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Namor Gets Legal Consultation
Date of Scene: 12 October 2020
Location: Throne Room
Synopsis: Namor invites Jennifer over for a consultation, and they instead end up having a sparring match on an island!
Cast of Characters: Namor, Jennifer Walters

Namor has posed:
It's a fairly calm night, at least in the surface building that Namor keeps his business, Oracle Corporation.

Jennifer Walters was invited to discuss some potential legal things involving the unnaturally out of season weather disasters in some countries, and numerous ongoing disputes with people on the surface who would like nothing more than the sue him for... well, his years of troublemaking on the surface when he occasionally gets very pissed.

But after all of that, Namor hasn't bothered to dress formally, instead in his weirdly revealing armor as he sits at the end of the table, looking kingly as he does. "But yes, I'll mostly be paying you for consultation. In terms of the various legal cases I have on the surface, I'll pay you when I need to, if that's fine. Personally I prefer to ignore surface law, but I did agree to 'play nice', as the terms of my conditions for a certain thing."

"Though I admit, I'm less interested in legal matters and very curious about you, personally. I've seen your numerous exploits, of course, but I wanted to see you in person." he admits, lounging back in his board room chair. "I am the King of Atlantis, but you are a busy woman, so I thought paying you for a consultation was the best way to avoid wasting your time."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer didn't hesitate to meet the King of Atlantis. He's a long time friend (usually) of the Fantastic Four, who she considers to be her second family. She's dressed all business like, with a black business suit that contrasts well with her green skin. Her hair is pulled back into a business like bun, and she's wearing her glasses, all of which gives her a very professional look.

"I'll do what I can," Jen says. "But really I'm a defense lawyer and international law is a bit out of my expertise. I know a few good people who can help you out on that end of things. They really helped me out getting Nadia Pym-Van Dyne her citizenship papers amidst all the red tape that Russia threw at us."

When Namor admits his true intentions of this meeting, she has the good graces to blush. "You could have just called, you know," she says. "I'd never turn down an invitation from the Prince of Atlantis."

Namor has posed:
"King, and I didn't want to be presumptuous, some people don't like that particular trait of mine." Namor admits as he motions around the board room. "Many surface people find some comfort in a board room, or four walls. Not everyone wants to be whisked away to Atlantis."

"I will take those referrals though, I actually will need them for future diplomatic plans." He watches her, perhaps pondering the various questions on his mind. "I've seen the occasional footage of what you do, but I admit to being at a loss for why you choose to wear a suit and sit in offices. I'm only here because I wanted to meet you personally. If you have so much power, you could be doing much more."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jen blushes even further when she realizes that she made a mistake. "King. Sorry. It's not every day you encounter royalty. And I, for one, would /love/ to visit Atlantis one day."

When asked about her chosen profession, she nods. "I get that question a lot. 'Why lawyer when you can punch a hole in a tank?'" She chuckles, "I want to help people, and there's more ways to help them than punching holes in tanks. Metahuman law is still in its infancy, and by helping people, and setting good precedent, it has the possibility of helping more people than you can imagine."

She shrugs, "You have no idea how many supers are in need of a good lawyer... one who really understands what it's like to put yourself on the line to combat all sorts of threats. That kind of perspective can really help in the courtroom."

Namor has posed:
"I suppose that's true, much like how Atlanteans aren't well represented in surface law or culture, they always have their insistance that they're the dominant civilization. No offense." Namor stands, walking over to her with his back perfectly straight, then he reaches for her hand.

"I was going to say before you arrived, that I was surprised someone your size is so powerful, but you might actually be taller than Princess Diana. You're certainly taller than me." But, looking down at her hand, he asks, "Do you mind? I'm simply curious, about your strength."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jen stands so that Namor can get a good measure of her height, all seven feet plus of it. "I know," she says about the Atlantians. "And to be fair, the surface world has been fairly careless about the health of the oceans, so I think the attitude is, at least, somewhat deserved."

When Namor asks for her hand she tilts her head curiously, and reaches out for him to take it. "I know you're pretty strong yourself but I /am/ a Hulk," she warns.

Namor has posed:
"And I'm the Emporer of the Deep, Imperious Rex." Namor takes her hand, and immediately squeezes it, trying to get a good gauge on just how strong she is. "I don't normally do this, it's a bit barbaric for me. But I couldn't think of a more efficient way other than some kind of pointless sparring match. Something about the Hulks, I find it fascinating."

"Though you're clearly more functional than the average surface dweller." he says without any real shame, and 100% arrogance. "I didn't want to offend you by suggesting you should have a barbaric fight just so someone can test your strength."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer squeezes back, trying to judge just how hard she can squeeze without breaking the King of Atlantis' hand. That really wouldn't look good for international relations. "It's the green skin," she tells Namor about the Hulks. "And the muscles. Some people are really into that."

She tilts her head at Namor's arrogant comment to her, taking it with stride. "I don't find sparring to be that barbaric," she says. "It's a friendly way to size up an opponent, and it helps you learn better fighting techniques, especially if your partner is on the same level as you."

Once she's done with the squeezing match she gives him a grin, "There. Satisfied?"

Namor has posed:
Namor looks her over at her skin comment, then tilts his head. "Yes, I agree."

He stares at his hand, flexing his fingers. "You're incredibly powerful." he comments, but... he shakes his head. "I'm not satisfied." he answers very honestly.

