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Latest revision as of 05:16, 21 October 2020

Not A Drunk Text
Date of Scene: 29 September 2020
Location: Sera's back courtyard
Synopsis: Nessa sends Kat some weird texts. Or rather, a bunny does?
Cast of Characters: Nessa Donovan, Katsumi Oshiro

Nessa Donovan has posed:
It'd been a bit of time since Nessa and Kat got to have their movie night, and while the mage had been pretty good at checking in, it's been a bit of time since she's messaged. This time, though, the text is a little bit different.

<srry am stuck>

On the plus side, her messages are becoming slightly coherant for someone without actual hands at the moment.

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro hasn't been bored. She's had PR days, met a superheroine, rescued a teenager from muggers - it's been a trip. Though in the interim the motes of color in her eyes have blossomed into a full haze of smokey, dim green and purple-pink. It's unnerving her to look at it. Thankfully, the text message she receives on her phone is a welcome distraction.

<Stuck where? Need me to hit someone?>

She's joking with that response. Maybe.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
It takes a little bit of time for Nessa to reply. Just long enough that it almost seems like she's not replying. Eventually, though, it comes through.

<mgic bunch>

Then shortly after, another.


Damn autocorrect. It may be her ultimate downfall now.

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro was staring at her cellphone, gaze slowly, steadily, increasingly narrowed. Her lips press into an ever-thinning line. And finally, just as she began to give up hope, the device buzzes.

She regards the text.

"The f***?"

And then another text.

"The /f***/?"

Her thumbs bop at the touchscreen.

<I'm not punching a bunny. >_> Did you mean magic bunch? Your friends or someone else?>

Nessa Donovan has posed:
It's hard to type, but it's likely harder to /wait/ for a text. Especially one that's full of autocorrects and gibberish. At least these are more coherant than earlier, but Sera had figured them out at least.


<stuck bunch>



Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro's face is only twisting in further confusion. She's not loving this cryptic stuff. It puts her in the mentality of someone who's been tied up, and they're trying to use their toes to tap at their screen to send S.O.S. signals. With a scrutinizing frown, Katsumi taps at the screen again.

<Are you stuck with a bunch of bunnies?>

Nessa Donovan has posed:
Well, it's not toes Nessa's typing with, but it certainly is something a little more difficult. There's another text, but this one's less coherant than anything.


Then there's an incoming call, the ID popping up as Nessa's contact information. It's her phone, at least. As soon as it's connected, though, all that's audible is some sniffing and a squeak.

... a bunny?

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro is busy trying to wrap her head around things, and she can't /not/ be enraptured with this bizarre exchange she has going with the one person she'd consider her friend. If she's in trouble, she needs to try to help, right? Can she share some kind of foreign immunity? Can her involvement ratchet a situation up to an international incident? Would that inspire-

She gets a garbled mess back. Katsumi immediately panics. "Aahhh--!" She's already starting to hit the call button, but her phone is going off! Nessa's calling her? That works too!

The phone is raised. It's like holding an inquisitive puppy against your ear. And the longer it goes on, the more confounding it becomes. The phone is tilted away, just to confirm the contact info. Yep, it's Nessa. Did she get called by a mouse?


Nessa Donovan has posed:
There's a squeak in response. Was that a yes? It's hard for an actual communication from a bunny. Nessa's got little she can do verbally. So she squeaks again. To her credit, it does sort of have a cadence that sounds like the squeaks would be words, were they actually something understandable.

For a moment, the phone sounds like it were put in a pocket. Something rustles over the phone, some sort of tapping? She's still on the line, but a text message goes through.


Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro feels the buzzing against the side of her face. She moves the phone again to look at the screen. There's a text message from that number.

There aren't enough words in any language, dead or thriving, written or spoken, that can adequately articulate the sheer confusion the Japanese girl is feeling. She lifts the phone again.

"Nessy? Are you okay? Do you need help? Where are you?"

Nessa Donovan has posed:
There's a squeak, then more muffled sounds... which one might be able to discern are /paws/ feebly trying to make coherantly typed messages on a phone. Eventually, Nessa seems to have gotten a few more messages through.


The next message takes a bit longer, but at least it's easy to tell she's typing. Or probably is, by the muffled phone sounds. Eventually it comes through as an address in Brooklyn. Another message follows.

<but ok>

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Safe. Okay. That could mean a lot of things.

An address. PERFECT!

