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Latest revision as of 09:17, 13 October 2020

Order from Chaos
Date of Scene: 11 October 2020
Location: Columbia University
Synopsis: Hyperion gives a thank you gift, makes the acquaintance of Dove as Dawn.
Cast of Characters: Hyperion, Dawn Granger

Hyperion has posed:
    Having found two of the three he has decided he needed to locate... okay so three technically, but one of the meetings he had was interrupted by Toyman and his ridiculous Giant Robotic Kangaroos. But Hyperion has rather ludicrously good senses. So, having remembered some of the details of Dove, he has been searching New York from the air to find this person to whom he feels a great debt.
    But he thought he caught a glimpse of someone close at Columbia. So... weirdly, out of the blue in the middle of the afternoon, the man in black and gold comes floating out of the sky, landing lightly and gently on campus... sure, heads turn and such, but superheroes aren't -that- weird, are they?

Dawn Granger has posed:
It would take someone from another planet to think that Super Heroes are not weird or out of the ordinary or far from common place. Dawn certainly doesn't advertise the fact that she assumes the mantle of Dove when there is danger nearby or a threat to the innocent. That might be the crux of it. Dove and Dawn though one, are not one, all the time. She has spent entire afternoons thinking though this paradox.

Among the many that look up, Dove pauses on the broad steps that front the low rotunda of the Low Memorial Library. Hugging her books to her chest, she shades her eyes against the sun that flashes bright in her platinum blonde hair. After a quick glance around her, she descends the steps, alert to any signs of imminent danger though her prescient sense of danger seems to be asleep at the moment. She stops a few steps from the hero and points a tentative finger at herself.

Hyperion has posed:
    Inclining his head, Hyperion seems to be a bit confused. After all, Dawn transforms -into- Dove. But there -is- no danger present, and he shrugs his shoulders, "That is possible. But I am unsure. Also, I would not want to out someone if it did happen to be them that I was seeking. Do you know -me-?" he asks as his hands move to his hips, elbows flaring out his golden cape.

Dawn Granger has posed:
Dawn nods mutely before looking around at the gathering crowd of students that are beginning to block the steps. With a gesture she beckons him closer, "I rather think it is getting too public here. Errm, could we go someplace or meet somewhere. Oh!" she covers her mouth taking a step closer, "that is if there is something I haven't sensed."

A student she doesn't know reaches over her shoulder to take a picture of Hyperion. Suddenly, phones bloom in the hands of students and faculty all around them. Hyperion and Dawn are in a field of optics mostly turned on Hyperion but catching her, too.

"Pick me up, if you don't mind and let's get out of here," she says urgently as someone bumps her from behind.

Hyperion has posed:
    The whole cameraphone flash selfie phenomenon is not something Hyperion is unfamiliar with. His eyes narrow in an effort to preserve his corneas at the onslaught of light.
    He nods and moves between the blinks of the eye, or camera shutters. And before the next photo, the two of you are a hundred plus yards up... arms holding Dove so that the speed and acceleration don't tear her to pieces.
    Once up, he scans about and finds a convenient rooftop in the distance... and aims for the balcony of an unused hotel suite about a half mile away... landing to set Dove down with gentle grace before stepping back a half pace as if trying to get out of the personal space before it becomes even more awkward. "I hope I have the right person. It seems that fate has drawn -you- to me ... once again." he says while trying to keep a straight face. But it's evident that he is failing, if the right corner of his mouth twitching and trying to smile is any indicator.

Dawn Granger has posed:
Flying is not new to the young woman but it still isn't old hat. Flying in the arms of someone else is decidedly new. It's both liberating, exhilarating and somewhat scary. The flight is over too soon for her to have habituated herself to it.

She steps back simultaneously with Hyperion with a confusion of thoughts about personal space and old clips of Superman movies playing in her head. With a hitch of her shoulder she adjusts her backpack and the tweed jacket she wears over jeans and low heeled boots. Her blue eyes snap with humor, "Fate is it? Looks to me like you were looking for me. Loose ends to be tied up?" Concern then eclipses the smile, as she takes a half a step toward him, "How is your recovery going?"

Hyperion has posed:
    A shrug of a shoulder indicates eh, so-so without any words being spoken. His facial expression goes from wry humor to a resignation of details. "It seems that this is not -my- Earth. That, I could deal with. The fact that I have no idea how... or -if- I will ever return to my Earth, to my team, friends... family." He shakes his head. "But, when in Rome, right?" he asks.
    But the reminder of unfinished loose ends makes his face light up once more with a bit of a smile. As he does so, he reaches for his cape, which he pulls around and reaches into. It seems there are a few small pouches sewn into the underside of said cape. I mean come on.. skin tight costumes don't have pockets, do they?
    He withdraws a simple cylindrical document case and holds it out your way. "I am still trying to find a job in this world. But.. in my world, I was an artist of a sort.. a cartoonist for a large publication." he explains as he lifts his shoulders sheepishly, "It is not as if I could purchase than you gifts for those of you who put your lives on the line to give me a second chance at life." he adds, by way of an explanation of why he's giving a hand drawn cartoony image of Dove... to Dove.

