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Latest revision as of 03:29, 28 October 2020

Cavern Musings
Date of Scene: 28 October 2020
Location: Batcave
Synopsis: Bruce gets a chance to get an update from Stephanie and Cassandra. There is much bleeding on things.
Cast of Characters: Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Bruce Wayne

Cassandra Cain has posed:
The darkness in this cave has always seemed ominous. Possibly because the place exists for the sole purpose of taking on those that live within it, there are no positives in this place and the depths of the cave are an eternal reminder. Lights exist of course, illuminating where is necessary. The car spins slowly on the turntable, constant maintenance keeping it at peak capacity. The new enhanced predictive suspension is being tested now, planned for an upcoming problem and built to specifications.

The small door irises, bioscans confirming an accepted person. Files come up as they perform the security checks, and before Cassandra Cain has gotten five steps down the access corridor she's been remotely fingerprinted, retinal scanned, and the computer is noting that her bio-signs are low. Twelve locations on her body show up on the monitor as 'damaged', enough to require an ambulance in anyone else.

She leaves a trail of blood in the hallway, not the first time. But she has a smile on her face as she walks in. There aren't many people who would consider whatever she's just done to be a victory, but she's always been wierd.

Outside, her motorcycle falls over. Dented, busted up, it doesn't look any better. But it got her here at least.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The elevator descends from the mansion, eventually opening to let Stephanie Brown out into the Batcave. She's got a bookbag over one shoulder and is carrying a plate that contains a bowl of soup and a healthy looking sandwich. And given that Alfred prepared both, there is no doubt as to just how delicious they will be.

The blond nineteen year old heads towards the raised platform where the Batcomputer is housed. The plate gets set down on a counter away from where it can spill any thing on the computer, and the book bag set on the ground as Stephanie slides into the chair. She types for a few seconds, bringing up some previous research she's been doing into property holdings along the waterfront.

That's when she realizes that Cassandra is back. "Cass," she says, swiveling in the chair and her eyebrows going up a bit at the sight of the other girl's condition. "You look... ah, it's good to see you," she says, amending what she was going to say as she sees that smile on Cassandra's face.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
Of course, by their general nature caves are not exactly cozy, welcoming places. They are dark and dingy and frequently full of all sorts of unpleasant things. Of course the cavern complex that stretches beneath the grounds of Wayne Manor would not be different in that respect. Though the overlay of technology, of the world beyond certainly does give it contrast. Stark rock mingles next to stainless steel. Dark Shadows are pushed back by bright lights. Heck, one whole platform is taken up by a huge monitor, the sizable computer the very representation of modern society. Nothing in that contrast makes the place comfortable though. Which is probably the way the primary occupant of this particular cave likes it. When the cape and cowl go on, he is not always that likeable or welcoming either either.

Generally, at this hour there would be no sign of Gotham's Dark Knight within these caves. Even with the Batmobile in the middle of an upgrade he would simply take another vehicle into the city to conduct his nightly patrols. Otherwise it might be some function that has him dressed in his formal best, playing his part, his role, until he can make his escape. Until he can put on the cape and cowl and resume his endless vigil over the city.

But not tonight, not yet at least. He emerges from the back passageways, that costume already on suggesting that he is not around for long and does not seem surprised in the least to see either Cassandra or Stephanie present. Then again, him showing any surprise once that cowl goes on might be one of the signs of the end days. Each of them gets a nod, and Cassandra a once over though it is clear enough that she is not seriously hurt. So he too leaves the matter alone, without comment.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra walks up and gives Stephanie a messy hug. She barely even recognizes the blood that's on her outfit, though as she separates she stops to pull off her armoured hoodie. Alloy plates tumble out, dislodged in whatever she was doing, and she doesn't care overly that Batman walks in while she's down to her sports bra beneath.

She gives the man a glance, her body suggesting a hesitation, a motion of her hand almost a hand-wobble. She may not agree with his assessment, but she's clearly capable of walking. So how bad could it be? But the mystery of what happened is still an issue.

Placing her hoodie down, claw marks are visible. Hands' width, perhaps wider one the fabric is laid flat. Something or someone with significant power, that hoodie is meant to take a lot of damage.

Another hint comes as she sits on the medical table, and she looks at the automated medi-bot. She shakes her head slightly, then reaches for some bandaging. A wince suggests pain, and some claw marks on her ribs, more so. But then, she hums something. Something new.

