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Latest revision as of 19:51, 25 October 2020

Amora and Hela moan about how unfair everything is.
Date of Scene: 25 October 2020
Location: Niffleheim - Asgard
Synopsis: Neither Asgardian is that happy with the current state of affairs. But some scheming about how to obtain more souls for Hela is done.
Cast of Characters: Hela, Amora

Hela has posed:
Hela laying on some entertainments for her dead. Hel isn't Valhalla, but still, the draugr do get restless so. Today Hel's centre is a throne room in a palace of granite and ice, with a throne of ice upon wihch Hela resides. There is a crowd of draugr here, old warriors of a milleania ago who actually survived their days of reaving. Such souls get special treatment, so there's a great tourney going on.

Hela is settled upon her throne watching, and trying to stay interested. She's not some thug like Thor after all. And it's been going on for a while now. Fortunately, she's quite patient, so she puts on a good show of interest at least.

Amora has posed:
To say that Amora is upset would be an understatement. She has been known for her tantrums that could last for a legendary amount of time but today there is a white, hot fury on the blue-eyed sorceress. And as such things go, nothing like visiting a companion in hatred of how unfair things are. Really, their life is so hard!

There is a flicker of power near the throne room before a large mirror appears to the side of the throne and an Amora steps out of it, that fury visible on her expression even if it mars not the perfection of her beauty.

"Hela." She says in ways of greeting, a dip of her head offered and her head swaying towards the tournament going on. She lets out a bored, little sigh.

"I see you are keeping yourself entertained." she paces towards the throne, dressed in one of her usual garbs, the mix of dark green and black, the crown on her head, all swaying hips and poise.

Hela has posed:
"A queen has certain responsibilities to her subjects. And I am a generous ruler." Hela replies, looking down at Amora from her perch. Then she frowns a bit. "You are a unfamiliar sight here in my realm. Dead hearts are hard to stir, after all.".

That said the draugr are a bit confused, the tournament on pause. Hela glances over at them, and waves a hand. "Continue." she tells them, with a smile.

"I intended to talk with you myself." she admits, narrowing her eyes a bit at Amora, as if expecting trickery. She's quite the straightforward sort, and Loki is around here somewhere after all.

Amora has posed:
The corner of her mouth curls up in one of those enigmatic smiles of hers. "Hard, but not impossible. And all know I, Goddess of Beauty, do enjoy a good challenge." chin held high even if not exactly looking up at Hela. She never looks up at anyone afterall. Specially not Odin! She lifts off the ground to float closer to the throne, not exactly at a levelled position with the other, she still respects her as ruler of this realm. Though she is certainly no pleb to be standing on the ground down there.

"Did you, dearest? Perhaps I have stirred at least one dead heart already." It's in her nature, she can't help but to tease. One hand brushes through that long, blonde hair.

"I am all ears, of course, Hela. What did you wish to discuss?" if anything she is a listener, her eyes again turning to fix on the Queen of the Wretched. The tournament is ignored for the moment.

Hela has posed:
Hela smiles as Amora floats up to her. Not down with the draugr! As for the comments on her dead heart, she just ignores that. Can neither confirm nor deny that the queen of death has a heart after all.

"I have been spending more time in Midgard of late." she explains. "It is in a sorry state, these days. So few come to me from that realm.". She leans back on her throne, and indicates the sparring draugr. What more could any selfrespecting vikings want from death, eh? Are you not entertained?

"I mean to change that. But you are more the expert in field than I.".

Amora has posed:
Talking about Midgard is a sure way to get that fury to return, it's visible in the way her jaw tenses, those perfect lips pressing together. Amora takes in a breath. "By your choice, even. You should tell me one day what draws you to visit them of your own accord." She murmurs, letting out a sigh of dismay at the thought of again having to return there. Oh, woe is me! "I have grown bored of them at least five centuries ago.." which isn't exactly true, but she likes being dramatic when she is upset.

Arms curl up to fold about her waist in a loose manner and she turns her blue gaze down to the combatants. "Yet it is true, my knowledge of their realm is nearly unmatched where it comes to our people. Turns out it's easy to understand minds that are so swayed with thoughts of lust and passion. I do wonder sometimes where exactly their brain is.." Yes, she is implying exactly that. "Yet many of the old ways are gone now. Even if not so different just, modernized. Would you believe these matches..." she gestures to the fighting draugr. "Would be a televised thing? A global spectacle?"

Hela has posed:
"They have souls. Weak ones, but souls nevertheless. And there are a great many of them." Hela explains. Ever straightforward. "So many souls missed, when they could perhaps rightfully belong to me. My realm could be greater even than it is.". And she spreads her hands to indicate the castle of ice and stone, and no doubt the glaciers and icy rivers beyond it as well. Great!

She shakes her head at this global spectacle thing. "I don't want to entertain them. Maybe you do.". Hela has no idea what Amora gets up to. "I want them to feel that Hel... or Valhalla...". She curls her lips, still sore, 1200 years later. "... is where they rightfully belong.".

Amora has posed:
"Why would I ever wish to entertain them..?" A trimmed brow arches up in a curious manner, Amora regarding Hela for a few moments and shaking her head. "If anything I wish to be entertained by them, but it's so hard sometimes to find the right ones.. Yet it appears I have no choice now, considering Odin has appointed me to the Asgardian Embassy.." it's almost like venom was being spit out of her mouth when she speaks those last words. Clearly the focus of her anger.

"Me, living down with the humans. Can you imagine it?" She rolls her eyes briefly. "But I do suppose Odin knows best, does he not?" clearly by her tone it would seem she doesn't believe it. But she looks at Hela to see her reaction. Or perhaps even gauge where exactly her loyalties lie.

