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Latest revision as of 19:53, 14 October 2020

Just One Small Problem
Date of Scene: 12 October 2020
Location: R and D Labs: Triskelion
Synopsis: Mori becomes a small problem for SHIELD, but Bobbi and Nadia have plans to solve the bigger picture.
Cast of Characters: Daisy Johnson, Mori Merritt, Bobbi Morse, Nadia Pym-van Dyne

Daisy Johnson has posed:
It had been a time since Daisy had ran into Mori close to that noodles place. Intrigued but also worried Daisy had promised to try and find some help among those more medically inclined for the condition Mori had displayed. And so the day had finally come..

Daisy had arranged with Mori a trip up to the Triskelion after all the security tests had been done and had been waiting at the entrance for Mori to arrive and lead her up to the R&D labs. She was dressed rather differently from before, in her black and blue shield uniform, high boots, even if the easy smile still remained.

As they make their way into the labs she gestures. "So, we normally bring chinese takeout for bribery purposes and help but this time I think we can skip it." a wink given to Mori.

Mori Merritt has posed:
"I'll have to remember that, then, if I need to come back," Mori says, her tone cheerful, if not a touch apprehensive. Dressed in a simple pair of jeans and a t-shirt with a print of birds sitting on telephone wires, the attire was mostly for comfort's sake. She wasn't /entirely/ sure what'd be needed. Slung over one shoulder is her messenger bag, her sketchpad and a handful of pencils being almost the only contents. She still hasn't resupplied too much since the fire.

"Chinese takeout really does sound good though..." Hungry, as ever.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Research and development is split up in to several areas. There's no such thing as a non-classified R&D project, so all the windows are frosted for privacy. As Daisy swipes in to the R&D room booked for this meeting, Bobbi is standing there talking to another agent.

She's dressed in a white lab coat with 'Dr. Bobbi Morse' embroidered in blue on the left breast pocket. Underneath she's wearing a black long sleeved t-shirt and black pants. Hanging from her belt is a lanyard and ID card which has on it a picture of her and 'Agent Morse'. There's other writing that's less visible.

"Also make sure Levin knows about the containment requirements for Croft's sample. Type T vessel protocols," she says and the other agent, dressed in all black much like Daisy, salutes to Bobbi and says, "Yes Ma'am!," and nods to Mori and Daisy as he passes, "Ma'ams."

Bobbi smiles as she sees Mori and says, "Come on in. You must be Ms Merritt." She offers her hand and says, "I'm Dr Morse. Biochemistry, not medicine. Welcome to SHIELD. Your first time visiting? you have that look on your face that says yes." She motions to the table and chairs, "Take a seat, tell me what's brought you here."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Bit of a grimace at that talk between Bobbi and Levin. Yes, it does bring memories about that damnable Resident Evil-esque exploration of the DEO underground lab... She lets out a brief sigh and waves to call on Bobbi's attention. "Hello.., Doctor Morse." bit of a smirk on her lips. Maybe it's the sight of seeing Bobbi doing lab work. Now forever labeled into the nerdy lab rats! (Well, maybe not)

"Yep, this is Mori. Thanks for helping." she remains standing, folding her arms together and resting her shoulder against a wall.

Eyes turn to Mori, "She is one of our best, she will help in what she can." she assures her..

"And I might just go get some chinese takeout while you two duke it out." she announces. Briberies apparently!

Mori Merritt has posed:
"You can call me Mori, that's just fine with me," Mori's cheerful attitude continues as she takes the offered hand with a small shake. She moves to set her bag down next to a chair before moving to take a seat as well. "This is my first time being anywhere like this, to be honest. Although the lab the Titans have is pretty cool too, honestly. But this is all..." She shrugs just slightly. "It's kind of surreal and /very/ cool."

She glances to Daisy for a moment, then back to Bobbi. "Uh, it's a little hard to explain everything, so I'll try and sum it up as best I can. So, I've always had a photographic memory, but a year ago I was in the woods, blacked out, and no one really knew what happened to me. I kept seeing things and I couldn't tell what was real and it took me months to really get back on my feet and properly... well, me." She seems to be trying to think of how to proceed. "I sort of... well, I don't really black out so much as kind of zone out. I'm still /there/, but I see things. Other places? I don't know. But I see things and I remember them, so I draw them." There's a vague gesture towards her bag. "I've got my sketchbook there. Anyway, regular doctors didn't really think anything was wrong, just said I was hallucinating or something... except I remember all the details because I /saw/ it."

