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Latest revision as of 19:38, 15 October 2020

The Chikara School of Karate Infringement
Date of Scene: 15 October 2020
Location: Chikara Dojo
Synopsis: Colleen calls Foggy for some legal advance and also gets Kitty and Dinah turning up. It's suddenly a busy Wednesday Afternoon.
Cast of Characters: Colleen Wing, Kitty Pryde, Dinah Lance, Foggy Nelson

Colleen Wing has posed:
"Ichi, kaia, Ni, kaia, Ichi, kaia, Ni, kaia," the sound of the teenage students in the dojo as they practice their punches. A senior student is leading the group right now wearing a brown belt. A dedicated student in Karate he has proven himself capable of looking after the class when Colleen is drawn away from teaching it herself.

Such as now, looking with concern at the photos of another martial arts school with far more funding a few neighbourhoods away who have stolen her dojo name. 'Chikara School of Karate'. There's really only two lawyers she knows and one of them actually puts in the hard work.. so naturally she called Foggy Nelson.

The rows of teenagers in their white gi's take up the center of the dojo. They range from physically competent to incompetent white belts. But everyone has to start somewhere. Colleen is in her keiko gi too as she was doing the teaching up until a few moments ago.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty doesn't know anything is going on beyond normal dojo stuff. She arrives at the martial arts school, carrying bags of Indian food. Shoes removed she makes her way around the outside and over towards the private quarters. When she sees Colleen standing there, still dressed for classes, she just gives a silent wave of the bag and a big grin. It's a sure thing that Colleen's favorite takeout from that particular restaurant is in the bag. And lots of naan. Naan for today, naan for tomorrow.

Kitty is wearing jeans and a navy blue blouse, with a light jacket overtop for the cooling weather. Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail, and she has on tennis shoes. While she has Colleen's eye, Kitty motions her head towards the living area in the back room, a silent question if she should go ahead and take it in.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah's taking a break from kicking thugs and other miscreants in the face. And what does Dinah do on a day off from dark, brooding vigilante work? She helps teach kids how to kick people in the face, using more gentle, demonstrative kicks. Or at least pointers on kicks.

She's decked out almost indistinguishable from her 'night job', although the fishnets are replaced by well-worn jeans, beyond that it's the usual boots, jacket, and top. Although she's got some hoop earrings in, not something she usually allows for serious business. For now she tosses Colleen a wave as she slips in, and mostly focuses on the students, instantly starting a silent list of constructive criticism with a cheery little whistle, and even a few 'Way to go's for the younger students who need the confidence building.

Foggy Nelson has posed:
Foggy passes a street food window with a sigh and a glance at his watch, hustling down the street to... a restaurant, no... a bodega, no, a little further down the way... oh, there it is. Foggy starts up the steps of the building holding Chikara Dojo and huffs his way to the appropriate floor. With a frown and a deep sniff, he knocks on the dojo door.

He's wearing a pink button-down shirt and a slightly lighter-toned tie, both a little sweaty and pulled from their usual places -- his tie a few inches down, the sleeves rolled up a few inches above his elbows. His khakis are doing quite well for the abuse he gives them, and he's wearing dress shoes... at least, dressier than sneakers, but able to pound the pavement to an appointment.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen raises her eyebrows as she sees Kitty. She smiles and then nods in agreement to the back room. Then Dinah has turned up! what a Wednesday. You call a Foggy and you get a Kitty and a Dinah for free. What a deal. The knock on the dojo door is met with it being opened and a smile, "Thanks for coming Foggy. This way," she says and leads him to the backroom, "One moment while I get the kids going on the next thing or they'll get bored and bored teenagers is no fun for anyone."

She walks back out on to the dojo floor and claps her hands. The students stop their punching practice and return to seiza on the floor. Colleen takes down a jo off the wall and gives the quarter staff a twirl around her hand. She steps up in front of the class, "You're all doing great today so as a treat we're going to do a little jo work. The set of 13. Hands up if you remember it." Three of the older students raise their hands.

"Great everyone grab a jo. I'm going to go through it once, then Yi I want you to lead the others through it step by step. This is good practice for your next grading."

