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Latest revision as of 10:18, 28 October 2020

Night at the Toy Museum
Date of Scene: 28 October 2020
Location: Nick Nack's Toy Museum, NYC
Synopsis: Toyman meets Static during a heist at a Toy Museum, and Static gets a new toy in the end
Cast of Characters: Winslow Schott, Virgil Hawkins

Winslow Schott has posed:
Nick Nack's Toy Museum was one of NYC's many, many tourist traps. This museum, which house a rather impressive toy collection, was founded by one Nicholaus Nack in the 1990s. The Museum, whose mission was to display toys throughout history, has moved many times as it's collection grew, eventually stopping at a old Freemason's temple in NYC. This sprawling building was the perfect size to house Nack's now massive collection of toys, which varied from tinker toys all the way to He-Man action figures. It's most recent aquisition however, were a set of My Precious Unicorn dolls from the orginal 2000 release. The craze surrounding these toys were so severe that even to this days, some of those toys were hard to find, especially the ones in this exhibit in the museum.

The Museum didn't really splurge much on security, considering what they displayed they didn't think that they would need much security. However, this would proved to be the biggest mistake anyone could make.

The lone security guard was making his rounds across the perimater outside the museum when he heard a tiny bell ringing. The guard immediatley turned his flash light towards the sound, and saw a toy fire truck. The guard, tiliting his head in confusion, walked towards the truck and picked it up. However, the second he did this, the hose suddenly lifted up on it's own and sprayed a violet gas in the guards face. The guard immediatley collapsed, knocked unconcious by the whatever the fire truck sprayed.

Suddenly, a loud explosion rocked the area surrounding the museum as the southern wall to the museum was blown open. Through the hole in the wall a group of men dressed up in very colorful polyester suits rushed through, being followed closely behind by three toy tanks and a few toy fire trucks. As the men appraoched the exhibits, one of them said,

"Gee, Mr. Schott was right, it is kinda depressin to see all these toys locked behind glass.'

Suddenly, the sounds of hoofs clopping caused the men to turn their attention to a unusual sight. It was a tall, pitch black Unicorn with a dark blue mane. It seemed to carry itself in a royal aura, each step it took being with dignity and grace. Suddenly, it stopped before the men, smiled gently, and said in a British Accent,

"My friends, Mr. Schott wants us to "liberate" these toys from this stuffy old museum, especially those Unicorns!"

The men nodded at the Unicorn and began to loot the museum, breaking display glasses and gently dropping the toys into duffled bag, while the Unicorn sat on it's haunches and watched the men work. This Unicorn, of course, was part of the My Precious Unicorn toyline,Princess Midnight, one of the benevolent King Flare's three daughters.

Virgil Hawkins has posed:
Virgil was already here, checking out the museum and just kind of absorbing more trivia. He's always studying //something//, always learning some new cultural thing, and a toy museum is perfect for that.

When things start going down, he ducks behind some glass, eyes wide. "Here we go..."

One has to be sneaky when they don't have the speed of Superman to do a phonebooth quick change. So he sneaks until he's out through a fire exit.

And then the next thing one knows, a guy with a large yellow, flowing coat over tights comes flying in a different door on top of a trashcan lid.

"Hey, NRFB, guys!!! Never remove from box! These are collector's items, didn't you learn anything from cartoons making fun of literally all of us?" He immediately holds his hand up, electromagnetism arcing out almost like water as he tries to flip the fire trucks upside down.

"And you've got a giant My Precious Unicorn? You know, MPU YouTube will never forgive you for this. A giant talking, looting unicorn figure is something they'd go //wild// for! Too bad I can't leave it in mint condition!"

He suddenly shifts the polarity on one of the fire trucks, and then reaches out with his other hand to give the unicorn the //opposite// polarity of that, trying to make it attract the fire truck like a magnet.

Winslow Schott has posed:
The goons look in surprise when Static comes flying in out of nowehere. The Fire Trucks aim their hoses up at him, but are knocked over on their backs. However, they still fire anyways, releasing jets of fire out on the floor. One truck however, is sent flying into Princess Midnight, who, much to even the goon's surprise, cries out in pain and is sent flying into a display. However, it seemed to have survived this attack and gets up, glaring at Static as she yells out,

"Dispatch him! Dispatch him now!"

The goons suddenly pull out pistol and uzis and begin firing at the electricity based hero while the toy tanks from earlier suddenly roll in and start to fire tiny artillery shells at him. Meanwhile, the unicorn suddenly tilts it's head down, projecting the holographic image of a short, fat man with somewhat long brown hair and wire-rimmed wearing a three piece blue and purple stripped suit, complete with an almost comedically large bowtie. He appears to be pouting rather chilidshly while saying in a thick British accent,

Oh bother! Why is it that any time I try to do something, a hero shows up!"