She goes ahead and fishes out the sketchpad before offering it to Bobbi. "I have some friends in the Titans who ran a few tests and they said my temporal lobes were all lit up like a Christmas tree, which I guess was in kind of an /extreme/ way. So, uh, there's that." She seems about to be done with the explaination when she holds up a finger.

"Oh, right, and suddenly I can set things on fire which is a very new development."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi nods to Daisy, "Chinese yes please. Fitz and Simmons will want some too. Jenkins too may be.. eh." She waggles her hand on that last one. She chuckles at the praise and looks back to Mori, "Mori it is, call me Bobbi. The Titans have a very nice set up, so I'm told." She smirks just a touch.

"When you are zoning out like that, does your body do anything or do you just stand there or sit there zoned out until you come back?," she asks and accepts the sketch book, then opens it up and starts to peruse the drawings she's made."

There's a pause and she looks back to Mori, "And you set things on fire. How does that manifest - the point of a finger, the snap of finger tips, concentration with your mind? Should we get a fire extinguisher on the ready?" She is only half joking. She pauses a moment at a sketch of the night sky.

"These are good. There's a lot of tests we can do here and we can explore numerous avenues and if necessary draw in outside consultants - but everything is consent based unless you suddenly pose a clear and present danger to staff or, you know, the world."

She smiles again playfully. "So whatever it is we do I will explain it to you first and ask you if you wish to proceed. If it's going to be painful I will warn you before hand. Everything we discuss and discover here will be completely confidential and that includes if outside consultants are invited in to help. How does that sound? -- the first thing we can check is whether you have the mutant genes, Inhuman genes, or even Metahuman dark energy."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I recall you saying it felt almost as if you had been there on those places.." Daisy adds quietly to the talk, "When we spoke those months ago.." She slowly pushes herself off the wall. Chinese takeout it was then... Though a brow does quirk at the mention of both Titans and the ability to create fire...

"That's indeed new. And well, just in case.." She walks over to get a fire extinguisher from the room next door. Hey, it pays to be ready! And they are about to do some tests on her afterall!

"Anyway, I will return soon enough with foods.." A pause and a relase of a sigh. "Even for Jenkins..." and there she goes hunting for the delicious chinese takeout.

Mori Merritt has posed:
"... yeah, I didn't realize I was so hungry." Which, it seems, is a pretty common trend with Mori. In response to the question as to what she does when she's zoning out, she does a bit of a hand wiggle. "I mean, most of the time I'm just sort of unresponsive, I sort of just stand there and stare off into the distance... so I've been told, at least. I try /not/ to move around if I realize that I'm..." She seems to be having a bit of difficulty verbalizing the situation, which comes out as a mild look of frustration on her features.

"Well, I'll see things and realize I'm seeing them so I'll try not to move around too much because if I walk or something while I'm seeing something else I've ended up /actually/ walking somewhere else and ended up in a stream in a park on accident. It's not great." She rubs the back of her neck. "But Daisy's right, it did feel like I was there. Like virtual reality headsets. I can look around and everything, that's why it's hard to draw all of it sometimes." She glances watches Daisy as she heads out before her attention goes back to Bobbi.

"As to the fire, uh, that's sort of more of a thing that happens. There was a high-pitched alarm that I kept hearing and it really /hurt/. Painful to the point where I felt nauseous and then I didn't realize the fire near me was /me/." There's a bit of a frown as to that. "Anyway, yeah, of course. I don't want to accidently hurt anyone, but I haven't really done much of the fire thing since. I've tried, a bit. Set a few pieces of paper on fire in a safe situation... just sort of an at-will thing other than the... big one."

The mention of the testing gets a thoughtful look on her face. "I think the Titans checked in terms of that, at least a bit, and there wasn't anything genetically wrong and it didn't seem like there was tech in there doing it, they just noticed the thing with the temporal lobes and that was the only thing that seemed particularly weird." She gives a shrug. "I... really don't know what any of this means, honestly. Science isn't really my thing, it's art." As evidenced by the sketches--all of which are very good and done in a photorealistic style.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi opens up her tablet and starts to jot down some notes. "I see. The temporal lobes is a fairly large area of the brain. Perhaps we can narrow it down a bit more." She gets up off the chair and fetches a DNA testing kit. "I appreciate everything the Titans have done but I don't have their findings. I know Caitlin Fairchild is an excellent scientist, but if you'd humor me, I'd like to get a swab of your saliva for a DNA test."

"When you were on fire, you appear not to have suffered any trauma to your skin? so while you were emanating fire, you yourself weren't burning?," she asks and then walks over to an fMRI machine in the wall. She presses a button on it and a bed slides out. It makes a c-clunk noise as the magnets begin to spin up.