She begins to move through several strikes of different kinds both ahead of her and behind her. Each movement is a clean snap with a touch of flow between them. It's clear she is teaching to strike with the way she moves it, not just to look pretty twirling a stick around.

"Okay everyone, the 13, go," she says and the class bows and replies, "Hai Sensei, onegaishimasu." -- Colleen replies, "dozo," and puts her jo away, retreating to the back office.. which is a bed and a couch and a table, a tiny kitchen. Colleen returns to this backroom and sits at the small table.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty is moving about the cramped living area, pulling out plates and then getting out the food from the bag. She glances up as Collen leads Foggy in, a brief look of curiosity given by Kitty as Colleen heads back out into the dojo.

She notes the shirt and tie and khakis, someone coming from work. Or for work maybe? The nineteen year old isn't shy though, moving over the short distance to Foggy. "Hi, I'm Kitty," she says, offering him her hand. "Friend of Colleen's? Can I get you something to drink?" she asks, motioning towards the cramped little kitchen. The bags of food are set out there on the counter, some of the containers pulled from it but still closed for the moment.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah allows herself the rare treat of not discussing rooftop stealth and the like, while offering little pointers to the students, she also makes her way towards the back office, and once things are underway she slips in and grins brightly, humming out downright cheerily. "Well! This is quite the get together... is this what it's -always- like outside of Gotham?"

She flashes a little grin to show she's... at least one quarter joking as she glances back to the dojo now and then, just keeping an eye on things for Colleen while also trying to keep involved in the conversation. Because she can never -not- be keeping an eye on things.

Foggy Nelson has posed:
Foggy takes the shortest fraction of a second to blink and straighten in some surprise at the greeting, then smiles and takes Kitty's hand in a brief handshake. "Foggy Nelson," he says. "Pleased to meet you. I know Colleen mainly from business... legal matters, primarily," he says, cocking his head toward the dojo behind him, "I'm no student, believe me." He blinks a few times and sniffs the air. "Is that... korma?"

At Dinah's question, he opens his mouth and closes it with a soft pop. "Gotham... there's a road trip I haven't tried yet," he says.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen has a look of having been working out. The class before this one was an adults class and that's always more work. So her face is a mixture of concern and delight. The concern is why she asked Foggy to come and see her. She says, "Dinah, Foggy, Kitty. Now you've all met."

"Dinah welcome back to New York. Once the teenagers have gone through their kata if you want to join them on the mat you have my blessing. Or you can save yourself for the advanced adults class after they're going. You're more than welcome to join in on that. We do a lot more kempo and jui jutsu in that one," she offers and then smiles to Kitty, "And thanks again for the food. It smells so good."

"Foggy thank you for coming. I know you're busy," she says and takes out the polaroids again of the imposter. "They've ripped off my name. Chikara is a family lineage not some business model. I don't have much in the way of money. How am I meant to fight this? who are they?" It's clear from her voice that she's distressed by this 'Chikara School of Karate' stealing her name.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty shakes Foggy's hand back and flashes a little grin as she says, "Foggy? Wow. That's a great name. Nickname or given? Great either way." She gives a nod about Foggy's connection to Colleen. "Ah, business? Financial or legal or something?" she asks as she turns back to walk the few short steps into the kitchen again.

"That is indeed korma. Want some?" she asks. Kitty waves to Colleen as she sees her and Dinah coming in. "Colleen and I ran into each other in a market. She helped me pick out a lamp for my friend as a gift, and we've been thick as thieves ever since," she says with a soft laugh and a grin for the Asian young woman. "I think we were both cursed with our senses of humor," Kitty says

She starts putting some plates together, looking over to Dinah as that introduction is made. "Four plates? There's plenty enough to go around." Indeed, half the point of takeout is so Colleen has a few days of leftovers on hand after.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah laughs and flashes a grin, "Oh, I think I'll stick around for the advanced course. " She flashes a bright grin, offering Kitty and Foggy nods, and then shaking her head at Foggy. "Oh, it's totally not worth the road trip. The traffic's murder, the murder's murder, the weather is... well, 'gloom' or 'dark gloom'." She sighs and screws her face up, "And you guys have like, -good- takeout places here in New York."