If you were at all familiar with Metropolis villains, you would immediatley recognize this man as Winslow Percival Schott, AKA The Terrible Toyman.

Virgil Hawkins has posed:
"Whoa, okay, I thought you guys were toy enthusiasts, not fully functional prop guys! There's a difference!" Static holds up his hands when bullets go whizing by, shifting a bunch of polarities again, this time trying to make their guns all attracted to a certain spot above their hands.

Princess Midnight is still a problem, and he stares down at the hologram. "Hey, you're that guy from the news! Are you telling me that you can build a life sized MPU figure, but you're spending your time removing toys from glass boxes?"

He stares at the pony, trying to get a feel for if it's metallic or not, since it's not totally obvious at a glance. "You know, you could take up so many hobbies. Why don't you try kitbashing? Or do a nice pony reboot."

Winslow Schott has posed:
The men cry out in surprise as their guns are suddenly pulled out of their hands and towards the toy tanks, who are buried by the fire arms. Scans of the Unicorn do detect some metal, but it is covered up by a lot of plastic. It would seem that the Toyman is trying to stay as true to life with his toys as possible. Speaking of the Toyman, Schott glares at Static and says,

These toys shoudn't be gathering dust in a museum! Toys were meant to be played with, not to hidden behind glass!"

Suddenly, Toyman pulls out a remote control and presses it while grinning manically. Suddenly, a roar fills the air as yet another wall is blown open, revealing a rather large, almost realistic looking dragon toy. The toy seems to focus in on Static and releases a stream of fire towards his location

Virgil Hawkins has posed:
"Half of these toys are probably full of mercury and lead." Static is quick to retort, straightening his limited edition Friday the 13th hat, with the Jason hockey mask on the front.

"Holy shi--" He suddenly dives down behind a pillow, looking himself over and padding himself down for burns.

"Okay, fire breathing dragon, and if it's like the unicorn, probably some kind of robot. Gotta think..."

The first thing he does is remove his coat, he shifts the polarity a bit so that he'll cling up on the ceiling, somewhere out of harm's way. "Can't risk the extra fabric getting me set on fire..."

Then he peeks from behind the pillar and looks around. "Need a plan... gotta think..."


He suddenly goes running, trying his best to dodge fire. Then he touches the glass case with the My Precious Unicorn toys on display, using his power to flip the case open and undo the locks. "Skeleton Ki, eat your heart out."

He grabs handfuls of the display ponies, then holds them up, beginning to walk toward the dragon. "If you burn me, you burn the ponies! So why don't you just stop now, go away, turn yourself in or something. This is now a hostage situation!"

Winslow Schott has posed:
Toyman and his men watched in satisfaction as Static is fleeing the dragon. However, when Static grabs the Unicorns and begins to make his way towards the Dragon, Schott's eyes suddenly widen and the dragon abruptly stops moving as Schott says in a rather despirate voice,

"No! Please! Don't burn them. Me and the lad will drop everything and leave! Just don't burn my beautiful works of art!"

Virgil Hawkins has posed:
"Alright, just back off, shut this down, and I'll put the unicorns back once I'm sure you're out of here. We got a deal?" Static asks, then looks down at the unicorns. He places them back in their display, all except Princess Midnight.

"I'm keeping this one, taking it home. I'll take care of it, okay guy? You've got a promise, that's our deal. But if you come back to this museum again, I come back and destroy it right in front of you." He sounds sincere in this negotiation, continuing to hold the single unicorn up now. "You have my word though, I'll take care of this thing."

Winslow Schott has posed:
Toyman stands still for a minute, as if in deep thought, before suddenly saying,

"Alright lads, drop everything you are carrying and clear out!

As the dragon flies away, the goons begin to drop the duffle bags and disappear into the hole they have made. Schott then turns to Static and says,

"You better take care of that little Unicorn now. Now that you have claimed it as a friend, it will be a friend for life. If not, I will hear of it!"

Toyman's hologram than disappears as the giant Midnight smiles at you gently and suddenly sprouts wings and flies through the hole in the wall. You suddenly hear a yelp of surprise as you see Midnight suddenly scoop up one of Schott's men and places him on her back as she flies off into the night sky, seemingly disappearing into it's inky blackness.

Virgil Hawkins has posed:
Static stands there, catching his coat as it falls from the ceiling, then stares down at the unicorn and signs. "Well, I guess it's me and you in this together now. You can be best friends with the Space Marines and She-Ra... well, don't tell anyone about She-Ra. That's our secret." He holds a finger up to his mouth, shushing the pony.

Princess Midnight is in good hands.