Mori Merritt has posed:
"Yeah, DNA is fine," Mori seems more than compliant with the idea of tests, though the machine gets her attention for a moment as she stares at it. "What was I saying?" She glances back to Bobbi. "Oh, yeah, the fire didn't really hurt me, I mean, the fire I was putting out. Pretty sure if I didn't make the fire I'd still get burned. Not super fireproof and I'm not exactly excited to try and test /that/ out." Setting herself on fire wasn't the plan she really had for figuring out any of this. She abandons her bag by the chair as she gets up to her feet.

"I promise I'll do my best not to set anything on fire, but I can't promise anything if you blast my ears out. Not entirely certain why the alarm wasn't bugging anyone else, but my hearing's a bit sharper than others, I think. Sort of what I discovered once I was 'better', after that first blackout. Things were a bit sharper and then there's the telekinesis. That I can control just fine, really. I figured that out. The fire's just a bit odd." She glances over. "So is this just one of those things where I sit on it and it'll scan or...?"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi raises an eyebrow, "Telekinesis too? You forget to mention that one. This quite a host of abilities you seem to be accruing. Some sort of far sight, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, sensitive hearing." She smiles and takes out swab and says, "Say Ah." She dips it in and takes a sample from the inside of the cheek, then takes that over to a work station where she cuts the tip off in to a sample container, adds some fluid to it, then inserts it in to a machine. A few button presses and it starts analysing it.

"That," she says motioning to the bed, "is an fMRI or Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. MRIs could take a single picture, but fMRI shows us a live video feed. The model we have is built here at SHIELD and has an extremely high resolution and an extremely fast aperture, which will allow us to track groups of neurones firing in both real time, and also slowing it down afterward to see what's going on."

She says, "If you're up for it, take off anything metal and lay down with your head under the arch at the end there. You shouldn't feel a thing, it's a passive technology not an active technology. That just means it's not shooting anything in to your head, just measuring the changes in resistance to the magnetic field as it spins around your head very very fast. The magnetic field is less than what you'd experience holding a phone speak up to your ear."

Mori Merritt has posed:
Mori smiles sheepishly. "The telekinesis and sharper senses was sort of what I figured out I had after I was well enough to really know what was going on around me. The fire was like a month ago now, I think, somewhere around that. I had no idea the fire thing was a thing until it just /happened/. One day I was fine, the next day it was like boom, suddenly I just have fire. Kind of alarming just waking up and having something like that just happen."

Once the swab's done, she checks to make sure she's got everything metal off. "That's why we kind of started figuring it was safer to do a little bit of testing, you know? See if I can figure out anything." She glances over, removing a bracelet from her wrist and tucking it into her bag. At least, that was what she /was/ doing a second ago. Now, in the blink of an eye she's just... not there?

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi turns back to the DNA analysis and checks that she's negative for Inhuman genes, Mutant genes, and no traces of dark energy. She turns back to see how Mori is doing getting rid of metal things so she can go in to the fMRI and.. she's not there. "Mori?," she asks the obligatory question and checks under the desk. The red light is on for the door - it's not blinking like it does when someone has gone through it without swiping.

"Did you just suddenly go invisible?," she asks and waves a hand slowly around the room. Slowly for soo many reasons. She twists her lips and picks up her tablet and presses the 'lockdown' button which locks the door so that no one can come back in.

"I'm going to.. limit my movement, so as I don't bump in to you, or step through you if you've become a ghost, or step on you if you've half fallen through the floor," she comments in a loud voice, then brings up the security feed from the room and replaces the moment she had her back turned. Her eyes widen as she sees a very familiar sight - Mori shrinking like The Wasp and Ant Man shrink.

She turns around slowly and takes off her glasses. She picks up her SHIELD goggles and puts them on. A tap to their side and they activate the UV mode and she looks around the room and spots a tiny Mori on the floor.

Ironically, this is something she's had to deal with before having been a student of Hank Pym once upon a time. "One moment Mori," she lowers down a petri dish and places it next to her, "Hop in and I'll get you off the floor. Good news, I happen to be good friends with the expert in shrinking things."

Mori Merritt has posed:
It's lucky that Mori didn't end up too far from the chair or her bag, meaning that between the footage and a visual scan it's easy to find where the now tiny woman is. It's hard to tell what she's thinking, being that small, but there's a slow move to climb onto the petri dish so she can be retrieved. She hops in and promptly sits, holding onto the edge for balance--she's well aware at how shakey things can get when you're small. She has, after all, been this small once before.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi lifts the petri-dish up and places it the workbench. "Daisy is going to be bringing too much food for you to eat," she jests and sends a message to her, <Mori just shrink like Ant-Man.. did you know about that one?> and then sends a message to Nadia, <Are you free? I need you to come to the Triskelion, I need an expert in Pym Particles to assist me. I'll organise a security pass for you at the front desk.>

"You didn't tell me you could also shrink Mori," she says and unlocks the doors again.