She grins even wider at nods at Kitty, clapping her hands, "Oh! I'll never turn down takeout."

Foggy Nelson has posed:
Colleen's distress snaps Foggy back into business mode, and he takes the polaroids with a frown. "Step one is a cease-and-desist with specific reference to your business registration details," he says to Colleen, appraising the pictures at length the way a physician might study a page of test results. "You've got grounds to litigate if they don't back off. It'd be different if they were Chikara Chinese Takeout, but they're occupying the same type of business you are. Courts tend to find by formula on that," he goes on, pulling out a chair to sit down at the table, his nose starting to sniff again. "A small plate would be awesome," he says with a smile... and then stops short.

"Lots of... murder?" he asks at Dinah's remarks, looking around the room. Well. He'll hold off on *that* bit of sightseeing...

Colleen Wing has posed:
Anyone whose met Foggy or especially seen him work knows he's the very model and definition of an honest good guy. A true hero. Her face relaxes a little bit and says, "Okay. Well that's promising." The exterior of her building is... not great. The signage is... not great. But the reputation is very good. This other place is a fancy sign and a larger space.

If she didn't know better she'd swear it was Bakuto trying to get back at her.. but this is just predatory NYC business practices 101.. steal the good will of Colleen's dojo name. People have heard of it so why not steal that.

"Foggy thank you. The murder's murder? Gotham sounds like the worst place in America to live. Even if there is a Batman living there." She'll take a Daredevil over a Batman any day though, in Matt she trusts. "May be you should move." She looks to Foggy and says, "You look like you've running yourself ragged. Are you okay?"

Dipping some naan in to a sauce at random, she takes a bite and says, "Kitty this is good. Is this from the one around the corner? Mm." And she picks up some bottles of water and puts them on the table. There's the sound of a snap from the mats and says, "Be right back."

"I'm sorry Sensei Wing I broke the jo," says a teenage boy and she looks over the mess, "That's okay. These things happen. Let the jo create the force, you don't have to muscle through it. There's splinters on the mats now so every one get a rag, wet it, and let's do a quick clean. Grab another jo after you've helped clean up the mats." She claps her hands and then takes the two broken pieces of jo and takes them back to the backroom.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The plates of food are distributed, and Kitty confirms, "Yep, from around the corner. We're obviously doing things right as they pushed some modak on us for dessert, free of charge. Don't even have one of those frequent shopper cards. Just recognizing us." Kitty pats the container that has the sweet, steamed dumplings in it, left closed to help keep them warm until someone is ready for one.

She takes a seat on the couch, plate on the coffee table as Kitty begins to eat. She gives a little wave of her fork at the mention of Gotham murders. "Not everyone gets murdered. I've got a friend who is dating a girl from there. Lived there like 20-plus years. Not murdered a single time," she says in a light-hearted, manner of fact style to Foggy. Meant to elicit some humor. Also Kitty would probably be surprised at how many attempted murders there had been of said individual.

She listens to the legal advice. "Well good, sounds like you have some leverage," she says to Colleen. Her eyes go to Dinah then to ask, "So do you teach in Gotham too, Dinah?"

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah laughs softly and grins, "Well, okay, I might be overstating the dangers of Gotham a tiny bit. But really, the pizza alone is reason enough to steer clear. Really. It's the -truest- crime in Gotham." She snickers softly and chews her lower lip for a moment, eyebrows perking up at Kitty.

"Oh, no! I just run a flower shop. It's actually pretty nice. Relaxing. Keeps me from... being too -me- and all? Well, during business hours at least. Almost no punching at all."

Foggy Nelson has posed:
"Not... everyone... gets murdered?" Foggy asks as he holds a chunk of naan above his plate and stares at Kitty, Dinah, and Colleen in turn. "That... you need to qualify that?" he continues, gesturing with the bread before he remembers what it's for and dips it into the sauce and takes a bite. He makes a tiny, appreciative noise in his throat while he pulls another piece from the naan.

