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Latest revision as of 03:33, 18 October 2020

A Roof With A View
Date of Scene: 18 October 2020
Location: Chelsea - Miagani Island
Synopsis: Huntress, Spoiler and Misfit meet up on a rooftop to discuss things going down in Gotham.
Cast of Characters: Stephanie Brown, Helena Bertinelli, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe

Stephanie Brown has posed:
It's Friday night, which means the students at Gotham University are out partying. Or they are in partying, depending on whether it was their turn to host the party or not. The area around campus has a few spots where the sounds of loud music filter out of closed windows. Or, if they are less considerate party throwers, out of open windows.

Spoiler is at the end of a patrol, returning to the area where her own tiny college apartment is, in a building practically across the street from campus. She moves to the edge of the roof, crouching and looking over at the university grounds nearby. The sounds of loud voices draw her attention down to the street, but just a few students with a buzz on talking loudly as they walk together over towards a diner to get some food.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress has been surveying the troublesome campus, knowing firsthand the troublemakers she's sent off to college. She eyes some of them as they flutter from their cars to the inside of their apartments or dorms, walking along the rooftop, as if wondering how she might jump down and punch some sense into them.

At the end of the patrol, Huntress swings back to the first rooftop where she started. She peers at the person crouching at the edge and eyeballing the campus just like she's been doing, raising her crossbow to warn her, "Don't move," she says roughly. She steps out of the eerie shadows and into the moonlight, her demenor changing from harsh to more neutral as she corrects herself, "Oh, it's you."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Spoiler had tensed a bit, but then relaxes as she recognizes the voice and sees who it is. "Huntress. Nice night isn't it? No sweat trickling down the inside of the costume," she says of the colder weather. People who don't superhero never really think about the discomforts of the profession. But those who were the outfits night after night know how warm they can be.

She gives a little wave of her hand before turning her eyes back out to the city. "How are you tonight? Been kind of quiet. A few drug dealers a few blocks over, but I'm gathering information on them still, not ready to move yet," she says. "What brings you by this neck of the woods?"

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
The roof is awfully full all of a sudden.

First Spoiler.

Then Huntress.

Now plus one.

Charlie had asked Batgirl about patroling. She had promised to check in. Do her training. Really it seemed like Batgirl was convinced that the girl probably wouldn't stop patroling for that sweet sweet dark vengeance.

So Batgirl had innocently suggested that Misfit find Spoiler and help her for the rest of the night. Honestly Babs probably had a date or something.

So from behind the two much more experienced folk comes a cheerful. "Drug dealers.. but there are like .. three of us... we could take swarms of drug dealers..." and there is Misfit sitting in her real k-mart blue light special batgirl-esque costume. It does have a very real looking utility belt though which is a big change.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress is in stark black and purple leather and it's cold out but she shows no signs, "It's too quiet out," she tells Stephanie helpfully, "I was checking on some rumors. Some assholes, jackasses out tonight but nothing unusual," she mutters smirkily, maybe thinking her rumors have led her on a wild goose chase, "Nothing," she adds.

She tucks the crossbow back at her hip with a little click and clack, then lifts her chin to eye Misfit suspiciously as she walks into view. She puts a hand on her hip and looks back out across the campus, "Did you hear the same rumors?" she asks Stephanie, while ignoring the Misfit for now.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown turns as she hears Misfit. "Misfit, hey there," she offers with a little wave. Quite likely she got a message informing her that Misfit might be coming her way if it was Barbara who had suggested it.

She gestures back towards the University. "Just checking things out. But, before rolling up the drug dealers, good to find out who the suppliers are so you can move on up the chain. Though sometimes, yes that can involve taking them out and getting them to talk after. But not all of them will talk. So, better if you can ID them yourself first if you have time."

She gives Helena a little shake of her head. "I hadn't heard anything specific, though there have been some acts of vandalism over the last week or two. Nothing terribly major, and wasn't sure if it they were connected or not. Could make a swing through campus to take a look though."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Walk into view. Suddenly be sitting over there behind them. I mean she was back there really is all that matters right.

"Oh... that definitely makes sense. Why just catch little fish in the net when you can go after trout.. or .." she trails off "Whatever fish is bigger than a trout.. whale.. though fresh waterand salt water. I am mixing my metaphors I think.. or "

She just trails off there. Then hops down from the HVAC she was sitting on to head over towards them both. "Crossbows.. that is awesome.. though the bolts look pretty lethal?"

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress crosses her arms indignantly as she looks from the boring campus to the black tar of the roof, "I was through it and I didn't see shit," she mutters. She then glances at Misfit, "You're right," she says blandly, "But aim is everything," she adds just as blandly.

A slight breeze swoops in and her purple cape flaps in the air.

"There's been some mob movements recently I should really talk to you about soon," she tells Stephanie as she looks back at her, "I think some guys I've been watching are coordinating with someone..." she explains cryptically.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Spoiler glances back to Charlie as she comes over to them. Her mask hides the joyous grin at Charlie trying to find the write analogy. "It works. Big fish and bigger fish," she agrees. "Eventually if we can get back far enough, we get those smuggling in the large quantities and can shut down an entire network that way."

