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Latest revision as of 00:29, 30 October 2020

Dancing with the Stars: Wildways Edition
Date of Scene: 29 October 2020
Location: Sion - Nightclub
Synopsis: (Note: This happens the day after scene 3760)

Turns out there was magic in the drinks and Harley got a bit of it. By works of strange magics, coincidence, and copying Spiral's dancing patterns she teleports herself, Spiral and Aimee to the Wildways where, of course, chaos ensues. And they meet Spiral's nemesis, Swift Vengeance!

Cast of Characters: Spiral, Harley Quinn, Aimee Alexander

Spiral has posed:
Spiral has dragged Harley to Sion once more, the day after the rave party in Strange's Sanctum. "Come on, maybe Elizabeth will be there again. And we can meet, dance, play... it will be fun.". She doesn't bother paying, she walks up to the entrance, then does a twirl, and the two of them are past the entrance, and Spiral just keeps on walking like nothing happened. The best superpower.
"Hmm. I'm not sensing her presence.". Spiral pouts, looking around the inside of the club for people she knows, while a metal hand clutches Harley's wrist.

Harley Quinn has posed:
The party had Strange's Sanctum had been wild... To say the least. Magic, drinking. And then even liquid magic! It had turned the night into a memorable one. But as the night went by, and on the following day something felt different, was different. At least to Harley. She had always been able to see the patterns, to understand the way things were, even the unseen ones. They did say genius go hand with hand with craziness. Literally so in her case.

So she had accepted without much of a fuss when Spiral had just dragged her out to the club. "Yes, I do feel like dancin'" she tells the six-armed one. "Theah is .., it's almost as if I could see a pathway but. Betta if I show ya."

There had been tingles of magic felt on the previous night. Was there still anything left in the clownette? She casts a look around the club, baby blue eyes sparkling at all the lights, both the ones there and not there.

Aimee Alexander has posed:
Sitting at the bar, looking full of regret, is Aimee! An untouched cocktail sits in front of her; the teen eyeing the drink warily. With reluctance she begins to reach for the glass before hesitating, sighing, and instead just pinching the bridge of her nose. "Why'd I even come here..."

Her shoulders hunch, the girl clearly not looking comfortable in either the environment or her little black dress. Heaving another miserable sigh, the girl glances out across the room, only to spot two rather noticable individuals of her recent acquaintance.

She stares in disbelief; faintly suspicious, because surely it can't be coincidence... can it? Still, the thought of not sitting at the bar by herself is an appealing one and before she's even conscious of what she's doing her uninjured arm is waving in the air to grab the attention of the two women who've just made their entrance.

Spiral has posed:
Spiral spots someone she knows. Her heart falls a bit, as it's not Elizabeth. But then rises, remembering past fun times. "Is that the girl we met when you tried to make me sing? ... Aimee. How strange our twisted paths meet again. Maybe she's a mutant.". This said to Harley, but then she surges ahead, dancing through the crowds, even with the odd twirl, to meet Aimee half way.
She looks over the change of attire. "A new look.". But doesn't judge beyond that, given she's wearing blue spandex and a samurai helmet with horns. Her boots are, however, magnificent, and no doubt better in her own mind than anything Aimee, or indeed anybody in the entire club, are wearing. "Isn't this the mutant club? Though there are some normies like Harley around..." she admits. "Her power is being the colour of paper. Seems like the short straw to me.".

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Well, she most likely is." Harley reminds Spiral, still in that dream-like manner of hers. Her grin does widen when she spots Aimee too, tilting her head to the side and watching the young girl, then what surrounds her, as if she was seeing something else. "She does have a beautiful colla tonight." fingertips rise up and she wiggles them in Aimee's direction, as if to call attention.

She dances ahead too, almost a perfect match to Spiral's own dancing. It's as if she could see it now, all those opening ways. But it's only a moment. It soon closes once they meet up with Aimee.