His imagination beginning to veer as he listens, Foggy practically drops the foodstuff, but stops himself in time to get another shot of korma before turning toward Dinah. "Murder, bad pizza, and punching in a flower shop? The hell kind of businesses does Gotham have...?!" This is coming from a Hell's Kitchen boy, no less. Colleen's clearly got some interesting friends.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen lifts up a broken piece of wood and says, "Almost no punching. Move to New York already, the housing is just as shit bu the crime is spread out over a larger space." She grins, "It's a lovely flower shop." She makes her way to the back of the room and places the two broken pieces of the jo on the kitchen draining rack. "Teenager boys think they have to power through everything with their muscles.

    Every now and then I'll get some cold cuts to show them that the weapon produces more than enough power to break bones all by itself. Eventually it sinks in that they should let the weapon speak to them instead of trying to force it where they want it."

"Foggy didn't you grow up in Hells Kitchen? I read that that place used to be really bad. Really really bad. Before you know who turned up," she says not wanting to mention vigilante names in her dojo. Besides, Foggy is better off not knowing these things. "When can we send a cease and desist? and how can I pay you back for this Foggy. I will owe you big time." Sometimes the law even works, though she has her doubts about it of late.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
There's plenty of food besides the naan as well. Chicken marsala and a great curry and tandoori chicken and jalebi. Kitty always orders for about six so Colleen won't have to worry about food for a few days.

She holds up a hand in an unsure gesture towards Foggy. "I've only been a couple of times, can't say I know the city all that well. But, you know how it is, such things are always exaggerated. They get repeated as what a place is known for."

She takes another bite of the food, mmming softly. "Really, a flower shop?" Kitty asks Dinah. "I'll have to get your info to give to my friend Hank next time he wants to send flowers," she says.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah grins and reaches into one of her pockets, brow furrowing slightly as she rummages, and manages to pull out a business card and offer it to Kitty. She sighs and makes a little grimace towards Colleen, "But moving's such a -hassle-! And I'd have to box up all my VHS tapes, and then reorganize them again and... aren't the rents in this city insane? I'd have to live in the boxes from the tapes and..."

She glances sidelong to Foggy and grins, "Wait, you grew up in Hell's Kitchen? Oh, nevermind, you'll find Gotham a -little- spooky, but it's like... Halloween in your neighborhood probably. You know, dark, dreary... you want to avoid the clowns. Not that that's not true most places..."

Foggy Nelson has posed:
"Hell's Kitchen is still really, really bad," the lawyer mutters as he chews. "Now we've just got murder and mayhem with better branding, I guess." He swabs some sauce from his plate and finishes it off, his expression mournful with a happy sigh, in spite of himself. Well... not really. Certain things he just can't help. "I can send a C&D as soon as I get back to the office, they're simple enough. Payment... oh, there's that." He pauses and taps his fingers on the table top. "Strictly speaking, there should be an invoice and a receipt, but if an order of korma and a small stack of naan ends up at the Nelson and Murdock offices, I have authority as a partner to settle the account."

He pushes his chair away from the table and pulls a notepad out of his pocket to tuck in the polaroids for transit back to his desk. He stands and looks at Kitty in some wide-eyed amazement. "Known for... I mean, usually it's the barbecue, or the pasta, or the... not the... oh, dear Lord, the clowns... Clowns, really?!" he says, putting a hand over his face.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen has a hopeful look on her face. That's the ticket, the reason to be a lawyer right? giving the defenceless a touch of hope. It'd have been a lot simpler if it were just a front for the Hand. She'd just go in and bust the place up and not feel bad about it for one second.

"Again thank you Foggy. I'm sure payment can be arranged," she says with a smile. "Is the Joker still at large? I thought he was caught by the crime commissioner or something and sentenced to an insane asylum for life? that was a big news deal." She shrugs her shoulders, "The world is better off without clowns, all variants."