"Dearest, how do you think they are swayed these days? Global spectacles, weak buffoons as rulers. It is all a show to them." she concludes, gesturing. "Some glimpses are seen here and there, a hope of something more but they are few and far inbetween."

Hela has posed:
"Odin is wise. He knows your talents.". Hela leans back on the icy throne and smirks. She knows that must chafe, and she's been on the receiving end of Odin's wrath herself. "Why did Odin make that appointment?" Hela asks lightly. "Are you being punished for some infraction?" she wonders, ever straight up.

"And Odin rules all he sees..". Her hands grip the arms of her throne - just a lil, she doesn't want to break it! "For now, at least.".

She listens to all this talk of global spectacles, a bit bemused. "What would you suggest?" she eventually asks, lost. "How can I win their hearts. Even when I was known, I was feared.".

Amora has posed:
It may chafe, but Amora does have a way to spin things sd as to not look demeaned. "It's as I said earlier. Amongst our people there is none with the knowledge of mortals that I have. Even you came to me for advice." a little smile given in return to that smirk. "Perhaps you and Odin are of a like mind in some things.." but the talk about infractions makes her shrug. "I would not know of any infraction that would make Odin act so towards me." Or maybe it's more a question of not knowing WHICH infraction it was. Where it comes to making mischief, well..., she isn't too behind Loki.

"At least I will be closer to the dear Princes. Small blessings, is it not? I believe even Loki is now free of Odin's curse of being stripped of his powers." She does make a mental note to look for him sometime. Even if she knows he is only really found if he wants to.

She only smiles about that comment on Odin, but it's enough for her to understand where exactly Hela's position is. Not far from hers! She focuses instead on those last words, "Death is very much still a mystery to many. If you allow them to know more of you, of what marvels await them if they but accept to worship you.." she floats to the other side of the throne from behind, leaning her lips closer to Hela's ear, "... your power would certainly grow. I am certain I Can help you now that I will be more in midgard as well." her voice honeyed, enticing.

Hela has posed:
Hela isn't lost that she just got told shes' as wise as Odin. It's pretty hard to butter up Death though, so she seems quite impassive to that. Especially given she knows her tricksy distant relatives. Schemers and backstabbers all. Things will be better when she's in charge, for sure, and Asgard is still and quiet as death finally overtakes it.

She does tilt her head though as Amora approaches, to get the antlers out of the way so some more conspiratorial talk can happen, her gaze going back to the draugr fights before her as she does so.

"I am a kind ruler." she maintains. Okay, forget the river of tortured souls just outside, they are awaiting processing is all. "You would be helping the nine realms as well as me." she assures Amora. She smiles finally, as she slowly reaches out with her death-hand. No shortage of bare flesh to touch there after all. She's almost all bare flesh, the hussy...

"All these offerings of help, and much talk of loyalty. You wish to join my realm on a permanent basis?". She teases. In her way.

Amora has posed:
"I am as generous as the beauty I wield, Hela. Do you not feel yourself deserving of my help?" Amora instead retorts, head just slightly canting to the side, a loose strand of hair straying in front of her face, "All I do hope is for our people to continue on, both in life and death. Besides..." and her expression turns somewhat more serious, those blue orbs gaining a briefly distant look. " ... I believe we will both be needed for our people to survive the future that is to come. Together." there's always been a certain oracle aspect to her, considering her connection with the Norns even if it's a lesser known aspect of Amora. But the seriousness with which she said it, one wonders what she may have seen.

As to the offer of joining her realm permanently it only makes Amora to smirk. "Tempting, but I am valuable to you due to my independence. Besides, being dead would only make my skin look .., clammy." is she implying Hela's skin is clammy. Certainly not! She does rest one of her hands on Hela's shoulder though (where she is covered!), "Think on what I told you, we shall convene again soon and talk further. Maybe even in Midgard. I shall prepare you a suite adequate to your needs at the embassy." she says. "One befitting Queens."

Hela has posed:
The draugr do look a bit too bony to be considered beautiful, it's true.

Hela listens to this talk of prophecy curiously. She likes prophecy after all - especially the ones that predict her future greatness. The weasel words go down a bit less well.

"More valuable. It's not your time yet." Hela admits, her hand dropping to her knee, apparently just about tolerating being touched at all. Even where her clothes are, she's deathly cold and VERY unpleasant to touch. Definitely some clammy feelings there... But presumably Amora can grin and bear it.

And sighs. So much for trying to sell death to people. But then it's inescapable to the mortals, so maybe a better sell. "The embassy. I suppose I could visit it on occasion.". She doesn't look all that happy about it though. The goddess of death, stooping to this sort of thing. "I will talk to Thor too. He seems to be popular, somehow.".

Amora has posed:
Amora is the kind that appears able to tolerate a lot. The deathly cold, while uncomfortable doesn't seem to register on her expression at all. Asgardians and their resistances! "Then it is settled. I shall begin arrangements once I am there." And honestly, it would be a good distraction from what she will be facing while down there in Midgard, dealing with humans. Ugh..

The hand on her shoulder rises up and those blue eyes flicker, "It was a pleasure, as always. You are ever the kind hostess." she slowly hovers away and down to the ground, feet delicately settling down.

"Do have fun on the rest of your tournament and forget not what we spoke about." The woman murmurs over her shoulder. "But as for now.." the sorceress gestures with one hand, her voice resonating with power as she incants one of her spells. "I shall take my leave." Again a mirror rises up from the ground and she steps in, the Enchantress being gone.