Walking to the massive window, he just sort of pushes it open. "Yes, you're right, we should spar. I'll fly us somewhere that we can remotely flex our strength without causing any collateral damage." He holds his hand out, waiting to see if she accepts. "I'm paying you, so I assume that your schedule is clear."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
A smile quirks Jennifer's lips. This isn't exactly how she imagined this meeting would go. She steps up and takes Namor's hand, agreeing to go with him. "Sure. Let's do this."

Namor has posed:
Namor takes her hand, and very violently swoops off. His grip is tight, not that she's likely worried about something as petty as a fall. But he flies //fast//, and soon they're descending onto a deserted island.

It's large enough to have grass and some trees, as well as some rich assholes' vacation cabins. But more importantly, the beach is pretty decently sized, and fairly impacted enough to walk on, as no one's really tended to the sand in a while.

He finally releases her hand, and starts to stretch a bit as he makes some distance between them, about thirty feet. "I probably should have let you put on a more combat appropriate outfit."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer doesn't complain about the rough takeoff and landing. She's had worse. Taking off her jacket and blouse, she shows that she has her She-Hulk uniform underneath. "Don't worry about that," she says. "I always come prepared." Once shed of her business clothes she folds them neatly on the sand. "Usually my day clothes don't survive those kind of encounters, so it'll be nice that I won't have to replace them."

She does a few stretches of her own before facing Namor and dropping into a combat stance. Clearly, unlike her cousin, she's had some combat training. "Say the word."

Namor has posed:
"I'm satisfied." Namor says, as 'the word', grinning with fangy teeth as he suddenly launches himself across the sand at a ridiculous speed.

"If you break, I'll be disappointed. But if you can pin me, I'll give you a large feast anywhere you want on Earth." Those are the terms, and he suddenly swings a ridiculous fist at her face, not pulling any punches. It's enough to create a shockwave that sends sand and rock flying everywhere around them.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
She-Hulk gets her arms up in time to block the punch to her face, the resulting impact sends a shockwave string enough to blow away her clothes into the ocean. "Dammit!" she cries, "my clothes!"

She may have the King of Atlantis up on strength, but for sheer speed he's her better. This is going to be a tough match. She pivots and does a one-two punch, hoping to get him to dodge the first right into the second.

Namor has posed:
"I'll buy you better clothes." Namor states with that persistent arrogance, easily dodging the first punch, but in between the strength and speed, the second sends him flying across the island.

He slams his feet into the ground, digging them through it to stop the insane momentum she created, and then he starts to adjust his jaw.

Too far away to say anything, he goes flying at her again until he's close enough. "I was expecting strength, but that's far more than I could have calculated."

He looks like he's going in for another punch, but instead he dives down to grab her ankles, attempting to //heft// her into the air, trying to just toss her across the beach with momentum if he can't quite land a good //punch// on her.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer isn't expecting an attack on her ankles, so she gets flung across the beach, and through a couple of trees. She manages to land on her feet, however, to stop her momentum and runs at Namor. Half way there she leaps into the air, and brings her fists up over her head, and when she lands, she uses all her strength and the momentum of her jump to put a crater into the beach, going full Hulk.

The resulting shockwave makes the one where she blocked Namor pale in comparison. It's strong enough to knock nearby trees over and the loud boom of impact is enough to deafen ears and can be heard across the entire island. "How's this for strength," she asks.

Namor has posed:
Namor //greatly// underestimates her strength in this moment, holding up both arms to block her instead of dodging out of the way. But what instead happens is he finds himself entirely slammed into the ground, both from the physical force //and// the shockwave.

He hears a ringing in his ears for a moment, and blinks, staring up at She-Hulk with his arms and legs spread like noodles.

Not a word is said for a long few seconds, until, "It seems I owe you a feast, and possibly thanks for the headache and racing heart."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer grins when Namor admits defeat, and holds out a friendly hand to help him up. "Seems like you do," she says. "You're not bad yourself," she admits. "You've got me on speed, but people always underestimate me when they first fight me because I'm not nearly as bulky as my cousin. The next sparring match we have won't be nearly as one sided as today."

She looks about the beach to see if she can recover any of her clothes, and manages to find her shoes. "Hah! My shoes survived! Do you know how hard it is to find shoes this size? I call that a win."

Namor has posed:
"It's difficult to calculate your strength and momentum. You move in a way that I wouldn't expect, and deliver a level of power that I wouldn't expect." Namor walks up to her to offer a more friendly handshake this time, once she's done with her shoes. "How often do you take a break from work? Because I can continue the trend of flying to lavish locations, if you like."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer laughs lightly at Namor's assessmkent of the fight. "Well, it's the kind of mistake that you only make once. If we'd kept going, I'm sure we would have been more evenly matched."

She clasps Namor's hand for a friendly shake of the hand. "I try to take breaks fairly often," she admits. "Otherwise I end up burying myself in work, and that's not healthy." Her eyes twinkle at the mention of making this kind of thing a regular affair. "Why, Namor. If I didn't know any better I'd think you're trying to ask me out." She shakes her head, "Regardless, I /could/ use some time outside the office. It'd be a good reminder to take a break and relax a for a while. You'll have to take me to Atlantis one of these days. I'd love to see it."

Namor has posed:
"Well, you won, so you have the choice of where you want a feast. I'll show up and interrupt your day job to take you to Atlantis soon. It seems more appropriately dramatic." Namor begins to float above the sand with his tiny ankle wings, staring down at her.

He doesn't answer to the takking her out, but he's clearly going to take her //somewhere//. "I'll see you soon."