Katsumi, choosing not to think about this any more, is on her feet and rushing for the door. "Don't do anything suspicious! I'm coming right over! I'm bringing cops!," she announces into the phone.

She's pretty sure Nessa being kidnapped and not polymorphed into an animal is the saner conclusion to jump towards.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
The address in Brooklyn is a beautiful four-story brownstone that looks like it certainly costs more than a couple of million. There's nothing particularly distinct about it, but it does seem to be the address listed. Thankfully, though, there's another simple message from Nessa--after all, it would be kind of awkward to knock on a door and ask to see a bunny.

<bck gate>

Hopefully this isn't some elaborate trap!

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
If it is, the perpetrator would be in for a rude awakening! Katsumi has done precisely what she promised she would! She brought the police with her.

Well, one squad car.

The moment they arrive, Katsumi is rushing the back gate. It's only with the firm hand of Officer Dugud that she's pulled back, in case it is indeed an elaborate trap. So with disconcerted whimpers, the Punk Princess hangs back while the two police officers move forward and ease the gate open.

"Hello? This is the police. Is anyone here?"

"Nessy!?," shouts Katsumi from the back, voice wracked in worry. She gets a stern look from the rear officer.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
Oh dear. That wasn't the reaction Nessa had entirely expected or wanted to have happen. While the small courtyard behind the gate is unoccupied by people, there is a small white rabbit sitting on its hind legs, a cell phone sitting in front of it as it blinks at the offending officers.

It's unfortunate she has no way to explain the situation.

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
It's unfortunate that she feels the need to. The officers are looking at the cellphone in the rabbit's paws. Officer Dugud twists his nose in contemplation.

"Um, ma'am."

Katsumi trots forward, worry gripping her. She can see that they're looking at something on the ground. That could mean they found a body! Were they too late? "Ohno ohno ohno," she frets.

And then she, too, is staring blankly at the rabbit with a cellphone.


The officers exchange a look. Then they return their gaze to Katsumi. "However unlikely it may seem," he begins, only for Katsumi to cut him off with a sharp raise of her hand.

"Yep. Got it."

Everyone, thoroughly uncomfortable, turn to take their leave. That is, except for Dugud. He whirls back around with his cellphone to snap a quick picture of the cute lil' bunny holding a phone. "My kids'll love this." And then they're heading back to the squad car, leaving Katsumi to continue staring hard at the lapine troublemaker.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
The bunny, which by all accounts does seem to be Nessa, holds particularly still until the police make their way out. Once it's 'safe' again, she's pawing at the phone again. It's way more amusing to watch in person, the combination of bunny paws and a nose trying to delicately form words without autocorrect muddling them all up. But it certainly is Nessa's phone, as the text message comes through as soon as the bunny's sent it.


Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro is operating off of the assumption that a bunny had somehow made off with Nessa's phone, and was pawing at it. Autocorrect was sending messages. That had to be it, right?

Forget the full-blown address. Forget how a bunny even managed to carry a phone away. That's what happened, shut up.

At least, that's the narrative until it types at the phone and sends an apology.

Katsumi inhales. Deeply. Inhaaaaaale. And she shrieks. Full-blown panicked shriek. She drops to her knees, eyes round, expression mortified, and between the hands bobbing back and forth, it's clear she doesn't know whether to try to pick up Nessabun or withhold, and everything in her brain is firing off at once. She has bluescreened.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
The Nessabunny hops a few feet closer to where Katsumi's ended up on her knees, placing her paws up to try and rest on Kat's knee. There's a little motion of paw. It's a gentle poke. A couple more little pokes. It is, perhaps, supposed to be comforting. She looks back towards the cell phone, but doesn't make any motion to drag it over. Probably better to comfort her friend first.

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro's worldview is, once again, being distorted by shenanigans. Every time she gets a breath back, the only sound she makes is a disconcerted and panicked weeble, or yet another scream. The bunny poking its paws at her is /not/ helping. And she still can't decide whether or not it's appropriate to pick her up!

Katsumi has never felt more helpless in her entire life.

At last, she gets all of her A's out, and the screaming subsides. Now she's only hyperventilating. Her hands manage to find position at either side of her own neck, elbows tucked in close against her chest.

"N-N-Nessa?," she quakes. "H-.. w-.. h-.."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
Nessa hops away again, mostly so she can go to fetch the phone. How she moves it is equal parts amusing. Half the time she tries to push it across the ground with her nose, the other half the time she grabs the edge of her phone case with her teeth and drags it. Either way, the phone is closer at hand now and the bunny can stay within arm's reach. Probably for comfort. The last message is resent, so much easier than typing it out again, but the punctuation is added this time.