The blue eyes go back to the city below. "Or at least force them to find another supplier. Sometimes it feels like it's just price support for them," she says with a little sigh and a shake of her head. "It's the demand that's the problem. And how do you stop kids from wanting a high?" Her voice takes on just a slightly more personal note though it might be hard to catch, as she says, "Or addicts."

Spoiler looks to Huntress and bangs a hand into a palm. "Now a proper mobster, at least there it feels like we can put a dent in matters. I'm game if you have someone you'd like some backup on," she says. "Speaking of... Penguin hit a museum the other night. Orphan and I, and someone who was like Spider-Man but I don't think actually was Spider-Man, took out his men. But he got away with a huge diamond. I've got a tracker on him so we're getting ready to move in," she says.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
"I thought so." she claims triumphantly there as she pumps her fist in the air. At least she is happy about being right about the fish. "So we can take down their whole operation. Awesome."

To Huntress "I bet I could shoot those really well. I am great with video games that use guns in them in the arcade."

Also Stephanie may have been hypothetical "I mean.. for pot and stuff you just legalize it and you do the whole selling it in safe environments. Not sure what to do about the scary stuff. Back home there are definitely people on some bad drugs... I don't think you can just safely sell those no matter what really. Hard question."

"Wait. There is another spiderman?"

"Wait .. wait.. we are going to be taking on Penguin?" biiiig assumption and use of the word we there.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress looks at Spoiler with dead eyes as the energetic youngster speaks of kids and their problems, perhaps thinking that their teachers need to step in, which kinda depresses her. She doesn't say anything lest she give away her secret identity. "Kids..." she mutters instead as she thinks it over---maybe they aren't her kids anymore.

"Backup? I guess you could say that," she says amusedly, "He's Guiovani Aloso, known as Johnny Clean-Cut to his friends over here because of his business. He's from Sicily. I think he knows me--remembers me, I mean," she explains, though she doesn't explain very much maybe because it's personal or because she's hit a nerve, so she switches subjects as she says, "Penguin? I'll help kick his ass if you need help, but you should probably stay back," she suggests to Misfit, as she considers her plan. Literally kicking his ass and pounding his thugs, beating them up in an overly-aggressive-unresolved-issues type of way.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Spoiler makes a gesture with her hand that indicates Misfit hit on some notes and maybe missed on others. "Yes, different costume but had webs and... well I've never seen Spider-Man outside of video clips. But he moved like him. It was like watching a fight version of ballet when moves. So agile," she says with a wistful sigh.

Another gesture, about Penguin. "We're not ready to move on him yet. That'll be up to Batgirl on if you go, Misfit. Some of those A-lister villains, well I wasn't supposed to go after them at your age either. And I didn't," she says. "Er, mostly."

She realizes then she probably should have done more introductions. "Misfit, this is Huntress. Misfit was doing some crime fighting of her own. Batgirl has been trying to help," Spoiler says, leaving it for Huntress to hear "trying to help" as "rein her back" as Spoiler actually means.

A slow nod is given then about the Sicilian. "If you're worried about him recognizing you even in costume, we can do some disguise stuff. Batgirl's training has been going into that lately," she says. "Wigs and coloring and... oh hell, you probably know it all already," she says with a warm laugh. "Anyway, I'm game to help, just say the word when."

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie nods to Spoiler's description of watching Spiderman fight. "I imagine he is a metahuman or mutant or something..." she points outhelpful "Basically he totally cheats." making it clear why she thinks it should make Spoiler feel good even.

"Mostly. Also.. is Penguin really an A-lister as far as Villain go. I mean he strikes me as a sort ofC.. maybe a D lister. There was totally a rankr poll on Capewatch and let me tell you that you definitely don't want to be relegated to having the Penguin as your nemesis." stern shake of her head no way at that.

"It is awesome to meet you Huntress! Your costume is fantastic."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress watches this so-called Misfit carefully as Stephanie vouches for her, "Uh huh," she mutters then grows quiet for a moment before asking, "Can you really f&&&*** handle yourself?" she wonders, and lets the question go like it's already been answered but with a promise that SHE'LL be watching.

So she glances back at Stephanie, "Blue Beetle's been helping me with the research," she explains, "I really need to brief you--" she begins, then considers just what the hell Steph is saying.

