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Not So Common Burglary
Date of Scene: 21 February 2020
Location: Tribeca
Synopsis: Burglary Busted. Demons not released. Kate learns too much and has a free sorcery card now?
Cast of Characters: John Constantine, Kate Bishop

John Constantine has posed:
     Night descends in Tribeca, and a duo of black-glad men are working a lock on a brownstone. Even though the two gents are kitted out like Sam Fisher, they are definitely not. While one made the move on the lock, another works a glass cutter, etching his way inside from a window.

  The front door opens and the amateur lock pick nearly soils himself before seeing his friend. "Come in, ya mook." He says, and the second burglar steps in, leaving the door open a crack. Totally on the up-and-up.

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate blinks from her perch on her bike down the street. I mean she is mostly incognito right now. The motorcycle is pretty high end, a dark purple custom paint job. She has a leather jacket on and a helmet, visor flipped up. There are also a couple custom satchl sheaves on the bike.

Yeah she has been basically driving around the city looking for trouble to thwart with her bow and gear stowed out of sight. "Jackpot!" she says happily. Okay someone has to be a little mental to be happy about a buglary there. But yeah she seems thrilled.

Sliding off her bike she stows her helmet, slips on her 'sunglasses' activating the nightvision mode and pulls her gear out of the satchels quickly securing them in their sheaths. Fast like she has practiced this a good deal.

It does still give the burglars a head start though, even as she hustles down the street and then glances careful into the window before easing it up and trying to stealthily slip in after them.

John Constantine has posed:
     Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum are currently ransacking the place. Which is filled with antiquities and curiosities from around the world.

  They are definitely looking for something though, this isn't a simple smash-and-grab. Up on the second floor, the duo of burglars are crashing through objects. "Found it!" One of them exclaims. "Shh, you wanna wake up the neighbors? Just stash it!"

Kate Bishop has posed:
Right. Okay. Maybe they are robbing whoever owns this antique-fest of something very specific. On any regard Kate thinks she is ready for anything.

She isn't, this is her second crime busting outing all said.

She eases up the stairs with her bow, an arrow nocked. Reaching the top she steps sliding into view and points said sharp end of the arrow at the burglars. "Freeze.. hands up!"

John Constantine has posed:
     "Yes, please. No one wants to take an arrow to the knee." Comes a Scouse accent, from a window directly behind Kate. If and when she turns, she would see the window replaced with a door, leading into another house. A blonde man stands there, tan trenchcoat, white button-down, and black tie. He has a lit cigarette in his mouth, which bobs as he talks.

  John Constantine steps forward, and down to the floor. "Sorry to crash yer party, Luv." He comments shortly.

  Doofus makes a motion with his hand, throwing a knife towards Kate, haphazardly. It may not even hit with the blade. Goofus merely drops the leather-wrapped vessel in his hands, whilst he raises them.

Kate Bishop has posed:
Okay, Kate was darn positive there was no one behind her there... just a window. She tenses up a lot when another voice comes from behind her like that. She does indeed look... and.. okay that is really freaky. There definitely wasn;t a door .. at window height.. to another house. "What..."

which is when the knife is flung and she turns her attention back, too late to not get hit right in the shoulder. Thankfully her suit is built for exactly things like crappily lobbed knives so it more startles her than anything. It does cause her to let loose the arrow though aimed right to Doofus's shoulder without meaning too.

John Constantine has posed:
     "Shite!" John exclaims, reaching out to the vessel with a hand, which floats gently, one millimeter from the ground.

  At the same time, the arrow pierces Doofus' shoulder. "Shiiiit!" He cries, falling back to the ground and writhing in agony. Goofus, on the other hand, has not moved, save for a small puddle gathering around his left foot.

  The floating vessel moves to John's outstretched hand, safe and sound. "You two idiots don't know what the hell you had, eh?!" He takes a drag from the cigarette in his mouth, grabbing it with his left hand, and joining to Kate's side. Should she have looked back, the window-door was now just a window again.

Kate Bishop has posed:
There is another arrow knocked, very quickly. One of those smooth muscle memory sort of speed draws.

Kate does look to her shoulder, only a slight slice mark on her outfit not her skin thankfully. Then a flick to the door.

Then back to the floating vessel to the guy standing by him. "Uh... what did the burglars have." pause "Is this your house... was that your house. IS this not a nromal burglary?"

John Constantine has posed:
     Constantine puts the clay pottery down, and takes another drag. "No, this is not my house. And this is merely a fool's errand, disguised as a burglary."

  Kate's first question needs a little more of an answer. "This is a Cherokee tear vessel. It is -currently- the home of several powerful demons." He says, looking to Goofus' soaked pants. "That one there, would have let them out and created much more trouble for me."

  John puts a hand on Kate's shoulder, giving her a pat. "Thanks Luv, I'm sure you're ready to call the rozzers. I'll just be on my way." He comments, turning around and making for the window-door again.