Harley doesn't judge either, instead appreciating it with eyes that go up and down on the figure. "A *great* look." she is wearing shorts and a tank top tonight, fishnets and her dancing boots. They are plated on the front so they are also good for ass-kicking. Win-win!

"Well, yoh powah ain't bein' funny, let me tell ya that!" She says of Spiral making fun of her pallor. "Maybe we should go ta Tahiti moouh so I can get a tan. Hmph. And Aimee has a powah, ya seen it." she reminds Spiral.

Aimee Alexander has posed:
"Spiral, Harley, hi! You have *no idea* how happy I am to see you guys. Hey, either of you want a Cosmopolitan? I've not even touched it yet. Not... not really feelin it." Aimee seems genuinely enthusiastic to greet the pair, although their knowledge of her power might obviously bring that genuiness into question. Harley's compliment draws an awkward shuffle from the teen as a flush rises to her cheeks, a seeming indication that she perhaps isn't using her power on herself right now. "You... you guys like the dress? I feel kinda silly, but... I didn't really know what people wear to night clubs, and my parents bought me this to wear for my going away party so..."

She fidgits awkwardly before, with seeming reluctance, she forces away *some* of the shyness; her smile becoming a little more easy in the process. "So uhh, yeah, I heard this was a mutant club. I don't know if that's what I am, I mean, I never got a test or anything... do they even test for that? But I mean, I assume I probably am right? Anyways, *I* like pale girls." The words are scarcely out of her mouth before she realises what she's said.


Spiral has posed:
Spiral is a bit surprised to notice Harley dancing right alongside her as they both effortlessly navigate through the crowd together. "Summer is over, Harley. And you are still white. I doubt you tan." Spiral suggests, as human skin really isn't white white. Something going on there, even if it's not a power ... strictly speaking.

"I have a black suit." she admits to Aimee. "Though the blue one is my favourite..." she says, one of her hands indicating her, as another hand scoops down to take the Cosmopolitan and give it a sip. "I do not remember." Spiral admits, thinking. "Oh, I do. /I/ tested you.". She smirks, remembering, as her top two hands grip the horns of helmet. "I was born dancing through minds, swimming in chaos, and you could sense it.". She takes a sip while lifting up an arm to look it over. It's all metal and shiny - there's only one pale one here.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Oh, I know ya doooo.." Harley says with a devilish little smile to her lips, almost as if she could see right through Aimee. Psychologist magic! Or something else.. But she winks at the girl. "Love me or hate me, theah's no inbetween. Though ya look sexy, girl. Thumbs up!" she murmurs, then looking up at Spiral as she just takes that cosmopolitan. "Hey ..." no manners. Hmph!

"But anyway, I already resigned myself ta bein' pale as a ghost. No worries!" she twirls her arms up in an intricate manner, hands moving in a dance pattern, so similar to the ones Spiral does.. Maybe she has been practicing. "Tonight is foh dancin' though.."

She begins to move and move, spiraling about the two of them. She can see it now, the pathways opening up. There was beauty to it, but also something else. A pattern that felt right, a pattern she had followed on her path to insanity, the one where she had become crooked. Or perhaps it was the path in which she had finally became right.

Magic lingers in the air now and the woman is feeling clear exhilaration at whatever she is seeing now.

Aimee Alexander has posed:
Aimee mostly manages to avoid looking obviously embarrassed at Harley's response to the 'I like pale girls' revelation. She has a lot more trouble managing it when Harley calls her *sexy*. Having learned from last time she doesn't try to increase her own confidence to compensate, rather she simply squashes out the embarrassment. She may still be flushed, but after initially looking away and to the floor her body language returns to her usual slight social awkwardness.

Still, not wanting to tempt fate the girl instead half-heartedly narrows her eyes at Spiral. "I mean, you *could* have just taken me at my word rather than 'testing' me you know. Although I guess I can understand why you wouldn't. At least you're honest..." She snorts, part of her finding it depressing that she has such low standards for... would they be friends now? A much larger part of her acknowledges that honesty isn't really such a low standard after all.

