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Latest revision as of 22:55, 25 October 2020

New Client
Date of Scene: 25 October 2020
Location: Taskmasters Offices
Synopsis: Landry visits Taskmaster to ask about possible training.
Cast of Characters: Tony Masters, Landry Lugar

Tony Masters has posed:
     Taskmaster is in his usual spot for meeting new potential clients, a seemingly normal looking office building. The mercenary and trainer of mooks is in a likewise rather normal looking if darkly lit. He's wearing his 'working clothes', complete with skull mask and sword on his back. He has a certain image to present, and besides. You never know when somebody is going to use offering work to just attack him. The potential employer in question was given an address and a time, the building seeming deserted as he enters and takes the elevator to the proper floor. The hallway there leading directly to where Tony is waiting for him. The man in white doesn't react when the door opens, continueing to stare out the window.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar had had to use a few contacts to get the number and set up the meeting. His last few outings had not been grand successes, and he thought a different approach to training would be good. He was dressed in black jeans, a black hoodie with 'Staff' on the back, with the S being a treble clef. With his hood up, and a backpack with a bat handle sticking out, he seemed to be more of a street level type super. No fancy outfit just yet.

He followed the directions he'd been given, and when he walked in the room, he gave a nod to the masked figure standing near the window. He cleared his throat before speaking up, "Taskmaster, I presume?"

Tony Masters has posed:
The figure in white remains still for a time more. Then finally he says, "That's correct." There's a little distortion to his voice from the mask he's wearing. Finally, he turns around and considers the man that just came in. Noting the normal street clothes and the bat, he makes a thoughtful sound. "Hmm. You're one of those, I see. I wonder, did the person that gave you my contact information mention that I don't work cheap?" He strides over to the desk near the window, settling into the chair and leaning back in it. Booted feet ending up planted on top of it. The yellow glow of the eyes of his mask giving no better clue to what he's thinking than the skull does.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar gave a nod, "Yeah. And I don't have much, but, I wanted to see how much this would get me, and then I can work on more when the time comes." He pulled off the backpack, and took out the bat, but set the pack on the desk. It was full of cash, but, only 1's and 5's. All in all, it was around $750.

"I've got powers, but, they arn't too powerful. I've been trying to find ways to be more useful, and less a liability."

Tony Masters has posed:
Taskmster considers the pack on his desk, then drops his feet onto the ground. Leaning forward, he tilts it towards him and glances inside. Seeing that it's all small builds, he stiffles a slight sigh. "Mmm. It won't get you much. I can give you a basic evaluation of your inate talents, and suggestions on ways to improve. But if you want more in depth insturction, you'll either need to provide more money or do some favors for me." No doubt somebody as gray as Taskmaster can be trusted to not make any of those favors anything illegal. Probably. Maybe. "So. What are your powers, just so we're clear on that."

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar gave a nod about the favors or more cash, "I figured as much." He rolled his shoulders, "I don't mind odd jobs. I accidently worked for Cheetah at one point." He laughed and shook his head, "That was a disaster."

He flexed his fingers, "Alright, so. Powers." He opened his palm towards the roof, and a bright spotlight-like light shot out onto the ceiling. As the light shined, it changed from pure white, to a projection of Taskmaster's own mask. Then it shifted to a red, and he brought it down to shine on a chair off to the side of the desk. The beam narrowed to be just large enough to cover the chair, and with some visible effort, the light flashed super bright for a moment, and the chair was turned to ashes. Then the light went out, and he reached into his pocket, and popped a jolly rancher into his mouth. "Burns up a lot of calories."

Tony Masters has posed:
Taskmaster's head tilts back as he studies the illusion of his mask produced by the boy. "Hmm. Light based illusion powers, is it?" Then he watches him point the light at the chair, the red flash and... suddenly the chair isn't there anymore. "...of course, the cost for that will be added to your expenses." He raises to his feet. "So, are you a mutant? Or did you have some sort of tragic accident in a glowstick factory?" He steps around the desk to approach him. "And what sort of training, if any, have you had in the past?" He stops in front of him and studies him from closer. A gloved hand reaching out to lightly prod at him here and there, checking his muscle structure. He can probably guess a lot of what he's capable of jusy by looking at him. But asking doesn't hurt.

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar gave a shrug, "I've not been tested, but, there was an acccident. I'm not sure if it kick started mutant powers, or just caused them out right. The light isn't an illusion. It's basically a super movie projector or spotlight most of the time. I can crank it up to increase the heat, but, that takes a lot out of me." He chewed his lip, "I've not had much training in any kinds of combat. I've... Gotten my ask kicked more than a few times in the last year." He doesn't have much muscle, but he also doesn't have much fat. 'wirery' would be the best term for his physyque. "I've been working on phyical fitness on my own, it's coming along, but, it's not part of my powers, so it's slow going."

Tony Masters has posed:
"I see." He prods at the boy a few times more then says, "Hmm. Tonight isn't the best time for the more in depth training. If you're not already doing so however, I recommend working on your super ability in the meantime. Use it as often as you can. Try to increase the speed you can use it, the frequency, that sort of thing. I will say you seem to be built more for soft styles of combat than hard." He moves over to the desk again, leaning on the front of it. "I am curious. Why did you approach me, instead of... whatever sorts on the more firmly 'good' side sually handle this sort of thing?"

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar gave a nod, "I can do that." He said to using his power more often. He glanced down at his hand, clenching his fist, thinking on it.

He glanced up to look to Taskmaster. "You know that part in Harry Potter, when the sorting hat is talking to him, and said that Slytherine would make him great? I'd always wondered what that version of Harry would have been like." He gave a shrug, "Besides. I asked around. Everyone agreed. You're the best at what you do."

Tony Masters has posed:
One sholder of the masked mercenary raises and falls. "I was never very into that series. Anyway, I do have other things I need to do tonight... I'll contact you later and let you know when we'll have the testing." He motions towards the door with one gloved hand. "You are right about my being the best, however. It was probably a wise choice on your part."

Landry Lugar has posed:
Landry Lugar nodded, "Yeah. Just let me know. I'll be ready." He shouldered the bat, and headed towards the door, "Have a good night. Good luck with your else wise endeavors." He waved and headed on out.