Kate Bishop has posed:
"Actually I don't really want to stick around to talk to the.. I assume Rozzers means cops or something..." she blinks turning a bit. "Can you give me a hand here.." she turns the arrow and slides it into the quiver with her hand, then draws the sword before leaning her bow to the wall. "I could use a hand ziptying these fools... also what the he... heck do you mean demons!?" yeah it was a very delayed reaction as it sunk in there. "I.. wait whho are you and how do I know you aren't in league with these burglars..." because he is burglaring after all.

John Constantine has posed:
     "Either you trust me to help, or I'm with them. Which do you want?" John comments, looking to the young archer.

  Doofus is still moaning and groaning, while after a couple seconds, Goofus adds in. "G-g-g-ghosts?" And in the most graceless ways, flops on the ground, fainted.

  "Ahh, look, one did the job for ya, Luv." John adds, pointing. "Yes, demons. Three of them. Yes they exist, and yes they are dangerous, especially to the likes of BLOODY AMATEUR BURGLARS!"

  The mage reaches for a card, and slides it to Kate. 'John Constantine, exorcist, demonologist, master of the dark arts.' it reads, with John anticipating the young woman's next turn so he may abscond himself, and the pottery.

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate accepts the card and squints reading it. "Master of the dark arts...." she sounds skeptical then she looks to the passed out and groaning burglars.

Which gives John enough time to yoink the pottery and himself thruogh his magic door if he is so inclined as she approaches the two burglars, Sword in one hand, zip tie in the other, she steps on the wounded shoulder, but not the arrow "Hands up now" and cinches him up when he complies unless he is dumb, then she heads to do the other unconcious guy by herself.

"Well .. there got it."

John Constantine has posed:
     The piece of pottery is placed on the windowsill, whilst Kate ties up Goofus and Doofus. His brow raises as he shrugs off the skepticism.

  "Congrats, Luv." He comments, grabbing his pack of Silk Cuts and extracting one. He snaps a finger, and a small flame lights at its tip to light the tobacco. "So, are we done here? I've got places to go, debauchery to indulge in."

Kate Bishop has posed:
"So. I mean I know the whole Avengers... the old Justice league before they broke up like a bad boy band... but magic." she sheaths her sword and walks back towards you scooping up your bow. "Magic and demons. That really seems out of my league... would an arrow even hurt a demon?"

John Constantine has posed:
     Constantine takes a drag off the fresh cigarette, speaking as he exhales. "Perhaps its feelings. Or if the arrow were blessed, more than that."

  "I never saw much use in a gun. Besides, the pitch is getting smaller and smaller every day, Luv. With no sign of getting better, not without...divine intervention."

Kate Bishop has posed:
Okay that sounds really not good. I mean this British... ?... guy has an official card about excorcisms, demonology, and dark arts and a magic door. He probably has some idea what he is talking about right?

"That sounds .. yeah okay that sounds full of suck. So do I dip the arrows or sword in holy water or something when we are all beset by demons short of divine intervention or are you pulling my leg?"

John Constantine has posed:
     A time-worn hand runs through his blonde hair. John then grabs the cig from his mouth. "Holy water, crosses, potions. Plenty of ways to combat them."

  "Besides, who else do you know that can summon a door to his home through a window?" He nods to the window, which has a twin next to it, but that is a normal window, if one looked through it, they would see the street below, no sign of the dimly lit mansion in the window next to it.

Kate Bishop has posed:
"Point made." she clicks her tongue lightly and walks a bit closer looking past you into the room beyond now. "Okay I'll have to restock my kit, are you really saying things are dire and we are in for a bad run of demons or something?"

That actually has Kate worried. She wanted to fight criminals. Maybe join the Avengers. This sounds... Dire.

John Constantine has posed:
     "Dire? Now? No." John says, looking to the young archer. "No, not yet at least. For now there are plenty of burglars and murderers for you to keep at bay, Maid Marion. Leave the demons and black magic and...worse magic to us."

  John takes the vessel back into his hand, sitting on the windowsill turned entryway to the House of Mystery. "Keep the card, if you should need, just give it a tug." He offers, tucking in his legs and standing back in the House of Mystery side.

Kate Bishop has posed:
Yeah that door is entirely out of her current paygrade so she just watches Constantine go into the House of Mysteries with the stolen item.

"Okay I will..." and yes she will totally change up her kit to carry some holy water.. or rather oil once she learns they bless oils too. "Thanks.. I think John." what .. is she like sixteen. She looks to young probably to be crime fighting.

John Constantine has posed:
     John gives a bow to the young archer. "At yer service..." He comments, sliding out a metal flask and opening it, taking a swig. "And you? What do they call you? The purple...no, too much Star City."

  John shrugs, taking another drag of the cigarette. "I'm outta ideas, if I'm honest." He reaches for a door, ready to close it and close the bridge between the HoM and the brownstone in Tribeca.

Kate Bishop has posed:
"I... crap... I still don't have a codename, it's a work in progress.." she really needs to buckle down and come up with a name so people stop giving her nicknames when she meets them. Today was Maid Marion.

"... Well... have a good night with those demons I guess." she is definitely waiting to see what the door closing does. Not looking away.

John Constantine has posed:
"Do work on that." John says, giving a slight smirk before he closes the door, within a couple seconds, the door fades and the window pane is returned to normal. Like nothing ever happened to have taken its place.