"So... did you guys come here to dance?" The teen glances towards the dancefloor with an obviously unenthusiastic look on her face. "I only really know ballet, and I don't think that's going to work well in the middle of a nightclub. But I can keep your handbags safe...?" She eyes Spiral speculatively before concluding the woman probably doesn't *have* a handbag, thus her gaze turns back to Harley. A Harley who is already dancing right in front of her.

Spiral has posed:
Spiral sips her stolen drink. "Ooh, sour. Just like Elizabeth.". At least it's pink... just like Elizabeth's psikatana. She smirks again, and starts chuckling to herself, looking around and remembering that psikatana crackling near her face held back by one of her swords. Aww. Where's her friend? Come out to play-ay... She makes a sad face for a moment - more because someone paid for this drink probably, which means Elizabeth got a few coins for it.

She's in her own world enough to momentarily tune out of the conversation, at least completely missing any embarassment Aimee might have. Her glowing eyes reopen when she realises Aimee is talking at her. No handbag, no, just swords. "Ballet..." she smiles. "I was called a ballet nerd a few weeks ago.". She's a bit distracted as she can feel something, in fact looking down at herself just to check she isn't dancing. She is, but only a little, more fidgeting really. She looks over at Harley then. "You learned?" she asks.

And then there's a pop, and the three of them are suddenly floating in a kaleidoscopic void, full of bright colours that sear the eyes - and the mind, even when the are closed. Perhaps not enough for instant crazy, but it's unpleasant, and would get increasing unpleasant if you stayed here long. Not to mention the sense of vertigo from being apparently floating in outer space crossed with a child's experiments with throwing paints against the wall and mixing them all up.

Her jaw drops, and she looks around for signs of the fat one. "I'm home!" she calls out, and pirouettes around, arms spread, eyes open, but unseeing. If nothing else it'll give her magic a nice recharge.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley had been mesmerized by Spiral's dancing already on that first time they had met. And even then she had found a pattern on the spirals, on the pathways. But she is not one to have magic of her own. She is just a plain, ol' clownette. Yet with the infusion of magic she received during Strange's party... Well, new possibilities had opened, along with this one..

She had followed the hidden ways. Or the wildways as some could call it, drawn in by their beauty. She knows it should feel wrong, just deviant but there is an allure to it, to the different. Much like she has always been all her life.

As magic and they inexpicably find themselves up on this void she doesn't stop her pirouettes. She knows that stopping would not bring good results.

"I'm home!" she calls out at the same time as Spiral does, an odd superposition of voices. Because magic *is* weird like that.


Of course that teleporting activity in the wildways, along with a certain someone being back in the wildways is noted by a bloated former employee. Mojo is never happy about being disobeyed. So quickly enough a group is sent to look into it. Swift.

Aimee Alexander has posed:
The abrupt pop to a new location is completely unexpected. There's dizziness, but it's hardly even noticed in the face of the smothering all-encompassing sensation that assaults Aimee's mind. Closing her eyes doesn't help, and tears prickle at her eyes as she feels something trying to unhinge a little in her head. She flails with her power, trying to find some way to *fix* whatever's happening. Fear is numbed, then hysteria, sadness, anger, happiness; one by one she numbs each of her emotions and in turn the buzzing in her head her brain her mind her soul lessens just a touch. Not enough, never enough, she still feels toomuchTooMuchTOOMUCH, but it helps... it's still bad, but it's *better*.

Her body trembles, but she doesn't notice. Her good hand is fisting her hair, but she doesn't notice. A trickle of blood tickles her upper lip as it leaks out of her nose, the result of the girl using her power more intensively than she's ever thought to even try before... but she doesn't notice.

All while wearing her little black number with the matching heels.

Spiral has posed:
"Mojo built the Wildways... but it is Spiral's place to dance across them....". Her eyes open wide, trying to take it all in, letting it flow through her being without sanity being an obstacle to the chaotic energies. "...For ever.".