It sounds like music from a classical setting. Opera perhaps, but there are no operas playing tonight. There is a ballet though, one which has just been active. Not too far from where Croc has been holing up. In the end, it's not too hard a mystery. If you spot all the clues, of course.

But she's having problems bandaging her own ribs, even if she isn't asking for assistance.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown sees the blood on Cassandra, but it doesn't stop her from hugging the Asian girl in greeting. There is a slight wince though when Cass won't see it. She really likes this top. But then Alfred is a maestro of getting out bloodstains. Stephanie will be wearing home some of her spare clothing though.

"Hey Bruce," she says as she sees him. It wasn't all that many months ago that all of Stephanie's time in the Batcave came with a certain amount of tension. It has gradually given way though as her tutelage under Barbara Gordon has progressed.

Stephanie reaches down to dig in her bookbag and pull out an Economics textbook, setting it to the side as she glances at the Batcave's monitor. She types in a few commands to set it off on running down the next leg in what has already proved to be 8 layers of shell companies owning the location she's looking into.

The blond glances to Batman and then over to Cassandra again. "So how bad does he look?" she asks of Cassandra's opponent, though knowing her slight grin of approval for Cass might be the main thing that her friend picks up on.

Stephanie looks back to Batman and says, "I think we're about ready to move on Penguin. The tracker that I got on him at the museum robbery where he took that enormous diamond, has yielded some results. A frozen storage facility," she tells him.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
It is possible that he has a slightly skewed sense of what constitutes serious injury after all his years of patrolling the streets of Gotham City. If there is not blood pooling on the ground, if there are no bones visibly showing or no foam at the mouth as poison begins to shut down internal organs it is apparently nothing that can't be handled with a little bit of first aid and a murmured 'Walk it off'. No need to call Lesley, right? Maaaaybe Alfred if it seems like there might be cracked ribs. He certainly has a more delicate touch then Bruce when it comes to field medicine.

Bruce is not always the... easiest person to get along with. At least those that know him. But as he has loosened his hold over what he considers 'his Crusade' he has made a little more of an effort to be a little more of a mentor and a little less of a harsh taskmaster, demanding perfection. Most of the time. "Stephanie," he replies, about as loquacious as he gets when it comes to casual chit chat. At least when he is in the costume at any rate. "School is going well, I trust?" he says.

But he doesn't linger by the Batcomputer, not when Cassandra hauls herself up onto the medical table and begins to patch herself up. Wrapping ribs on one's own is always tricky and he wordlessly takes those bandages from her to do a more thorough -- if tighter -- job. "Croc I presume?" he says quietly.

Multitasking is no real challenge to the dark-haired man and he tosses a glance over towards the blonde young woman as she too turns to business. Real business. "Good. Keep on it. Lets find out everything we can about the facility," he instructs, apparently leaving that to her at least for the moment. Growing trust? Entirely possible.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Yes, Cass is having issues with binding her own ribs properly. She glances up as Steph speaks; also when Bruce does, she tends to do that whenever there are words in the air. She isn't really listening, as far as anyone can tell. She's watching them move and infirming meaning from what they do. She may or may not actually know English.

Stephanie's question gets a pained expression on her face, just before Bruce comes over to start helping. She glances away, her eyes not meeting Stephanie's. Is it possible that she actually lost? If she's not used to fighting Croc then yes, it is entirely possible. And if he's still at the Ballet, not having been taken out, that could be a threat.

She lifts her arms then, letting Bruce do his work on her. The claw marks aren't life-threatening. Some new scars, all the good stuff like that. And she nods when Penguin is spoken of, acknowledging the upcoming event.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
A nod is given to Bruce after the question about school. "Caught back up," she says, referring to how her schoolwork suffered as everyone was working overtime trying to find and recover Tim and Jason after they were captured by the Court of Owls.

She types something in, checks the result, and then turns to crack open her Economics book. "Think I may get an 'A' on my Art Appreciation paper. Found this great little Picasso sculpture at the museum on campus. Was chatting with this nice woman who gave me a bit more appreciation for it," Stephanie says. She never did Selina's name, either, but it left a nice impression on Stephanie. "And, finding the right piece to write about, I think made all the difference," she says.

