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Art Appreciation, and the Challenge Thereof
Date of Scene: 26 October 2020
Location: Gotham University
Synopsis: Selina Kyle meets Stephanie Brown at a museum and gives her advice in art appreciation during the course of casing the joint.
Cast of Characters: Selina Kyle, Stephanie Brown

Selina Kyle has posed:
    It's getting colder out, and while the dent can be tricky to perceive in a city as populated as Gotham, it DOES equate to a bit less traffic in general, particularly around certain gathering spots of note.
    Like, say, a museum!
    Idly whistling an upbeat little tune as she works, Catwoman is perched on the edge of a nearby building to one of Gotham's museums, holding what amounts to a hi-tech camera over her eyes as she gingerly scans along the outside of the westmost side of the complex.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The museum is one of the few that are located on the campus of Gotham University. They each have a specialty, with different exhibits rotating through. This one happens to be the fine art museum. With the recent news of a wealthy alumni known for art making some donations to the university, there is a very good chance that some of his personal pieces might be put on display there. And while the security is not bad by museum standards, it is probably a little less than those artworks would normally warrant.

Though that has nothing to do with why Stephanie Brown is there. She approaches the museum, wearing a bookbag over her shoulders. She's clad in blue jeans and a sweater, with a medium weight navy blue jacket overtop against the weather which is getting colder each day it seems.

She approaches the museum's entrance, though walking slowly as she's instead focused on a page of paper in her hand. "Hrm, pick any work and write an essay on what it means to me," the blond says, letting out a little exasperated sigh that dislodges a few strands of hair where they hang down in front of her face after getting lose from her ponytail. "Probably going to say, why did someone spend that much time on that?" she mumbles to herself.

Selina Kyle has posed:
    Catwoman sighs, kicking one crossed leg idly, and tilts her head. One suppposes there's only so much that can be done from outside. Much as she hates to place herself at the scene of a crime without a gathering there to justify it, there's no avoiding it sometimes. She takes hold of her satchel and moves away from the edge of the rooftop.
    A few minutes later, Selina Kyle strides through the museum's front door in a long black coat, sunglasses and a dainty little hat worn over her costume, her gloves removed just to avoid giving off 'hitman' energy. She's here to survey the premisis, but, overhearing the 'kid' nearby, she can't help coyly, and nosily interjecting: "Eccentricity, generally." Selina smiles merrily. "Though you kind of have to build up to that. Find out something spicey about the artist. That sorta thing."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie looks over to the older woman as she hears her. "I was figuring the answer is probably 'money' a lot of the time too. Though if I was an artist I suppose a hungry belly would motivate me enough," the college student says with a wry grin.

She removes her bookbag and digs in it, pulling out a guide to the museum that she'd printed out from online earlier. The bookbag goes back over her shoulder.

Stephanie looks over to Selina, asking, "Are you one of the art professors?" and probably just guessing that based on her age and presence. "I'm just in the freshman Art Appreciation class. Not really sure what I want to major in. So I'm sampling things and see if something doesn't call out to me," Stephanie comments.

Up ahead the exhibits start. Paintings and sculptures and other works of art abound. Many of them aren't particularly worth security behind the locked doors and alarm systems that keep people from getting in at odd hours. There are some things though that are covered or have other, more advanced protections in place. Few of the works are worth more than in the tens of thousands range, but that isn't always the case.

Selina Kyle has posed:
    "Oh, honey..." Selina grins, "... there's no money in art until *after* you die~"
    Selina's eyes flutter thoughtfully for a second at Stephanie's question before she smiles, "Me? Noooo, no. I'm just..." Selina peers subtly to the left at a particular work, her green eyes peeking out over the top of her sunglasses, "... an enthusiast." Selina looks back to Stephanie and says "Knowledgeable enough to get a free drink from real professors, anyway~"
    In the back of Selina's mind she realizes she's being JUST A TOUCH unprofessional and should probably back out of this conversation as fast as possible, but Selina is nothing if not a slave to her own whimsy. Nodding slowly, Selina replies, "Wellll, that's probably the way to go for it. If nothing's called out to you just by happenstance, you might as well hunt it down." She puts one hand on her hip and shrugs, "If nothing else you might find a hobby~"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The woman's labeling herself an enthusiast gets a soft grin from Stephanie. "Ah, and here I am grumbling about an assignment bringing me here. Sorry," she tells Selina. "Well, this is better than some of the classes anyway. I heard about someone mixing a few wrong things in Chem 101 and everyone came out of there smelling like rotten eggs," she comments with a soft chuckle.

Stephanie walks over to look at the first paintings. "Hmm. I don't know that they really speak to me," she says of those first few. A Renaissance style work though not actually that old. A chubby woman with several babies, out in a field by a river. "I just don't know that I'd be sitting there with a canvas and saying to myself... oh wait. Yes. That's it. I should paint a woman and her triplets... ok not triplets, but a woman with her kids. I mean unless it was someone I know," she says. "Ok maybe 'art appreciation' isn't quite the right name for it with me?"

She turns to look at other works, moving over to a statue. The statue actually is worth something, on loan from a museum in New York.

Selina Kyle has posed:
    Selina puts her hand on her chin with a bemused smile at Stephanie's estimation. "Wellll, of course you and *I* can't..." She muses, sauntering a bit after Stephanie, "We're lucky enough not to be covered in babies. But whoever DID think that to themself couldn't function until they got it out of their head. Just... imagine how they lived, and what must have pushed them. When you know a little about what got put into it, it helps you take something out of it..."
    Selina shrugs slightly, "Or at least it helps you lecture students when your hobby bores them."
    That said, her gaze takes on a bit of an intense quality as they near the statue, with Selina letting out a very slow breath with body language usually reserved for meeting a paramour. "This, though... *thiiiis* speaks for itself, I think~"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown walks over and looks at the statue. "Ok, I admit. That speaks to me. Her face it just... has such character," Stephanie says of the bust, which is sealed away behind a set of security measures that are of quite good quality. Far better than the rest of the museum. And it should be, the sculpture is worth several million dollars.

"Pablo Picasso," Stephanie reads from the plaque. "Tete de femme (Dora Maar). This work was done in plaster in 1941 while bronze was scarce due to the war. Afterwards he produced four bronze versions," she reads. Then gasps. "Oh wow. The bronze are worth over twenty million?"


Stephanie whistles. "Well, I do like it. I don't think I could part with that much for one. Though I guess this is worth a tenth as much? Still... yes I can get why someone would appreciate this greatly," she says, leaning towards the case closer to look at the woman's expressive face.

Selina Kyle has posed:
    Selina purrs softly despite herself, and nods, "Mmmm, god forbid you try to start a collection." She agrees distractedly.
    Hrm. There's a thought.
    Selina shakes her head and says, "IIII've stolen enough of your time I think. The tour beckons me!" She begins to move away, merrily calling back, "Good luck with your project~"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie glances back up from the bust and over to Selina. "Well, thank you for helping me look at it with a bit more of a positive attitude," she says, giving the other woman a friendly smile. "And thank you. Hope you enjoy the visit," she says.

The freshman's phone is retrieved from a pocket and she takes a few pictures of it, probably to refer back to when she's doing her paper. She'd considered just going to Wayne Manor and picking some artwork there. Probably would be worth more than the ones here. But this bust seems to be speaking to her, so maybe the museum was a good choice after all.