Spiral is already floating off into the riot of colours, far from bothered by the strobing hues of possibility, seeming to want to sink herself into them, and leave Earth, and everything else for that matter, far behind her.

She certainly doesn't really notice her two companions anyway, as she rapturously recedes from them, into the storm, dancing all the time as she goes on her merry way.

Harley Quinn has posed:
It's an assault from every side, all the colors, so beautiful and terrible at the same time. They assault the senses, daring one to think differently, to become just a little more broken. It is not a place for one to linger long. Harley stays in her spin, entranced, continuing the dance that maintains them here. It is a fading energy though and she has yet to realize the suffering being caused to Aimee..

Though you know what they say about those that stray away from the 'party' much. They get ambushed! It doesn't take long for the welcome committee to arrive, a portal opening, able to be felt by Spiral's senses. Yet just before any dance can be started, or just at the start of it there's a figure there near her, moving fast, clad in black, hair long and of a dark red. The woman has a dark smile to her lips, dressed in a twisted resemblance to Flash's own suit.

"Mojo sends it's regards." a punch is flying towards Spiral, in a rather superspeed kind of way.

Aimee can see it a bit in the distance. The flaring emotions of jealousy and aggression. Beyond there's more people approaching, their faces grotesque, each looking a different animal, goat, lion and a horse.

Aimee Alexander has posed:
"Oh. There's animal people." Aimee's voice is bland, *literally* emotionless as the girl stares blankly at the new arrivals. It's a struggle for her to find the force of will to unclench the fist in her hair while her mind is still full of the so much noise, but somehow she manages... only to allow her hand to drop to her side and leave her previously well coifed hair looking a bit of a mess.

Blood pools on her lips before trickling down her chin and eventually dripping. Her eyes close, remaining that way for a moment or two before opening once more in what is almost a slow blink. "Harley, where are we? I don't think I like this place very much."

Spiral has posed:
Spiral stirs a bit, but she's not been here for... ever, it seems, and so focused on soaking it all in she doesn't notice the warning tingle of portals being open amidst the chaos. Her blank eyes try to refocus on something approaching reality - and then the reality is a fist slamming into her face. She goes tumbling back, spinning end over end, even less with it than she was before she rocked by a fist like that.

Really, she wants so little out of her existence - just to stay here, wild and free. Spreading chaos is pretty tame compared to this after all. She shakes her head though, one forearm wiping away tears of mingled pain and annoyance her reverie being disturbed. "Who are YOU?" she asks this apparent Mojo-servant, white eyes somehow managing to reflect all the colours of this place. She doesn't recognise her, and she knows all the mooks after all.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Swift Vengeance." The corner on the woman's mouth curls into a sneer. As if Spiral was beneath her. "Mojo's right hand.." she singsongs, the henchwoman formerly known as Veronica Vance then advances. It's all too easy. Spiral is moving almost as if in slow motion. And even if it's the Wildways.., she has the upper hand being so close. So she moves again, moving right into Spiral's personal space to continue on delivering her beating. Slow and methodic. In a way she is perhaps trying to do what Spiral used to. Torture and beat down other's will before presenting them to Mojo. Similar tactics that she can recognize!

Harley is called back to reality at Aimee's words, blinking as if waking from a dream. She regards the girl, saying dreamily. "Aimee..?" she looks at the bleeding nose, then ahead at whre Spiral is. Her eyes go wide. "We .., we need to get out of heah!" stating the obvious! But it's not as if she can stop.

"Go get her!" she says. Easier said than done though!

The animal people continues to approach, but slow. And meanwhile, those emotions felt beyond are shifting from jealousy to rage, along with arrogant confidence on their win. It does seem to emanate from the figure attacking Spiral.

Aimee Alexander has posed:
Aimee stares at Harley for just long enough that the clownette might wonder if the teen is just going to ignore the direction entirely, before eventually nodding. "I'll try." No inflection, just a bland response. She does immediately turn towards where she senses Spiral though, and with a frown of concentration she's awkwardly walking through air; the speed of her movement faster than the movement of her limbs would suggest if she were *actually* walking.