Her eyes go over to Cassandra then. "Croc's no laughing matter," she says. It wouldn't have been all that long ago she might have missed some of those clues that indicated the opponent. Stephanie flashes a reassuring look over at Cass, one that doesn't hide the pride she feels for her friend's abilities.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
One thing is for certain, Bruce most definitely does not have that deft touch when it comes to bandaging wounds that Lesley or Alfred do. What he does have however is a whole lot of practice. That's usually all he needs to be near an expert at something. In short order those wrappings are on and tied off -- definitely on the tight side to make sure that any damage to her ribs is bound. At least until they can get her proper x-rays.

He's gotten better, about letting the extended 'family' risk themselves, to take on challenges that he almost surely would have refused to let Dick face in the early days. He might be just a little overprotective with his protegees -- more then one has probably felt stiffled before -- but he knows well the cost of just a little mistake and while he might be willing to pay that price, it is a hard thing to see anyone else do so. Especially after they have wormed their way into his inner circle. Still, those masked features remain mostly impassive, his tone cool and business-like. "She's not wrong. Croc is no laughing matter, especially in tight quarters," he says quietly. Or even at a ballet.

Glancing back to Stephanie he dips his head even as he makes one last adjustment to Cassandra's bandages. "Good," he says simply. He might have eased off on the reins a little but in some respects nothing has really changed about the high expectations he has for each and every one of them. No matter what the task at hand might be.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
While she may not be chatty, Cassandra is more than capable of communicating if she needs to do so. She's shown that before, many times. However as the two talk about art, appreciation of art, and Bruce waxes eloquent in his body language about how he approves of Stephanie's growth, she smiles. He isn't using his mouth to say it, but she's glad it's out in the open.

Of course, still need to deal with Croc, she thinks, as she tests her bandaging by doing a few flexing motions. That's the name they're using for the big thing she fought, she files it as necessary-word and hops off the table. She looks down at herself and decides she can shower later, get any blood off. There might still be more after all.

She doesn't even notice that she's still humming the tune. A nice night ahead of her, she saw the ballet for a moment earlier and she really wants to see it again. If she has to earn it, all the better.

So she motions to the exit, glancing to both of them. If they want to come play too, they can, but nobody really seems to get the context when she speaks. Steph's pretty good, but hey. Croc's cuffed to a bulldozer, and might almost be free by now. She should get back soon.

Thus, she's grinning, and looking for a shirt.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
It's just one word, and a simple one. Yet for Stephanie it resonates. Striking a chord on strings that were once stretched so tight as be near to snapping. But that have loosened over time not just with growing confidence in her abilities, but in the sense of the same about her from others.

She makes herself focus on her Econ reading assignment as Bruce and Cassandra take care of her wounds. After she's made it through a couple of pages, she checks back on the computer. Giving it some additional human guidance, and after, Stephanie gets up and goes over to her locker in the changing area.

When she comes back, she's wearing a clean, blood-free shirt, and the other has been added to the group's laundry. "Helped out Helena with a Sicilian that's in the city. Making some moves here," she tells Bruce. We got some intel from his phone, though he knows it. So I don't know how long it will remain good," she tells him. "Left it in Helena's hands, but told her I'd help as she needs."

Bruce Wayne has posed:
Of course it isn't just Stephanie that has shown some growth. With the injuries bound and dealt with -- at least as much as they are likely to be without insisting that she visit Leslie -- Bruce lets Cassandra back to her own thing, confident no doubt that she will be back on the street before the night is done, no doubt looking for the always formidable Croc. Some would probably question their life decisions -- with some pretty valid reasons actually -- but not a one of them is likely to cease doing what needs to be done. They're not really wired that way.

While he leaves the main screen of the Batcomputer to Stephanie, he does access one of the sub-terminals just off the main platform. The reason perhaps that he is still in the Cave? Preparation is a big part of what they do afterall, something that he stresses time and again whenever he takes one or another of them out into the field for some sort of test.

When she mentions Helena, Bruce does glance up from whatever it is that he is working one, giving a brief nod, a hand lifting to his face, absently rubbing across his chin. "Fair enough. Hopefully she can handle it," he muses before giving a small shake of his head. He knows how personal things can get. It's all about channelling it down the right path. Waiting to see if someone has that ability is his own test of patience sometimes.