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Latest revision as of 21:56, 26 October 2020

Date of Scene: 23 October 2020
Location: Palace - Asgard
Synopsis: Amora gets bitter news and Thor consoles her.
Cast of Characters: Amora, Thor

Amora has posed:
The palace of Asgard..., a quiet place, full of elegance and expanding gardens where one can relax and soothe whatever worries weighs their shoulders down. The quietness is but disturbed by the singing of humming birds, zipping past along with a gentle music roaming the air, an harpist always on duty to create that sense of calm peacefulness. Honestly, it's heaven on Asgard and ---

The sound of something being tossed and smashed against a wall is heard. Most likely a vase. Then Amora's voice. Loud. "Hnggghh, how does he dare to do this to me?!" she murmurs. She must clearly be on one of her rather legendary temper moments..

The sound of something else smashing against the wall is heard. Beware ancient pottery! Amora is coming for you apparently.

Thor has posed:
    It is, indeed, normally a peaceful time this part of the day. Court is not in session, the nobility have spread off to pursue their own interests. Lord Adelric is having a hunt in Vanaheim and a goodly number of young nobles are rushing about off in the wilds astride their mounts and seeking what glory there is to be found.
    Yet the crash does not go unheard. The shattering and smashing carries along the great halls, the golden inlays carrying the sounds with a hint of distant vibration as if offering warning of the approach of Hurricane Amora.
    Normally none would dare speak against her, lest her efforts turned more violent. The guards know better than to get in the way of one of her tempestuous rages and her target, and to be fair many of them likely hold feelings for her one way or another. Yet it may surprise her when she hears the voice of her prince Thor as it carries down from the other end of the hall and soon resolves itself into his tall silhouette as he strides forth.
    "Amora?" There is concern in his voice, twinned with curiousity as he appears in that form-fitting armor and with that red cape hanging from one shoulder. "What passes?"

Amora has posed:
It's like they lined up a set of pottery for her leisure, another one sent against a wall, followed by a petulant little 'Raaaaa'. Truly, she could be nearly impossible to handle when upset. And being a creature of passion she could very well inflame what made her upset all too easy. Which of course was the same for most other things in her life that she felt towards strongly.

She is dressed in a long, dark green tunic, one that clings to her body by the use of a belt made of golden chains, wrapped about her waist, on her legs a pair of tight fitting pants. Jewelry is abound, along with a circlet and a cape draped across a shoulder in Asgard fashion. On one hand she is holding a long parchment, inlaid with gold. A royal proclamation it would seem, normally sent by the higher Lords or Odin himself.

Flames are in her eyes, tempestuous, her normally crystalline gaze clouded as she again reads the parchment. A reading that is paused when she hears Thor approaching. Her change is immediate, from night to day, eyes brighter, the perfect little smile to her lips. "My Prince. What a surprise." if anything she is always delighted to see Thor, she striding to meet him halfway and offering a curtsey. "I am .., dealing with a recent assignment sent by your Father. It appears he wishes me to attend Midgard." uff, saying it out loud isn't helping, her jaw tightening.

Thor has posed:
    A small smile finds its way onto Thor's lips, no stranger to Amora's moods and their mercurial nature. She has cost him much in the past, and endangered many of her kinsmen, but she has seemed to... change somewhat over the years. Though Amora... is still Amora.
    Closing the distance he steps beside her hand lifted to rest on her shoulder should she not draw back. But those bright blue eyes are shifted to the side to consider the carnage she hath wrought. Which is fairly considerable amongst the palace's population of crockery. But then he looks back.
    She declares what ails her and the Thunderer's eyes widen, "Ahh." He says at first, warmth and happiness there. Then his brow furrows as he realizes she likely doesn't see it that same way. "Ah." He repeats.
    "I am sure he has a good reason for tasking you in such a manner, Amora. And Midgard is a fine place. The embassy is a lovely building and you shall have quarters of your own to decorate."
    A beat.
    "Won't that be lovely?"

Amora has posed:
"Yes, very eloquently put my Prince." Amora retorts about both those 'Ahhs'. It's all in how one says it too so she understands both frames of mind on the Prince. Her chest heaves up noticeably, taking in a deep breath before releasing. In truth Thor's presence did have a way of soothing her and FOR NOW the crockery appeared to be safe. "I am certain the Allfather always has good reasons for all he does. For he sees all." she is almost reciting a mantra. "It does not mean I have to like so. For I do not." not that Amora usually likes anything that doesn't come of her own choice and decision. Not one to follow what others impose on her.