She proceeds to continue the replying, her communication limited, but she keeps it all in one clear message: since Kat can see her typing, she doesn't have to worry about sending messages in bits to assure her she's still there.

<mgic am ok stck wil fix frien hlp>

The bunny gives a nod towards the house behind her, as if to indicate said friend.

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro wrings her neck nervously as she watches the Nessabun work out the message. And when finally concluded, her hands move to her face, rubbing feverishly with a moan. "Oh my god, oh my /god/." Her bangs spill out over her hands, and she remains hunched like that for several seconds.

When the hands lower again, they stiffly move to her lap. "Y-.. you're.. you're a.." Magic. She said magic. She understands that. Something went wrong and she got turned into a rabbit. "You're naked!"

Nessa Donovan has posed:
There's a little bunnypaw pat pat on Kat's knee in an attempt to comfort again, but Nessa does seem frustrated there's little she can do in this situation. If anything, Loki's certainly given her /some/ sort of lesson from this, although probably not the one he was trying to give. Her paws go to the phone again.


After all, the rabbit's not technically naked. There's fur. And Nessa didn't lose her clothing when she got changed, so the bunny is fairly certain she's comfortably covered. She taps again.


The attempt to explain the source of things is one she's not sure will work--it assumes that the Japanese woman is aware of what happened with Loki's attack on New York in 2018. Granted, it was big news, but sometimes it's hard to tell what information spreads and how widely for these sorts of events.

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Certainly not big enough news for a rising star on the other half of the world, struggling between losing her family and chasing her dream. That was but a tiny blip on the radar. To which end, Katsumi glances to the phone, then back to the rabbit. "You typo'd, I think." Had there been punctuation or context, she might have been able to parse that better.

"What can I do?," she finally asks. "I can't just leave you like this..."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
Nessa seems to think for a moment about that reaction, very carefully 'rephrasing' her message from before.

<loki mad>

The question as to what can be done has the bunny doing that comforting knee-pat again. There's little she can do to express herself other than bunny pokes and prods and attempts at words on a phone. This question, however, has her typing again. This is a much more carefully typed sentence, even if it takes her longer, much like when she'd typed the address.

<am okay just wanted to explain>

Because really, what are you going to do if you're talking to a friend and they just drop off the face of the earth suddenly? It's a toss up of explaining that she's a bunny versus having her friend worry. It's also something she's eventually going to have to try and explain to Lucifer, too. Then, she tacks on another line at the end. If a bunny could offer a cheeky grin, she'd likely be doing it.

<look im cute>

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
"What?," squeaks a confused Katsumi at the first message. Loki mad? Did she mean 'look mad'? She's so frustratingly, agonizingly confused.

The bunnypaw pats her leg, and Katsumi's eyes uplid a little, expression a little more anguished. The last message gets a sniff. Katsumi begins desperately rubbing beneath her eyes with the backs of her hands, her voice a little more thin as she continues, "I can't- I have to do /something/, I can't leave you like this, I- you're so small and vulnerable!"

Nessa Donovan has posed:
Hm. Communicating Loki's involvement to explain why she's like this is proving to be more difficult than Nessa expected. So, she does the thing she expects would be most useful when you want to communicate non-verbally and get someone to know what you mean: charades!

Nessa paws at the screen, then sits back on her hind legs and holds her paws up and makes a menacing sound. It's not a great representation of Loki... but the general idea is to express 'bad'. She then goes back to the phone, resending the message from before.

<loki mad>

There's a long thought, though, as Kat's frustration at not being able to help is something she feels guilty about. She nudges Kat's knee with a furry head before tapping out a longer message. The longer time for the clearer messages seems to be a much better method so far.

<safe here sera help maybe luci>

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
"But you're so small and outside!," protests Katsumi. The charade? It was observed, but Katsumi is having such a hard time processing this information all at once, it manages to register in some vague way. But the most pertinent issue to her is simply Nessa's dilemma.

Finally, she reaches out to attempt to awkwardly scoop up Nessa. And if successful, bring her in against her chest to a protective cuddle, her head tilting to tuck her chin over the rabbit. She doesn't say anything. She has no idea what to say. She could see that she has people to help her. Obviously people more qualified than her. But this she can do.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
The bunny is scooped, and Nessa settles in, seeming to be just fine with the cuddle. She relaxes, and although there's no real way for her to communicate without the phone, it seems that she's at least, finally, able to try and calm Kat down. That was mostly her goal for all of this... although having a familiar and comforting face was also a side goal. She may be handling this well but it's still overwhelmingly scary in a lot of ways.