Dawn Granger has posed:
Head tilted sympathetically, Dawn nods several times, "I can't imagine how I would be if suddenly I found myself in another time and place like you. Especially losing everything, friends and family. Have you been separated from your wife and children?"

Dawn hesitates as he hands her the cylinder extracted from his cleverly made cape. She wouldn't mine having pockets in her own but that kind of tailoring seems to be out of her hands and in the hands of the Lord of Order. Still pockets might equal order.

After a glance at him, she bobs her head in gratitude, then extracts the drawing to unroll it. "Thank you! That's very kind. Oh! This is very fun, very right though I think you exaggerated my good looks." She flashes him a brief grin. "The wings are perfect. I could think of a million places that would like someone of your talent." Looking up from the drawing, "I wonder what employment status someone from another planet and dimension might have! Because you're very talented."

Hyperion has posed:
    Wincing, Hyperion shakes his head, "For the record. My name is Mark." he states. "And I am not married. I was ring shopping if that helps narrow it down a bit." And then his eyes close for a moment.
    "So, that's not going to happen. I hope she's able to move on if I can't get back soon." he adds with a slow shake of his head.
    "Oh, the art." he offers with a shrug. "I suppose I could find a publication that had a use for such skills. But for the record... if my opinion matters at all, I think I may have downplayed your beauty." Sure, he's being nice, but not really.. not REALLY flirting.
    "Perhaps you could help me to navigate this world's employment market?" he adds.

Dawn Granger has posed:
"Hello, Mark," Dawn replies extending her hand to him in the best European manner. "My name is Dawn," she presses her lips together, gaze becoming distant for an instant before continuing. "For the most part of the time, it still confuses me. But, yes, Dawn.""

Eyes lowered, she sighs in commiseration at losing someone that he had wished to marry, "Oh, that must be a hard one. I /am/ sorry." Raising her eyes to earnestly fix her gaze on him, "Not knowing how you got here in the first place, do you think there is a way back? I mean, you might know how you got here. A two-way street, so to speak?"

Looking bemused at the idea of her helping someone navigate the job market, "Well, I'm not so sure, I'd be of help but I certainly do know some people who could be of help. I'm pretty young, never had a job myself. Yet. Working in the United States can be weird at the best of times for people who don't have citizenship status or working papers. I can ask my mother about that. She works for the State Department."

Hyperion has posed:
    Nodding his head, Hyperion, er .. Mark accepts the handshake. He tries to move on past the heartache of being here as opposed to home. "One factor to figure in back home... I've no idea if time passes the same here as it does there, but as the year is so close... I am assuming that I have been here for just under two years. Long enough for everyone at home to assume I am never returning."
    A pause and he shrugs, "We never figured out the technology that allowed those people to invade my world. We had planned to. Nighthawk is a tech wiz. But my whole plan to hold them bottled up in their gate sort of backfired... their gate imploded and the next thing I knew, I was waking up looking at the four of you. So I know -how- I got here, but I have no idea how I would go about making it work again."
    And then talk of employment. He grimaces a bit, "I am not exactly a citizen of any nation on this Earth. And my credentials were on file back home. I did not carry my driver's license on duty so... I am just an undocumented immigrant. Anything a member of the State Department could do, I would be most appreciative of." A pause and he inclines his head, "Do I detect an accent from Great Britain in your voice?"

Dawn Granger has posed:
"Oh! Bravo! You have a good ear for accents." Clearly, he wants to leave the sadder questions behind and she rushes to help him. "I have a double passport. I can sound American if I want to but it takes an effort. My mother is American though, my father English." Head bobbing from side to side, she adds, "I'm a member of the Titans. I think you'd fit right in with them, by the way, and I think there would be people who could make recommendations about employment. But, first, I will ask my mother what she thinks."

Hyperion has posed:
    "The Titans. So many teams." offers Hyperion. "Though.. Hyperion -was- a Titan in Greek mythology. I have learned that such is the case here too, so that is not the point at which our worlds diverged." Yes, Hyperion is rambling a bit in an effort to steer clear of those... awkward moments.
    "But Wanda. The Scarlet Witch.. and T'Challa. They are of the Avengers, and though they have not offered a position on their team... they -have- been letting me live at their base. I would not want to turn down an earnest invitation for membership to a team that needed my aid." A pause.... and he's not sure how to phrase the next part. "I bumped into Supergirl and her Cousins in the UK when I was there trying to keep that giant Ferris wheel from being destroyed. I understand Supergirl is also a Titan." He seems to think on this for a moment, "Her presence there is heartening, but yours is truly inviting." Again with the rambling. "You see, on my world, there was -one- team of heroes. There were a few minor groups, but the Squadron Supreme was -the- team. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but there were far less superhumans in my world. Perhaps that is where the divergence happened... the outbreak of genetic mutations. We never had those."