Mori Merritt has posed:
It's hard to tell exactly what Mori's trying to do, but there's a tiny stomp and a bit of flailing before she just flops entirely down, leaning against the edge of the petri dish in some kind of helpless and dejected way. Or maybe because it's somewhere to grab that feels safe.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
<I didn't even know she could manifest powers.> Is the answer that comes from Daisy. Then another <These noodles are so little that she won't have any problem eating them if it's permanent!> Then another sent a beat later. <It's not permanent is it?>

All the excitement of going for some takeout at her usual place means they mostly have her order ready when she gets there. Efficiency at it's best! So it doesn't take long for her to be making her way back to the labs, the waft of food permeating through the halls. At least the outside ones..

She makes sure that FitzSimmons get theirs first and then makes way back to the room where supposedly mini-Mori and Bobbi are.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi hmms thoughtfully at the tiny dejected look Mori is giving. A ding on her phone from Daisy. She checks it and replies <I have no idea yet. I've called for an expert. I've probably just made her day - I asked for Nadia Pym to join us. She's never been to R&D in the Triskelion before - for obvious reasons>

She snaps her fingers and smiles, then goes over to a drawer and rummages before coming back with a microphone. She plugs it in to the computer and sets it to pass-through, then angles it down over the petri-dish, "Okay try talking now, I should be able to hear you and apply filters to adjust things if it's still too hard to understand what you're saying."

Mori Merritt has posed:
Tiny Mori approaches the microphone, just because she's not entirely sure how close she needs to be for it to pick her up. "Hello? Please tell me this is working. /Please/ tell me you can hear me." Regardless, she settles down on the edge of the petri dish closest to where the microphone is, tiny knees drawn up to tiny chest. "Caitlin said I wasn't broken but now I'm /really/ skeptical..." That's mostly to herself either way.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
<*yawn emoji**Girl emoji**Thumbs up emoji*> Janet's influence seems to be rubbing off on Nadia's texting, now with emojis. <Just woke up, still a bit jet lagged. Will be there soon, need coffee. Suit probably easier than getting dressed.> is the full message that comes back from Nadia.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Entering the room right when that microphone is being put to use, along with her own focus on the small vibrations coming from Mori means Daisy lets out an instant grimace. "Woah..., no need to scream.." but she is quick to lower her attunement to Mori's vibrations, setting a bag of food on a nearby table.

"And yep, we can definitely hear you. Broken?" She quirks a brow. "You just did something awesome!" she says in a cheering manner.

"The only drawback is skipping on noodles for a little bit while we figure this out.." She looks thoughtful then, pressing her lips together, perhaps understanding that struggle of attempting to control those powers when they first manifest. "First thing is knowing you are with people that will do all they can to help you." thats apparently something quite important to her.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi looks over as Daisy enters the room with OH THE SMELL food. She blinks, "You could hear her? huh, the things I learn about your powers." She rolls across the floor on her chair to the food and starts sorting it across the table. She brings a few things back and carefully puts them on the opposite side of the dish for Mori.

"Thanks for getting the Chinese Daisy. Delicious."

... some time passes ...

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Maybe it's the bubbly personality, more likely it is the fact she is still only sixteen but people, particularly those that do not otherwise know her, tend to take Nadia more seriously when she wears her Waspette suit. Maybe it is the JVD Fashion label or the Titans insignia, but it's definitely a thing. Nevermind that she probably wore it primarily to save time getting dressed.

Nadia rocks up to Triskelion security with a tray of Starbucks cups in hand. They know her, this isn't the first time she has been here, though for once she isn't here because she's in trouble.

After some rather one sided attempts at chitchat, she is given her security and escorted back towards the Labs where Bobbi, Daisy, and Mori are waiting.

"Thanks for showing me the way!" Nadia beams at her escort as she steps inside before turning towards those in the room, "Bobbi! Do you want coffee? I brought coffee. If you don't want some I can drink all of them, it's cool. Oh Hi Bobbi's co-worker!" She waves at Daisy, "I'm Nadia! ...so what's up? Where is this particle problem? I can't believe you finally let me into R&D!" Her eyes are darting this way and that scoping out all the different technologies and devices present within the lab space.

Mori Merritt has posed:
While Mori isn't a technology or a device (at least as far as she knows), she's present in the lab. Hard to see, but the tiny figure is still hanging out on the safety of the petri dish where the microphone still is so she can actually be heard. But that's a familiar voice and Nadia being there seems to both calm her and she's panicking all at the same time.