The mention of quarters has her arching a brow. "Such generosity. Whole quarters just for me?" says the woman used to owning palaces and towers. And yes, voice is dripping with sarcasm. She brings one hand up to rest against her forehead. "Maybe you could convince your Father that the Midgard air is not the best for me. At least on the long term. I am quite delicate afterall."

Which while she may not have that sturdiness of a Sif or a Valkyrie it's still a blatant lie, she is no wilting flower, Thor having been on the receiving end of what she is capable of.

Thor has posed:
    The Asgardian Prince listens to her and she can see the attempt at understanding being made as he nods along at points though his brow furrows with consideration. And when she starts out seemingly pleased to have her own quarters he seems to perk up, only to realize she is not truly enthused and then just nods a little more.
    "I could... speak to him on the matter, Amora. But you know I have no gift for subterfuge. And of late he does not hold my counsel dear." Which in both counts is true.
    He then rests his hands upon his hips and tilts his head to the side curiously. "But I assure you, that your time there will not be tedious, nor dull. And if you wish I will introduce you to those I hold dear. There are always..." He lifts his chin a little as he searches for the right words. "Parties. And celebrations. And one of my colleagues is a gifted fashionista type person. I am sure you both would have much to share?"

Amora has posed:
It requires some strong will to not just roll her eyes at Thor's lack of seeing through her subterfuge even if in part is what made him so endearing to her. But Amora is busy being upset so the endearing part is somewhat in the back of her mind while her fury is still running red hot. She waves her hand dismissively at the suggestion of talking with him. "No, might as well not. Or it could even be worse." because it could. A dramatic little sigh follows. "I shall endure." her lilting voice rising, "For what am I but a servant to our great King."

The talk about her time not being dull has her lifting the corner of her mouth in a wicked little smile. "Oh, in that you should not worry. I never find myself surrounded with dullness, even if I do need to create the entertainment myself most often. And yes, fine I shall meet this friend of yours."

She turns, one of her slender arms wrapping about Thor's, "Now what is this you speak of Odin not holding your counsel? I had it in mind you were his favorite." a beat. "Or is this still about Loki?" She wonders.

The way she wraps her arm about Her Prince it's as if she expects to be walked through the gardens.

Thor has posed:
    As Amora seems to accept her fate she can see him buck up, smiling at the moment as he lets a small breath he had not known he was holding slip from between his lips. "Good, 'tis good to remember that." That they both serve their king.
    But when he can see that little gleam in her eyes and that smile, he tilts his head to the side and frowns, a furrow marring his features as he warns her with but the utterance of her name. "Ammmooora." Wanting to warn her off from... any Amora-like things that are flitting through her mind.
    Yet then the topic changes and he will walk with her down the hall, even as some of the servants start to emerge from the shadows, leaning forward to peer to make sure that it is safe for them to start cleaning up after Amora's small tantrum.
    He rests his hand upon hers and indeed turns to begin the stroll so wished for, and answers her question. "He listens to me, yet it seems he still goes ahead with his plans. But thus is the role of King." And so he accepts it, even as they stroll toward the pathway that leads to those gardens.

Amora has posed:
"Oh, come now. I have no idea how those humans live with their miserable little lives. Just like will'o'wisps that burn too bright and fade way too quick without having experienced all that life has to offer." Amora replies to that warning-like tone. And truly, it would be a nearly impossible task to get Amora away from Amora-like things. It's in her nature afterall! "Hela does like it at least, that their lives are so fleeting."

The woman appears to radiate heat, a comfortable warmth that makes her quite the pleasant company to be in. At least when she isn't in furious-mode, or in mischievous-mode. Heck, she is fine even in those modes even if the price of her company may be too high.. "Or perhaps he wishes for you to start showing initiative." she muses upon hearing Thor, crystal blue eyes now turned to look up at Thor fully, her hip brushing on his while they walk. She does walk with quite the sashay to her motions afterall. "Maybe he wants you to show decisiveness in what you decide to do. If you know that is the right course of action to take."