"SPIRAL! Harley wants you!" The teen isn't even sure the sorceress will hear her, but she's also unsure those animal people will let her get all the way over to where Spiral's fighting the angry person. She continues floating along, at least until something blocks her way, brows set in a determined frown as she focuses her entire being on completing the task if only to try and distract herself from the constant buzzing in her brain.

Spiral has posed:
Spiral tries to dance to cast a spell - she'd probably be quite powerful here - but every time she tries to dance she gets punched or kicked in a leg before she can finish it. Meanwhile her swords flail at her opponent, while her other two arms try and ward off any attacks.

She's not really succeeding much with any of these things.

"So you work for Screwloose now? What are you? Second grip? Child wrangler? Actually Mojo needs a lot of those, given the idiots he hires...". Every word interspersed with an 'ow' pretty much. Fortunately she's fairly tough. Unfortunately it's only fairly.

She hears her name, and twists to see where it came from - and promptly gets a fist in the side of the head, fortunately in the helmet rather than her face this time. See? practical attire.

She tries to dance over to Harley and Aimee, while being abused.

Harley Quinn has posed:
The woman dares to YAWN at Spiral's attempt to quip back at her. Clearly she is not impressed! Or just trying to keep the other off-balance. She knows she is dangerous. So the mauling continues, here and there. A punch. A kick. At least no bladed weapons have come out yet. "Mojo told you to stay away from here. You should had listened." she threatens. "A kindness, and this is how you repay him." she finishes with a frontal kick that could be enough to send Spiral flying and sprawling. "Not even worth my time..."

The woman's glowing gaze turns towards Aimee then when she is running in, a lift arching. "What's this?" she wonders, head tilting to the side.

Curiosity is mingled with continued aggression. This is not exactly a good person. "You brought gifts for Mojo? Perhaps it will appease him enough to grant you a few more minutes of life." she moves fast, faster than humanly possible to get in front of Aimee, aiming to pick her up by the neck if she catches a hold of her to examine her more closely.

The rest of the animal people finally arrive. A couple point their blades at Spiral while the other continues on towards Harley.

Aimee Alexander has posed:
One moment Aimee's floating towards a Spiral who's getting her ass kicked, the next there's a hand around the empath's throat. The grip is tight, and Aimee's free hand lifts to clutch at the wrist of the woman assaulting her. Thinking is hard, but it's not the first time Aimee's been grabbed by someone and instinct picks up the slack.

The teen's hand clamps around the woman's wrist as tightly as it can, and she prepares to retaliate. With a wince and a shudder she releases her control over her own emotions, unable to affect more than one person at a time; herself included. She trembles, tears prickling at her eyes, but the sudden rush of jumbled sensation also serves as ample fuel; the empath taking everything she's feeling right now and shoving it through her link into the speedster holding her neck.

A tremulous grin spreads across the girl's face, blood from her nose beginning to stain her teeth, as for just a moment she takes satisfaction in punishing someone for underestimating her. She makes every effort to maintain contact as long as she can, knowing she'll be helpless once it's lost. And maybe because somewhere deep down inside she's enjoying herself. It's always fun to pop the ego of a smug asshole.

Spiral has posed:
Spiral is finally stopped being beaten, and she straightens up, one arm clutching her side where a particularly crunchy punch happened. Aimee seems to be having fun to her, so she focuses on the others instead, as Swift Vengeance isn't the only problem here. Drawing her swords, she laughs at Mojo's goons, and dances forward a bit, a sword slashing through the 'air' into the nearest creature.