"Nadia!" That's the relief.

"OhgodI'mstuckhelpwhatdoIdo." That's the panic.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Daisy." Is Quake's reply, offering a small grin up to Nadia, "Think we met before. When getting Dr. Banner back.." She says, still going through some food over at a corner, chomping down on it.

She nods down to where Mori is sitting at. "We have a mini-Mori case apparently."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi is paged when Nadia turns up, just to make sure she really wants her loose in R&D. She sends back the okay signal and then waits for the door to open. "Alright, glad you're here. Coffee will be good thank you." She says, "The problem is Mori, who I see you've already met, has shrunk. First things first, we need to find a way to unshrink her - and then figure out how she shrunk in the first place."

She shakes her head a little bit. There's no such thing as a normal day at work. Not ever. "Because Mori didn't intend to do this. As Daisy says, we have a mini-Mori case." She takes one of the coffees and has a sip, then sits back down. "So as excited as you are to be in the Trisk R&D, we must focus on what's ailing Mori."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"Huh? What?" Nadia is suddenly looking around when she hears her name and it is not either of the two readily visible people in the room, "Oh right!" She finger guns at Daisy, "Sorry, a whole lot has happened since then. Like, wow so much. Alien Battle Moon, missing friends, Soviet torture, it's been a bit of a rough month. But hey, I'm a full member of the Titans now." Gotta keep positive.

The coffee is set down in a convenient spot for the moment as she looks between Daisy and Bobbi, "Oh Mori is here?" She looks around and the realization settles in, "I see, Mini-Mori, understood." She nods her head, "Yes, I met Mori in the aftermath of a dorm fire she was found at the heart of. Cait and I took her to Titans tower before the Warworld invasion and Cait wound up missing and I wound up in a Soviet Gulag, sorry Mori." She continues looking around until she spies where Mori is.

"Shrinking definitely wasn't in the list of things she could do when we were running tests. Did she show you her Alien drawings? Like those shows on the History channel. I mean she has missing time and if the Star Charts we know match, maybe those alien looking ones match something too, but nothing in any database we had access to at the Tower. Cait didn't think it was aliens, but she couldn't come up with what it actually was either, so I mean, might be aliens. I was going to ask some people who might know better, but alien invasion and Soviet Gulag."

She grabs one of the boxes of Chinese food in one hand and one of the cups of coffee in the other and seems to blink out of existence. Her disappearance is only momentary though as she is soon spotted again landing next to Mori, the same size that she is and handing her Chinese food and coffee that is now comparatively normal sized for her. "You okay Mori? Sorry we both kind of vanished on you like that."

Mori Merritt has posed:
It's pretty clear Mori would have launched herself towards Nadia for a hug were she not holding Chinese food and coffee. She accepts the food and beverage, though, and distracts herself with it for a moment before she answers. "I have no idea what's going on and things keep happening but everything's great." Maybe a bit of panic there, but she's holding it together. Mostly.

The coffee gets a little sip. "But you're okay, which is good. I was worried." Nadia being safe is a very good distraction for Mori, it seems.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia smiles as she hands over the food and coffee but it's pretty clear she still feels bad about essentially bailing on Mori. "I am okay, yes. Don't worry, we're going to figure out what's going on with you." She very deliberately avoids using the word 'wrong'.

"Can I see your arm?" Nadia asks as she produces an advanced looking syringe-like device from... somewhere. "The first thing to check and the reason they called me is the most common source for this type of thing is something called Pym Particles. There are a few other possibilities mostly related to ...alien technologies. But if it's Earthly in origin we should find residual Pym particles in your blood."

The device gives Mori's arm a small poking sensation as it extracts the blood sample, but is largely painless. "Okay, I'm going to go check this with Bobbi, but I won't be far." she says and flutters up into the air to a safe distance before returning to normal size with the blood sample, "Bobbi, I brought you a blood sample. Hopefully we can find residual Pym particle traces in it."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi raises an eyebrow as Nadia reappears with the sample. She accepts the pipette and sets up a slide, then puts it in the analyser too. It doesn't take long for it to confirm no pym particles present. Bobbi furrows her brow a moment and says, "Well that I did not anticipate."

She takes out her tablet and phones tech storage, "Agent Morse here, Agent I need you to find item 78-G-2. It's active, but not dangerous. Bring it to lab room 3," she says and hangs up. "When Brainiac left a big hole where Bushwick use to be we scanned the radiation. If it's not Pym Particles, may be it's similar to what Brainiac did. I've just requisitioned the customised scanner Stark made for that operation."

