenly form what appears to be a fancy old brown piece of parchment, which he hands out to her.

"This is a summoning scroll. If you follow the instructions, you can summon me. It'll also help me stay out of Hell if someone ever decides to send me back." The scroll lists fairly simple instructions. Collecting various fire related ingredients, such as charcoal and wood, among other materials. And then there's phonetically written letters in English that look like something out of the Necronomicon from Evil Dead. And then there's English wording that's a bit unclear, but it says that one either has to state a personal shame or secret, as the final 'payment' for the spell.

He nods to it. "It's a simple spell, no magical powers are required to use it. I only give it to people I trust. Lara Croft has one."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
When the scroll is produced it makes Daisy again lift a brow. Look, she isn't *too* used to seeing magic! She opens it to look at what's written there, noting the words, "I am guessing I can't cheat the words by coughing them out ..." yes, she's quite the movie buff. Specially if you go to the old cult classics! She's always been the nerdy one on the team afterall. "And I was sorta serious about my goth phase being over but ..., sure I can open an exception .." she rolls up the parchment, slipping it into a small backpack she carries..

"I suppose I should get you something in return.." She looks within her pack and brings out a SHIELD phone, turning it on and starting to type on it rather quickly. "Setting this to a blank state and I will put in my contact so you can call me. It's a safe phone too." she tosses it over for Levian to catch.

"Consider it an intro to technology too as I am guessing you aren't too knowledgeable on how those work. No better time to start than now."

Levian has posed:
Levian catches it, and starts looking it over with wide eyes. His third eye finally shifts from staring at her to staring at the phone. It seems to have a mind of its own at times. "It's like an enchanted window that demon lords use for battle tactics."

His eyes shift up to stare at Daisy, though the third eye sticks to staring at the phone. "I hope we become friends. I heard about a human dish called tacos, maybe we can eat that if I join SHIELD."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy wiggles her fingers as if she was conjuring some kind of dark magic, smirking. "It's our own kind of magic.." she admits. "We aren't as clueless and weak as these .., high entities may sometimes think we are." #techpower!

"Now don't go and fill it with bloatware and click on every link you see once you get into the internet. Believe it or not you are not always the the luckiest 1000th person to visit a site." words of wisdom right there. "And tacos?" she shakes her head. "We abide by chinese takeout. You will learn to love it." At least if Levian gets any close to R&D!

She looks over to the rest of the city before nodding to Levian. "I will be going to report back. I will call you soon enough and we can set up a meeting. Works for you?" she takes a step closer to the edge.

Levian has posed:
"Yeah, I don't really live anywhere, but I prefer to stay near New York because it's small enough to understand. Earth is a dangerous alien world, after all." Levian starts to crawl over the edge of the building, not sticking to it, but seeming to skillfully parkour and latch onto grooves and ledges.

"I'll see you again, Daisy." he says in a probably unintentionally creepy demon way, before crawling into an open window.