"Disguise...stuff...?" she asks, wondering just what kind of game that means, "I don't know if I'm subtle enough for some shitass disguises," she notes, though shrugs a little, as if it weren't...completely off the table. "I haven't seen him in years but Beetle said he's a clever white collar asshole, so there might not be any asshole thugs to punch or secret weapons to bust," she explains, trying to emphasize that, "You know what I mean, right?" she asks Stephanie.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Spoiler makes a motion with her hand. "Metahuman or mutant, doesn't matter where the abilities come from. So long as they have them? You have to deal with them," she says as if repeating something she's had drilled into her. "Or, well hopefully we don't ever need to deal with him. I mean, first I don't think it was THAT Spider-Man. And I don't think I can really believe J Jonah Jameson about him even if it was," she says, frowning slightly. "Just something about that guy... I mean, blowhard much? But he just seems to have it in for him. I believed some of the early stuff I heard, but then I really started to question it after awhile with how much it seems like he's fighting known bad guys when Jameson is criticizing him."

She shrugs then and looks at Misfit, but tells Huntress, "I'm still getting accustomed to Misfit. But she's able to teleport. Rough around the edges but a lot of potential," she says, blue eyes going back to Misfit, expression meant to show she meant no offense by the comment. Though her face is covered from chin to nose so who knows how much made it through just her eyes.

Spoiler nods to Huntress then. "I know what you mean. Mostly just if you're worried he might recognize you we could change your hair color, a few other things to help avoid that. But, happy to help punch him in the face until he forgets if not." The voice carried her grin there, mask or no.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
"I can totally handle myself." she affirms with bubbly confidence. "Also J Jonah Jameson seems like .. a bit .. mm tabloid honestly. Like right wing talk radio bait. Not sure why he is in papers and not into talk radio or podcasts or something..."

"I ..can indeed teleport." she reluctantly admits. Mostly because that cat is so far out of the bag it is prancing and doing a number from the Cats Musical at this point as far as Batgirl and crew are concerned.

"I bet you would look great no matter what hair color you had Huntress."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Hungress fingers her raven black hair as Stephanie suggests changing it...or worse, "My...hair?" she asks, sounding as if Stephanie suggests shooting the Pope.

She shakes her head as if she doubts this little plan, "C'mon, I'm f&&&&@ serious. This guy is going to be a problem when he shows up here," she suggests, implying that the two of them aren't taking what she says seriously.

"If I become a dyed blonde bimbo, then I could go over the edge," she suggests, "He might even look at me more," she says and narrows her eyes, "I think we should maybe try an intimidation plan. How about that?" she asks, wondering what Stephanie thinks of that idea.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Spoiler gives a shrug but in a way that suggests she's open to the idea of intimidation. "Are you looking to drive him back to Sicily? Or catch him in the act of something and get him put behind bars?" she asks. "Or just mainly focus on preventing him getting involved here? Probably wouldn't help with arresting him. Unless he's the kind to react to provocation by doing something stupid and excessive that would be easy to catch him at."

She stands up from where she'd been crouched this whole time to look out at the city. Her cape blows about her, the cooler October weather coming with some strong breezes. "But sure, I'm game for whatever your plan is. You know him best," she says. "What kind of stuff does he normally get into?"

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Some of this is over Charlie's head. Though she is honestly listening very attentively. She heads over to the edge of the roof now though and peers out and down over the college. "Is there ever much crime on a university campus?" she sounds nicely skeptical about the whole college being dangerous thing.

The kid is probably itching to actually see action, it is surprising she isn't vibrating at this point.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Huntress mostly ignores this Misfit and tries to clue them in, "He's Johnny Clean-Cut for a reason---he gets into blackmail and other shitty-ass white collar crimes. He runs the largest casino in Sicily and everybody's on the payroll."

You know, I think the reason there's been more mob movements lately is that he might either be getting major support...or major opposition---not sure which," she explains in a helpful monologue.

"We have to f&&&&@@ stop him. And tell him he can't operate here," she suggests, "Anyway, I gotta go. I'll let you know."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Spoiler listens to the description of Johnny Clean-Cut's activities. "If he's into blackmail then he'll probably have this ear to the ground looking for an edge on people. Maybe send out some investigators or his own men if he has them, plus dropping some money around to encourage people to come forwards with dirt. Heck, maybe we could set up a sting on him. Pick someone that'll cooperate with pressing charges and drop some fake info on them he can try to blackmail with?" Spoiler suggests.

As Helena mentions she needs to go, the purple-clad heroine gives a little salute-like wave towards her. "Great seeing you, Huntress," she says. Just let us know when," she agrees. She looks back to Misfit. "That get up going to keep you warm enough now it's getting into Fall? Might need to add a warmer layer. Not to mention, armor. Or... I mean you're not like Kryptonian bullet-proof are you?"

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
Charlie pivots around now and ohs looking at herself then up at Spoiler. "I mean.. the kit is better." she tugs at the utlity belt there and looks at it. "Batgirl made me practice until I could find it all with my eyes closed and put it back and forth like that." she chews her lower lip there.

"So uh... I mean if I got access to a sewing machine I could probably pull together a better costume. This one is the best I could do right now though. I figured I would just add some layers and change it up a bit to not be cold... and um no not bullet proof."

She looks shy for some reason. "Uh.. I should get home..." and she is gone leaving Stephanie alone on the roof with a slash of purple and pink smoke.