It doesn't take too long for a custom drone to be brought to the room and set on the table. "Mori we're going to do a different kind of scan this time. Since we detected no Pym Particles, the only other recently known shrinking technology was from that big alien invader Brainiac. We're going to scan for that. Are you okay with that?"

Mori Merritt has posed:
"So you /really/ think aliens is a thing?" Mori certainly does remember Nadia's prior assessment of it all being of mysterious alien origin. She watches Nadia's return to normal size, then nods her agreement... only to realize her nodding's a little too small to see. "Um, yeah, that's fine. Honestly I just..." It's clearly a bit overwhelming. "... yeah. Do whatever you need to do."

She sits down again, her back against the edge of the petri dish. She's got that chinese food and coffee, at least. Even small things get big appetites!

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia takes a turn looking through the microscope and hmmms quietly to herself. When she straightens back up again her face is twisted in deep thought. "Not Pym Particles, the next thing to do would be to analyze her molecular density. There are two primary ways things shrink, one being exponentially harder than the other, reducing the space between atoms and reducing the size of the atoms themselves. Examining her atomic structure will help us narrow it down. Cait might still have a blood sample from before this happened at the tower that we can cross-reference against."

When Bobbi brings up the Stark Tech scanners Nadia perks up, "That was when we found the bus, maybe Dr. Foster's spatial distortion scanners would be useful too, if her shrinking is somehow related to a spatial or dimensional distortion. The thing about Brainiac's technology though was it required a huge amount of power." she looks back at Mori again, "Like the entire New York power grid just to resize a bus with the way if manipulated the atoms." The way she's peering at Mori it's like she is trying to imagine her producing that much power on her own somehow.

Mori's question about aliens brings a smile to her face, "Aliens are definitely a thing, I've met several. Most of them seem to be solar powered for some reason. We just recently defeated an Alien Battle Moon Station Thing that was trying to invade Earth. Brainiac was an alien. Really at this point aliens should probably be way higher up in the order of what we check for when something has a mysterious cause."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi picks up the drone and turns it on, then holds it over the petridish or a moment. She puts it back and down and looks at the results on her tablet. "Hm. Nope, none of the expected radiation from Brainiac's technology." She smiles to tiny-Mori and says, "Well, we can't rule out aliens quite so quickly anymore. Not since they attacked New York, attacked Genosha, that thing in Shanghai, attacked New York again, and then attacked the whole planet. It seems Earth is on some world conquerer tour or something."

She nods to Nadia and says, "Yes, the spacial distortion scanner. That might give us a positive regardless of how it was done." She picks up her phone and again talks to another agent to requisition the next scanner. "Nadia what do you know of DoomTech shrinking?"

Mori Merritt has posed:
Mori looks up with a mouthful of noodles, blinking at the mention of huge amounts of power. She chews and swallows before she tries to speak up again. "Like, if you were hungry all the time and just kept eating?" She seems curious about the aliens though. "I mean, I get how there are aliens but it always makes me think when people suggest aliens that it's like... some creatures we'll never be able to communicate with or understand."

She pauses. "I mean, I don't understand the stuff I hear, so maybe it's aliens..."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"DoomTech?" Nadia looks back in Bobbi's direction with a slightly evasive expression before she finally admits, "Pretty much all there is, as far as his shrinking technology. I have a copy of the plans for his shrink rays in my lab." Among all the other classified and top secret science documents the Red Room acquired for her through questionable means, "I used them when I was designing my own since Pym Particles don't normally function well with beam based delivery, it required a fair bit of tinkering to integrate the designs." After recovering from her tangent she realizes why Bobbi might be asking, "This doesn't seem like DoomTech, but I'll know more in a second once I get a look at the atomic structure of her blood and compare it with some of the data we took in the tower."

Nadia looks back to Mori as she walks over to a powerful Electron Gravimetric Microscope, SHIELD really does have some of the best toys. "Way more power than that, though that does sound like all the extra caloric energy is being used to power /something/."

The sample is placed within the scanner and she hunches over the readout as a map of the atoms in Mori's blood, their relative size, and the distance between them is rendered three dimensionally on the screen with accompanying numeric data. A cutting edge StarkTech tablet is produced from her pocket as she cross-refferences the data. "It's not DoomTech." She comes back with after a moment, "It's really strange, it's like Pym Particles, almost exactly, but there's no Pym Particles to cause the Pym Particle effect. I've never seen anything like it before!"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi remembered their talk about what Nadia was reading in the Red Room when she was learning to be a scientist. She read her papers and 'several other classified peoples' work. It was a shot in the dark about DoomTech but it paid off. Also nice to have a confirmation that Doom has been messing with that stuff. She'll file that one away later.