"You extras don't have a chance against the Time Dancer of Death!". Wait... She turns her head, as she barely got a clear look at the speedster who was beating her up. She's got two arms!!! She laughs in mixed amusement and outrage. "You've got the correct number of arms! So you're my replacement and you're not a freak?". Oh, that burns. "Mojo must have really loved my prison break drama... he's getting nasty.". That makes her get nasty, as she lays into his employees with wild abandon. Disturbing her peace here.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Extras?!" The goat-headed one laughs at the notion of being an extra. He moves in with his sword when Spiral turns to attack and ..., gets cleanly cut in half.. Yes, extra. The lion-headed one opens it's jaw in astonishment. They are new, ok?! They hadn't seen Spiral at work before. Somehow this sounds like a really bad idea now. But he is a lion! So he charges with a ROOOAAARRRR, swinging it's blade towards the woman. To his favor, he is a competent enough swordslion, with a strength above normal. But perhaps not enough for Spiral. He starts getting pushed back...

As for Swift Vengeance, the woman is twisting her lips up in a sneer, watching the girl. "Star potential once we break that shyness out of you. Why, I will even---" and then it hits her. All those accumulated feelings she had been repressing, those first ones she had felt when stepping into the wildways for the first time, broken by Mojo when she was kidnapped from her up and coming gig as a superhero. Suddenly it all feels too big, burning. Touching Aimee seems to burn and she cries out in pain, staggering back and letting go of Aimee.

"What have you done to me?!" She asks in outrage, very human tears appearing on the woman's face. She doesn't stay to wait for a response and starts to zip out of there at a superspeed.

Spiral has posed:
When she's just fighting like this, swordsmith Spiral can dance, as she weaves dance moves into her combat. So she can finally cast a spell - and naturally, with this annoyance off to her side, she twists time a bit around herself, not moving faster per se, but gaining a little precognition, so she can tell where the sword is going to before it's actually there.

Use the Force, Spiral.

So enhanced, she presses the attack further, two swords clashing against the lions one. Then a hand reaches around behind her to draw a multicoloured baseball bat, and she wades in with that as well. "Come, let us settle this." she tells the swordslion. Meaning, come and die.

Aimee Alexander has posed:
Aimee stares at the fleeing speedster; her tremulous grin twitching, widening, at the ridiculousness of what just happened. She snorts, a faint mist of blood ejected from her nose as she does, and turns towards her two companions.


The thought makes her giggle a little. Her hand immediately covers her still-grinning mouth and nose, trying to stifle the noise, knowing deep down that that's not the correct reaction for this situation. But the ease with which Spiral is taking apart her opponents draws another little giggle from her, even as tears begin to fill her eyes. "H-Harley? Spiral?" Despite her grin, and her giggling, her voice sounds a bit terrified.

Harley Quinn has posed:
The lion-headed one could had been a fair opponent without magic. But with it, and the use of those extra arms means he is outmatched. He lasts a few more seconds, the exchange made with sword on sword but it's easy to find an opening on his stance and that bat hits him on the side of the head. Enough to get him off balance and one of those blades to pierce through his front. A gasp, blood leaving it's mouth and then it falls without a sound. Or ..., fades. The Wildways are a strange place indeed. Magic permeates the air.

Harley has been dancing, but is now evading and dancing towards Spiral and Aimee. Because there is a horse-headed goon still alive, and running after her. But she is now more used to this, figuring out how to move with her will. She is closer to them.

"Quick! Don't think I can hold this foh much longah!" a frantic look on the clownette, even her starting to feel the weight of this place. She is not supposed to be here, that much she knows.

Aimee Alexander has posed:
Aimee outright laughs, in a slightly hysterical manner, blurting out a "Quick *what*?" that sounds more amused than the expression on her face suggests is intentional. The rather obvious divergence between her intention and what her body is doing has her desperately pushing down on all her emotions once more, gritting her teeth as the somewhat rictus grin almost immediately falls away and her head pounds so much *more* with the effort. Perhaps abusing her ability like that wasn't the best idea given the strain on her mind just from being in this place, but there seems to be little choice.

Slightly calmer and more composed, she float/walks towards Harley. It surely can't *hurt* whatever Harley has planned.