She offers her hand to Foggy and says, "Don't be a stranger. Also say hi to Matt from me." She looks back to Kitty and Dinah. "Hey Kitty you're welcome to stick around for the advanced class to if you want," she offers though as far as she knows, Kitty doesn't have a fighting bone in her body. "I need to check back on the kids, stay, eat. I'll be back here after I've closed out the class."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde takes the card and smiles to Dinah as she pockets it. "Perfect," she says. She breaks out in a warm laugh about the VHS tapes. "At least they aren't 8-tracks," she tells Dinah before digging back into her food.

The brunette waits until she's swallowed the bite of food to ask Foggy, "I always wondered how it got the name Hell's Kitchen. Guessing it didn't have a lot to do with spicy food?" She gets a bit of naan and dips it. "And nice to meet you both, Foggy and Dinah. Any friend of Colleen's is a friend of mine," she offers to them.

Kitty looks to Colleen and muses quietly. "I might watch. Especially if you're going to beat up the little kids," Kitty tells her friend, grinning. Because Colleen doesn't really do that, but Kitty likes to tease her just the same.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah snickers and shakes her head, "OH no, no 8-tracks... I mean, I thought about trying to get a player into my bike somehow, just for bragging about, but then I thought about how I'd have to change the tapes and... well, I might be a bit of a daredevil, but I'm not that crazy."

She snickers and bobs her head to Kitty, "Oh, that's half the fun of martial arts training, isn't it? The other half's totally breaking cinder blocks, and trying to pull off moves from movies in real life." She frowns thoughtfully and murmurs, "Of course, that's also the part that leads to you having an entire shelf in the freezer for ice packs. Or frozen peas for the thrifty practitioner."

She shrugs at Foggy and shakes her head, "Hey, crazy clowns don't seem that wild. You live in Gotham long enough you run into the crazy condiment guy. Or the calendar guy. Or the masked wrestler. Every now and then I think about becoming 'The flower lady' and then I remember Poison Ivy exists and snap out of it."

Foggy Nelson has posed:
Foggy shakes Colleen's hand with a smile, letting the... ah... killer clown story go by. "I... will do that, yes," he replies, nodding. He steps back and starts for the door from the back room, waving to Kitty and Dinah in turn. "Hell's Kitchen is... well, it's never been heaven, I don't think."

Dinah's list of "guys" gets him to bug his eyes a little. "Gotham is... agh," he says. At "Poison Ivy," he gives up and waves over his shoulder before setting off back to Hell's Kitchen.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen grins and shakes her head at Dinah, "Stop scaring my wonderful lawyer friend. I only know two and they come as a package deal." She turns and joins the mats again and goes through correcting their forms. She claps her hands after a bit and moves back to the front, "Thank you Yi. When we have our jo with us or any weapon, we don't return to seiza," she says and motions for the white belts to stand back up. "We remain standing, weapon at our side, at the ready."

"re!," she says and turns and bows to the top of the dojo, then back to the students, "re!," and bows to them, "domo arigatougozaimasu," she and the students repeat to each other. "Bow to each other, return the jo to the wall and clean the mats. Oos!," she says and walks off the mat. She returns to the backroom and says, "Give them a minute to get their things and head on out. Teenagers are surprisingly slow when it suits them."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde waves Colleen and Dinah off to their class. "I'll clean up," she says, getting the rest of the food into the fridge so the martial artists can see to the students. It doesn't take her long, and when she's finished, she plops down on the couch and promptly dozes off, in an Indian-fueled food coma.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah's watching the students file out when there's a chirping sound from her jacket's inside pocket. She fumbles and pulls out an honest-to-god pager, eyebrows perking up, lips pressing into a thoughtful little line, murmuring softly. "Hmm... well, I'd love to stay, but I've been expecting an urgent order and..." She wiggles the pager with a sigh, "This thing always knows exactly when to chirp up!"

She flashes COlleen a bright grin and waves, "I'll have to stop in again! I promise I'll only hurt a couple students' prides, you know, just a little to motivate them!"

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen gives Kitty a stern look that isn't at all serious a the discussion of hurting kids continues. She smiles and gives Dinah a hug, "I'm glad you dropped around. You should do it again some time. Take care."

She notices Kitty starting to get tired and laughs quietly to herself, then gets ready for the advanced adult class as some men and women begin to file in.