Bobbi walks to the door and accepts the case with Jane's scanner in it and plops it on the table. She opens it up and brings it over to Mori too. She begins to scan and says, "Not Brainiac tech either." The two different scanners confirmed that. But finally they have _an_ answer.

"Right, something Pym Particles but not actually Pym Particles," she hmms thoughtfully. "Which suggests you could de-shrink her, but we are still no closer to understanding the mechanism. Pyrotechnic, Telekenetic, Far vision perhaps, and Shrinking. Mori you may just be one of the most powerful super-humans on the planet."

She takes a seat at the table and eats another dimsim and postulates, "This isn't going to be an easy find and if Mori is willing to be patient?, we could gather a group of minds together to look in to this."

Mori Merritt has posed:
"So is that a good thing or a bad thing? My... molecules aren't gonna vibrate and explode me into bits or something?" Mori looks up from her half-finished carton of chinese food. She's certainly eating it quick. Doing some sort of new use of an ability might have made her a bit hungry. "For the record, this has never happened before and I don't know /how/ it happened. Kind of woke up on the wrong side of the bed but I was pretty fine otherwise..."

The suggestion of being powerful gets a bit of a laugh. "It doesn't really feel like I'm super powerful..." She trails off, seeming to have lost herself to thought, just sort of staring off in the distance.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia nods her head slowly at first but cants it a bit to the side, "In theory I can resize her atoms to their prior size, though it is not without risk. Without knowing the actual mechanism for how they got into that state, if for example it is temporary then when it wore off if I already made her normal size she might wind up suddenly giant sized instead. I mean I can do it but without knowing the catalyst or means by which it was accomplished the first time that risk is definitely present."

"Honestly with something I haven't seen before I can't make any guarantees about what your molecules might do Mori. But they certainly don't look like they're going to do that. It's a good thing insofar as it is a place to start." She pauses looking thoughtful for a moment, "If you did it to yourself, maybe you can undo it yourself, like the Telekinesis or Fire, try thinking big thoughts?"

The mention of a group pulls her attention back to Bobbi, "I've been planning to start a lab, a Science Team to tackle major issues and hopefully make people's lives better and change the world. Shuri is already going to join me, and I think Valeria probably will too though I still need to ask her. We could probably take this on." That list of names, unsupervised, will the world survive?

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi hmmms thoughtfully and asks, "The group you were talking about on our road trip?" She lifts an eyebrow and says, "They are all very talented scientists, geniuses in their own right. I can't honestly imagine you successfully running a lab while you're excitedly digging in to some science."

There's a small playful smirk and she says, "How's about I keep things ticking over so you and your colleagues can focus on making the world a better place - starting with Ms. Mori Merritt here. We could construct a monitoring device to alert us if she suddenly grows.

"There's always options - quality of life though, is what we need to consider first and foremost. These bouts of zoning out, hearing voices, seeing far off places, setting things alight. This is a period of adjustment and if we can ease that or manage it, all the better." She hmms thoughtfully and says, "You know who else might be a good fit, especially considering what's happening with you right now Mori, might be Vivian Vision."

Mori Merritt has posed:
Speaking of zoning out, it appears that Mori's either not paying attention to the situation anymore or she's doing just that, idly staring off into the distance with a bit of a blank stare. At least they're seeing her incredibly impressive skills in action!

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia briefly makes a face of mock annoyance at Bobbi's comments about her ability to run a lab. Though it's true she's never run a lab involving multiple people before and Bobbi has. "Okay, I /guess/ you can help." She replies in overly dramatic teenage fashion, though it's pretty clear she's actually quite excited to have Bobbi's help. "Yeah, I definitely want to ask Viv, she's the best with computers and my adorable Great Niece, which makes her double great. Maybe Caitlin and Lorna, too, they're really smart oh and Jemma! I haven't seen her since the Dire Wraith incident, she was really cool though and maybe Illyana, too, she's a magic genius and magic is just like another set of physics and we should really understand all the physics to tackle all the problems." It's like a dam has broken as she gets lost in talking about all of her ideas for who to recruit for G.I.R.L. She doesn't even seem to notice Mori has stopped talking in her excitement.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi smiles at Nadia's sudden excitement. She is used to this reaction from the young woman, but it's never not delightful. As she starts rambling though she glances back to Mori and frowns, then snaps her fingers to Nadia, "Focus. Mori are you still with us?"

She frowns a touch more, "Okay the risk of growing larger later can be dealt with then, we need to unshrink her now Nadia." She picks up the petri-dish and carefully moves it over to the bed of the fMRI machine and gently tips her out. "Do your thing Nadia."