Spiral has posed:
Spiral is a fair way away from Harley and Horsey, so she dances some more, and a hand points at him - and then horse guy seems frozen in space. He can walk, dance, but he doesn't make any progress, just hanging there. The mistress of correspondence then dances over to Harley as well, twirling her way across the wildways.

"You can leave me here." she declares. "There's no point running from Mojo... this place is in my soul for a reason." she says. Maybe she's being fatalistic, maybe she just wants to dance here for a few more seconds.

Harley Quinn has posed:
With Horsey now safely waiting to be stabled back in his corner it now leaves the trio out of goons to handle.. They just have to handle the Wildways now.. Harley's eyes are wide, and while all the colors, the feelings, the drawing to stay is strong she knows she can't, and that she can't leave the others here either. The clownette does have an heart of gold! At least for those she cares about.

"No." She says to Spiral. Perhaps one of the first times she directly defied her friend. "Not leavin' ya in the hands o' that tube of lard!" a pause, a glance to Aimee. "I don't even know .., what I am doin'.." she admits, "It's like ridin' a bike, as if I had done befoouh, but theah's no bike!"

The magic is fading. Fast. It's visible to Spiral's senses, the way those last vestiges from Strange's magic are leaving Harley. It took a lot of it to get here. And now that it's fading...

They disappear in a flash and ..., appear in a rather familiar beach. Tahiti? It's close to noon now over there where at the Sion it was night. Timezones eh?

Harley falls flat on her face in the sand.

Spiral has posed:
Spiral rushes Harley, but before she gets there there's a flash, and she ends up on the sands. It's always Tahiti, it's like this place is a magical nexus, a bit like April's apartment. Or Harley Quinn herself. An unlikely thing, that the universe in fact revolves around.

She rolls onto her back, sadly, white eyes looking up into the blue sky. The blue, boring sky. Now not only is she not swimming in chaos any more, but she'll be dealing with the human ants again, doing human things, like eating egg sandwiches and singing karaoke.

Everything looks so grey and faded, at least to her. Now all the alternative timelines and realities and dimensional currents out there are mere shadows crawling across her senses, like the afterimages of a retinal burn.

Like always.

Aimee Alexander has posed:
Aimee's head whips towards Spiral when the woman wants to stay behind, the emotionally deadened teen *staring* at the sorceress in what would surely be disapproval if there were any visible emotions backing it. Her mouth opens, but whatever she might have said on the matter is lost when Harley pre-empts her. Nodding decisively at the clownette's words, Aimee remains silent; still just staring.

And then gravity has reasserted itself and she is stumbling, desperately flailing her free arm to try steady herself as her body tries to deal with suddenly having to worry about up and down again. She falls, twisting as she does to land on her left shoulder and keep from damaging her healing right, before allowing herself to flop onto her back on the sand.

The sudden emptiness in her mind feels just as wrong as the previous constant buzzing has, and with a choked gasp the empath finally releases all control of her powers. Tears prickle at eyes that close tightly, her left hand lifting to cover them and block the light from filtering through her eyelids. She has a *killer* migraine. She swallows thickly, almost choking on the blood that's now trickling down the back of her nose, and croaks out a rather miserable sounding "F-fuck me... what was all that?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
It's back to earth with everyone! Boring to some! Great to others! Harley stirs, still face down on the sand and a groan is heard from under there.. She is barely able to move. "I think I'd have that drink now..." she murmurs, mouth full of sand with she pffbhts out. At least it's warm, and nice..

"I .., I dunno.. Think it was somethin' from Strange's party. Can nevah trust a mage!"

The images were still burning on her mind. The patterns had made sense and perhaps a glimpse of Spiral's reality had been grasped by the clownette. Perhaps one more notch to her psychologist magic! Or friend magic. She finally sits up, shoulders slumped.

Her eyes turn to the silent Spiral and she watches her with some worry. "Spiral?"

Spiral has posed:
Spiral felt free. For all of ten seconds, and then the goons arrived. Mojo makes the prettiest places, unfortunately he then wants ownership of them too. "That was the Wildways, a space between realities. It's where my magic comes from. It must have been due to Strange's magic leftovers and Harley absorbing them. And copying my dance.".