Dawn Granger has posed:
"And magic," Dawn adds, radiating enthusiasm. "There is another element to being a superhero here, as well: magic, the supernatural without any obvious base in DNA. But then, maybe there is a divergence that allows for the supernatural."

Her voice slows as she looks off into the middle distance considering the problem, "Certainly there are other worlds where there are beings who all seem to be superheroes to us. Since you are living with the Avengers, have you met Thor or any of the Valkyrie yet? Now, there is another kettle of fish. So, not everyone has been genetically changed like some of the Spider types or born to it like some of the X-Men. Others have had their powers bestowed on them." She shrugs modestly, "Like me."

Hyperion has posed:
    "Indeed. I have met Thor. He seems a gregarious enough fellow. Another thing we do not have in my world. Gods that walk among us. As I said, the population of superhumans is quite low. To have myself, Whizzer, Power Princess, Doctor Spectrum, and the others all in one team... is quite a thing."
    But then he shakes his head, "Here I am.. going on about my past. So tell me about these Titans. What is it that I would bring to the team that is not already present?" he asks as he inclines his head, "I presume that your mystical bent means that you transform somehow when heroism is required?"

Dawn Granger has posed:
Unaccountably, the young woman colors at what he says. "I've never had a mystical bent. Really. The Lord of Order decided that it would be me. If he had asked me ahead of time, I would have thought he was making a mistake, quite frankly."

Eyebrows raised in surprise at his question about where he would fit or what he could bring to a group, she considers a moment, chewing her upper lip, "Well, I'm not sure that people look at things that way. Maybe the Avengers do. The Titans seem to adopt people willy-nilly. I suppose the Avengers bring people on board, so to speak, when they need help?"

Hyperion has posed:
    Shrugging, Hyperion shakes his head, "I've no idea how the Avengers do their recruitment or whatnot. I was merely wondering where I might be of assistance. You already have Supergirl, who from what I understand... is similar in her powerset to my own. I wonder if her people were this universe's version of -my- people in my universe."
    He says that thoughtfully before shaking his head, "But I'd just be happy for an opportunity to be of help to others."

Dawn Granger has posed:
Arms crossed, Dawn nods earnestly, "Oh, I thought you and Superman had rather a lot in common. A lot. Supergirl, too, for that matter. I honestly don't think that you would be redundant in any group. On the contrary, I think other people might feel overawed by what you can do. I mean, I get the impression you have to tippy-toe around things so they don't break."

Hyperion has posed:
    "I have had to start over re-learning such things in fact." offers Hyperion with a shake of his head, "My body absorbs ambient cosmic energy in order to fuel my strength and other powers. This universe seems to have -more- of that energy which... well, it means that I am stronger here than I ever was at home. So I am having to learn how to handle it all over again. It is... humbling." he says softly, "I am treating everything and everyone as if they are made from eggshells. Before I realized this, I opened a door at the Avengers mansion, and then offered to repair it as I held it in my hands, off of the frame."

Dawn Granger has posed:
A bright grin breaks over Dawn's face making her look younger than her age. "Oh, that must have been banging funny." She muffles her laugh unsuccessfully behind two fingers. "Did you? I mean, did you get it back on? I hope they were understanding about it. I've heard that Thor was bashing about when he first arrived though that could have just been an exaggeration."

Hyperion has posed:
    "They did not let me try to re-attach it. Mostly because I am not exactly trained as a contractor. My talents would lie in either melting and welding with my Atomic Vision, or crimping it in place with my strength. Neither of which would make for a good permanent repair job."
    Hyperion shakes his head and does not stop the grin from forming on his face, "Objectively, it -was- fairly humorous. And yes, when Thor heard about it, he gave me a staggering slap to the back and said something about welcoming me to the club."

Dawn Granger has posed:
Dawn removes her backpack and balances it on the top of her feet to carefully tuck the picture cylinder into it. Straightening, she tilts her head thoughtfully to one side."I have to get to class, Mark. I will talk to my mother and to some of the Titans about your status. It must be frustrating for you to not be independent. I mean, I'm very lucky, I have a trust from my father and now live with the Titans so it's easy for me." After threading her arms through each strap, she hefts the pack. "So, I will do a bit of networking for what it's worth. Maybe we can find someplace discreet for you to drop me. What do you think?"

Hyperion has posed:
    Nodding his head, 'Mark' smiles. "You can contact me at the Avengers HQ. I have not even gotten a local communication device. So.." he shrugs, "If you are within a mile, you could yell my name, and I'll hear it." he offers as he begins to drift upwards. "Be well Dawn... keep safe and I thank you for all of your aid."
    That said.. he accelerates upwards, punching a hole in the clouds.