Mori Merritt has posed:
While Nadia might be able to focus with a snapping of fingers, Mori seems to be somewhere else entirely. She's still got the empty container of chinese food in one hand, but she's certainly not paying attention. Who knows when the small space cadet will be back.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia blinks as her attention is called back to the situation at hand by Bobbi, "Oh right, Mori. Yes. Hmmm, yeah it shouldn't be took hard to rig up some sort of monitoring device that will send a signal if her molecular distance changes." She nods to herself like a schematic is already forming in her brain.

She walks over to where Bobbi has placed Mori on the bed of the fMRI machine. "Also, I am not sure how the introduction of particles will interact with what is happening to you, so they might wear off after awhile and then you'd shrink again. So yeah, monitoring device."

The actual process itself of restoring Mori is relatively simple. Nadia raises one of her gauntleted hands and points it at Mori firing a beam from the emitter mounted on her wrist. So simple, and yet the results are immediate as Mori goes from Mini Mori to Regular Mori in the blink of an eye. "Tada!" Nadia gestures grandiously at the now full-sized more, "All better! ...sort of, maybe. Yeah I'll get to work on that monitoring device."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi gets a pocket light and flashes it in to Mori's eyes, "I'm not sure she heard any of that Nadia." She checks her pulse too. She's no medical doctor but she's done first aid and hung around with Simmons. She presses a button to activate the fMRI camera and start recording what's going on in Mori's mind.

"Sort of fortuitous but also extremely concerning. If she doesn't snap out of this in the next 30 seconds I'm going to have to call a doctor in here and rush her to the medical wing."

Mori Merritt has posed:
Mori's eyes react normally to the light, but she just stares off at nothing. At the very least, it's giving great readings of the fact that there's a lot going on in there, certainly not to a normal degree. Her eyes are fine, her pulse is fine, she does seem to be in good medical condition, she's just not responding.

Well, she wasn't, but as quickly as she had zoned out she seems to be back. "Wait, what about a doctor? You said something about a doctor and something about monitoring? I think I heard that. There was a lot of noise that time."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"Oh!" Nadia's face lights up with realization. She hadn't noticed because Mori was so small before "Is this the spacing out thing..." Just as she is saying it though and Bobbi is activating the fMRI suddenly Mori is back, "...was that?" she corrects the tense questioningly now that the episode seems passed. "Damn, that would have been a perfect chance to study it if we'd had her in the machine already going." She looks back at Mori, "What happened? You were completely unresponsive, what did you see this time?"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi hmms and relaxes as Mori seems to snap out of it. Catatonic states are not a good thing to write in the report. She says to Nadia, "We got //some// data, just not all of it. We can look through it another time."

She places a hand on Mori's shoulder and smiles, "You zoned out, just the way you said. You were unresponsive which is a serious medical condition." She turns off the fMRI camera and says, "You can sit up if you'd like. I'm not sure there's much more we can learn today, but I'm going to encourage Nadia to gather a group of her smartest friends together to work on your problem. How does that sound to you?"

Mori Merritt has posed:
"A red ocean with cliffs that looked like teeth. And a... chant? Something with a rhythm. Like it was a ritual or something. But it was hard to hear because the ocean kept crashing into the rocks and it was like a roar," Mori explains, trying her best to recall the sounds--the visuals stick the easiest, but sounds are fleeting, especially ones she has no real way of describing.

"I mean, that's the sort of thing that happens all the time, it was better for a while, that's why I came to New York. I was trying to live without it getting in the way. It's... not really been doing so great lately, though. Especially with all fire and shrinking and stuff..." She looks between Bobbi and Nadia as she sits back up.

"I mean, I'd appreciate it. If you have time and you want to, I just don't know how to handle it on my own and people didn't believe me before." She frowns. /That/ part seems to sting the most.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia nods in agreement about looking it over later when Bobbi mentions they did manage to get some data. She then listens carefully and attentively to Mori's description of what she saw. She looks at Bobbi and back at Mori and says to both of them, "Aliens."

She holds up her hands like 'what else could it be?' "I mean that sounds pretty alien, or magic, I guess it's possible you're being influenced by another dimension, too. I know someone who knows a lot about that also! But yeah there is definitely something happening and it is definitely not normal."

She takes a step towards Mori and puts a hand on her shoulder reassuringly, all of the bubbliness gone for a moment, "Don't worry, /I/ believe you and we're going to figure out what is happening to you and how to help you." The words are chosen very carefully, not what is wrong, not how to fix, but how to help, to do what is best for Mori in the end. "I promise."