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro is purely at a loss and doesn't know what to do. This really is the best option for her, isn't it? There's nothing for her to punch, nothing for her to yell at, and that's pretty much her entire bag of tricks.

"Can I.. I- I dunno, feed you? Do you need food?," she asks, leaning back enough to tilt her head to look at the rabbit. Wait, what do rabbits eat? Carrots? She doesn't have carrots on her.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
It's hard for there to be a response from the bunny. Bunnies, as it turns out, don't have particularly expressive faces. They can sniff, they can make sounds that are happy or angry, ears can wiggle... but it's all up to interpretation. Nessa's ears wiggle, which clearly means something. She turns around in Kat's arms, uncertain if she should stay or go for the phone again.

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro is trying /so hard/ to learn Rabbit, and it couldn't be more obvious in the look on her face. Her brow is knit, her oddly-colored eyes focused tight on the bunny. As Nessabun squirms around in her arms, Katsumi loosens and thins her lips in concentration. "D-, um, do you want down? Here!" She quickly leans forward, offering a comfortable disembarkment for her fluffily-abled friend. She isn't sure what kind of drop rabbits can have. And in this moment, she's growing rapidly aware of just how unfamiliar she is with rabbit physiology.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
It's easier once she's back by the phone for the Nessabunny to 'communicate'. It's slow, probably obnoxiously slow for both parties, but eventually she's got another message out there.

<am ok food ok wil gt help w magi>

With the message typed out, the bunny turns back to Kat, proceeding but headbump against her knee. See, it's a comforting gesture!

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
With her hands now free, Katsumi presses her palms against her eyes. Process. Process faster, dangit. Agh. Her friend is a rabbit and magic is real and she has a friend. Her friend is a rabbit. Remember that part?

A small, disconcerted noise escapes her.

The palms lower from her face at the nudging of head against knee. She instinctively lowers a hand to set over the rabbit's back, as if to pet it, then quickly remembers that's Nessa. It's weird again. Her gaze shifts to the phone, and she breathes a heavy sigh. "Is there.. anything.. I can do?" She asked that before. She's sure she did. Her mind is such a blank.

Did she mention her friend is a rabbit?

Nessa Donovan has posed:
Communication and sass are hard in rabbit form, and Nessa moves back to the phone to attempt the communication again. A few minutes of typing gets the most minimal of responses.

<am ok frnd wil fix wil get luci>

She at least seems to have a plan, and she returns to headbutting Kat's knee. She bumps it from the front, then the side, then back around. It's an attempt to be funny.

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro isn't sure how to interpret it. If this were happening in the wild, she'd think she was sitting on its warren. And that's somehow where her brain lands; she's in the way of something! Katsumi startles and quickly gathers herself up to her feet, only to move several paces away. "W-what, was I in the way of something? Do you need me to go? I'll go!"

And just like that, she hurriedly moves to the other side of the fence.

Slender fingers grip the posts, and she leans over with a forlorn look. "Please be safe. Okay? You, uh..." She glances aside. It's a bunny. Surely she won't judge her. She looks again to Nessabun. "...you're pretty much my only friend, y'know?"

Nessa Donovan has posed:
The Nessabun blinks up at Kat a few times. Darn unexpressive bunny faces. So exaggeration seems to be necessary. She hops around in a circle before she sits back on her hindlegs, raising a paw up and down a few times. An excited wave? It's certainly a wave, probably about the most human thing she's been able to mimic.

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro is taking it as a wave, at least! So there's some success to be had there!

Katsumi, however, doesn't seem very comforted by it. She's gonna be wracked with worry. And who could she tell? The rest of her team already thinks she's a psycho for how she's been acting lately. Nessa's about all she has left. And she's something Elmer Fudd would shoot!

Her head lowers briefly, then raises again to force what she hopes is an encouraging smile. "I'll check back later." And with that, she pulls back from the fence to start the awkward amble away, still staring back at the grassy area and Nessabun.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
The Nessabun hops to the fence, sticking a paw out in a continued wave. It's rather humorous to see, but the bunny waves a few times before slowly hopping back into the courtyard to return to her phone. Hopefully, the next time she and Kat talked it would be /talking/.