Her perfect bow-shaped lips curl up in a smile. "Perhaps he yearns to see you challenging him one day."

Thor has posed:
    Still walking slowly with that even step, making sure his stride aligns with her own and his hand still resting upon hers that she has in turn around his bicep. He nods somewhat and frowns as she speaks of mortals that way, telling her gently. "To some the fact that they must experience what they can in their shorter lives make each one all the more precious."
    Turning his head to the side he smiles a little to her, "Those lilacs in Vanaheim, you recall those?" Perhaps ones he gave her so many years ago when they were part of that youthful wild gang of young Asgardians rushing around the nine realms.
    "They survive barely a day, perhaps two. Yet they were lovely enough that I felt they could complement even your beauty."
    He smiles as he looks away while they continue their walk and she offers the insight that he may well be being tested by his father. And to that he nods and answers, "I could see that, it would not be the first time my father tested my dedication. My wisdom. Yet at times..." Whatever he was about to say is lost as across the great gardens before them, the latticework and beautifully tended to flowers and vines providing a lovely view against which now they can see some of the flying horses distantly heading toward their homes in the stables.
    "Ah, some of the Valkyr return."

Amora has posed:
The Enchantress turns her nose a bit at the notion of humans being precious due to those short lives. "It just ..., limits them. I do not underestimate them, mind you. If anything they have been responsible for great harm to the stability of the nine realms but ..." and then she says as if it was one of those truths of life. "We are just .., better." she walks slowly alongside Thor, her eyes finally straying to watch the gardens, perhaps recalling those lilacs of centuries past. "How could I ever forget?" she replies wistfully.

"And I agree completely, they are a good complement to our own lives, even if for but a day or two." she beaming a smile up at Thor at twisting his words so.

One of those finely-trimmed brows arches up at Thor, curious at what he was about to say and doesn't finish. But she has insight enough on her Prince to at least have a measure of what may be going on. "Yet at times you have doubts. It is understandable. Every great King does."

The flying horses bring her gaze up to them. It's no secret that she and the Valkyrs don't see each other eye to eye but at least she is gracious enough to not insult them. "There are the views I will be missing when I am down there upon Midgard." she letting another one of her heart-breaking sighs. It's a work of art really, the way she is able to express so much in those.

Thor has posed:
    "I am sure if they had a choice they would not have short lives." Thor says to her sidelong, "But I feel it gives them... a vibrance that sometimes we cannot match." He squeezes her hand gently with his and then he smiles, "But come, let us not quarrel. Perhaps your time on Midgard you will feel differently."
    Yet when she compares them indeed to those lilacs as but accessorries... well he says her name again. "Amora." This time a little more abrupt and perfunctory, as if oh so disappointed in her.
    But they move around the lovely vines, the flowers shifting with the breeze behind them. Perhaps a testament to Thor's mood that the sky is clear and lovely. He pats her hand gently with a small squeeze, eyes distanced on the circling Valkyrie even as they land. A look to the side and he tells her, "There is beauty on Midgard as well. I will show you if you would let me."

Amora has posed:
This talk about humans having a vibrance they cannot match has Amora looking up at Thor with a somewhat suspicious manner, lips pursed together in thought. She does note something there but she makes no comment, choosing to let the issue go for now. But she'd discover things for herself!

At those last words from Thor she considers briefly and then asks in that sweet manner of hers. "More beauty than the one found in Asgard?" she inquires. Is it a trick question? Maybe! "But maybe I will endure this and allow you to show me more of Midgard. If anything I always enjoy more knowledge." not that she appears that convinced..

She instead turns to take in the scent of the surrounding gardens and the perfect breeze that complements her so. Truly these are the gardens of the Gods. Could there even be a place on Earth that matched this..?

Thor has posed:
    "Different, perhaps?" Thor answers her about the beauty and what is possible for those of Midgard to experience and feel. He stops for a moment and then takes a seat upon the edge of the bench, brushing a hand across the other seat beside him freeing it of fallen flower petals for her.
    "But definitely beautiful. As beautiful? That is up to the beholder is it not?" His lip curves up with that, clearly finding himself oh so clever even as he sits there.
    "In truth, however, I could use your aid in matters there. You are a great sorceress and there has been a call of late to defend against matters most arcane."