She slowly gets up, one hand favouring her side. That bitch. Right between the arms. "Who was that?" she wonders. "Annoying wench. And she has two arms. So he did not see fit to corrupt /her/.".

Then, somewhat uncharacteristically, she walks over to Aimee, and squats down next to her. The dress may not be usable again after today... at least its probably got a lot of sand in it. That Cosmopolitan is probably floating around between the dimensions about now, too. "Still with us?" she asks.

Aimee Alexander has posed:
"Is this what a hangover is like?" Aimee seems to be mostly muttering to herself rather than expecting any kind of response to the question. She keeps her eyes closed and shaded with her hand, her body very slightly wiggling back and forth in the sand as she tries to give herself something to distract herself from the throbbing pain in her skull.

Eventually Spiral's question forces her to do more but lay in the sand and suffer, and she manages to string enough thoughts together to actually speak. "I like you guys, but... please never take me to that place ever again?" Her voice is almost a whimper by the end of her request, more meek begging than anything firm. "I felt like I was..."

She trails off, unsure of how to politely describe the idea of slowly becoming unhinged to two people who very well might be crazy and could take offense. Remembering those feelings reminds her what she *did* with them though, and the girl can't help a snicker. "Did you see how that bitch ran away when I showed her though? Hah... teach her for tryin to mess with us, huh?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley takes in a deep breath, gathering herself up to her feet slowly and also ambles closer to the other two. Tired but not beaten! She looks between the two, perhaps wondering which one came out more damaged from it. "Fuckin' goin' crazy?" she helpfully finishes Aimee's sentence. Because if anything it's how she felt, the tug at her own insanity. So similar as to when ZZGU attacked, but so different too..

"Dunno who she was but damn yea, Aimee got her runnin' like she was a lil bitch." she does a hip thrust as if to prove her point and then 'ows', wincing in pain. "I hurt all ovah.."

She just wanted to spend the next week in bed right now.. "Hope that's the last we saw o' her though." she hates speedsters. They are so unfair! And they never stay still to get a mallet to the head.

Spiral has posed:
Superspeed might not be the coolest superpower, it's certainly the cheapest though. Spiral just nods at Harls. "Why are we in Tahiti? You must like this place. Your one teleport and it was to here.". ...teleporting is the coolest superpower. Instant vacations.

Glancing over at Aimee, she adds, "You seem fine. More or less.". Spiral smiles. "Only one mind in there, not a collection of slivers of ice, all jostling one another. It's lucky there were 3 of us... and one of her.". The extras, they aren't even worth a mention. Poor lion guy. Bred for his task, trained and dedicated, all for naught. At least Horsey will get a second chance.

Spiral stretches, arching her back. Well, aside from the sadness of being back in this dump of a planet and covered with bruises, she actually feels pretty good. Revitalised. "Shall we return to New York? I think Aimee may have lost her handbag.".

Aimee Alexander has posed:
Aimee sheepishly nods at Harley's helpful sentence completion. "Y-yeah... there was just... too... *much*." She leaves it at that, as if that explanation says all that needs to be said. And perhaps it really does.

At the mention of Tahiti she shifts her hand, wincing and hissing as the too-bright light makes her headache worse even through her eyelids. Peeking her eyes open just a smidge and squinting at the surroundings, the teen very slowly comes to a realization.

"Umm... why are we in Tahiti? And... shit, my handbag!" She pauses for a moment, heaves a sigh, then adds with a halfhearted smile "Y'know, if I get sunburnt I'm blaming you, Harls. Meanwhile Spiral's over here being a total sweetheart and checking if I'm okay and worrying about my handbag." She seems to process what she's just said for a moment before asking with absolute seriousness "Is this a coma dream?"

Shaking her head, not entirely certain what's real anymore, she struggles to get to her feet. Still a little off-balance but quickly managing to get movement under control.